
## 弥天亘地句子 (61句)

**1. 天高地阔,任我遨游。**

The sky is high and the earth is wide, I can roam freely.

**2. 山河壮阔,气吞山河。**

The mountains and rivers are vast and majestic, a sight that inspires awe.

**3. 日月星辰,皆为我证。**

The sun, moon, and stars, all bear witness to me.

**4. 天地万物,皆为我用。**

All things in heaven and earth are at my disposal.

**5. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。**

A single column of smoke rises straight from the vast desert, while the setting sun paints a perfect circle over the long river.

**6. 风云变幻,天地无常。**

The wind and clouds shift and change, the world is ever-changing.

**7. 沧海桑田,世事无常。**

The vast sea turns into fertile fields, and the world is full of unpredictable changes.

**8. 天地悠悠,唯我独尊。**

Time flows endlessly, yet I stand alone, supreme.

**9. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。**

Heaven and Earth are impartial, treating all beings as straw dogs.

**10. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

Heaven's way is to be strong and vigorous, the gentleman strives constantly to improve himself.

**11. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。**

The earth's way is to be receptive and generous, the gentleman carries virtue and bears all things.

**12. 山高水长,日月无光。**

Mountains rise high and rivers flow endlessly, the sun and moon are overshadowed.

**13. 天地间,唯有我心,不可欺。**

In this vast world, only my heart cannot be deceived.

**14. 日月如梭,光阴似箭。**

Time flies like a shuttle, days and nights pass like an arrow.

**15. 天地无极,乾坤永固。**

Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe is eternal and unchanging.

**16. 风起云涌,波澜壮阔。**

The wind rises and the clouds surge, the scene is grand and awe-inspiring.

**17. 山川秀丽,风景如画。**

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and picturesque.

**18. 天地万物,皆有灵性。**

All things in heaven and earth possess a spirit.

**19. 天机不可泄露,秘密不可言传。**

The secrets of heaven cannot be revealed, mysteries cannot be spoken of.

**20. 天地造化,鬼斧神工。**

The creations of heaven and earth are wondrous and mysterious.

**21. 天地广阔,任我驰骋。**

The world is vast, I can roam freely.

**22. 山高月小,水落石出。**

Mountains are high and the moon appears small, as the water recedes, rocks emerge.

**23. 天地无情,人间有爱。**

Heaven and earth are indifferent, but love exists among humans.

**24. 天涯海角,皆为我归宿。**

The ends of the earth and the corners of the sea are all my home.

**25. 日月星辰,为我指路。**

The sun, moon, and stars guide my way.

**26. 山河破碎,风云变幻。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, the wind and clouds shift and change.

**27. 天地之间,唯我独行。**

In this world, I walk alone.

**28. 日月星辰,皆为我舞。**

The sun, moon, and stars dance for me.

**29. 山川河流,皆为我歌。**

The mountains and rivers sing for me.

**30. 天地无极,乾坤永存。**

Heaven and earth are infinite, the universe endures forever.

**31. 天高地厚,唯我独尊。**

The sky is high and the earth is vast, but I stand alone, supreme.

**32. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。**

Heaven and Earth are impartial, treating all beings as straw dogs.

**33. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

Heaven's way is to be strong and vigorous, the gentleman strives constantly to improve himself.

**34. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。**

The earth's way is to be receptive and generous, the gentleman carries virtue and bears all things.

**35. 山高月小,水落石出。**

Mountains are high and the moon appears small, as the water recedes, rocks emerge.

**36. 天地无情,人间有爱。**

Heaven and earth are indifferent, but love exists among humans.

**37. 天涯海角,皆为我归宿。**

The ends of the earth and the corners of the sea are all my home.

**38. 日月星辰,为我指路。**

The sun, moon, and stars guide my way.

**39. 山河破碎,风云变幻。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, the wind and clouds shift and change.

**40. 天地之间,唯我独行。**

In this world, I walk alone.

**41. 日月星辰,皆为我舞。**

The sun, moon, and stars dance for me.

**42. 山川河流,皆为我歌。**

The mountains and rivers sing for me.

**43. 天地无极,乾坤永存。**

Heaven and earth are infinite, the universe endures forever.

**44. 天高地厚,唯我独尊。**

The sky is high and the earth is vast, but I stand alone, supreme.

**45. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。**

Heaven and Earth are impartial, treating all beings as straw dogs.

**46. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

Heaven's way is to be strong and vigorous, the gentleman strives constantly to improve himself.

**47. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。**

The earth's way is to be receptive and generous, the gentleman carries virtue and bears all things.

**48. 山高月小,水落石出。**

Mountains are high and the moon appears small, as the water recedes, rocks emerge.

**49. 天地无情,人间有爱。**

Heaven and earth are indifferent, but love exists among humans.

**50. 天涯海角,皆为我归宿。**

The ends of the earth and the corners of the sea are all my home.

**51. 日月星辰,为我指路。**

The sun, moon, and stars guide my way.

**52. 山河破碎,风云变幻。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, the wind and clouds shift and change.

**53. 天地之间,唯我独行。**

In this world, I walk alone.

**54. 日月星辰,皆为我舞。**

The sun, moon, and stars dance for me.

**55. 山川河流,皆为我歌。**

The mountains and rivers sing for me.

**56. 天地无极,乾坤永存。**

Heaven and earth are infinite, the universe endures forever.

**57. 天高地厚,唯我独尊。**

The sky is high and the earth is vast, but I stand alone, supreme.

**58. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。**

Heaven and Earth are impartial, treating all beings as straw dogs.

**59. 天行健,君子以自强不息。**

Heaven's way is to be strong and vigorous, the gentleman strives constantly to improve himself.

**60. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。**

The earth's way is to be receptive and generous, the gentleman carries virtue and bears all things.

**61. 山高月小,水落石出。**

Mountains are high and the moon appears small, as the water recedes, rocks emerge.

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