
## 68 句关于起程工作的句子,并附英文翻译

**1. 今天,我踏上了新的征程。**

Today, I embark on a new journey.

**2. 充满期待,开启新的篇章。**

With anticipation, I begin a new chapter.

**3. 带着梦想,我将努力奋斗。**

With dreams in my heart, I will strive to achieve.

**4. 新的起点,新的挑战,新的机遇。**

A new beginning, new challenges, new opportunities.

**5. 怀揣着希望,我满怀热情。**

Filled with hope, I am brimming with passion.

**6. 带着勇气,我将迎接挑战。**

With courage, I will face the challenges.

**7. 努力拼搏,成就梦想。**

Work hard and achieve your dreams.

**8. 相信自己,我能行。**

Believe in yourself, you can do it.

**9. 从今天起,我要更加努力。**

Starting today, I will work even harder.

**10. 每一天都是新的开始。**

Every day is a new beginning.

**11. 挑战自我,突破极限。**

Challenge yourself, push your limits.

**12. 追求卓越,永不止步。**

Strive for excellence, never stop.

**13. 我已准备好迎接新的挑战。**

I am ready to embrace new challenges.

**14. 我将用行动证明自己。**

I will prove myself with my actions.

**15. 愿梦想照亮前行的路。**

May my dreams illuminate my path.

**16. 带着热情,我将迎接新的挑战。**

With passion, I will embrace new challenges.

**17. 我相信,我能创造奇迹。**

I believe I can create miracles.

**18. 我相信,我能取得成功。**

I believe I can achieve success.

**19. 我已准备好迎接新的机遇。**

I am ready to embrace new opportunities.

**20. 我将用努力和汗水,开创属于自己的精彩。**

With hard work and sweat, I will create my own brilliance.

**21. 我要努力成为更好的自己。**

I will strive to be a better version of myself.

**22. 我将不断学习,不断成长。**

I will continuously learn and grow.

**23. 我将用行动,创造美好的未来。**

I will create a beautiful future with my actions.

**24. 我相信,我能创造属于自己的辉煌。**

I believe I can create my own glory.

**25. 我已准备好迎接新的征程。**

I am ready to embark on a new journey.

**26. 我将用行动,向世界证明自己的价值。**

I will prove my worth to the world with my actions.

**27. 我将用努力,实现梦想。**

I will achieve my dreams with hard work.

**28. 我将用汗水,浇灌梦想的花朵。**

I will water the flowers of my dreams with sweat.

**29. 我将用坚持,战胜困难。**

I will overcome difficulties with perseverance.

**30. 我将用自信,面对挑战。**

I will face challenges with confidence.

**31. 我将用勇气,开拓新的天地。**

I will use courage to explore new frontiers.

**32. 我将用智慧,创造无限可能。**

I will use my wisdom to create endless possibilities.

**33. 我将用热情,点燃梦想的火焰。**

I will ignite the flame of my dreams with passion.

**34. 我将用行动,创造美好未来。**

I will create a brighter future with my actions.

**35. 我已准备好,迎接新的挑战。**

I am ready to face new challenges.

**36. 我将用努力,创造属于自己的奇迹。**

I will create my own miracles with hard work.

**37. 我将用行动,证明自己的实力。**

I will prove my strength with my actions.

**38. 我将用汗水,浇灌梦想的花朵。**

I will water the flowers of my dreams with sweat.

**39. 我将用坚持,战胜一切困难。**

I will overcome all difficulties with perseverance.

**40. 我将用自信,迎接每一个挑战。**

I will face every challenge with confidence.

**41. 我将用勇气,开拓新的领域。**

I will use courage to explore new fields.

**42. 我将用智慧,创造更多的奇迹。**

I will use my wisdom to create more miracles.

**43. 我将用热情,点燃梦想的火种。**

I will ignite the spark of my dreams with passion.

**44. 我将用行动,创造更加美好的未来。**

I will create an even brighter future with my actions.

**45. 我已准备好,迎接新的征程。**

I am ready to embark on a new journey.

**46. 我将用行动,证明自己的价值。**

I will prove my worth with my actions.

**47. 我将用努力,实现心中的梦想。**

I will achieve my dreams with hard work.

**48. 我将用汗水,浇灌成功的果实。**

I will water the fruits of success with sweat.

**49. 我将用坚持,战胜任何困难。**

I will overcome any difficulty with perseverance.

**50. 我将用自信,面对未来的挑战。**

I will face future challenges with confidence.

**51. 我将用勇气,开拓更广阔的天地。**

I will use courage to explore a wider world.

**52. 我将用智慧,创造无限的可能。**

I will use my wisdom to create infinite possibilities.

**53. 我将用热情,点燃人生的火焰。**

I will ignite the flame of my life with passion.

**54. 我将用行动,创造更加美好的未来。**

I will create a more beautiful future with my actions.

**55. 我已准备好,迎接新的挑战。**

I am ready to face new challenges.

**56. 我将用努力,创造属于自己的奇迹。**

I will create my own miracles with hard work.

**57. 我将用行动,证明自己的实力。**

I will prove my strength with my actions.

**58. 我将用汗水,浇灌梦想的花园。**

I will water the garden of my dreams with sweat.

**59. 我将用坚持,战胜任何挫折。**

I will overcome any setback with perseverance.

**60. 我将用自信,面对人生的考验。**

I will face life's trials with confidence.

**61. 我将用勇气,开拓更广阔的视野。**

I will use courage to explore a wider perspective.

**62. 我将用智慧,创造更多的人生价值。**

I will use my wisdom to create more value in my life.

**63. 我将用热情,点燃生命的激情。**

I will ignite the passion of my life with enthusiasm.

**64. 我将用行动,创造更加美好的世界。**

I will create a better world with my actions.

**65. 我已准备好,迎接新的挑战。**

I am ready to face new challenges.

**66. 我将用努力,创造属于自己的传奇。**

I will create my own legend with hard work.

**67. 我将用行动,证明自己的价值。**

I will prove my worth with my actions.

**68. 我将用坚持,创造生命的精彩。**

I will create a vibrant life with perseverance.

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