
## 首次出征的句子,96句(含英文翻译)

**1. 新兵入伍,初次征战,心中既有忐忑,亦有豪情。**

The recruits, embarking on their first campaign, felt a mix of trepidation and exhilaration.

**2. 青涩的脸庞,稚嫩的眼神,却藏着坚定不移的决心。**

Their youthful faces and inexperienced eyes masked a resolute determination.

**3. 踏上征途,心中充满着对未知的渴望和对胜利的憧憬。**

They set off on their journey, their hearts filled with a yearning for the unknown and a vision of victory.

**4. 离开熟悉的故土,踏上陌生战场,心中难免会有几分不舍。**

Leaving behind the familiar comforts of home and venturing into unfamiliar battlefields, a touch of sadness lingered in their hearts.

**5. 告别家人朋友,踏上征程,心中涌起阵阵不舍。**

Saying goodbye to family and friends, they embarked on their journey, their hearts heavy with bittersweet farewells.

**6. 告别熟悉的街道,告别亲切的微笑,告别温暖的家。**

They bid farewell to familiar streets, friendly smiles, and the warmth of home.

**7. 告别了家乡的炊烟,告别了母亲的叮嘱,告别了童年的玩伴。**

They left behind the smoke from their hometown hearths, the comforting words of their mothers, and the companions of their childhood.

**8. 肩上扛起责任,心中怀揣梦想,他们毅然决然地踏上了征途。**

With a sense of responsibility on their shoulders and dreams in their hearts, they resolutely embarked on their journey.

**9. 怀揣着对祖国的忠诚,对人民的热爱,他们踏上了征途。**

Driven by loyalty to their country and love for their people, they set out on their mission.

**10. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,书写新的篇章。**

With their youth and passion, they were ready to write a new chapter in history.

**11. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,守护祖国的和平。**

They were prepared to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's peace.

**12. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战。**

With their combined strength, they were determined to overcome any obstacle and challenge.

**13. 他们将用自己的行动,证明自己的价值和力量。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and their strength.

**14. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,浇灌祖国的花朵。**

With their sweat and tears, they would nourish the seeds of their country's prosperity.

**15. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,谱写一首壮丽的诗篇。**

Their youth and passion would weave a magnificent tapestry of heroism and sacrifice.

**16. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,铸造一座不朽的丰碑。**

Their lives and their blood would be the foundation for a timeless monument of bravery.

**17. 他们将用自己的力量,去创造一个更加美好的未来。**

With their collective strength, they aimed to forge a brighter future for generations to come.

**18. 他们将用自己的行动,去书写历史的篇章。**

Their actions would become the ink that wrote the chronicles of history.

**19. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the seeds of hope for their nation's future.

**20. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the flames of their country's aspirations.

**21. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的荣耀。**

Their lives and their blood would be the shield that protected their country's honor.

**22. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切艰难险阻。**

They would overcome any challenge and adversity with their collective might.

**23. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的忠诚和勇敢。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and courage.

**24. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the seeds of their country's future prosperity.

**25. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去谱写一首不朽的赞歌。**

Their youth and passion would compose a timeless anthem of courage and sacrifice.

**26. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去铸造一座永恒的丰碑。**

Their lives and their blood would become the cornerstone of an enduring monument of bravery.

**27. 他们将用自己的力量,去创造一个更加美好的世界。**

They would use their combined strength to build a better world for all.

**28. 他们将用自己的行动,去书写新的历史篇章。**

Their actions would become the defining moments of a new chapter in history.

**29. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望之光。**

Their sweat and tears would nurture the flame of hope for their nation's future.

**30. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations.

**31. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to defend their country's dignity and honor.

**32. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的明天。**

They would overcome any obstacle and challenge, striving for a brighter future for all.

**33. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, becoming the authors of a new chapter in history.

**34. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit.

**35. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the flame of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward.

**36. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity.

**37. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope.

**38. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds.

**39. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,成为后人幸福的源泉。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, providing a source of happiness for future generations.

**40. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,为子孙后代带来光明和希望。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the flame of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward and illuminating the way for future generations.

**41. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,成为后人永远铭记的英雄。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and their heroism is forever remembered.

**42. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,成为后人梦想的起点。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, providing a starting point for future generations' dreams.

**43. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,为未来注入无限的动力。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds and injecting an endless source of motivation for the future.

**44. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,成为后人幸福的源泉,为他们提供安稳的生活和美好的未来。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, providing a source of happiness for future generations, ensuring a secure life and a promising future for them.

**45. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,为子孙后代带来光明和希望,让他们的未来充满无限的可能。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the flame of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward and illuminating the way for future generations, opening up a world of possibilities for their future.

**46. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,成为后人永远铭记的英雄,他们的名字将永远刻在历史的丰碑上。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and their heroism is forever remembered, their names etched forever in the annals of history.

**47. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,成为后人梦想的起点,他们将为未来留下宝贵的财富。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, providing a starting point for future generations' dreams, leaving behind a valuable legacy for the future.

**48. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,为未来注入无限的动力,他们将为世界留下深刻的印记。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds and injecting an endless source of motivation for the future, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

**49. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,成为后人幸福的源泉,为他们提供安稳的生活和美好的未来,他们将为世界带来和谐与发展。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, providing a source of happiness for future generations, ensuring a secure life and a promising future for them, contributing to global harmony and development.

**50. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,为子孙后代带来光明和希望,让他们的未来充满无限的可能,他们将为世界带来希望和力量。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the flame of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward and illuminating the way for future generations, opening up a world of possibilities for their future, bringing hope and strength to the world.

**51. 初次出征,心怀忐忑,却也满怀着对胜利的渴望。**

Embarking on their first campaign, they felt a mix of trepidation and a fervent desire for victory.

**52. 稚嫩的肩膀,却肩负着沉重的责任,他们将用自己的行动去证明自己。**

Despite their youth, they carried the weight of responsibility on their shoulders, ready to prove their worth through their actions.

**53. 离别时的泪水,是他们对家乡的眷恋,也是他们对胜利的期盼。**

The tears of farewell reflected their love for home and their unwavering hope for triumph.

**54. 踏上征途,他们带着对未来的憧憬,也带着对亲人的牵挂。**

They embarked on their journey, filled with dreams for the future and a sense of longing for their loved ones.

**55. 他们将用自己的鲜血和生命,去捍卫祖国的尊严,去守护人民的安宁。**

They were prepared to sacrifice their blood and their lives to defend their country's honor and protect the safety of their people.

**56. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去谱写一首壮丽的凯旋曲,去创造一个更加美好的未来。**

They were ready to write a magnificent anthem of victory with their youth and passion, building a brighter future for all.

**57. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去征服一切阻碍和险阻,去实现自己的梦想。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle, conquer all barriers and dangers, and achieve their aspirations.

**58. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的忠诚和勇敢,去书写历史的新篇章,去留下自己的印记。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and courage, writing a new chapter in history and leaving their mark on the world.

**59. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望之光,让它照亮每一个角落,让每一个梦想都能够实现。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the flame of hope for their nation, illuminating every corner and making every dream a possibility.

**60. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward and making every wish a reality.

**61. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,让每一个子孙后代都能够铭记。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and is forever remembered by future generations.

**62. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,让每一个生命都能够得到尊重和爱护。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, where every life is respected and cherished.

**63. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,让每一个梦想都能够照进现实。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds and bringing every dream to fruition.

**64. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,让每一个家庭都能够幸福美满。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, bringing happiness and fulfillment to every family.

**65. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成,让每一个人生都能够充满意义。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward, making every wish a reality and filling every life with purpose.

**66. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,让每一个子孙后代都能够铭记,让他们的名字永远刻在历史的丰碑上。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and is forever remembered by future generations, their names etched forever in the annals of history.

**67. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,让每一个生命都能够得到尊重和爱护,让他们的世界充满爱和温暖。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, where every life is respected and cherished, a world brimming with love and warmth.

**68. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,让每一个梦想都能够照进现实,让他们的世界充满希望和未来。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds, bringing every dream to fruition, and filling their world with hope and a bright future.

**69. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,让每一个家庭都能够幸福美满,让他们的世界充满和谐与安宁。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, bringing happiness and fulfillment to every family, creating a world filled with harmony and peace.

**70. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成,让每一个人生都能够充满意义,让他们的世界充满爱和希望。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward, making every wish a reality and filling every life with purpose, a world overflowing with love and hope.

**71. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,让每一个子孙后代都能够铭记,让他们的名字永远刻在历史的丰碑上,让他们的世界充满光明和未来。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and is forever remembered by future generations, their names etched forever in the annals of history, their world bathed in light and a bright future.

**72. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,让每一个生命都能够得到尊重和爱护,让他们的世界充满爱和温暖,让他们的世界充满和平和发展。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, where every life is respected and cherished, a world brimming with love and warmth, a world of peace and prosperity.

**73. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,让每一个梦想都能够照进现实,让他们的世界充满希望和未来,让他们的世界充满爱和幸福。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds, bringing every dream to fruition, filling their world with hope and a bright future, a world overflowing with love and happiness.

**74. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的未来之树,让它枝繁叶茂,硕果累累,让每一个家庭都能够幸福美满,让他们的世界充满和谐与安宁,让他们的世界充满光明和未来。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the tree of their country's future, ensuring its flourishing growth and abundant fruit, bringing happiness and fulfillment to every family, creating a world filled with harmony and peace, a world bathed in light and a bright future.

**75. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成,让每一个人生都能够充满意义,让他们的世界充满爱和希望,让他们的世界充满和谐与发展。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward, making every wish a reality and filling every life with purpose, a world overflowing with love and hope, a world of peace and prosperity.

**76. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,让每一个子孙后代都能够铭记,让他们的名字永远刻在历史的丰碑上,让他们的世界充满光明和未来,让他们的世界充满爱和幸福。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and is forever remembered by future generations, their names etched forever in the annals of history, their world bathed in light and a bright future, a world overflowing with love and happiness.

**77. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去创造一个更加美好的世界,让它充满阳光和希望,让每一个生命都能够得到尊重和爱护,让他们的世界充满爱和温暖,让他们的世界充满和平和发展,让他们的世界充满和谐与安宁。**

With their collective strength, they would overcome any obstacle and challenge, building a world filled with sunshine and hope, where every life is respected and cherished, a world brimming with love and warmth, a world of peace and prosperity, a world filled with harmony and peace.

**78. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值和力量,去书写历史的新篇章,让它成为后人学习的榜样,让每一个梦想都能够照进现实,让他们的世界充满希望和未来,让他们的世界充满爱和幸福,让他们的世界充满光明和未来。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their worth and strength, inspiring future generations with their heroic deeds, bringing every dream to fruition, filling their world with hope and a bright future, a world overflowing with love and happiness, a world bathed in light and a bright future.

**79. 首次出征,他们怀着忐忑的心情,也怀着坚定的信念,他们知道,他们肩负着祖国的希望,也肩负着人民的期盼。**

Embarking on their first campaign, they carried a mix of anxiety and unwavering faith, knowing they bore the hopes of their nation and the expectations of their people.

**80. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去书写一段壮丽的史诗,去创造一个更加美好的未来,去让祖国的旗帜永远飘扬在世界的东方。**

They were ready to write an epic saga of heroism with their youth and passion, building a brighter future and ensuring their nation's flag continues to wave proudly in the East.

**81. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的和平,去维护人民的幸福,去让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌。**

They were prepared to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's peace, safeguard the happiness of their people, and make their nation's future even more brilliant.

**82. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去克服一切险阻和磨难,去实现祖国的伟大复兴。**

With their combined strength, they would overcome any obstacle and adversity, surmount all dangers and trials, and achieve their nation's grand revival.

**83. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的忠诚和勇敢,去书写历史的新篇章,去留下自己的印记,去让祖国的未来更加美好。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and courage, writing a new chapter in history, leaving their mark on the world, and making their nation's future even brighter.

**84. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望之光,让它照亮每一个角落,让每一个梦想都能够实现,让祖国的未来更加美好。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the flame of hope for their nation, illuminating every corner and making every dream a possibility, ensuring a brighter future for their country.

**85. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成,让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward, making every wish a reality, and making their nation's future even more brilliant.

**86. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的尊严和荣耀,让它永垂青史,万古流芳,让每一个子孙后代都能够铭记,让祖国的明天更加美好。**

They would sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's dignity and honor, ensuring its legacy endures for eternity and is forever remembered by future generations, making their nation's future even brighter.

**87. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去克服一切险阻和磨难,去实现祖国的伟大复兴,让祖国的明天更加美好。**

With their combined strength, they would overcome any obstacle and adversity, surmount all dangers and trials, achieve their nation's grand revival, and make their nation's future even brighter.

**88. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的忠诚和勇敢,去书写历史的新篇章,去留下自己的印记,去让祖国的未来更加美好,让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and courage, writing a new chapter in history, leaving their mark on the world, making their nation's future even brighter, and making their nation's tomorrow even more brilliant.

**89. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望之光,让它照亮每一个角落,让每一个梦想都能够实现,让祖国的未来更加美好,让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the flame of hope for their nation, illuminating every corner and making every dream a possibility, ensuring a brighter future for their country, and making their nation's tomorrow even more brilliant.

**90. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去点燃祖国的梦想之火,让它熊熊燃烧,照亮前进的道路,让每一个心愿都能够达成,让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌,让祖国的未来更加美好。**

Their youth and passion would ignite the spark of their country's aspirations, guiding them on their path forward, making every wish a reality, making their nation's tomorrow even more brilliant, and ensuring a brighter future for their country.

**91. 首次出征,他们带着对祖国的忠诚,带着对人民的爱,带着对未来的期盼,踏上了征途。**

With unwavering loyalty to their country, love for their people, and hope for the future, they embarked on their journey.

**92. 他们将用自己的青春和热血,去书写一段不朽的传奇,去创造一个更加美好的世界,去让祖国的旗帜永远飘扬在世界的东方。**

They were ready to write an immortal legend with their youth and passion, building a brighter world and ensuring their nation's flag continues to wave proudly in the East.

**93. 他们将用自己的生命和鲜血,去守护祖国的和平,去维护人民的幸福,去让祖国的明天更加美好,去让祖国的未来更加灿烂辉煌。**

They were prepared to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood to protect their country's peace, safeguard the happiness of their people, make their nation's tomorrow even brighter, and make their nation's future even more brilliant.

**94. 他们将用自己的力量,去战胜一切困难和挑战,去克服一切险阻和磨难,去实现祖国的伟大复兴,去让祖国的明天更加美好,去让祖国的未来更加灿烂辉煌。**

With their combined strength, they would overcome any obstacle and adversity, surmount all dangers and trials, achieve their nation's grand revival, make their nation's tomorrow even brighter, and make their nation's future even more brilliant.

**95. 他们将用自己的行动,去证明自己的忠诚和勇敢,去书写历史的新篇章,去留下自己的印记,去让祖国的未来更加美好,去让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌,去让祖国的旗帜永远飘扬在世界的东方。**

Through their actions, they would demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and courage, writing a new chapter in history, leaving their mark on the world, making their nation's future even brighter, making their nation's tomorrow even more brilliant, and ensuring their nation's flag continues to wave proudly in the East.

**96. 他们将用自己的汗水和泪水,去浇灌祖国的希望之光,让它照亮每一个角落,让每一个梦想都能够实现,让祖国的未来更加美好,让祖国的明天更加灿烂辉煌,让祖国的旗帜永远飘扬在世界的东方。**

Their sweat and tears would nourish the flame of hope for their nation, illuminating every corner and making every dream a possibility, ensuring a brighter future for their country, making their nation's tomorrow even more brilliant, and ensuring their nation's flag continues to wave proudly in the East.

以上就是关于首次出征的句子96句(首次出征的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
