
## 识大体顾大局的句子 (94句)

**1. 识大体,顾大局,才能成大事。**

Only by understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can one achieve great things.

**2. 为了大局着想,要忍一时之气。**

For the sake of the bigger picture, one should endure temporary anger.

**3. 小不忍则乱大谋,识大体顾大局,才能成就大事业。**

A small act of impatience can ruin a grand plan. Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account are essential for achieving great things.

**4. 凡事要以大局为重,不可斤斤计较。**

Everything should be prioritized based on the overall situation, and one should not be petty.

**5. 识大体,顾大局,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation.

**6. 识大体顾大局,才能赢得大家的尊重。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn everyone's respect.

**7. 为了大局,要舍小家顾大家。**

For the sake of the bigger picture, one should sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the greater good.

**8. 识大体,顾大局,才能团结一致,共同奋斗。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can lead to unity and collective struggle.

**9. 为了国家的利益,我们要顾全大局。**

For the sake of the country's interests, we must consider the bigger picture.

**10. 识大体,顾大局,是每一个公民的责任。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility of every citizen.

**11. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得人民群众的拥护。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can win the support of the people.

**12. 为了民族复兴,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of national rejuvenation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**13. 识大体顾大局,是领导干部必备的素质。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is an essential quality for leaders.

**14. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得大家的信任。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn everyone's trust.

**15. 识大体,顾大局,才能做出正确的决策。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can lead to making the right decisions.

**16. 为了集体利益,我们要顾全大局。**

For the sake of the collective interests, we must consider the bigger picture.

**17. 识大体顾大局,才能实现共同目标。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can help achieve common goals.

**18. 为了社会和谐,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of social harmony, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**19. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得社会各界的认可。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can win recognition from all sectors of society.

**20. 识大体顾大局,是解决问题的关键。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the key to solving problems.

**21. 为了国家繁荣,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of national prosperity, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**22. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得人民的赞扬。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can win the praise of the people.

**23. 识大体顾大局,是个人成长的重要因素。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is an important factor in personal growth.

**24. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得未来的胜利。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can lead to future victory.

**25. 为了民族的未来,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of the nation's future, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**26. 识大体顾大局,是中华民族的优秀品质。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is an excellent quality of the Chinese nation.

**27. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得历史的认可。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn historical recognition.

**28. 为了人民幸福,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of people's happiness, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**29. 识大体顾大局,是实现中国梦的必要条件。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a necessary condition for achieving the Chinese Dream.

**30. 为了世界和平,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of world peace, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**31. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得国际社会的尊重。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn the respect of the international community.

**32. 为了人类的未来,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of humanity's future, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**33. 识大体顾大局,是每一个人的责任。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility of everyone.

**34. 识大体,顾大局,才能做出正确的选择。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can lead to making the right choices.

**35. 为了社会的进步,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of social progress, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**36. 识大体顾大局,是个人和社会共同进步的保障。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the guarantee of individual and social progress.

**37. 为了民族的团结,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of national unity, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**38. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得人民的信任和支持。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn the trust and support of the people.

**39. 识大体顾大局,是个人和集体共同发展的基础。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the foundation for individual and collective development.

**40. 为了国家的发展,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of national development, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**41. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得社会的尊重和赞赏。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn the respect and admiration of society.

**42. 为了人民的利益,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of the people's interests, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**43. 识大体顾大局,是个人成才的必要条件。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a necessary condition for personal success.

**44. 为了未来的发展,我们要识大体顾大局。**

For the sake of future development, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account.

**45. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得社会的认可和支持。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn the recognition and support of society.

**46. 为了民族的复兴,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同奋斗。**

For the sake of national rejuvenation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and strive together.

**47. 识大体,顾大局,是每一个党员的责任和义务。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility and obligation of every Party member.

**48. 为了国家的利益,我们要顾全大局,不计个人得失。**

For the sake of the country's interests, we must consider the bigger picture and not care about personal gains or losses.

**49. 识大体顾大局,是领导者最重要的品质之一。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is one of the most important qualities of a leader.

**50. 为了社会的和谐稳定,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会秩序。**

For the sake of social harmony and stability, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and maintain social order.

**51. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得人民群众的拥护和支持。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can win the support and support of the people.

**52. 为了国家的发展和繁荣,我们要识大体顾大局,共同努力。**

For the sake of national development and prosperity, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and work together.

**53. 识大体顾大局,是中华民族优秀传统文化的精髓。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the essence of the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

**54. 为了人民的幸福生活,我们要识大体顾大局,做出正确的选择。**

For the sake of people's happy lives, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and make the right choices.

**55. 识大体,顾大局,是实现共同目标,赢得胜利的关键。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the key to achieving common goals and winning victory.

**56. 为了民族的伟大复兴,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同努力。**

For the sake of the great rejuvenation of the nation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and work together.

**57. 识大体顾大局,是社会和谐稳定的重要保障。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is an important guarantee of social harmony and stability.

**58. 为了国家的长治久安,我们要识大体顾大局,维护国家利益。**

For the sake of the country's long-term stability, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and safeguard national interests.

**59. 识大体,顾大局,是每一个中国人的责任和担当。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility and responsibility of every Chinese citizen.

**60. 为了人民的福祉,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会公平正义。**

For the sake of people's well-being, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and uphold social fairness and justice.

**61. 识大体顾大局,是个人成功和社会进步的必要条件。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a necessary condition for both individual success and social progress.

**62. 为了民族的伟大复兴,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同奋斗。**

For the sake of the great rejuvenation of the nation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and strive together.

**63. 识大体顾大局,是每一个共产党员的政治责任和义务。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the political responsibility and obligation of every Communist Party member.

**64. 为了国家的安全和发展,我们要识大体顾大局,维护国家利益。**

For the sake of national security and development, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and safeguard national interests.

**65. 识大体,顾大局,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的根本保证。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**66. 为了人民的幸福生活,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会公平正义。**

For the sake of people's happy lives, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and uphold social fairness and justice.

**67. 识大体顾大局,是每一个中国人的责任和担当。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility and responsibility of every Chinese citizen.

**68. 为了国家的长治久安,我们要识大体顾大局,维护国家利益。**

For the sake of the country's long-term stability, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and safeguard national interests.

**69. 识大体,顾大局,是实现共同目标,赢得胜利的关键。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the key to achieving common goals and winning victory.

**70. 为了社会的和谐稳定,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会秩序。**

For the sake of social harmony and stability, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and maintain social order.

**71. 识大体顾大局,是领导者最重要的品质之一。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is one of the most important qualities of a leader.

**72. 为了国家的利益,我们要顾全大局,不计个人得失。**

For the sake of the country's interests, we must consider the bigger picture and not care about personal gains or losses.

**73. 识大体,顾大局,是每一个党员的责任和义务。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility and obligation of every Party member.

**74. 为了民族的未来,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同奋斗。**

For the sake of the nation's future, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and strive together.

**75. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得社会的认可和支持。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can earn the recognition and support of society.

**76. 为了未来的发展,我们要识大体顾大局,做出正确的选择。**

For the sake of future development, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and make the right choices.

**77. 识大体顾大局,是个人成才的必要条件。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a necessary condition for personal success.

**78. 为了人民的利益,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会公平正义。**

For the sake of the people's interests, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and uphold social fairness and justice.

**79. 识大体,顾大局,才能赢得人民群众的拥护和支持。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account can win the support and support of the people.

**80. 为了国家的发展和繁荣,我们要识大体顾大局,共同努力。**

For the sake of national development and prosperity, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and work together.

**81. 识大体顾大局,是中华民族优秀传统文化的精髓。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the essence of the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

**82. 为了人民的幸福生活,我们要识大体顾大局,做出正确的选择。**

For the sake of people's happy lives, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and make the right choices.

**83. 识大体,顾大局,是实现共同目标,赢得胜利的关键。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the key to achieving common goals and winning victory.

**84. 为了民族的伟大复兴,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同努力。**

For the sake of the great rejuvenation of the nation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and work together.

**85. 识大体顾大局,是社会和谐稳定的重要保障。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is an important guarantee of social harmony and stability.

**86. 为了国家的长治久安,我们要识大体顾大局,维护国家利益。**

For the sake of the country's long-term stability, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and safeguard national interests.

**87. 识大体,顾大局,是每一个中国人的责任和担当。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the responsibility and responsibility of every Chinese citizen.

**88. 为了人民的福祉,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会公平正义。**

For the sake of people's well-being, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and uphold social fairness and justice.

**89. 识大体顾大局,是个人成功和社会进步的必要条件。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is a necessary condition for both individual success and social progress.

**90. 为了民族的伟大复兴,我们要识大体顾大局,团结一致,共同奋斗。**

For the sake of the great rejuvenation of the nation, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, unite as one, and strive together.

**91. 识大体顾大局,是每一个共产党员的政治责任和义务。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the political responsibility and obligation of every Communist Party member.

**92. 为了国家的安全和发展,我们要识大体顾大局,维护国家利益。**

For the sake of national security and development, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and safeguard national interests.

**93. 识大体,顾大局,是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的根本保证。**

Understanding the big picture and taking the overall situation into account is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**94. 为了人民的幸福生活,我们要识大体顾大局,维护社会公平正义。**

For the sake of people's happy lives, we must understand the big picture and take the overall situation into account, and uphold social fairness and justice.

以上就是关于识大体顾大局的句子94句(识大体顾大局的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
