
## 倒背如流句子 (65句)1. **一鸣惊人** (yī míng jīng rén) - To become famous overnight.

To become famous overnight.

2. **一举两得** (yī jǔ liǎng dé) - To achieve two goals with one action.

To achieve two goals with one action.

3. **一鼓作气** (yī gǔ zuò qì) - To do something with full momentum.

To do something with full momentum.

4. **一日三餐** (yī rì sān cān) - Three meals a day.

Three meals a day.

5. **一心一意** (yī xīn yī yì) - With one heart and one mind.

With one heart and one mind.

6. **一无所获** (yī wú suǒ huò) - To gain nothing.

To gain nothing.

7. **一帆风顺** (yī fān fēng shùn) - To sail smoothly.

To sail smoothly.

8. **一尘不染** (yī chén bù rǎn) - Spotlessly clean.

Spotlessly clean.

9. **一蹴而就** (yī cù ér jiù) - To achieve something easily and quickly.

To achieve something easily and quickly.

10. **一见钟情** (yī jiàn zhōng qíng) - Love at first sight.

Love at first sight.

11. **半途而废** (bàn tú ér fèi) - To give up halfway.

To give up halfway.

12. **半信半疑** (bàn xìn bàn yí) - To be half believing and half doubting.

To be half believing and half doubting.

13. **半夜三更** (bàn yè sān gēng) - The dead of night.

The dead of night.

14. **两全其美** (liǎng quán qí měi) - To achieve the best of both worlds.

To achieve the best of both worlds.

15. **两面三刀** (liǎng miàn sān dāo) - To be two-faced.

To be two-faced.

16. **两袖清风** (liǎng xiù qīng fēng) - To be incorruptible.

To be incorruptible.

17. **三思而后行** (sān sī ér hòu xíng) - To think carefully before acting.

To think carefully before acting.

18. **三言两语** (sān yán liǎng yǔ) - A few words.

A few words.

19. **三心二意** (sān xīn èr yì) - To be indecisive.

To be indecisive.

20. **四面楚歌** (sì miàn chǔ gē) - To be surrounded by enemies.

To be surrounded by enemies.

21. **四通八达** (sì tōng bā dá) - To be well connected.

To be well connected.

22. **五谷丰登** (wǔ gǔ fēng dēng) - A bumper harvest.

A bumper harvest.

23. **五花八门** (wǔ huā bā mén) - A wide variety.

A wide variety.

24. **五体投地** (wǔ tǐ tóu dì) - To be deeply impressed.

To be deeply impressed.

25. **六神无主** (liù shén wú zhǔ) - To be in a panic.

To be in a panic.

26. **七嘴八舌** (qī zuǐ bā shé) - To talk all at once.

To talk all at once.

27. **七上八下** (qī shàng bā xià) - To be anxious and nervous.

To be anxious and nervous.

28. **七零八落** (qī líng bā luò) - Scattered and disorderly.

Scattered and disorderly.

29. **八面玲珑** (bā miàn líng lóng) - To be smooth and adaptable.

To be smooth and adaptable.

30. **九牛一毛** (jiǔ niú yī máo) - A drop in the ocean.

A drop in the ocean.

31. **九死一生** (jiǔ sǐ yī shēng) - To narrowly escape death.

To narrowly escape death.

32. **十全十美** (shí quán shí měi) - Perfect.


33. **十指连心** (shí zhǐ lián xīn) - Closely connected.

Closely connected.

34. **百花齐放** (bǎi huā qí fàng) - A hundred flowers bloom.

A hundred flowers bloom.

35. **百战百胜** (bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng) - To win every battle.

To win every battle.

36. **千言万语** (qiān yán wàn yǔ) - Thousands of words.

Thousands of words.

37. **千军万马** (qiān jūn wàn mǎ) - A large army.

A large army.

38. **千金难买** (qiān jīn nán mǎi) - Priceless.


39. **千锤百炼** (qiān chuí bǎi liàn) - To be tempered and refined through many trials.

To be tempered and refined through many trials.

40. **万众一心** (wàn zhòng yī xīn) - With one heart and one mind.

With one heart and one mind.

41. **万事如意** (wàn shì rú yì) - Everything goes according to plan.

Everything goes according to plan.

42. **万无一失** (wàn wú yī shī) - To be foolproof.

To be foolproof.

43. **天花乱坠** (tiān huā luàn zhuì) - Exaggerated and fanciful.

Exaggerated and fanciful.

44. **天壤之别** (tiān rǎng zhī bié) - A world of difference.

A world of difference.

45. **天衣无缝** (tiān yī wú fèng) - Perfect.


46. **地久天长** (dì jiǔ tiān cháng) - Forever.


47. **日月如梭** (rì yuè rú suō) - Time flies.

Time flies.

48. **山清水秀** (shān qīng shuǐ xiù) - Beautiful scenery.

Beautiful scenery.

49. **山穷水尽** (shān qióng shuǐ jìn) - At the end of one's resources.

At the end of one's resources.

50. **水到渠成** (shuǐ dào qú chéng) - Things will happen naturally in due time.

Things will happen naturally in due time.

51. **水落石出** (shuǐ luò shí chū) - The truth comes to light.

The truth comes to light.

52. **火眼金睛** (huǒ yǎn jīn jīng) - Sharp eyesight.

Sharp eyesight.

53. **火上浇油** (huǒ shàng jiāo yóu) - To make matters worse.

To make matters worse.

54. **风平浪静** (fēng píng làng jìng) - Calm and peaceful.

Calm and peaceful.

55. **风吹日晒** (fēng chuī rì shài) - To be exposed to the elements.

To be exposed to the elements.

56. **风流倜傥** (fēng liú tì tǎng) - Elegant and dashing.

Elegant and dashing.

57. **雷厉风行** (léi lì fēng xíng) - To act swiftly and decisively.

To act swiftly and decisively.

58. **雷声大雨点小** (léi shēng dà yǔ diǎn xiǎo) - Much ado about nothing.

Much ado about nothing.

59. **雨过天晴** (yǔ guò tiān qíng) - After the rain, the sky clears.

After the rain, the sky clears.

60. **云淡风轻** (yún dàn fēng qīng) - Relaxed and carefree.

Relaxed and carefree.

61. **云里雾里** (yún lǐ wù lǐ) - Confused and bewildered.

Confused and bewildered.

62. **春风化雨** (chūn fēng huà yǔ) - To have a gentle and nurturing influence.

To have a gentle and nurturing influence.

63. **春意盎然** (chūn yì àng rán) - Full of the promise of spring.

Full of the promise of spring.

64. **秋高气爽** (qiū gāo qì shuǎng) - The crisp air of autumn.

The crisp air of autumn.

65. **秋风瑟瑟** (qiū fēng sè sè) - A chilly autumn wind.

A chilly autumn wind.

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