
## 72句关于时间的句子及其英文翻译


1. 时间就像河流,永不停息地向前流淌。

2. 时间是一把无情的利刃,它会慢慢地磨损一切。

3. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈一切伤痛。

4. 时间是公平的,它给每个人相同的时间。

5. 时间是最宝贵的财富,我们应该珍惜它。

6. 时间无法倒流,我们只能向前看。

7. 时间会改变一切,包括我们自己。

8. 时间就像海绵,挤一挤总会有的。

9. 时间是有限的,我们要学会利用它。

10. 时间就是金钱,我们要珍惜它。

11. 时间是检验真理的唯一标准。

12. 时间会证明一切,包括我们之间的感情。

13. 时间的步伐总是匆匆,我们追赶不上它。

14. 时间像沙漏一样,一点一点地流逝。

15. 时间是不可逆的,我们无法改变过去。

16. 时间是伟大的雕刻师,它会雕刻出我们的容颜。

17. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们许多人生道理。

18. 时间是最大的敌人,它会吞噬一切美好的事物。

19. 时间是最好的朋友,它会陪伴我们走过人生的旅程。

20. 时间是生命的尺度,它衡量着我们生命的长度和深度。

21. 时间是宝贵的,我们不能浪费它。

22. 时间是不可逆的,我们不能重复过去。

23. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该善用它。

24. 时间是生命的宝贵财富,我们应该珍惜它。

25. 时间是有限的,我们应该抓紧时间做有意义的事情。

26. 时间是最好的老师,它会让我们不断成长和成熟。

27. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈一切伤痛和遗憾。

28. 时间是无情的,它会让一切美好的事物都变得苍老。

29. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该把它用在更有意义的事情上。

30. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生。

31. 时间就像一艘船,我们必须把握好方向。

32. 时间是生命的宝贵礼物,我们要学会珍惜它。

33. 时间是无情的,它不会等待任何人。

34. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该把它用在更有意义的事情上。

35. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生。

36. 时间就像流水,一去不复返。

37. 时间是最好的证明,它会见证我们的人生轨迹。

38. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物。

39. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该善用它,创造美好的未来。

40. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生。

41. 时间就像一把双刃剑,它可以创造奇迹,也可以毁灭一切。

42. 时间是宝贵的,我们不能浪费它在无意义的事情上。

43. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生。

44. 时间是最好的医生,它会治愈一切伤痛。

45. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来。

46. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,包括我们的青春。

47. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该善用它,实现自己的人生价值。

48. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生。

49. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们许多人生道理,让我们不断成长。

50. 时间是宝贵的,我们不能浪费它,应该把它用在更有意义的事情上。

51. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生,不留遗憾。

52. 时间是最好的证明,它会见证我们人生的轨迹,告诉我们曾经走过的路。

53. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,包括我们的青春,但它也会留下美好的回忆。

54. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来,留下属于我们自己的精彩。

55. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生,不留遗憾,让生命充满意义。

56. 时间是最好的医生,它会治愈一切伤痛,让我们变得更加坚强。

57. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来,让我们的生命充满价值。

58. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,但它也会留下美好的回忆,让我们在未来的日子里更加珍惜。

59. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该善用它,实现自己的人生价值,让生命充满意义。

60. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生,不留遗憾,让生命充满快乐和幸福。

61. 时间是最好的证明,它会见证我们人生的轨迹,告诉我们曾经走过的路,也让我们更加珍惜未来。

62. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,但它也会留下美好的回忆,让我们在未来的日子里更加珍惜生活。

63. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来,让我们的生命充满价值,让人生更加精彩。

64. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生,不留遗憾,让生命充满快乐和幸福,让人生更加圆满。

65. 时间是最好的医生,它会治愈一切伤痛,让我们变得更加坚强,让我们更加珍惜现在。

66. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来,让我们的生命充满价值,让人生更加灿烂。

67. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,但它也会留下美好的回忆,让我们在未来的日子里更加珍惜生活,更加珍惜身边的人。

68. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该善用它,实现自己的人生价值,让生命充满意义,让人生更加精彩,更加充实。

69. 时间是有限的,我们应该努力活出精彩的人生,不留遗憾,让生命充满快乐和幸福,让人生更加圆满,更加充满希望。

70. 时间是最好的证明,它会见证我们人生的轨迹,告诉我们曾经走过的路,也让我们更加珍惜未来,更加珍惜眼前的一切。

71. 时间是无情的,它会带走一切美好的事物,但它也会留下美好的回忆,让我们在未来的日子里更加珍惜生活,更加珍惜身边的人,更加珍惜每一天。

72. 时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它,努力创造美好的未来,让我们的生命充满价值,让人生更加精彩,更加充实,更加充满希望。


1. Time is like a river, flowing forward without ceasing.

2. Time is a merciless blade, slowly wearing away everything.

3. Time is the best medicine, it will heal all wounds.

4. Time is fair, it gives everyone the same amount of time.

5. Time is the most precious wealth, we should cherish it.

6. Time cannot turn back, we can only look forward.

7. Time changes everything, including ourselves.

8. Time is like a sponge, you can always squeeze out more.

9. Time is limited, we must learn to use it.

10. Time is money, we must cherish it.

11. Time is the only criterion for testing truth.

12. Time will prove everything, including our feelings for each other.

13. The pace of time is always hurried, we can't catch up with it.

14. Time is like an hourglass, slowly slipping away.

15. Time is irreversible, we cannot change the past.

16. Time is a great sculptor, it will sculpt our appearance.

17. Time is the best teacher, it will teach us many life lessons.

18. Time is the greatest enemy, it will devour all the beautiful things.

19. Time is the best friend, it will accompany us on the journey of life.

20. Time is the measure of life, it measures the length and depth of our lives.

21. Time is precious, we cannot waste it.

22. Time is irreversible, we cannot repeat the past.

23. Time is precious, we should make good use of it.

24. Time is the precious wealth of life, we should cherish it.

25. Time is limited, we should seize the time to do meaningful things.

26. Time is the best teacher, it will make us grow and mature constantly.

27. Time is the best medicine, it will heal all wounds and regrets.

28. Time is merciless, it will make all the beautiful things old.

29. Time is precious, we should use it on more meaningful things.

30. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life.

31. Time is like a ship, we must grasp the direction.

32. Time is a precious gift of life, we must learn to cherish it.

33. Time is merciless, it will not wait for anyone.

34. Time is precious, we should use it on more meaningful things.

35. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life.

36. Time is like running water, it never returns.

37. Time is the best proof, it will witness our life trajectory.

38. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things.

39. Time is precious, we should make good use of it, create a beautiful future.

40. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life.

41. Time is like a double-edged sword, it can create miracles, but it can also destroy everything.

42. Time is precious, we cannot waste it on meaningless things.

43. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life.

44. Time is the best doctor, it will heal all wounds.

45. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future.

46. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, including our youth.

47. Time is precious, we should make good use of it, realize our life value.

48. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life.

49. Time is the best teacher, it will teach us many life lessons, and make us grow continuously.

50. Time is precious, we cannot waste it, we should use it on more meaningful things.

51. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life, leave no regrets.

52. Time is the best proof, it will witness our life trajectory, tell us the path we have walked.

53. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, including our youth, but it will also leave beautiful memories.

54. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future, leave our own brilliance.

55. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life, leave no regrets, make life meaningful.

56. Time is the best doctor, it will heal all wounds, make us stronger.

57. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future, make our lives full of value.

58. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, but it will also leave beautiful memories, let us cherish more in the future.

59. Time is precious, we should make good use of it, realize our life value, make life meaningful.

60. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life, leave no regrets, make life full of joy and happiness.

61. Time is the best proof, it will witness our life trajectory, tell us the path we have walked, also let us cherish the future more.

62. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, but it will also leave beautiful memories, let us cherish life more in the future.

63. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future, make our lives full of value, make life more wonderful.

64. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life, leave no regrets, make life full of joy and happiness, make life more perfect, more hopeful.

65. Time is the best doctor, it will heal all wounds, make us stronger, let us cherish the present more.

66. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future, make our lives full of value, make life more brilliant.

67. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, but it will also leave beautiful memories, let us cherish life more in the future, cherish those around us more.

68. Time is precious, we should make good use of it, realize our life value, make life meaningful, make life more wonderful, more fulfilling.

69. Time is limited, we should strive to live a wonderful life, leave no regrets, make life full of joy and happiness, make life more perfect, more hopeful.

70. Time is the best proof, it will witness our life trajectory, tell us the path we have walked, also let us cherish the future more, cherish everything in front of us.

71. Time is merciless, it will take away all the beautiful things, but it will also leave beautiful memories, let us cherish life more in the future, cherish those around us more, cherish every day.

72. Time is precious, we should cherish it, strive to create a beautiful future, make our lives full of value, make life more wonderful, more fulfilling, more hopeful.

以上就是关于随着时间的流逝句子72句(随着时间的流逝句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
