
## 不舒服身体句子 (76 句)

1. 我感觉很不舒服,浑身无力。

I feel very unwell and weak all over.

2. 我的头很痛,好像要爆炸了。

My head is pounding, like it's going to explode.

3. 我喉咙痛,吞咽困难。

My throat is sore, and it's hard to swallow.

4. 我胃很不舒服,感觉要吐了。

My stomach is upset, and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

5. 我发烧了,体温很高。

I have a fever, and my temperature is very high.

6. 我肚子疼,好像有东西在里面搅动。

My stomach hurts, and it feels like something is churning inside.

7. 我鼻塞了,呼吸不畅。

My nose is stuffy, and I can't breathe properly.

8. 我咳嗽不止,咳得我喘不过气。

I can't stop coughing, and it's making me breathless.

9. 我全身酸痛,像被车撞了一样。

My whole body aches, like I was hit by a car.

10. 我感觉很疲倦,好像怎么都睡不够。

I feel very tired, and I can't seem to get enough sleep.

11. 我头晕目眩,感觉眼前发黑。

I feel dizzy and lightheaded, and I feel like I'm going to faint.

12. 我浑身发冷,像掉进了冰窟窿里。

I'm shivering all over, like I've fallen into a freezing cold well.

13. 我感到恶心,什么东西都吃不下。

I feel nauseous, and I can't eat anything.

14. 我浑身无力,连站都站不稳。

I feel weak all over, and I can't even stand up straight.

15. 我眼睛很干涩,感觉像有沙子在里面。

My eyes are very dry, and it feels like there's sand in them.

16. 我喉咙痒痒的,忍不住想咳嗽。

My throat is itchy, and I can't help but cough.

17. 我鼻子流鼻涕,一直不停地流。

My nose is running, and it won't stop.

18. 我打喷嚏,打得我头昏脑涨。

I'm sneezing, and it's making my head spin.

19. 我感觉很冷,好像冷得要感冒了。

I feel very cold, like I'm going to catch a cold.

20. 我感觉很热,好像要发烧了。

I feel very hot, like I'm going to get a fever.

21. 我喉咙里好像有痰,咳不出来。

I feel like there's phlegm in my throat, and I can't cough it up.

22. 我身上发痒,像被蚊子咬了一样。

My body is itchy, like I've been bitten by mosquitoes.

23. 我感觉很累,好像做什么都提不起劲。

I feel very tired, and I can't seem to muster any energy to do anything.

24. 我感觉很虚弱,好像随时都要倒下。

I feel very weak, like I'm going to collapse at any moment.

25. 我感觉很痛,好像被针扎了一样。

I feel very painful, like I've been pricked by a needle.

26. 我感到呼吸困难,好像喘不过气来。

I feel like I'm having trouble breathing, like I can't catch my breath.

27. 我感觉很焦虑,好像有什么不好的事情要发生。

I feel very anxious, like something bad is going to happen.

28. 我感觉很抑郁,好像什么事情都提不起兴趣。

I feel very depressed, like I don't have any interest in anything.

29. 我感觉很害怕,好像有什么东西在跟踪我。

I feel very scared, like something is following me.

30. 我感觉很孤独,好像没有人理解我。

I feel very lonely, like nobody understands me.

31. 我感觉很悲伤,好像失去了什么重要的东西。

I feel very sad, like I've lost something important.

32. 我感觉很愤怒,好像有人故意在伤害我。

I feel very angry, like someone is intentionally hurting me.

33. 我感觉很羞愧,好像做了什么错事。

I feel very ashamed, like I've done something wrong.

34. 我感觉很尴尬,好像做了什么让人难堪的事情。

I feel very embarrassed, like I've done something embarrassing.

35. 我感觉很兴奋,好像要发生什么好事。

I feel very excited, like something good is going to happen.

36. 我感觉很高兴,好像全世界都属于我。

I feel very happy, like the whole world belongs to me.

37. 我感觉很放松,好像所有烦恼都消失了。

I feel very relaxed, like all my worries have disappeared.

38. 我感觉很平静,好像内心充满了宁静。

I feel very peaceful, like my heart is full of tranquility.

39. 我感觉很满足,好像拥有了所有想要的东西。

I feel very content, like I have everything I want.

40. 我感觉很充实,好像生命充满了意义。

I feel very fulfilled, like my life has a purpose.

41. 我感觉很迷茫,好像不知道自己想要什么。

I feel very lost, like I don't know what I want.

42. 我感觉很困惑,好像不明白发生了什么。

I feel very confused, like I don't understand what's happening.

43. 我感觉很沮丧,好像什么事情都做不好。

I feel very frustrated, like I can't do anything right.

44. 我感觉很失望,好像我的希望都破灭了。

I feel very disappointed, like all my hopes have been crushed.

45. 我感觉很无助,好像没有人可以帮助我。

I feel very helpless, like no one can help me.

46. 我感觉很绝望,好像我已经没有希望了。

I feel very hopeless, like I have no hope left.

47. 我感觉很孤独,好像没有人可以陪伴我。

I feel very lonely, like no one can keep me company.

48. 我感觉很无聊,好像没有事情可以做。

I feel very bored, like there's nothing to do.

49. 我感觉很害怕,好像有什么危险正在逼近。

I feel very scared, like some danger is approaching.

50. 我感觉很不安,好像有什么不好的事情要发生。

I feel very uneasy, like something bad is going to happen.

51. 我感觉很痛苦,好像我的心被撕裂了。

I feel very painful, like my heart is being torn apart.

52. 我感觉很崩溃,好像我再也无法承受了。

I feel very broken, like I can't take it anymore.

53. 我感觉很恶心,好像我吃错了什么东西。

I feel very sick, like I've eaten something bad.

54. 我感觉很虚弱,好像我快要病倒了。

I feel very weak, like I'm about to get sick.

55. 我感觉很冷,好像我被冻僵了。

I feel very cold, like I'm frozen.

56. 我感觉很热,好像我快要热昏过去了。

I feel very hot, like I'm going to faint from the heat.

57. 我感觉很痛,好像我被烫伤了。

I feel very painful, like I've been burned.

58. 我感觉很痒,好像我被蚊子咬了。

I feel very itchy, like I've been bitten by mosquitoes.

59. 我感觉很干,好像我快要渴死了。

I feel very dry, like I'm going to die of thirst.

60. 我感觉很湿,好像我被淋湿了。

I feel very wet, like I've been soaked.

61. 我感觉很重,好像我被压住了。

I feel very heavy, like I'm being pressed down.

62. 我感觉很轻,好像我快要飞起来了。

I feel very light, like I'm about to fly.

63. 我感觉很紧,好像我被勒住了。

I feel very tight, like I'm being strangled.

64. 我感觉很松,好像我快要散架了。

I feel very loose, like I'm about to fall apart.

65. 我感觉很硬,好像我被石化了。

I feel very hard, like I've been petrified.

66. 我感觉很软,好像我快要融化了。

I feel very soft, like I'm about to melt.

67. 我感觉很奇怪,好像我身处梦境中。

I feel very strange, like I'm in a dream.

68. 我感觉很熟悉,好像我以前经历过这一切。

I feel very familiar, like I've been through this before.

69. 我感觉很陌生,好像我身处另一个世界。

I feel very unfamiliar, like I'm in another world.

70. 我感觉很兴奋,好像我就要做成大事了。

I feel very excited, like I'm about to do something great.

71. 我感觉很沮丧,好像我永远无法成功。

I feel very discouraged, like I'll never succeed.

72. 我感觉很焦虑,好像我快要崩溃了。

I feel very anxious, like I'm about to break down.

73. 我感觉很平静,好像我终于找到了自己的方向。

I feel very calm, like I've finally found my way.

74. 我感觉很满足,好像我的人生已经圆满了。

I feel very content, like my life is complete.

75. 我感觉很幸福,好像我拥有了全世界。

I feel very happy, like I have the whole world.

76. 我感觉很悲伤,好像我失去了所有的一切。

I feel very sad, like I've lost everything.

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