
## 弟子规孝顺父母亲句子 (64句)

1. 父母呼,应勿缓,父母命,行勿懒。

Translation: When parents call, respond promptly. When parents give orders, act without delay.

2. 父母教,须敬听,父母责,须顺承。

Translation: When parents teach, listen respectfully. When parents reprimand, accept it with obedience.

3. 父母忧,儿女悲,父母喜,儿女乐。

Translation: When parents are worried, children grieve. When parents are happy, children rejoice.

4. 父母爱,儿女敬,父母教,儿女谨。

Translation: When parents love, children respect. When parents teach, children are careful.

5. 父母过,勿责难,父母老,奉承欢。

Translation: When parents make mistakes, do not criticize them. When parents age, serve them with joy.

6. 父母病,须侍奉,昼夜勤,不离左右。

Translation: When parents are sick, you must serve them diligently, day and night, without leaving their side.

7. 父母疾,药先尝,父母寒,衣先试。

Translation: When parents are ill, you should taste the medicine first. When parents are cold, you should try on the clothes first.

8. 冬则温,夏则凉,晨则省,昏则问。

Translation: Keep them warm in winter and cool in summer. Visit them in the morning and inquire about their well-being in the evening.

9. 父母命,勿违背,父母教,勿强辞。

Translation: Do not disobey your parents' orders. Do not argue with your parents' teachings.

10. 父母恩,重如山,父母爱,赛过天。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as a mountain. The love of parents is greater than heaven.

11. 父母在,不远游,游必有方,省必有期。

Translation: While parents are alive, do not travel far. If you must travel, have a plan and set a date for your return.

12. 父母教,如金玉,父母责,如良药。

Translation: The teachings of parents are like gold and jade. The reprimands of parents are like good medicine.

13. 父母心,儿女知,父母苦,儿女怜。

Translation: Children understand the heart of their parents. Children pity the hardships of their parents.

14. 父母身,儿女宝,父母安,儿女乐。

Translation: The body of parents is a treasure to children. The happiness of children comes from the well-being of their parents.

15. 父母在,行孝道,父母去,思其德。

Translation: While parents are alive, practice filial piety. After parents pass away, remember their virtues.

16. 父母恩,无以为报,唯有尽孝,方可报答。

Translation: There is no way to repay the kindness of parents, only by being filial can we show our gratitude.

17. 孝顺父母,天经地义,不孝父母,天理不容。

Translation: Filial piety towards parents is the natural order of things. Disobeying parents is against the laws of heaven.

18. 孝顺父母,福寿延绵,不孝父母,祸患连连。

Translation: Filial piety brings long life and good fortune. Disobedience brings misfortune and disaster.

19. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

20. 孝敬父母,乃人之本分,尊老爱幼,中华美德。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is the duty of all human beings. Reverence for the elderly and love for the young are the beautiful virtues of Chinese culture.

21. 父母慈爱,恩重如山,儿女孝顺,回报深情。

Translation: The love of parents is as heavy as a mountain. The filial piety of children is a deep expression of gratitude.

22. 父母辛苦,为儿女操劳,儿女孝顺,报答亲恩。

Translation: Parents work hard and toil for their children. Filial children repay their parents' love with care and devotion.

23. 父母之言,如金玉良言,儿女之行,当以身作则。

Translation: The words of parents are like gold and jade. Children should set a good example by following their teachings.

24. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,儿女之孝,如滴水穿石。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain. The filial piety of children is like a drop of water that wears away a stone.

25. 父母在世,当尽孝道,父母离世,当思其恩。

Translation: While parents are alive, you should fulfill your filial duty. After their passing, you should remember their kindness.

26. 孝顺父母,不仅是责任,更是义务,是做人的根本。

Translation: Filial piety towards parents is not only a responsibility but also a duty, and the foundation of being a good person.

27. 孝顺父母,要从点滴做起,从小事做起,从现在做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

28. 父母之爱,永世难忘,儿女之孝,终身不忘。

Translation: The love of parents is unforgettable for eternity. The filial piety of children is remembered for a lifetime.

29. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德,也是世界各民族共同的价值观。

Translation: Filial piety towards parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and a shared value of people around the world.

30. 孝顺父母,不仅仅是言语上的孝顺,更要行动上的孝顺。

Translation: Filial piety towards parents is not just about words, but also about actions.

31. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

32. 孝敬父母,是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的根本。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and the foundation of being a good person.

33. 孝顺父母,要从小事做起,从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

34. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,滋润着儿女的心田。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the hearts of their children.

35. 父母之恩,重如泰山,儿女之孝,涌泉相报。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as Mount Tai. The filial piety of children is a wellspring of gratitude.

36. 父母在,不远游,游必有方,省必有期。

Translation: While parents are alive, do not travel far. If you must travel, have a plan and set a date for your return.

37. 父母之教,如金玉良言,儿女之行,当以身作则。

Translation: The teachings of parents are like gold and jade. Children should set a good example by following their teachings.

38. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

39. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的根本。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and the foundation of being a good person.

40. 孝顺父母,要从小事做起,从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

41. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,滋润着儿女的心田。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the hearts of their children.

42. 父母之恩,重如泰山,儿女之孝,涌泉相报。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as Mount Tai. The filial piety of children is a wellspring of gratitude.

43. 父母在,不远游,游必有方,省必有期。

Translation: While parents are alive, do not travel far. If you must travel, have a plan and set a date for your return.

44. 父母之教,如金玉良言,儿女之行,当以身作则。

Translation: The teachings of parents are like gold and jade. Children should set a good example by following their teachings.

45. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

46. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的根本。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and the foundation of being a good person.

47. 孝顺父母,要从小事做起,从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

48. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,滋润着儿女的心田。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the hearts of their children.

49. 父母之恩,重如泰山,儿女之孝,涌泉相报。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as Mount Tai. The filial piety of children is a wellspring of gratitude.

50. 父母在,不远游,游必有方,省必有期。

Translation: While parents are alive, do not travel far. If you must travel, have a plan and set a date for your return.

51. 父母之教,如金玉良言,儿女之行,当以身作则。

Translation: The teachings of parents are like gold and jade. Children should set a good example by following their teachings.

52. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

53. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的根本。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and the foundation of being a good person.

54. 孝顺父母,要从小事做起,从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

55. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,滋润着儿女的心田。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the hearts of their children.

56. 父母之恩,重如泰山,儿女之孝,涌泉相报。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as Mount Tai. The filial piety of children is a wellspring of gratitude.

57. 父母在,不远游,游必有方,省必有期。

Translation: While parents are alive, do not travel far. If you must travel, have a plan and set a date for your return.

58. 父母之教,如金玉良言,儿女之行,当以身作则。

Translation: The teachings of parents are like gold and jade. Children should set a good example by following their teachings.

59. 父母之爱,无私无求,儿女之孝,真情流露。

Translation: The love of parents is selfless and unconditional. The filial piety of children is genuine and heartfelt.

60. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的根本。

Translation: Respecting and caring for parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and the foundation of being a good person.

61. 孝顺父母,要从小事做起,从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。

Translation: Being filial to parents begins with small things, little actions, and starts now.

62. 父母之爱,如春风化雨,滋润着儿女的心田。

Translation: The love of parents is like a gentle spring rain, nourishing the hearts of their children.

63. 父母之恩,重如泰山,儿女之孝,涌泉相报。

Translation: The kindness of parents is as heavy as Mount Tai. The filial piety of children is a wellspring of gratitude.

64. 孝顺父母,是做人的根本,是中华民族的传统美德。

Translation: Filial piety towards parents is the foundation of being a good person and a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

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