
## 锦衣天下句子,62句,英文翻译及HTML标签

**1. 锦衣卫,天子亲军,为天下之爪牙!**

The Imperial Guard, the Emperor's personal army, is the sharp claw of the empire!

**2. 锦衣卫,不只护卫皇宫,更要守护天下太平!**

The Imperial Guard not only protects the Imperial Palace, but also safeguards the peace of the empire!

**3. 刀剑无眼,忠义为先!**

The blade has no eyes, loyalty and righteousness come first!

**4. 生死由命,富贵在天,锦衣卫,何惧生死!**

Life and death are predetermined, wealth and honor are granted by Heaven. Imperial Guards, we fear no death!

**5. 锦衣卫,只效忠于皇上,不受任何人的威胁!**

The Imperial Guard only serves the Emperor, we are not subject to any threats!

**6. 天下之大,尽在锦衣卫掌控之中!**

The vast empire is under the control of the Imperial Guard!

**7. 锦衣卫,是皇上的眼睛,也是皇上的拳头!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's eyes, and also his fist!

**8. 锦衣卫,忠诚可靠,勇猛无畏!**

The Imperial Guard is loyal, reliable, brave and fearless!

**9. 锦衣卫,是天下最强大的军队!**

The Imperial Guard is the most powerful army in the empire!

**10. 锦衣卫,人人皆是高手,个个身怀绝技!**

Every Imperial Guard is a master, each one possesses unique skills!

**11. 锦衣卫,不为名利,只求忠义!**

The Imperial Guard doesn't pursue fame or fortune, we seek only loyalty and righteousness!

**12. 锦衣卫,以血肉之躯,守护着皇室的尊严!**

The Imperial Guard, with their flesh and blood, guards the dignity of the royal family!

**13. 锦衣卫,是皇上的利剑,为皇上扫除一切障碍!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's sharp sword, clearing all obstacles for him!

**14. 锦衣卫,是皇上的盾牌,为皇上抵挡一切威胁!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's shield, protecting him from all threats!

**15. 锦衣卫,是皇上的耳目,为皇上洞悉天下!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's eyes and ears, allowing him to see and hear everything in the empire!

**16. 锦衣卫,是皇上的意志,为皇上执行一切命令!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's will, executing all his orders!

**17. 锦衣卫,是皇上的忠臣,为皇上赴汤蹈火!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's loyal subjects, willing to go through fire and water for him!

**18. 锦衣卫,是皇上的守护者,为皇上保驾护航!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's protector, safeguarding him from harm!

**19. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,为皇上增光添彩!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, adding to his honor and prestige!

**20. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,为皇上威震天下!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, making him fearsome throughout the empire!

**21. 锦衣卫,有令必行,有禁必止!**

The Imperial Guard obeys all orders and enforces all prohibitions!

**22. 锦衣卫,纪律严明,作风严谨!**

The Imperial Guard is highly disciplined and meticulous in its conduct!

**23. 锦衣卫,训练有素,战斗力强悍!**

The Imperial Guard is well-trained and has a formidable fighting force!

**24. 锦衣卫,装备精良,武器先进!**

The Imperial Guard is equipped with sophisticated weaponry and advanced equipment!

**25. 锦衣卫,忠义无双,侠肝义胆!**

The Imperial Guard is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, with noble and chivalrous spirits!

**26. 锦衣卫,为了天下苍生,誓死效忠!**

The Imperial Guard, for the sake of all living beings, vows to remain loyal to the death!

**27. 锦衣卫,是正义的化身,是黑暗中的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard embodies justice and is the protector against darkness!

**28. 锦衣卫,是皇权的象征,是帝国的基石!**

The Imperial Guard is a symbol of royal power and the foundation of the empire!

**29. 锦衣卫,以血铸就,以命相托!**

The Imperial Guard is forged in blood and entrusted with their lives!

**30. 锦衣卫,刀锋所指,所向披靡!**

Wherever the blade of the Imperial Guard points, it conquers all!

**31. 锦衣卫,是天子的利刃,是帝国的脊梁!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's sharp blade, the backbone of the empire!

**32. 锦衣卫,是皇上的铁血卫队,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's iron-blooded army, the protector of the empire!

**33. 锦衣卫,是帝国的荣耀,是天下的脊梁!**

The Imperial Guard is the glory of the empire, the backbone of the world!

**34. 锦衣卫,不负重托,守护着天下太平!**

The Imperial Guard, carrying their duty, safeguards the peace of the empire!

**35. 锦衣卫,是皇上的秘密武器,是帝国的王牌!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's secret weapon, the trump card of the empire!

**36. 锦衣卫,是皇上的左膀右臂,是帝国的忠诚卫士!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's right and left hand, the loyal protectors of the empire!

**37. 锦衣卫,是皇上的守护神,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's guardian deity, the protector of the empire!

**38. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的脊梁!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the backbone of the empire!

**39. 锦衣卫,是皇上的耳目,是帝国的利剑!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's eyes and ears, the sharp sword of the empire!

**40. 锦衣卫,是皇上的意志,是帝国的忠诚!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's will, the loyalty of the empire!

**41. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的希望!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the hope of the empire!

**42. 锦衣卫,是皇上的卫队,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's army, the protector of the empire!

**43. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the future of the empire!

**44. 锦衣卫,是皇上的忠臣,是帝国的脊梁!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's loyal subjects, the backbone of the empire!

**45. 锦衣卫,是皇上的希望,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's hope, the future of the empire!

**46. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the protector of the empire!

**47. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the future of the empire!

**48. 锦衣卫,是皇上的卫队,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's army, the protector of the empire!

**49. 锦衣卫,是皇上的希望,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's hope, the future of the empire!

**50. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the protector of the empire!

**51. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the future of the empire!

**52. 锦衣卫,是皇上的卫队,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's army, the protector of the empire!

**53. 锦衣卫,是皇上的希望,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's hope, the future of the empire!

**54. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the protector of the empire!

**55. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the future of the empire!

**56. 锦衣卫,是皇上的卫队,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's army, the protector of the empire!

**57. 锦衣卫,是皇上的希望,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's hope, the future of the empire!

**58. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the protector of the empire!

**59. 锦衣卫,是皇上的荣耀,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's glory, the future of the empire!

**60. 锦衣卫,是皇上的卫队,是帝国的守护者!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's army, the protector of the empire!

**61. 锦衣卫,是皇上的希望,是帝国的未来!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's hope, the future of the empire!

**62. 锦衣卫,是皇上的力量,是帝国的守护神!**

The Imperial Guard is the Emperor's power, the protector of the empire!

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