
## 倚窗观雪句子,80句:1. 雪落窗棂,无声无息,却将世界染成一片素白。2. 远山披雪,如梦如幻,仿佛仙境一般。3. 窗外寒风凛冽,屋内暖意融融,心中一片宁静。4. 雪花飘飘,像无数只轻盈的蝴蝶,在空中飞舞。5. 静静地倚窗观雪,思绪如雪般飞扬。6. 雪后的世界,万物静默,只有雪的呼吸声。7. 白雪皑皑,覆盖了大地的一切,只留下纯净与美好。8. 雪花落在窗台上,晶莹剔透,如同一颗颗珍珠。9. 望着漫天飞舞的雪花,心中涌起一股莫名的感动。10. 雪后的阳光,格外明媚,照亮了整个世界。11. 雪花落在树枝上,晶莹剔透,如同一朵朵盛开的银花。12. 远处的房屋,被白雪覆盖,像一座座白色的城堡。13. 雪花落在屋顶上,发出轻轻的响声,像一首冬日的歌谣。14. 倚窗观雪,仿佛置身于一个银色的童话世界。15. 雪花落在我的掌心,轻轻地融化,留下丝丝凉意。16. 雪后初晴,天空湛蓝,雪白的云朵在空中飘浮。17. 雪花落在我的鼻尖,痒痒的,像是冬日里的一份礼物。18. 雪后初晴,地上积满了白雪,反射着阳光的光芒。19. 雪花飘落在田野里,像一层厚厚的棉被,温暖着大地。20. 雪花落在河流上,形成了一层薄薄的冰,晶莹剔透。21. 望着窗外漫天飞舞的雪花,心中充满了诗意。22. 雪花飘落在屋檐下,形成了一排排晶莹剔透的冰柱。23. 雪花落在松树的枝叶上,像一层层轻盈的羽毛,轻柔飘逸。24. 雪花落在路灯上,将路灯照亮,给夜晚增添了一份温暖。25. 雪花落在我的眼睫毛上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝湿润。26. 雪后的空气格外清新,让人忍不住深深地呼吸。27. 雪花飘落在草地上,覆盖了原本枯黄的草坪,带来一片生机。28. 雪花落在汽车上,形成了一个厚厚的积雪层,仿佛给汽车披上了一件白色的外衣。29. 雪花落在公园里,将原本热闹的公园,变成了一个静谧的白色世界。30. 雪花落在人们的身上,带来了阵阵凉意,也带来了冬日的快乐。31. 雪花落在我的手掌上,晶莹剔透,仿佛是冬日里的一颗颗星星。32. 雪后的世界,仿佛被洗刷了一般,变得格外干净。33. 雪花飘落在城市的街道上,为城市增添了一份独特的美丽。34. 雪花落在我的脸上,轻轻地融化,带走了冬日的寒冷。35. 雪花飘落在树林里,将树林变成了一个白色的童话世界。36. 雪后的世界,仿佛静止了时间,只有雪花在空中飞舞。37. 雪花落在我的书桌上,仿佛在提醒我,冬日的寒意正在消退。38. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的生命,充满了生机与活力。39. 雪花落在我的梦里,化成了一片纯净的白色,带来无限的遐想。40. 雪花落在我的窗台上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的凉意。41. 雪后的天空,格外澄澈,仿佛可以看见天上的星星。42. 雪花飘落在田野里,覆盖了原本枯黄的田野,带来了新年的希望。43. 雪花落在我的头发上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的清香。44. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的色彩,变得更加美丽。45. 雪花飘落在湖面上,形成了一层薄薄的冰,晶莹剔透。46. 雪花落在我的眼睛里,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的温暖。47. 雪后的世界,仿佛被静音了一般,只剩下雪的呼吸声。48. 雪花落在我的鼻尖上,痒痒的,仿佛是冬日的问候。49. 雪后的世界,仿佛被重塑了一般,变得更加纯净。50. 雪花飘落在山间,将原本荒凉的山间,变成了一个银色的世界。51. 雪花落在我的心中,化成了一股暖流,驱散了冬日的寒冷。52. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的活力,充满了生机与希望。53. 雪花飘落在我的脚下,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的凉意。54. 雪后的世界,仿佛被洗涤了一般,变得更加清新。55. 雪花落在我的梦里,化成了一片纯白的梦境,带来无限的遐想。56. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的意义,变得更加美好。57. 雪花落在我的窗台上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的冬日气息。58. 雪后的世界,仿佛被静音了一般,只有雪的呼吸声。59. 雪花飘落在我的眼前,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的清凉。60. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的生命,充满了生机与活力。61. 雪花落在我的心中,化成了一股暖流,驱散了冬日的寒冷。62. 雪后的世界,仿佛被重塑了一般,变得更加纯净。63. 雪花飘落在我的脚下,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的凉意。64. 雪后的世界,仿佛被洗涤了一般,变得更加清新。65. 雪花落在我的梦里,化成了一片纯白的梦境,带来无限的遐想。66. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的意义,变得更加美好。67. 雪花落在我的窗台上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的冬日气息。68. 雪后的世界,仿佛被静音了一般,只有雪的呼吸声。69. 雪花飘落在我的眼前,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的清凉。70. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的生命,充满了生机与活力。71. 雪花落在我的心中,化成了一股暖流,驱散了冬日的寒冷。72. 雪后的世界,仿佛被重塑了一般,变得更加纯净。73. 雪花飘落在我的脚下,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的凉意。74. 雪后的世界,仿佛被洗涤了一般,变得更加清新。75. 雪花落在我的梦里,化成了一片纯白的梦境,带来无限的遐想。76. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的意义,变得更加美好。77. 雪花落在我的窗台上,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的冬日气息。78. 雪后的世界,仿佛被静音了一般,只有雪的呼吸声。79. 雪花飘落在我的眼前,轻轻地融化,留下了一丝丝的清凉。80. 雪后的世界,仿佛被赋予了新的生命,充满了生机与活力。## 英文翻译:

1. The snow falls on the windowpane, silently and quietly, but it dyes the world in a pure white.

2. The distant mountains are covered with snow, dreamy and illusory, like a fairyland.

3. The wind is cold and biting outside the window, while the warmth is flowing inside the house, and there is a sense of tranquility in the heart.

4. The snowflakes are fluttering, like countless light and delicate butterflies, dancing in the air.

5. Leaning against the window, watching the snow quietly, thoughts fly like snowflakes.

6. In the world after the snow, everything is silent, only the sound of snow breathing.

7. The snow is white and vast, covering everything on the earth, leaving only purity and beauty.

8. Snowflakes fall on the windowsill, crystal clear, like pearls.

9. Looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky, a sense of inexplicable emotion surges in my heart.

10. The sunshine after the snow is particularly bright, illuminating the whole world.

11. Snowflakes fall on the branches of the trees, crystal clear, like silver flowers blooming.

12. The distant houses, covered with white snow, are like white castles.

13. Snowflakes fall on the roof, making a soft sound, like a winter lullaby.

14. Leaning against the window, watching the snow, it feels like being in a silver fairy tale world.

15. Snowflakes fall in my palm, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

16. The sky is clear after the snow, the sky is blue, and white clouds float in the air.

17. Snowflakes fall on my nose, itchy, like a winter gift.

18. After the snow clears, the ground is covered with white snow, reflecting the sunlight.

19. Snowflakes fall on the fields, like a thick quilt, warming the earth.

20. Snowflakes fall on the rivers, forming a thin layer of ice, crystal clear.

21. Looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky outside the window, my heart is filled with poetry.

22. Snowflakes fall under the eaves, forming rows of crystal clear icicles.

23. Snowflakes fall on the branches and leaves of pine trees, like layers of light feathers, soft and elegant.

24. Snowflakes fall on the street lights, illuminating the street lights, adding warmth to the night.

25. Snowflakes fall on my eyelashes, melt gently, leaving a trace of moisture.

26. The air after the snow is particularly fresh, making people want to breathe deeply.

27. Snowflakes fall on the grass, covering the originally withered lawn, bringing a touch of life.

28. Snowflakes fall on the car, forming a thick layer of snow, as if covering the car with a white coat.

29. Snowflakes fall in the park, turning the once lively park into a quiet white world.

30. Snowflakes fall on people, bringing a chill, but also bringing winter joy.

31. Snowflakes fall on my palm, crystal clear, like stars in winter.

32. The world after the snow, as if it had been washed, is exceptionally clean.

33. Snowflakes fall on the streets of the city, adding a unique beauty to the city.

34. Snowflakes fall on my face, melt gently, taking away the coldness of winter.

35. Snowflakes fall in the forest, turning the forest into a white fairy tale world.

36. The world after the snow, as if time has stopped, only snowflakes are dancing in the air.

37. Snowflakes fall on my desk, as if reminding me that the cold of winter is fading.

38. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new life, is full of vitality and vitality.

39. Snowflakes fall in my dream, turning into a pure white, bringing endless reverie.

40. Snowflakes fall on my windowsill, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

41. The sky after the snow is particularly clear, as if you can see the stars in the sky.

42. Snowflakes fall on the fields, covering the originally withered fields, bringing hope for the new year.

43. Snowflakes fall on my hair, melt gently, leaving a trace of fragrance.

44. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new colors, is more beautiful.

45. Snowflakes fall on the lake, forming a thin layer of ice, crystal clear.

46. Snowflakes fall in my eyes, melt gently, leaving a trace of warmth.

47. The world after the snow, as if muted, only the sound of snow breathing.

48. Snowflakes fall on my nose, itchy, like a winter greeting.

49. The world after the snow, as if reshaped, is more pure.

50. Snowflakes fall in the mountains, turning the originally barren mountains into a silver world.

51. Snowflakes fall in my heart, turning into a warm current, dispelling the coldness of winter.

52. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new vitality, is full of vitality and hope.

53. Snowflakes fall at my feet, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

54. The world after the snow, as if washed, is more refreshing.

55. Snowflakes fall in my dreams, turning into a pure white dream, bringing endless reverie.

56. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new meaning, is more beautiful.

57. Snowflakes fall on my windowsill, melt gently, leaving a trace of winter breath.

58. The world after the snow, as if muted, only the sound of snow breathing.

59. Snowflakes fall in front of my eyes, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

60. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new life, is full of vitality and vitality.

61. Snowflakes fall in my heart, turning into a warm current, dispelling the coldness of winter.

62. The world after the snow, as if reshaped, is more pure.

63. Snowflakes fall at my feet, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

64. The world after the snow, as if washed, is more refreshing.

65. Snowflakes fall in my dreams, turning into a pure white dream, bringing endless reverie.

66. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new meaning, is more beautiful.

67. Snowflakes fall on my windowsill, melt gently, leaving a trace of winter breath.

68. The world after the snow, as if muted, only the sound of snow breathing.

69. Snowflakes fall in front of my eyes, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

70. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new life, is full of vitality and vitality.

71. Snowflakes fall in my heart, turning into a warm current, dispelling the coldness of winter.

72. The world after the snow, as if reshaped, is more pure.

73. Snowflakes fall at my feet, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

74. The world after the snow, as if washed, is more refreshing.

75. Snowflakes fall in my dreams, turning into a pure white dream, bringing endless reverie.

76. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new meaning, is more beautiful.

77. Snowflakes fall on my windowsill, melt gently, leaving a trace of winter breath.

78. The world after the snow, as if muted, only the sound of snow breathing.

79. Snowflakes fall in front of my eyes, melt gently, leaving a trace of coolness.

80. The world after the snow, as if endowed with new life, is full of vitality and vitality.

以上就是关于倚窗观雪句子80句(倚窗观雪句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
