
## 79句交代后事句子及英文翻译**一、关于财产分配**1. 我的财产由XXX继承,请他/她妥善处理。

My property will be inherited by XXX, please ask him/her to handle it properly.

2. 我的存款在XXX银行,账号是XXX,请XXX帮忙处理。

My deposit is in XXX bank, the account number is XXX, please ask XXX to help handle it.

3. 我所有的房产都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好利用。

All my real estate will be left to XXX, I hope he/she can make good use of it.

4. 我的个人物品请XXX帮忙整理,有需要的东西可以留给XXX。

Please ask XXX to help organize my personal belongings, and you can leave the necessary things to XXX.

5. 我的车留给XXX,希望他/她能好好使用。

I'll leave my car to XXX, I hope he/she can use it well.

6. 我的遗物请XXX保管,如果XXX需要,可以将它们赠送给他/她。

Please keep my relics with XXX, and you can give them to XXX if he/she needs them.

7. 我所有的债务由XXX负责偿还,请XXX帮忙处理。

All my debts are to be repaid by XXX, please ask XXX to help handle them.

8. 我希望我的财产能被合理分配,不要造成任何纠纷。

I hope my property can be allocated reasonably and avoid any disputes.

9. 我的保险受益人是我的XXX,请将保险金支付给他/她。

My insurance beneficiary is my XXX, please pay the insurance money to him/her.

10. 我希望我的财产能用来帮助XXX,希望他/她能过上更好的生活。

I hope my property can be used to help XXX and that he/she can live a better life.

**二、关于丧事安排**11. 我希望我的葬礼简单朴素,不要太过铺张浪费。

I hope my funeral will be simple and unpretentious, not too extravagant.

12. 我不想举行遗体告别仪式,希望亲朋好友可以到XXX处聚餐,缅怀我。

I don't want to have a funeral, I hope my relatives and friends can gather at XXX for a meal and remember me.

13. 我希望我的骨灰安葬在XXX,那里是我的故乡。

I hope my ashes can be buried in XXX, where my hometown is.

14. 我希望我的墓碑简单,上面只刻上我的名字和生卒年月。

I hope my tombstone is simple, with only my name and birth and death dates inscribed on it.

15. 我不想举行任何宗教仪式,请按照我的意愿安排我的丧事。

I don't want to have any religious ceremonies, please arrange my funeral according to my wishes.

16. 我希望我的亲朋好友能来参加我的葬礼,送我最后一程。

I hope my relatives and friends can come to my funeral and send me off on my final journey.

17. 我希望我的家人能坚强,不要因为我的离去而过于悲伤。

I hope my family can be strong and not be too sad because of my departure.

18. 我希望我的离去不会给家人带来负担,请他们一切以生活为重。

I hope my departure will not burden my family, please ask them to prioritize life.

19. 我希望我的亲朋好友都能安好,永远记住我。

I hope all my relatives and friends are well and always remember me.

20. 我希望我的葬礼结束后,所有人都能重回正常的生活。

I hope everyone can return to their normal lives after my funeral.

**三、关于个人意愿**21. 我希望我的遗体捐献给医学研究,为科学事业贡献力量。

I hope my body can be donated to medical research to contribute to the scientific cause.

22. 我希望我的器官能够捐献给需要的人,让他们重获新生。

I hope my organs can be donated to those in need so that they can have a new life.

23. 我希望我的家人能继承我的遗志,继续为社会做出贡献。

I hope my family can inherit my will and continue to contribute to society.

24. 我希望我的朋友们能互相帮助,共同度过难关。

I hope my friends can help each other and overcome difficulties together.

25. 我希望我的亲人能够幸福健康,永远快乐的生活。

I hope my loved ones can be happy and healthy and live happily forever.

26. 我希望我的家人能够理解和支持我的决定,不要为我感到难过。

I hope my family can understand and support my decisions, and not be sad for me.

27. 我希望我的离去能够让家人更加珍惜彼此,相亲相爱。

I hope my departure can make my family cherish each other more and love each other.

28. 我希望我的朋友们能够记住我的优点,忘记我的缺点。

I hope my friends can remember my strengths and forget my weaknesses.

29. 我希望我的家人能够用我的方式生活,活出精彩的人生。

I hope my family can live in my way and live a wonderful life.

30. 我希望我的离去能够给家人带来启迪,让他们更加珍惜生命,活出生命的价值。

I hope my departure can inspire my family to cherish life more and live out the value of life.

**四、关于生活感悟**31. 人生苦短,要珍惜眼前人,不要留下遗憾。

Life is short, cherish the people in front of you, and don't leave any regrets.

32. 人活着,要懂得感恩,要对爱我的人好。

People live to know how to be grateful, to be kind to those who love me.

33. 人要活得坦荡,不要为了虚名而活。

People should live with integrity and not live for empty fame.

34. 人生无常,要活在当下,不要留恋过去。

Life is impermanent, live in the present, and don't dwell on the past.

35. 要懂得珍惜时间,不要浪费光阴,做一些有意义的事情。

You must cherish time, not waste time, and do meaningful things.

36. 要学会宽容,不要计较得失,与人为善。

Learn to be tolerant, don't care about gains and losses, and be kind to others.

37. 人生就是一场修行,要不断学习,不断成长。

Life is a practice, we must constantly learn and grow.

38. 要勇于追逐梦想,不要被现实所束缚。

Be brave to pursue your dreams, and don't be bound by reality.

39. 要懂得享受生活,不要被压力所压垮。

Know how to enjoy life and don't be overwhelmed by pressure.

40. 人生短暂,要活得精彩,不要留下遗憾。

Life is short, live it to the fullest, and don't leave any regrets.

**五、关于思念**41. 我会永远记得你们,希望你们能过得幸福快乐。

I will always remember you, I hope you can live happily.

42. 我走了,但我的爱会永远陪伴着你们。

I'm gone, but my love will always be with you.

43. 请不要为我难过,我会在天堂看着你们。

Please don't be sad for me, I will be watching you from heaven.

44. 我会永远记得你们对我的好,我会在另一个世界祝福你们。

I will always remember your kindness to me, and I will bless you in another world.

45. 即使我离开了,也希望你们能感受到我的爱。

Even if I'm gone, I hope you can feel my love.

46. 我不会忘记你们,我会永远爱着你们。

I will never forget you, I will always love you.

47. 我会在天堂看着你们,希望你们能够一切顺利。

I will be watching you from heaven, I hope you can go smoothly.

48. 我走了,但我的灵魂会永远陪伴着你们。

I'm gone, but my soul will always be with you.

49. 请不要悲伤,我会在另一个世界守护着你们。

Please don't be sad, I will protect you in another world.

50. 我会永远记得你们的笑容,我会在天堂祝福你们。

I will always remember your smiles, and I will bless you from heaven.

**六、关于其他**51. 我所有的银行卡密码是XXX,请XXX保管好。

All my bank card passwords are XXX, please keep them safe with XXX.

52. 我所有的重要文件都放在XXX,请XXX妥善保管。

All my important documents are in XXX, please keep them safe with XXX.

53. 我所有的社交账号密码是XXX,请XXX帮我注销。

All my social account passwords are XXX, please ask XXX to help me cancel them.

54. 我的手机号码是XXX,请XXX帮我停机。

My mobile phone number is XXX, please ask XXX to help me stop the service.

55. 我的宠物XXX由XXX照顾,请XXX不要抛弃它。

My pet XXX is taken care of by XXX, please ask XXX not to abandon it.

56. 我所有的债务由XXX负责偿还,请XXX帮忙处理。

All my debts are to be repaid by XXX, please ask XXX to help handle them.

57. 我所有的遗嘱都写在XXX,请XXX帮忙执行。

All my wills are written in XXX, please ask XXX to help implement them.

58. 我的所有个人信息都储存在XXX,请XXX帮忙处理。

All my personal information is stored in XXX, please ask XXX to help handle it.

59. 我所有的遗物都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好保管。

I will leave all my relics to XXX, I hope he/she can take good care of them.

60. 我所有的书籍都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好阅读。

I will leave all my books to XXX, I hope he/she can read them well.

61. 我所有的照片都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好珍藏。

I will leave all my photos to XXX, I hope he/she can cherish them well.

62. 我所有的纪念品都留给XXX,希望他/她能记得我。

I will leave all my souvenirs to XXX, I hope he/she can remember me.

63. 我所有的贵重物品都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好使用。

I will leave all my valuables to XXX, I hope he/she can use them well.

64. 我的所有衣物都留给XXX,希望他/她能穿上它们。

I will leave all my clothes to XXX, I hope he/she can wear them.

65. 我所有的首饰都留给XXX,希望他/她能戴上它们。

I will leave all my jewelry to XXX, I hope he/she can wear them.

66. 我的所有手表都留给XXX,希望他/她能记得我的时间。

I will leave all my watches to XXX, I hope he/she can remember my time.

67. 我的所有眼镜都留给XXX,希望他/她能看得更清楚。

I will leave all my glasses to XXX, I hope he/she can see more clearly.

68. 我的所有帽子都留给XXX,希望他/她能遮挡阳光。

I will leave all my hats to XXX, I hope he/she can shade the sun.

69. 我的所有鞋子都留给XXX,希望他/她能走得更稳。

I will leave all my shoes to XXX, I hope he/she can walk more steadily.

70. 我的所有包包都留给XXX,希望他/她能装下所有东西。

I will leave all my bags to XXX, I hope he/she can fit everything in.

71. 我的所有化妆品都留给XXX,希望他/她能变得更漂亮。

I will leave all my cosmetics to XXX, I hope he/she can become more beautiful.

72. 我的所有香水都留给XXX,希望他/她能散发迷人的香气。

I will leave all my perfumes to XXX, I hope he/she can give off a charming scent.

73. 我的所有书籍都留给XXX,希望他/她能从中获得知识。

I will leave all my books to XXX, I hope he/she can gain knowledge from them.

74. 我的所有艺术品都留给XXX,希望他/她能欣赏它们。

I will leave all my artwork to XXX, I hope he/she can appreciate them.

75. 我的所有收藏品都留给XXX,希望他/她能珍藏它们。

I will leave all my collections to XXX, I hope he/she can cherish them.

76. 我的所有照片都留给XXX,希望他/她能记得我的样子。

I will leave all my photos to XXX, I hope he/she can remember my appearance.

77. 我的所有纪念品都留给XXX,希望他/她能想起我。

I will leave all my souvenirs to XXX, I hope he/she can think of me.

78. 我的所有宠物都留给XXX,希望他/她能照顾好它们。

I will leave all my pets to XXX, I hope he/she can take good care of them.

79. 我的所有东西都留给XXX,希望他/她能好好利用。

I will leave all my things to XXX, I hope he/she can use them well.

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