
## 会来的总会来 (Coming what is meant to come)

1. 会来的总会来,不来的永远不会来。/ What is meant to come will come, and what is not meant to come will never come.

2. 该来的终究会来,该走的终究会走。/ What is meant to stay will stay, and what is meant to go will go.

3. 缘分到了,就来了,挡也挡不住。/ When fate arrives, it arrives, and nothing can stop it.

4. 该来的都会来,该走的别强留。/ What is meant to come will come, and what is meant to go should not be forced to stay.

5. 有些事,命中注定,强求不来。/ Some things are destined, and forcing them will not work.

6. 不属于你的,强求不来;属于你的,会自然而然地到来。/ What is not yours, you cannot force it; what is yours will come naturally.

7. 该来的总归会来,不必强求,顺其自然就好。/ What is meant to come will come, don't force it, just let it be.

8. 有些事,等来了就是你的,等不来就不是你的。/ Some things are meant for you, if they come, they are yours, if they don't, they are not.

9. 该来的,终究会来,挡也挡不住;该走的,终究会走,留也留不住。/ What is meant to come will come, no matter how much you resist; what is meant to go will go, no matter how much you hold on.

10. 不强求,不执着,一切顺其自然,该来的总会来。/ Don't force, don't cling, let everything be natural, what is meant to come will come.

11. 心怀期待,静待花开。/ Hold on to hope and wait patiently for the flowers to bloom.

12. 有些事情,无需刻意,顺其自然,时间总会给出答案。/ Some things don't need to be forced, just let them be, time will always give you the answer.

13. 该来的总会来,不要着急,也不要强求,最好的总是最后才来。/ What is meant to come will come, don't be impatient, don't force it, the best is always the last to come.

14. 缘分天注定,不必强求,该来的总会来。/ Fate is predetermined, don't force it, what is meant to come will come.

15. 你所能做的,就是做好自己,剩下的交给时间。/ All you can do is be your best self, leave the rest to time.

16. 所有的等待,都是为了遇见更好的自己。/ All waiting is for the sake of meeting a better version of yourself.

17. 不必急于求成,该来的总会来,该走的也挡不住。/ Don't be too eager to succeed, what is meant to come will come, and what is meant to go cannot be stopped.

18. 学会等待,学会珍惜,该来的总会来。/ Learn to wait, learn to cherish, what is meant to come will come.

19. 有些事情,需要等待,也需要耐心,该来的总会来。/ Some things need to be waited for, and they need patience, what is meant to come will come.

20. 相信时间,相信自己,相信该来的总会来。/ Believe in time, believe in yourself, believe that what is meant to come will come.

21. 不要为失去的而悲伤,要为将要到来的而欢喜。/ Don't grieve for what you've lost, rejoice for what is to come.

22. 最好的总是留到最后,该来的总会来。/ The best is always saved for last, what is meant to come will come.

23. 生命中,总有一些东西,值得等待,也值得珍惜,该来的总会来。/ In life, there are always things worth waiting for and cherishing, what is meant to come will come.

24. 不要为了虚无缥缈的东西而烦恼,该来的总会来。/ Don't worry about things that are uncertain, what is meant to come will come.

25. 放下执着,顺其自然,该来的总会来。/ Let go of attachment, let things take their natural course, what is meant to come will come.

26. 时间会证明一切,该来的总会来。/ Time will prove everything, what is meant to come will come.

27. 不必强求,也不必着急,该来的总会来,该走的也留不住。/ Don't force it, don't be impatient, what is meant to come will come, and what is meant to go cannot be kept.

28. 相信缘分,相信时间,该来的总会来。/ Believe in fate, believe in time, what is meant to come will come.

29. 生命中,总有一些东西,是命中注定的,该来的总会来。/ In life, there are always things that are destined, what is meant to come will come.

30. 不要害怕等待,因为该来的总会来。/ Don't be afraid to wait, because what is meant to come will come.

31. 人生的路上,总会有一些惊喜,也有一些遗憾,该来的总会来。/ On the road of life, there will always be surprises and regrets, what is meant to come will come.

32. 放手过去,迎接未来,该来的总会来。/ Let go of the past, embrace the future, what is meant to come will come.

33. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come.

34. 不要为失去的而后悔,要为将要到来的而期待。/ Don't regret what you've lost, look forward to what is to come.

35. 命运掌握在自己手中,但有些事,也需要时间去验证,该来的总会来。/ Fate is in your own hands, but some things need time to prove themselves, what is meant to come will come.

36. 该来的总会来,但前提是你已经准备好迎接它。/ What is meant to come will come, but the premise is that you are ready to welcome it.

37. 有些东西,需要等待,也需要勇气,该来的总会来。/ Some things need to be waited for and they need courage, what is meant to come will come.

38. 不要轻易放弃梦想,因为该来的总会来。/ Don't give up your dreams easily, because what is meant to come will come.

39. 人生的路上,总会遇到一些坎坷,但只要坚持,该来的总会来。/ On the road of life, there will always be some bumps, but as long as you persevere, what is meant to come will come.

40. 有些事,不必强求,顺其自然,该来的总会来,也总会走。/ Some things don't need to be forced, just let them be, what is meant to come will come, and it will also go.

41. 人生的路上,总有一些人,会陪你走过一段路,但最终,还是要学会独自前行,该来的总会来。/ On the road of life, there will always be some people who will accompany you for a while, but ultimately, you still have to learn to walk on your own, what is meant to come will come.

42. 不要害怕失去,因为该来的总会来。/ Don't be afraid of losing, because what is meant to come will come.

43. 学会珍惜眼前人,因为该来的总会来。/ Learn to cherish those who are around you, because what is meant to come will come.

44. 相信命运,相信自己,该来的总会来,也会带给你意想不到的惊喜。/ Believe in fate, believe in yourself, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you unexpected surprises.

45. 不要害怕改变,因为该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的机遇。/ Don't be afraid of change, because what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new opportunities.

46. 人生的路上,总会遇到一些挫折,但只要不放弃,该来的总会来。/ On the road of life, there will always be some setbacks, but as long as you don't give up, what is meant to come will come.

47. 有些事,只能等待,也需要耐心,该来的总会来,也总会走。/ Some things can only be waited for, and they need patience, what is meant to come will come, and it will also go.

48. 不要为了过去而悲伤,要为了未来而努力,该来的总会来。/ Don't grieve for the past, strive for the future, what is meant to come will come.

49. 相信时间,相信自己,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的希望。/ Believe in time, believe in yourself, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new hope.

50. 学会放下,学会释怀,该来的总会来。/ Learn to let go, learn to release, what is meant to come will come.

51. 不要害怕孤独,因为该来的总会来。/ Don't be afraid of loneliness, because what is meant to come will come.

52. 人生的路上,总会遇到一些磨难,但只要不放弃,该来的总会来。/ On the road of life, there will always be some hardships, but as long as you don't give up, what is meant to come will come.

53. 学会珍惜现在,因为该来的总会来。/ Learn to cherish the present, because what is meant to come will come.

54. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的挑战。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new challenges.

55. 不要害怕冒险,因为该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的体验。/ Don't be afraid to take risks, because what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new experiences.

56. 学会感恩,学会珍惜,该来的总会来,也会给你带来更多快乐。/ Learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you more happiness.

57. 不要害怕失败,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加强大。/ Don't be afraid of failure, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you stronger.

58. 相信缘分,相信时间,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的爱情。/ Believe in fate, believe in time, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new love.

59. 不要害怕失去,因为该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的开始。/ Don't be afraid of losing, because what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you a new beginning.

60. 学会等待,学会珍惜,该来的总会来,也会给你带来意想不到的收获。/ Learn to wait, learn to cherish, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you unexpected rewards.

61. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的希望和梦想。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new hope and dreams.

62. 学会放下,学会释怀,该来的总会来,也会让你更加轻松自在。/ Learn to let go, learn to release, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you feel more relaxed and free.

63. 不要害怕孤独,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加独立自主。/ Don't be afraid of loneliness, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you more independent and self-reliant.

64. 人生的路上,总会遇到一些磨难,但只要不放弃,该来的总会来,也会让你更加坚强勇敢。/ On the road of life, there will always be some hardships, but as long as you don't give up, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you stronger and braver.

65. 学会珍惜现在,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加珍惜眼前的人和事。/ Learn to cherish the present, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you cherish the people and things around you even more.

66. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的机会和挑战。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new opportunities and challenges.

67. 不要害怕冒险,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加丰富多彩。/ Don't be afraid to take risks, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make your life richer and more colorful.

68. 学会感恩,学会珍惜,该来的总会来,也会让你更加幸福快乐。/ Learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you happier and more fulfilled.

69. 不要害怕失败,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加成熟稳重。/ Don't be afraid of failure, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you more mature and stable.

70. 相信缘分,相信时间,该来的总会来,也会给你带来新的缘分和爱情。/ Believe in fate, believe in time, what is meant to come will come, and it will bring you new connections and love.

71. 不要害怕失去,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加珍惜拥有。/ Don't be afraid of losing, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you cherish what you have even more.

72. 学会等待,学会珍惜,该来的总会来,也会让你更加懂得人生的真谛。/ Learn to wait, learn to cherish, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you understand the true meaning of life.

73. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来,也会让你更加坚定梦想的追求。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you more determined in pursuing your dreams.

74. 学会放下,学会释怀,该来的总会来,也会让你更加轻松快乐地面对生活。/ Learn to let go, learn to release, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you face life more easily and happily.

75. 不要害怕孤独,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加独立坚强地生活。/ Don't be afraid of loneliness, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you live more independently and strongly.

76. 人生的路上,总会遇到一些磨难,但只要不放弃,该来的总会来,也会让你更加成熟稳重地面对人生。/ On the road of life, there will always be some hardships, but as long as you don't give up, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you face life more maturely and steadily.

77. 学会珍惜现在,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加珍惜人生的每一天。/ Learn to cherish the present, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make you cherish every day of your life.

78. 相信自己,相信未来,该来的总会来,也会让你更加充满希望和梦想。/ Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what is meant to come will come, and it will make you more full of hope and dreams.

79. 不要害怕冒险,因为该来的总会来,也会让你更加精彩绝伦。/ Don't be afraid to take risks, because what is meant to come will come, and it will make your life more exciting and wonderful.

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