
## 追忆往昔的句子(87句)

1. 那些逝去的日子,如同流逝的河水,一去不复返。
> Those bygone days, like flowing rivers, are gone forever.

Those bygone days, like flowing rivers, are gone forever.

2. 回忆是件很奇妙的事情,它能让你重温过往的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a wonderful thing, it allows you to relive past joys and sorrows.

Memory is a wonderful thing, it allows you to relive past joys and sorrows.

3. 记忆中的画面,如同老照片一样,泛黄而模糊。
> The scenes in my memory, like old photos, are yellowed and blurred.

The scenes in my memory, like old photos, are yellowed and blurred.

4. 岁月无情,它会带走一切,包括记忆。
> Time is ruthless, it will take everything, including memories.

Time is ruthless, it will take everything, including memories.

5. 回首往事,感慨万千,青春年少,一去不返。
> Looking back on the past, I am filled with mixed emotions. My youth is gone, never to return.

Looking back on the past, I am filled with mixed emotions. My youth is gone, never to return.

6. 那些曾经的欢笑与泪水,都已成为过去,只留下了淡淡的回忆。
> Those past laughter and tears have become history, leaving only faint memories.

Those past laughter and tears have become history, leaving only faint memories.

7. 记忆如同夜空中闪烁的星星,虽然微弱,却能照亮漆黑的夜。
> Memories are like twinkling stars in the night sky, though faint, they can illuminate the dark night.

Memories are like twinkling stars in the night sky, though faint, they can illuminate the dark night.

8. 回忆是件温暖的事情,它能让你在寒冷的冬天,感受到一丝暖意。
> Memories are a warm thing, they can bring you a sense of warmth in the cold winter.

Memories are a warm thing, they can bring you a sense of warmth in the cold winter.

9. 那些逝去的时光,虽然已不可追,但它留下的印记,却永远铭刻在心。
> The time that has passed, though unrecoverable, leaves its mark forever etched in my heart.

The time that has passed, though unrecoverable, leaves its mark forever etched in my heart.

10. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让你在孤独的时候,感受到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring you comfort when you are lonely.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring you comfort when you are lonely.

11. 那些曾经的梦想,或许早已破灭,但它留下的希望,依然照亮着前方的路。
> Those past dreams may have already been shattered, but the hope they left behind still illuminates the path ahead.

Those past dreams may have already been shattered, but the hope they left behind still illuminates the path ahead.

12. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

13. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

14. 回忆是一座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

15. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

16. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

17. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

18. 岁月如梭,它带走了我们的青春,却留下了我们成长的痕迹。
> Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

19. 那些曾经的欢笑,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的温暖,却依然萦绕在心。
> Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

20. 回忆是件珍贵的东西,它能让你在人生的低谷,感受到一丝希望。
> Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

21. 那些曾经的伤痛,或许已不再鲜活,但它留下的教训,却能让我们更加珍惜眼前的一切。
> Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

22. 回忆是件神奇的事情,它能让我们在不经意间,回到过去,重温曾经的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

23. 那些曾经的过往,如同散落在天际的星辰,虽然微弱,却能照亮我们前行的道路。
> Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

24. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让我们在疲惫的时候,得到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

25. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

26. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

27. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

28. 回忆是座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

29. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

30. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

31. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

32. 岁月如梭,它带走了我们的青春,却留下了我们成长的痕迹。
> Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

33. 那些曾经的欢笑,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的温暖,却依然萦绕在心。
> Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

34. 回忆是件珍贵的东西,它能让你在人生的低谷,感受到一丝希望。
> Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

35. 那些曾经的伤痛,或许已不再鲜活,但它留下的教训,却能让我们更加珍惜眼前的一切。
> Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

36. 回忆是件神奇的事情,它能让我们在不经意间,回到过去,重温曾经的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

37. 那些曾经的过往,如同散落在天际的星辰,虽然微弱,却能照亮我们前行的道路。
> Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

38. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让我们在疲惫的时候,得到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

39. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

40. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

41. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

42. 回忆是座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

43. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

44. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

45. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

46. 岁月如梭,它带走了我们的青春,却留下了我们成长的痕迹。
> Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

47. 那些曾经的欢笑,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的温暖,却依然萦绕在心。
> Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

48. 回忆是件珍贵的东西,它能让你在人生的低谷,感受到一丝希望。
> Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

49. 那些曾经的伤痛,或许已不再鲜活,但它留下的教训,却能让我们更加珍惜眼前的一切。
> Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

50. 回忆是件神奇的事情,它能让我们在不经意间,回到过去,重温曾经的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

51. 那些曾经的过往,如同散落在天际的星辰,虽然微弱,却能照亮我们前行的道路。
> Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

52. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让我们在疲惫的时候,得到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

53. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

54. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

55. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

56. 回忆是座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

57. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

58. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

59. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

60. 岁月如梭,它带走了我们的青春,却留下了我们成长的痕迹。
> Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

61. 那些曾经的欢笑,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的温暖,却依然萦绕在心。
> Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

62. 回忆是件珍贵的东西,它能让你在人生的低谷,感受到一丝希望。
> Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

63. 那些曾经的伤痛,或许已不再鲜活,但它留下的教训,却能让我们更加珍惜眼前的一切。
> Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

64. 回忆是件神奇的事情,它能让我们在不经意间,回到过去,重温曾经的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

65. 那些曾经的过往,如同散落在天际的星辰,虽然微弱,却能照亮我们前行的道路。
> Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

66. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让我们在疲惫的时候,得到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

67. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

68. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

69. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

70. 回忆是座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

71. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

72. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

73. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

74. 岁月如梭,它带走了我们的青春,却留下了我们成长的痕迹。
> Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

Time flies, it takes away our youth, but leaves behind our marks of growth.

75. 那些曾经的欢笑,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的温暖,却依然萦绕在心。
> Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

Those past laughter may no longer be clear, but the warmth they left behind still lingers in my heart.

76. 回忆是件珍贵的东西,它能让你在人生的低谷,感受到一丝希望。
> Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

Memories are a precious thing, they can give you a glimmer of hope when you are at a low point in your life.

77. 那些曾经的伤痛,或许已不再鲜活,但它留下的教训,却能让我们更加珍惜眼前的一切。
> Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

Those past pains may no longer be vivid, but the lessons they left behind can make us cherish everything we have now.

78. 回忆是件神奇的事情,它能让我们在不经意间,回到过去,重温曾经的喜怒哀乐。
> Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

Memory is a magical thing, it can bring us back to the past without notice, reliving the joys and sorrows of the past.

79. 那些曾经的过往,如同散落在天际的星辰,虽然微弱,却能照亮我们前行的道路。
> Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

Those past events, like scattered stars in the sky, though faint, can illuminate our path forward.

80. 回忆是件美好的事情,它能让我们在疲惫的时候,得到一丝慰藉。
> Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

Memories are a beautiful thing, they can bring us comfort when we are tired.

81. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再清晰,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be clear, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

82. 岁月如歌,它记录着我们曾经的欢笑与泪水,也记录着我们成长的足迹。
> Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

Time is like a song, it records our past laughter and tears, and also records our footsteps of growth.

83. 那些曾经的相遇,或许是偶然,但它留下的温暖,却能让你在漫漫人生路上,不再孤单。
> Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

Those past encounters may have been accidental, but the warmth they left behind can make you feel less lonely on the long journey of life.

84. 回忆是座桥梁,它连接着过去和现在,让我们在时间的长河中,找到属于自己的方向。
> Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

Memories are a bridge, connecting the past and the present, allowing us to find our own direction in the river of time.

85. 那些曾经的失败,或许是教训,但它留下的经验,却能让你在未来的道路上,走得更加稳健。
> Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

Those past failures may have been lessons, but the experience they left behind can make you walk more steadily on the road ahead.

86. 回忆是件宝贵的财富,它能让你在人生的旅途中,拥有更多的力量和勇气。
> Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

Memories are a precious wealth, they can give you more strength and courage on the journey of life.

87. 那些曾经的梦想,或许已不再遥远,但它留下的信念,依然指引着我们前进的方向。
> Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

Those past dreams may no longer be far away, but the beliefs they left behind still guide our direction forward.

以上就是关于追忆往昔的句子87句(追忆往昔的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
