
## 不翼而飞句子 (68句)

1. 我的手机不见了,真是不翼而飞。

My phone is gone, vanished into thin air.

2. 钱包里的钱不翼而飞,让我损失惨重。

The money in my wallet disappeared without a trace, causing me a huge loss.

3. 原本放在桌上的文件,现在却不见踪影,仿佛不翼而飞了。

The documents that were on the desk have vanished, as if they had flown away.

4. 她的笑容突然消失了,不翼而飞,让我感到疑惑。

Her smile suddenly disappeared, vanished into thin air, leaving me puzzled.

5. 时间仿佛不翼而飞,转眼间就到了毕业的季节。

Time seems to have flown by, and graduation season is here in a blink of an eye.

6. 他的希望不翼而飞,让他感到绝望。

His hopes vanished into thin air, leaving him feeling hopeless.

7. 我们曾经的梦想,现在已经不翼而飞,消失得无影无踪。

Our past dreams have vanished into thin air, disappeared without a trace.

8. 她精心准备的演讲稿,却在演讲前不翼而飞。

Her carefully prepared speech was gone before she could deliver it.

9. 这场比赛的冠军,最终不翼而飞,落入其他队伍手中。

The championship of this competition ultimately vanished, ending up in the hands of another team.

10. 他承诺的幸福生活,现在已经不翼而飞,变成了泡影。

The happy life he promised has vanished into thin air, becoming a mirage.

11. 她的自信心不翼而飞,让她变得更加沉默寡言。

Her confidence vanished into thin air, making her more silent and reserved.

12. 那些曾经的快乐,如今都已不翼而飞,只留下了空虚和失落。

Those past joys have all vanished into thin air, leaving behind only emptiness and disappointment.

13. 她的勇气不翼而飞,让她面对困难时束手无策。

Her courage vanished into thin air, leaving her helpless in the face of difficulties.

14. 他的热情不翼而飞,让他变得冷漠无情。

His passion vanished into thin air, making him cold and heartless.

15. 我们之间的距离越来越远,我们的感情也渐渐不翼而飞。

The distance between us is growing, and our feelings are gradually vanishing.

16. 他的承诺如同不翼而飞的烟云,无法抓住。

His promises are like smoke and clouds that vanish into thin air, impossible to grasp.

17. 美好的时光总是过得很快,不翼而飞,让人难以忘怀。

Good times always pass quickly, vanishing into thin air, leaving an unforgettable memory.

18. 他的幸福生活不翼而飞,只剩下无尽的痛苦。

His happy life vanished into thin air, leaving behind only endless pain.

19. 那些曾经的记忆,仿佛不翼而飞,消失在时间的长河里。

Those past memories seem to have vanished into thin air, disappearing into the river of time.

20. 她对未来充满了希望,但这份希望最终不翼而飞。

She was full of hope for the future, but that hope eventually vanished into thin air.

21. 她的梦想不翼而飞,让她对生活失去了目标。

Her dreams vanished into thin air, leaving her without a purpose in life.

22. 他所有的努力都付诸东流,他的梦想不翼而飞。

All his efforts went down the drain, and his dreams vanished into thin air.

23. 他的耐心不翼而飞,让他变得暴躁易怒。

His patience vanished into thin air, making him irritable and quick to anger.

24. 她对他的爱不翼而飞,让他感到无比心痛。

Her love for him vanished into thin air, leaving him with immense heartache.

25. 他们之间的默契不翼而飞,只剩下尴尬和沉默。

The unspoken understanding between them vanished into thin air, leaving only awkwardness and silence.

26. 她的青春不翼而飞,留下了无尽的回忆和遗憾。

Her youth vanished into thin air, leaving behind countless memories and regrets.

27. 他的计划不翼而飞,让他感到措手不及。

His plans vanished into thin air, leaving him caught off guard.

28. 她的笑容不翼而飞,取而代之的是痛苦和绝望。

Her smile vanished into thin air, replaced by pain and despair.

29. 他的梦想不翼而飞,他开始迷茫和失落。

His dreams vanished into thin air, and he began to feel lost and confused.

30. 她的自信心不翼而飞,她变得更加自卑和怯懦。

Her confidence vanished into thin air, making her more insecure and timid.

31. 他的幸福不翼而飞,他开始寻找新的目标和方向。

His happiness vanished into thin air, and he began to search for new goals and directions.

32. 她的热情不翼而飞,她变得更加冷静和理智。

Her passion vanished into thin air, making her more calm and rational.

33. 他的坚持不翼而飞,他最终放弃了梦想。

His persistence vanished into thin air, and he finally gave up on his dream.

34. 她的善良不翼而飞,她变得更加冷酷无情。

Her kindness vanished into thin air, making her more ruthless and cold-hearted.

35. 他的承诺不翼而飞,他成了一个背信弃义的人。

His promises vanished into thin air, and he became a person who broke his promises.

36. 她的希望不翼而飞,她对未来感到迷茫和困惑。

Her hope vanished into thin air, leaving her confused and uncertain about the future.

37. 他的机会不翼而飞,他错过了实现梦想的良机。

His opportunity vanished into thin air, and he missed the chance to realize his dream.

38. 她的爱情不翼而飞,她变得更加孤单和寂寞。

Her love vanished into thin air, making her more lonely and isolated.

39. 他的友谊不翼而飞,他失去了最亲密的伙伴。

His friendship vanished into thin air, and he lost his closest companion.

40. 他的努力不翼而飞,他感到非常沮丧和失落。

His efforts vanished into thin air, and he felt very frustrated and disappointed.

41. 她的快乐不翼而飞,她变得更加忧郁和消沉。

Her joy vanished into thin air, making her more melancholic and depressed.

42. 他的自信不翼而飞,他开始怀疑自己。

His confidence vanished into thin air, and he began to doubt himself.

43. 她的梦想不翼而飞,她开始寻找新的目标。

Her dream vanished into thin air, and she began to search for new goals.

44. 他的机会不翼而飞,他感到很遗憾。

His opportunity vanished into thin air, and he felt very regretful.

45. 她的热情不翼而飞,她变得更加冷静。

Her passion vanished into thin air, making her more calm.

46. 他的计划不翼而飞,他感到很困惑。

His plans vanished into thin air, and he felt very confused.

47. 她的爱情不翼而飞,她感到很痛苦。

Her love vanished into thin air, and she felt very painful.

48. 他的友谊不翼而飞,他感到很失落。

His friendship vanished into thin air, and he felt very lost.

49. 他的梦想不翼而飞,他感到很绝望。

His dream vanished into thin air, and he felt very desperate.

50. 她的希望不翼而飞,她感到很迷茫。

Her hope vanished into thin air, and she felt very confused.

51. 他的机会不翼而飞,他感到很可惜。

His opportunity vanished into thin air, and he felt very sorry.

52. 她的热情不翼而飞,她感到很冷淡。

Her passion vanished into thin air, and she felt very indifferent.

53. 他的计划不翼而飞,他感到很沮丧。

His plans vanished into thin air, and he felt very discouraged.

54. 她的爱情不翼而飞,她感到很空虚。

Her love vanished into thin air, and she felt very empty.

55. 他的友谊不翼而飞,他感到很孤独。

His friendship vanished into thin air, and he felt very lonely.

56. 他的梦想不翼而飞,他感到很沮丧。

His dream vanished into thin air, and he felt very depressed.

57. 她的希望不翼而飞,她感到很迷茫。

Her hope vanished into thin air, and she felt very confused.

58. 他的机会不翼而飞,他感到很遗憾。

His opportunity vanished into thin air, and he felt very sorry.

59. 她的热情不翼而飞,她感到很冷淡。

Her passion vanished into thin air, and she felt very indifferent.

60. 他的计划不翼而飞,他感到很沮丧。

His plans vanished into thin air, and he felt very discouraged.

61. 她的爱情不翼而飞,她感到很空虚。

Her love vanished into thin air, and she felt very empty.

62. 他的友谊不翼而飞,他感到很孤独。

His friendship vanished into thin air, and he felt very lonely.

63. 他的梦想不翼而飞,他感到很沮丧。

His dream vanished into thin air, and he felt very depressed.

64. 她的希望不翼而飞,她感到很迷茫。

Her hope vanished into thin air, and she felt very confused.

65. 他的机会不翼而飞,他感到很可惜。

His opportunity vanished into thin air, and he felt very sorry.

66. 她的热情不翼而飞,她感到很冷淡。

Her passion vanished into thin air, and she felt very indifferent.

67. 他的计划不翼而飞,他感到很沮丧。

His plans vanished into thin air, and he felt very discouraged.

68. 她的爱情不翼而飞,她感到很空虚。

Her love vanished into thin air, and she felt very empty.

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