
## 人讲的良心句子,91句**中文**1. 人活一世,草木一秋,要活得坦荡,问心无愧。2. 善良是本性,仁爱是美德,积德行善,福泽后代。3. 人生在世,做好事,积善缘,莫忘初心,方得始终。4. 与人为善,己身受益,心怀善意,福报绵延。5. 珍惜当下,感恩生活,以一颗善良的心,对待每一个人。6. 真诚待人,不虚伪,不欺骗,方能赢得尊重。7. 人要懂得感恩,感恩父母,感恩朋友,感恩生活。8. 帮助他人,快乐自己,乐善好施,心存善念。9. 不要计较得失,要懂得付出,付出就会有收获。10. 不求回报,只求心安,做好事,不留遗憾。11. 己所不欲,勿施于人,将心比心,换位思考。12. 宁可吃亏,不可占便宜,做人要厚道,光明磊落。13. 心存善念,便能行善事,心怀仁爱,便能拥幸福。14. 真诚待人,真心付出,方能收获真情。15. 宽容待人,理解万事,以德报怨,化解矛盾。16. 与人为善,必得善报,心怀慈悲,福寿绵长。17. 人生在世,要活得有意义,要对得起自己,对得起家人。18. 不为名利所累,不为金钱所惑,守住初心,方得始终。19. 心存感恩,懂得珍惜,生活才会充满阳光。20. 正直做人,光明磊落,不做亏心事,夜夜睡得香。21. 仁义礼智信,人之根本,德行是立身之本。22. 善恶有报,因果循环,种善因,得善果。23. 不贪不占,不欺不诈,做一个问心无愧的人。24. 知错能改,善莫大焉,改过自新,重获新生。25. 宽容待人,以德服人,用爱化解怨恨。26. 心怀善念,行善事,福报自然来。27. 以诚待人,真诚相待,方能赢得真情。28. 不计较得失,不患得患失,坦然面对人生。29. 做好事,积善缘,福报无处不在。30. 心怀慈悲,怜悯众生,救苦救难,功德无量。31. 帮助他人,成就自己,人生的意义在于奉献。32. 人生路上,要学会感恩,学会珍惜,学会宽容。33. 不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。34. 知足常乐,心满意足,生活才会更加美好。35. 做人要讲良心,要讲诚信,要讲道德。36. 仁义礼智信,是做人的基本准则。37. 宽容待人,体谅别人,才能赢得友谊。38. 帮助别人,就是帮助自己,助人为乐,快乐无穷。39. 以真诚换真诚,以真心换真心,方能收获真情。40. 不贪图享受,不追求奢华,心安理得,幸福美满。41. 做人要善良,要正直,要光明磊落。42. 心存善念,行善事,福报自然来临。43. 宽容待人,理解别人,才能化解矛盾。44. 帮助他人,成就自己,人生的价值在于奉献。45. 不为名利所累,不为金钱所惑,守住初心,方得始终。46. 心怀感恩,懂得珍惜,生活才会充满阳光。47. 正直做人,光明磊落,不做亏心事,夜夜睡得香。48. 仁义礼智信,人之根本,德行是立身之本。49. 善恶有报,因果循环,种善因,得善果。50. 不贪不占,不欺不诈,做一个问心无愧的人。51. 知错能改,善莫大焉,改过自新,重获新生。52. 宽容待人,以德服人,用爱化解怨恨。53. 心存善念,行善事,福报自然来。54. 以诚待人,真诚相待,方能赢得真情。55. 不计较得失,不患得患失,坦然面对人生。56. 做好事,积善缘,福报无处不在。57. 心怀慈悲,怜悯众生,救苦救难,功德无量。58. 帮助他人,成就自己,人生的意义在于奉献。59. 人生路上,要学会感恩,学会珍惜,学会宽容。60. 不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。61. 知足常乐,心满意足,生活才会更加美好。62. 做人要讲良心,要讲诚信,要讲道德。63. 仁义礼智信,是做人的基本准则。64. 宽容待人,体谅别人,才能赢得友谊。65. 帮助别人,就是帮助自己,助人为乐,快乐无穷。66. 以真诚换真诚,以真心换真心,方能收获真情。67. 不贪图享受,不追求奢华,心安理得,幸福美满。68. 做人要善良,要正直,要光明磊落。69. 心存善念,行善事,福报自然来临。70. 宽容待人,理解别人,才能化解矛盾。71. 帮助他人,成就自己,人生的价值在于奉献。72. 不为名利所累,不为金钱所惑,守住初心,方得始终。73. 心怀感恩,懂得珍惜,生活才会充满阳光。74. 正直做人,光明磊落,不做亏心事,夜夜睡得香。75. 仁义礼智信,人之根本,德行是立身之本。76. 善恶有报,因果循环,种善因,得善果。77. 不贪不占,不欺不诈,做一个问心无愧的人。78. 知错能改,善莫大焉,改过自新,重获新生。79. 宽容待人,以德服人,用爱化解怨恨。80. 心存善念,行善事,福报自然来。81. 以诚待人,真诚相待,方能赢得真情。82. 不计较得失,不患得患失,坦然面对人生。83. 做好事,积善缘,福报无处不在。84. 心怀慈悲,怜悯众生,救苦救难,功德无量。85. 帮助他人,成就自己,人生的意义在于奉献。86. 人生路上,要学会感恩,学会珍惜,学会宽容。87. 不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。88. 知足常乐,心满意足,生活才会更加美好。89. 做人要讲良心,要讲诚信,要讲道德。90. 仁义礼智信,是做人的基本准则。91. 宽容待人,体谅别人,才能赢得友谊。**英文**

1. Life is but a fleeting moment, live with integrity and a clear conscience.

2. Kindness is our nature, compassion is our virtue, accumulate good deeds and bless future generations.

3. In this life, do good deeds, cultivate good karma, don't forget your original intention, and you will succeed in the end.

4. Being kind to others benefits oneself, a kind heart brings lasting blessings.

5. Cherish the present, be grateful for life, treat everyone with a kind heart.

6. Be sincere with others, don't be hypocritical or deceitful, so you can earn respect.

7. People should know how to be grateful, grateful to their parents, grateful to their friends, grateful to life.

8. Helping others makes you happy, doing good deeds and maintaining good thoughts.

9. Don't dwell on gains and losses, learn to give, and giving will lead to rewards.

10. Don't seek reward, just peace of mind, do good deeds without regrets.

11. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, put yourself in their shoes.

12. It's better to suffer a loss than to take advantage of others, be honest and upright in your dealings.

13. Having good intentions leads to good deeds, a compassionate heart brings happiness.

14. Treat people sincerely, give with your heart, and you will reap genuine affection.

15. Be tolerant, understanding, and repay evil with kindness to resolve conflicts.

16. Being kind to others will be rewarded with kindness, a compassionate heart brings longevity and blessings.

17. Live a meaningful life, be true to yourself and your family.

18. Don't be swayed by fame and fortune, don't be tempted by money, hold onto your original intention and you will succeed in the end.

19. A grateful heart knows how to cherish, and life will be filled with sunshine.

20. Be upright, be honest, don't do anything wrong, and sleep soundly at night.

21. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the fundamental principles of human beings, virtues are the foundation of one's character.

22. Good and evil have their retribution, cause and effect are cyclical, plant good seeds and reap good fruit.

23. Don't be greedy, don't cheat, be a person with a clear conscience.

24. It's a great virtue to be able to admit your mistakes, reform yourself and start anew.

25. Be tolerant, use virtue to persuade, use love to overcome hatred.

26. Have good intentions, do good deeds, and blessings will naturally come.

27. Treat others with sincerity, be sincere and you will gain genuine affection.

28. Don't dwell on gains and losses, don't worry about what you have or don't have, face life calmly.

29. Do good deeds, cultivate good karma, blessings are everywhere.

30. Have compassion, pity all living beings, relieve suffering and hardship, and your merit will be immeasurable.

31. Helping others accomplishes yourself, the meaning of life lies in giving.

32. On the journey of life, learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, learn to be tolerant.

33. Don't do good deeds just because they are small, don't do evil deeds just because they are small.

34. Be content with what you have, be satisfied, and life will be more beautiful.

35. Be a person of conscience, honesty, and morality.

36. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the basic principles of being a good person.

37. Be tolerant and considerate of others to gain friendship.

38. Helping others is helping yourself, helping others is a joy.

39. Exchange sincerity for sincerity, exchange heart for heart, and you will gain genuine affection.

40. Don't crave enjoyment, don't pursue luxury, be at peace with yourself, and live happily ever after.

41. Be kind, be honest, be upright.

42. Have good intentions, do good deeds, and blessings will naturally come.

43. Be tolerant, understand others, and you will be able to resolve conflicts.

44. Helping others accomplishes yourself, the value of life lies in giving.

45. Don't be swayed by fame and fortune, don't be tempted by money, hold onto your original intention and you will succeed in the end.

46. A grateful heart knows how to cherish, and life will be filled with sunshine.

47. Be upright, be honest, don't do anything wrong, and sleep soundly at night.

48. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the fundamental principles of human beings, virtues are the foundation of one's character.

49. Good and evil have their retribution, cause and effect are cyclical, plant good seeds and reap good fruit.

50. Don't be greedy, don't cheat, be a person with a clear conscience.

51. It's a great virtue to be able to admit your mistakes, reform yourself and start anew.

52. Be tolerant, use virtue to persuade, use love to overcome hatred.

53. Have good intentions, do good deeds, and blessings will naturally come.

54. Treat others with sincerity, be sincere and you will gain genuine affection.

55. Don't dwell on gains and losses, don't worry about what you have or don't have, face life calmly.

56. Do good deeds, cultivate good karma, blessings are everywhere.

57. Have compassion, pity all living beings, relieve suffering and hardship, and your merit will be immeasurable.

58. Helping others accomplishes yourself, the meaning of life lies in giving.

59. On the journey of life, learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, learn to be tolerant.

60. Don't do good deeds just because they are small, don't do evil deeds just because they are small.

61. Be content with what you have, be satisfied, and life will be more beautiful.

62. Be a person of conscience, honesty, and morality.

63. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the basic principles of being a good person.

64. Be tolerant and considerate of others to gain friendship.

65. Helping others is helping yourself, helping others is a joy.

66. Exchange sincerity for sincerity, exchange heart for heart, and you will gain genuine affection.

67. Don't crave enjoyment, don't pursue luxury, be at peace with yourself, and live happily ever after.

68. Be kind, be honest, be upright.

69. Have good intentions, do good deeds, and blessings will naturally come.

70. Be tolerant, understand others, and you will be able to resolve conflicts.

71. Helping others accomplishes yourself, the value of life lies in giving.

72. Don't be swayed by fame and fortune, don't be tempted by money, hold onto your original intention and you will succeed in the end.

73. A grateful heart knows how to cherish, and life will be filled with sunshine.

74. Be upright, be honest, don't do anything wrong, and sleep soundly at night.

75. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the fundamental principles of human beings, virtues are the foundation of one's character.

76. Good and evil have their retribution, cause and effect are cyclical, plant good seeds and reap good fruit.

77. Don't be greedy, don't cheat, be a person with a clear conscience.

78. It's a great virtue to be able to admit your mistakes, reform yourself and start anew.

79. Be tolerant, use virtue to persuade, use love to overcome hatred.

80. Have good intentions, do good deeds, and blessings will naturally come.

81. Treat others with sincerity, be sincere and you will gain genuine affection.

82. Don't dwell on gains and losses, don't worry about what you have or don't have, face life calmly.

83. Do good deeds, cultivate good karma, blessings are everywhere.

84. Have compassion, pity all living beings, relieve suffering and hardship, and your merit will be immeasurable.

85. Helping others accomplishes yourself, the meaning of life lies in giving.

86. On the journey of life, learn to be grateful, learn to cherish, learn to be tolerant.

87. Don't do good deeds just because they are small, don't do evil deeds just because they are small.

88. Be content with what you have, be satisfied, and life will be more beautiful.

89. Be a person of conscience, honesty, and morality.

90. Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the basic principles of being a good person.

91. Be tolerant and considerate of others to gain friendship.


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