
## 隔心的感情句子,56句,中英文对照

1. 我曾以为你是我的例外,却发现你不过是例行公事。

I used to think you were an exception to me, but I found out you were just a routine.

2. 你走后,我常常想起你,想起我们在一起的点点滴滴,想起你对我的好,想起我曾经的憧憬,想起你带给我的快乐,想起你带给我的伤痛,想起你带给我的泪水,想起你带给我的回忆,想起你带给我的所有,想起你带给我的所有。

After you left, I often think of you, think of every little detail we had together, think of how good you were to me, think of my past hopes, think of the happiness you brought me, think of the pain you brought me, think of the tears you brought me, think of the memories you brought me, think of everything you brought me, think of everything you brought me.

3. 爱过,痛过,伤过,也放下了。

Loved, hurt, wounded, and let go.

4. 有些感情,就算再浓,也经不起时间的冲刷。

Some feelings, even if they are strong, can't withstand the erosion of time.

5. 我以为你是我的全世界,结果你只是我世界里的一个过客。

I thought you were my whole world, but it turns out you were just a passerby in my world.

6. 我以为你爱我,我以为我们会永远在一起,结果你只是在玩一场游戏。

I thought you loved me, I thought we would be together forever, but it turns out you were just playing a game.

7. 你就像一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的美丽,却消失不见。

You're like a shooting star, streaking across my sky, leaving behind a fleeting beauty, but vanishing without a trace.

8. 我们曾经那么近,现在却变得那么远,我以为我们会永远在一起,结果我们还是走到了尽头。

We were once so close, but now we are so far apart. I thought we would be together forever, but it turns out we have come to an end.

9. 你给过我太多希望,最后却让我失望透顶。

You gave me too much hope, but in the end you left me completely disappointed.

10. 有些话,说出来就是伤害,有些感情,留下来就是折磨。

Some words, when spoken, are hurtful, and some feelings, when kept, are tormenting.

11. 有些爱,一开始就注定要失去。

Some love is destined to be lost from the beginning.

12. 我们都曾经以为,我们会永远在一起,结果我们都错了。

We all once thought we would be together forever, but we were all wrong.

13. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了归宿。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my home.

14. 我以为你是我的唯一,结果你只是我生命中的一个插曲。

I thought you were my only one, but it turns out you were just an episode in my life.

15. 你就像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却危险,我爱你的美,却也害怕你的刺。

You are like a rose with thorns, beautiful but dangerous. I love your beauty, but I also fear your thorns.

16. 你是我心中永远的痛,我永远无法忘记你。

You are a pain in my heart forever, I can never forget you.

17. 我以为你懂我,结果你什么都不懂。

I thought you understood me, but it turns out you don't understand anything.

18. 我以为我们会永远在一起,结果我们还是分开了。

I thought we would be together forever, but we still parted ways.

19. 你给我的爱,就像一场梦,醒来后什么都没有了。

The love you gave me was like a dream, after waking up there was nothing left.

20. 我以为你会永远爱我,结果你还是离开了。

I thought you would love me forever, but you still left.

21. 有些人,注定只是生命中的过客,不会停留。

Some people are destined to be just passersby in life, they won't stay.

22. 有些感情,就算再浓,也经不起时间的考验。

Some feelings, even if they are strong, can't withstand the test of time.

23. 你是我生命中的遗憾,我永远无法弥补。

You are the regret in my life, I can never make up for it.

24. 我以为你会永远记得我,结果你早就忘记了。

I thought you would remember me forever, but it turns out you have already forgotten me.

25. 有些爱,注定要以伤害结束。

Some love is destined to end in hurt.

26. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了我的全世界。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my whole world.

27. 我以为你会永远爱我,结果你还是背叛了我。

I thought you would love me forever, but you still betrayed me.

28. 你就像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却危险,我爱你的美,却也害怕你的刺。

You are like a rose with thorns, beautiful but dangerous. I love your beauty, but I also fear your thorns.

29. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了归宿。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my home.

30. 你是我生命中的遗憾,我永远无法弥补。

You are the regret in my life, I can never make up for it.

31. 我以为你会永远记得我,结果你早就忘记了。

I thought you would remember me forever, but it turns out you have already forgotten me.

32. 有些人,注定只是生命中的过客,不会停留。

Some people are destined to be just passersby in life, they won't stay.

33. 你就像一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的美丽,却消失不见。

You're like a shooting star, streaking across my sky, leaving behind a fleeting beauty, but vanishing without a trace.

34. 我们曾经那么近,现在却变得那么远,我以为我们会永远在一起,结果我们还是走到了尽头。

We were once so close, but now we are so far apart. I thought we would be together forever, but it turns out we have come to an end.

35. 你给过我太多希望,最后却让我失望透顶。

You gave me too much hope, but in the end you left me completely disappointed.

36. 有些话,说出来就是伤害,有些感情,留下来就是折磨。

Some words, when spoken, are hurtful, and some feelings, when kept, are tormenting.

37. 有些爱,一开始就注定要失去。

Some love is destined to be lost from the beginning.

38. 我们都曾经以为,我们会永远在一起,结果我们都错了。

We all once thought we would be together forever, but we were all wrong.

39. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了归宿。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my home.

40. 我以为你是我的唯一,结果你只是我生命中的一个插曲。

I thought you were my only one, but it turns out you were just an episode in my life.

41. 你就像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却危险,我爱你的美,却也害怕你的刺。

You are like a rose with thorns, beautiful but dangerous. I love your beauty, but I also fear your thorns.

42. 你是我心中永远的痛,我永远无法忘记你。

You are a pain in my heart forever, I can never forget you.

43. 我以为你懂我,结果你什么都不懂。

I thought you understood me, but it turns out you don't understand anything.

44. 我以为我们会永远在一起,结果我们还是分开了。

I thought we would be together forever, but we still parted ways.

45. 你给我的爱,就像一场梦,醒来后什么都没有了。

The love you gave me was like a dream, after waking up there was nothing left.

46. 我以为你会永远爱我,结果你还是离开了。

I thought you would love me forever, but you still left.

47. 有些人,注定只是生命中的过客,不会停留。

Some people are destined to be just passersby in life, they won't stay.

48. 有些感情,就算再浓,也经不起时间的考验。

Some feelings, even if they are strong, can't withstand the test of time.

49. 你是我生命中的遗憾,我永远无法弥补。

You are the regret in my life, I can never make up for it.

50. 我以为你会永远记得我,结果你早就忘记了。

I thought you would remember me forever, but it turns out you have already forgotten me.

51. 有些爱,注定要以伤害结束。

Some love is destined to end in hurt.

52. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了我的全世界。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my whole world.

53. 我以为你会永远爱我,结果你还是背叛了我。

I thought you would love me forever, but you still betrayed me.

54. 你就像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却危险,我爱你的美,却也害怕你的刺。

You are like a rose with thorns, beautiful but dangerous. I love your beauty, but I also fear your thorns.

55. 你是我生命中的过客,我却把你当成了归宿。

You are a passerby in my life, but I treated you as my home.

56. 你是我生命中的遗憾,我永远无法弥补。

You are the regret in my life, I can never make up for it.

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