
## 92句隔离人员奉献句子,带英文翻译


1. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护你我,我们甘愿奉献。
2. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离阻挡病毒,奉献守护希望。
3. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后是无私的奉献,是战胜疫情的希望。
4. 虽身处隔离,但心系家国,奉献力量,共克时艰。
5. 居家隔离,不负韶华,奉献力量,共抗疫情。
6. 隔离不隔离爱,奉献不奉献情,我们共同抗疫,共克时艰。
7. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献谱写生命之歌。
8. 隔离是为了更好的相遇,奉献是为了更美好的未来。
9. 坚守岗位,奉献力量,我们与你同舟共济,共渡难关。
10. 疫情当前,我们不退缩,隔离不隔爱,奉献汇聚希望。
11. 奉献一份力量,守护一份希望,隔离不隔爱,共克时艰。
12. 虽然隔离,但我们心在一起,奉献力量,战胜疫情。
13. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
14. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
15. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
16. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
17. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
18. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
19. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
20. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
21. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
22. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
23. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
24. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
25. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
26. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
27. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
28. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
29. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
30. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
31. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
32. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
33. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
34. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
35. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
36. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
37. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
38. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
39. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
40. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
41. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
42. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
43. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
44. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
45. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
46. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
47. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
48. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
49. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
50. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
51. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
52. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
53. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
54. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
55. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
56. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
57. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
58. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
59. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
60. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
61. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
62. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
63. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
64. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
65. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
66. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
67. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
68. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
69. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
70. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
71. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
72. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
73. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
74. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
75. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
76. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
77. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
78. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
79. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
80. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。
81. 奉献每一份力量,汇聚成抗疫的洪流,隔离终将过去,美好终将到来。
82. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数平凡人的奉献。
83. 为了战胜疫情,我们选择隔离,为了守护家园,我们选择奉献。
84. 虽身处隔离,但我们心怀希望,奉献力量,共克时艰。
85. 疫情无情,人间有爱,隔离的背后,是无数人的奉献。
86. 奉献自己的力量,共筑抗疫防线,隔离终将过去,希望终将到来。
87. 在隔离的日子里,我们用奉献书写人间大爱。
88. 为了你我的健康,我们选择隔离,为了战胜疫情,我们选择奉献。
89. 虽身处隔离,但我们心连心,奉献力量,共克时艰。
90. 逆行者,白衣天使,隔离的背后,是他们无私的奉献。
91. 在隔离的岁月里,我们用奉献点亮希望之光。
92. 疫情面前,我们不畏惧,隔离不隔爱,奉献照亮前路。


1. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect you and me, we are willing to dedicate.
2. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Isolation blocks the virus, and dedication protects hope.
3. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is selfless dedication and the hope of defeating the epidemic.
4. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are with our country. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
5. Home isolation, do not waste time, contribute our strength, fight the epidemic together.
6. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication does not dedicate feelings, we fight the epidemic together, overcome difficulties together.
7. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to compose the song of life.
8. Isolation is for a better meeting, dedication is for a better future.
9. Stick to our posts, contribute our strength, we will weather the storm together with you.
10. In the face of the epidemic, we will not back down. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication brings hope.
11. Contribute a force, protect a hope, isolation does not isolate love, overcome difficulties together.
12. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are together. We will contribute our strength and overcome the epidemic.
13. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
14. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
15. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
16. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
17. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
18. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
19. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
20. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
21. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
22. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
23. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
24. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
25. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
26. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
27. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
28. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
29. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
30. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
31. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
32. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
33. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
34. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
35. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
36. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
37. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
38. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
39. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
40. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
41. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
42. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
43. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
44. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
45. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
46. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
47. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
48. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
49. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
50. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
51. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
52. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
53. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
54. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
55. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
56. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
57. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
58. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
59. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
60. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
61. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
62. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
63. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
64. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
65. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
66. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
67. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
68. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
69. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
70. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
71. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
72. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
73. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
74. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
75. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
76. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
77. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
78. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
79. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
80. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.
81. Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.
82. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.
83. To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.
84. Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
85. The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.
86. Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.
87. In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.
88. For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.
89. Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.
90. The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.
91. In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.
92. In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.

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To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect you and me, we are willing to dedicate.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Isolation blocks the virus, and dedication protects hope.

The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is selfless dedication and the hope of defeating the epidemic.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are with our country. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

Home isolation, do not waste time, contribute our strength, fight the epidemic together.

Isolation does not isolate love, dedication does not dedicate feelings, we fight the epidemic together, overcome difficulties together.

In the days of isolation, we use dedication to compose the song of life.

Isolation is for a better meeting, dedication is for a better future.

Stick to our posts, contribute our strength, we will weather the storm together with you.

In the face of the epidemic, we will not back down. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication brings hope.

Contribute a force, protect a hope, isolation does not isolate love, overcome difficulties together.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are together. We will contribute our strength and overcome the epidemic.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.

Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.

In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.

For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.

In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.

In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.

Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.

To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.

Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.

In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.

For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.

In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.

In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.

Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.

To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.

Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.

In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.

For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.

In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.

In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.

Contribute every bit of our strength, converge into the torrent of fighting the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, beauty will eventually come.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless ordinary people.

To defeat the epidemic, we choose isolation, to protect our homeland, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, we are full of hope. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The epidemic is merciless, but there is love in the world. Behind the isolation is the dedication of countless people.

Contribute our strength, build a line of defense against the epidemic, isolation will eventually pass, hope will eventually come.

In the days of isolation, we use dedication to write about the great love of humanity.

For your and my health, we choose isolation, to defeat the epidemic, we choose dedication.

Although we are in isolation, our hearts are connected. We will contribute our strength and overcome difficulties together.

The reverse travelers, the angels in white coats, behind the isolation is their selfless dedication.

In the years of isolation, we use dedication to light the beacon of hope.

In the face of the epidemic, we are not afraid. Isolation does not isolate love, dedication illuminates the way forward.


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