
## 才华配不上梦想的句子 (89句)

**1.** 梦想很丰满,现实很骨感。

Dreams are full, but reality is bony.

**2.** 才华有限,野心无边。

Talent is limited, but ambition is boundless.

**3.** 想要飞翔,却无羽翼。

Want to fly, but have no wings.

**4.** 心比天高,命比纸薄。

The heart is higher than the sky, but the life is thinner than paper.

**5.** 理想很美好,现实很残酷。

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

**6.** 怀才不遇,满腹经纶。

Having talent but not meeting with the right opportunity, full of knowledge and ability.

**7.** 千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。

There are always good horses, but not always good judges.

**8.** 满腔热血,却无处施展。

Full of enthusiasm, but nowhere to show it.

**9.** 天赋异禀,却碌碌无为。

Gifted, yet mediocre.

**10.** 一腔孤勇,却抵不过现实的冷酷。

Courage alone can't overcome the harshness of reality.

**11.** 空有梦想,却无行动的支撑。

Having dreams but no support from action.

**12.** 梦想如星辰般闪耀,现实却如泥潭般沉重。

Dreams shine like stars, but reality is heavy like mud.

**13.** 心怀天下,却无力改变现状。

To have a heart for the world, but powerless to change the status quo.

**14.** 才华是一把剑,梦想是远方,但现实是山路崎岖。

Talent is a sword, dreams are the distance, but reality is a rugged mountain road.

**15.** 梦想像风筝,才华像线,现实的风吹得线断,风筝也落了。

Dreams are like kites, talent is like string, the wind of reality breaks the string, and the kite falls.

**16.** 我渴望飞翔,却发现自己只是一只笼中鸟。

I long to fly, but I find myself just a bird in a cage.

**17.** 梦想是海上的灯塔,指引着前进的方向,却无法替代现实中的航行。

Dreams are like lighthouses on the sea, guiding the way forward, but cannot replace the actual navigation in reality.

**18.** 我拥有梦想,却没有实现梦想的勇气。

I have dreams, but I don't have the courage to realize them.

**19.** 梦想是永远的追求,现实是不得不面对的残酷。

Dreams are an eternal pursuit, reality is the cruelty that must be faced.

**20.** 才华如同沙漠里的绿洲,美丽却易逝。

Talent is like an oasis in the desert, beautiful but fleeting.

**21.** 梦想是火,现实是水,水能灭火,现实也能扼杀梦想。

Dreams are fire, reality is water, water can extinguish fire, reality can also kill dreams.

**22.** 我想要飞,却发现自己没有翅膀。

I want to fly, but I find I have no wings.

**23.** 梦想是种子,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子便难以发芽。

Dreams are seeds, reality is soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds will find it difficult to germinate.

**24.** 我渴望改变世界,却发现自己无能为力。

I long to change the world, but I find I am powerless.

**25.** 才华是一把钥匙,梦想是一扇门,但现实却是一堵高墙。

Talent is a key, dreams are a door, but reality is a high wall.

**26.** 梦想如花朵般美丽,现实却如荆棘般锋利。

Dreams are as beautiful as flowers, but reality is as sharp as thorns.

**27.** 我拥有才华,却没有机会展示。

I have talent, but I have no opportunity to show it.

**28.** 梦想是夜空中闪烁的星星,现实是脚下的泥土。

Dreams are like twinkling stars in the night sky, reality is the earth beneath our feet.

**29.** 我想要成为太阳,却发现自己只是一颗尘埃。

I want to be the sun, but I find I am just a speck of dust.

**30.** 梦想是蓝图,现实是施工图,蓝图很完美,但施工图却满是缺陷。

Dreams are blueprints, reality is construction drawings, the blueprints are perfect, but the construction drawings are full of defects.

**31.** 才华是一把利剑,梦想是战场,现实是敌军。

Talent is a sharp sword, dreams are the battlefield, reality is the enemy army.

**32.** 梦想是高耸的山峰,现实是崎岖的山路。

Dreams are towering mountains, reality is a rugged mountain road.

**33.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是一粒沙。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just a grain of sand.

**34.** 梦想是星辰大海,现实是柴米油盐。

Dreams are the stars and the sea, reality is the daily grind of life.

**35.** 才华是珍珠,梦想是项链,现实是绳子,绳子断了,珍珠也就散了。

Talent is a pearl, dreams are a necklace, reality is the string, if the string breaks, the pearls scatter.

**36.** 梦想是种子,现实是环境,环境不适合,种子就无法生长。

Dreams are seeds, reality is the environment, if the environment is unsuitable, the seeds cannot grow.

**37.** 我想要成为英雄,却发现自己只是一个普通人。

I want to be a hero, but I find I am just an ordinary person.

**38.** 梦想是远方,现实是脚下,脚下的路很长,远方却遥不可及。

Dreams are the distance, reality is underfoot, the road underfoot is long, but the distance is unreachable.

**39.** 才华是宝藏,梦想是地图,现实是迷宫,地图指引方向,但迷宫却让人迷失。

Talent is treasure, dreams are maps, reality is a maze, maps guide direction, but mazes lead people astray.

**40.** 梦想是金子,现实是泥土,金子埋在泥土里,就失去了光彩。

Dreams are gold, reality is soil, gold buried in the soil loses its luster.

**41.** 我想要改变世界,却发现世界并不需要我的改变。

I want to change the world, but I find that the world doesn't need my change.

**42.** 梦想是帆船,现实是风浪,风浪太大,帆船就会沉没。

Dreams are sailboats, reality is storms, if the storms are too strong, the sailboats will sink.

**43.** 我想要成为诗人,却发现自己只是个写作者。

I want to be a poet, but I find I am just a writer.

**44.** 梦想是高山,现实是平原,高山巍峨,却无法征服平原。

Dreams are high mountains, reality is a plain, the mountains are majestic, but they cannot conquer the plain.

**45.** 才华是玫瑰,梦想是花瓶,现实是刺,刺扎破了花瓶,玫瑰也凋谢了。

Talent is a rose, dreams are a vase, reality is a thorn, thorns pierce the vase, and the rose also withers.

**46.** 梦想是河流,现实是堤坝,河流想要奔腾,却会被堤坝阻挡。

Dreams are rivers, reality is dams, rivers want to rush, but they are blocked by dams.

**47.** 我想要改变世界,却发现改变世界需要的是行动,而不是空想。

I want to change the world, but I find that changing the world requires action, not empty thoughts.

**48.** 梦想是天上的月亮,现实是地上的影子,月亮再美,影子也无法触碰。

Dreams are the moon in the sky, reality is the shadow on the ground, no matter how beautiful the moon is, the shadow cannot be touched.

**49.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**50.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**51.** 我想要改变世界,却发现世界根本不需要我的改变,也容不下我的改变。

I want to change the world, but I find that the world doesn't need my change, and it can't accommodate my change.

**52.** 梦想是风筝,现实是绳子,绳子断了,风筝也就飞不起来了。

Dreams are kites, reality is string, if the string breaks, the kite can't fly.

**53.** 我想要成为画家,却发现自己只是一块画布。

I want to be a painter, but I find I am just a canvas.

**54.** 梦想是星辰,现实是泥土,星辰再耀眼,也无法改变泥土的平凡。

Dreams are stars, reality is soil, no matter how dazzling the stars are, they cannot change the ordinariness of the soil.

**55.** 才华是火焰,梦想是燃料,现实是水,水可以浇灭火焰,现实也可以扼杀梦想。

Talent is flame, dreams are fuel, reality is water, water can extinguish flames, reality can also kill dreams.

**56.** 梦想是海洋,现实是孤岛,孤岛再美,也无法触碰海洋。

Dreams are the ocean, reality is an island, no matter how beautiful the island is, it cannot touch the ocean.

**57.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**58.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**59.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

**60.** 梦想是宝石,现实是泥土,宝石再珍贵,也无法掩盖泥土的平凡。

Dreams are gems, reality is soil, no matter how precious the gems are, they cannot hide the ordinariness of the soil.

**61.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**62.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**63.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**64.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**65.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

**66.** 梦想是宝石,现实是泥土,宝石再珍贵,也无法掩盖泥土的平凡。

Dreams are gems, reality is soil, no matter how precious the gems are, they cannot hide the ordinariness of the soil.

**67.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**68.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**69.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**70.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**71.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

**72.** 梦想是宝石,现实是泥土,宝石再珍贵,也无法掩盖泥土的平凡。

Dreams are gems, reality is soil, no matter how precious the gems are, they cannot hide the ordinariness of the soil.

**73.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**74.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**75.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**76.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**77.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

**78.** 梦想是宝石,现实是泥土,宝石再珍贵,也无法掩盖泥土的平凡。

Dreams are gems, reality is soil, no matter how precious the gems are, they cannot hide the ordinariness of the soil.

**79.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**80.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**81.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**82.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**83.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

**84.** 梦想是宝石,现实是泥土,宝石再珍贵,也无法掩盖泥土的平凡。

Dreams are gems, reality is soil, no matter how precious the gems are, they cannot hide the ordinariness of the soil.

**85.** 才华是种子,梦想是阳光,现实是土壤,土壤贫瘠,种子就无法发芽,阳光也无法照亮。

Talent is the seed, dreams are the sunlight, reality is the soil, if the soil is barren, the seeds cannot germinate, and the sunlight cannot illuminate.

**86.** 梦想是希望,现实是失望,失望太多,希望就会破灭。

Dreams are hope, reality is disappointment, too much disappointment, hope will be destroyed.

**87.** 我想要改变世界,却发现自己只是这个世界的一部分。

I want to change the world, but I find I am just part of this world.

**88.** 梦想是航标,现实是航程,航程再漫长,航标也无法改变航程的方向。

Dreams are beacons, reality is the voyage, no matter how long the voyage is, the beacon cannot change the direction of the voyage.

**89.** 我想要成为作家,却发现自己只是一个讲述故事的人。

I want to be a writer, but I find I am just a storyteller.

以上就是关于才华配不上梦想的句子89句(才华配不上梦想的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
