
## 识字儿歌句子 (75句)

**1. 一只小兔蹦蹦跳,两只小兔一起跑。**

One little bunny hops and jumps, two little bunnies run together.

**2. 三只小猫喵喵叫,四只小狗汪汪叫。**

Three little kittens meow, four little puppies bark.

**3. 五个小朋友手拉手,六个小鸟唱唱歌。**

Five little kids hold hands, six little birds sing a song.

**4. 七颗星星亮晶晶,八朵白云飘呀飘。**

Seven little stars twinkle bright, eight white clouds float and float.

**5. 九只小鸡吃虫虫,十个苹果红彤彤。**

Nine little chicks eat bugs, ten apples are red and shiny.

**6. 大树高高举起手,小草低低弯弯腰。**

The big tree raises its hand high, the small grass bends its waist low.

**7. 山羊咩咩吃青草,小鸟叽叽唱枝头。**

The goat bleats and eats grass, the little bird chirps and sings on the branch.

**8. 红色的太阳笑哈哈,蓝色的天空亮晶晶。**

The red sun smiles brightly, the blue sky shines brightly.

**9. 圆圆的月亮挂天边,弯弯的月亮像小船。**

The round moon hangs in the sky, the crescent moon looks like a small boat.

**10. 白白的雪花飘呀飘,黄色的树叶落下来。**

White snowflakes float and float, yellow leaves fall down.

**11. 我们一起玩游戏,开开心心乐淘淘。**

Let's play games together, happily and cheerfully.

**12. 小朋友们爱学习,学习知识真快乐。**

Little friends love to learn, learning knowledge is really happy.

**13. 书本是我们的好朋友,帮助我们学本领。**

Books are our good friends, helping us learn skills.

**14. 老师讲课真认真,我们认真听讲课。**

The teacher is so serious in teaching, we listen carefully to the lesson.

**15. 勤劳的小蜜蜂,采蜜酿甜蜜。**

The industrious little bee, gathers nectar to make honey.

**16. 胖乎乎的小猪,爱吃香喷喷的玉米。**

The plump little pig, loves to eat fragrant corn.

**17. 小兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜,小狗喜欢吃骨头。**

The little rabbit loves to eat carrots, the little dog loves to eat bones.

**18. 小猫喜欢吃鱼,小鸟喜欢吃虫子。**

The little cat loves to eat fish, the little bird loves to eat bugs.

**19. 小鸭子喜欢游泳,小青蛙喜欢捉虫。**

The little duck loves to swim, the little frog loves to catch bugs.

**20. 小蜗牛背着房子爬,小蚂蚁排着队走路。**

The little snail crawls carrying its house, the little ants walk in line.

**21. 红红的苹果,圆圆的,香香的。**

The red apple, round and fragrant.

**22. 黄黄的香蕉,弯弯的,甜甜的。**

The yellow banana, curved and sweet.

**23. 绿绿的西瓜,大大的,凉凉的。**

The green watermelon, big and cool.

**24. 紫色的葡萄,小小的,酸酸的。**

The purple grape, small and sour.

**25. 金黄的玉米,高高的,棒棒的。**

The golden corn, tall and strong.

**26. 白白的馒头,软软的,香香的。**

The white steamed bread, soft and fragrant.

**27. 香喷喷的米饭,白白的,软软的。**

The fragrant rice, white and soft.

**28. 热乎乎的饺子,香香的,好吃。**

The warm dumplings, fragrant and delicious.

**29. 甜甜的蛋糕,软软的,好吃。**

The sweet cake, soft and delicious.

**30. 香香的糖果,甜甜的,好吃。**

The fragrant candy, sweet and delicious.

**31. 爸爸妈妈爱我,我爱爸爸妈妈。**

Mom and Dad love me, I love Mom and Dad.

**32. 爷爷奶奶爱我,我爱爷爷奶奶。**

Grandpa and Grandma love me, I love Grandpa and Grandma.

**33. 哥哥姐姐爱我,我爱哥哥姐姐。**

Brother and sister love me, I love brother and sister.

**34. 朋友们爱我,我爱朋友们。**

My friends love me, I love my friends.

**35. 我们要孝敬父母,爱护家人。**

We should be filial to our parents and care for our family.

**36. 要讲文明礼貌,做一个好孩子。**

Be polite and civilized, be a good child.

**37. 要爱护环境,保护地球。**

Protect the environment and protect the earth.

**38. 要诚实守信,做一个诚实的人。**

Be honest and trustworthy, be an honest person.

**39. 要勇敢自信,做自己喜欢的事。**

Be brave and confident, do what you like.

**40. 要乐于助人,帮助别人。**

Be willing to help others, help others.

**41. 天上的云朵,白白的,像棉花糖。**

The clouds in the sky are white and fluffy, like cotton candy.

**42. 绿色的草地,柔软的,像地毯。**

The green lawn is soft and plush, like a carpet.

**43. 蓝色的海洋,广阔的,像天空。**

The blue ocean is vast and wide, like the sky.

**44. 金色的阳光,温暖的,像妈妈的手。**

The golden sunlight is warm and comforting, like a mother's hand.

**45. 清澈的溪流,欢快的,像小姑娘的笑声。**

The clear stream flows merrily, like a little girl's laughter.

**46. 高耸的山峰,雄伟的,像巨人。**

The towering mountain peaks are majestic, like giants.

**47. 美丽的鲜花,芬芳的,像香气。**

The beautiful flowers are fragrant and aromatic, like perfume.

**48. 清新的空气,甜美的,像蜂蜜。**

The fresh air is sweet and pleasant, like honey.

**49. 快乐的歌声,动听的,像天籁。**

The joyful singing is beautiful and melodious, like heavenly music.

**50. 温暖的家,舒适的,像天堂。**

The warm home is comfortable and cozy, like paradise.

**51. 明亮的灯光,照耀的,像星星。**

The bright lights illuminate, like stars.

**52. 美味的食物,香喷喷的,像仙境。**

The delicious food is fragrant and flavorful, like a fairyland.

**53. 柔软的床,舒适的,像云朵。**

The soft bed is comfortable and cozy, like a cloud.

**54. 可爱的玩具,有趣的,像朋友。**

The cute toys are fun and interesting, like friends.

**55. 有趣的书,丰富的,像宝藏。**

The interesting books are rich and abundant, like treasure.

**56. 美丽的画,生动的,像梦境。**

The beautiful paintings are vivid and lively, like a dream.

**57. 精彩的电影,感人的,像故事。**

The exciting movies are touching and heartwarming, like stories.

**58. 激烈的运动,健康的,像生命。**

The intense exercise is healthy and invigorating, like life.

**59. 奇妙的旅程,难忘的,像回忆。**

The wonderful journey is unforgettable and memorable, like memories.

**60. 有趣的实验,探索的,像科学。**

The fun experiment is exploratory and investigative, like science.

**61. 美好的未来,充满希望的,像梦想。**

The bright future is full of hope and aspirations, like dreams.

**62. 坚强的意志,不屈不挠的,像钢铁。**

The strong will is unyielding and resolute, like steel.

**63. 善良的心灵,充满爱心的,像天使。**

The kind heart is full of love and compassion, like an angel.

**64. 聪明的脑袋,充满智慧的,像星辰。**

The clever mind is full of wisdom and knowledge, like stars.

**65. 勤劳的双手,创造价值的,像奇迹。**

The industrious hands create value and miracles.

**66. 勇敢的脚步,追逐梦想的,像风。**

The brave steps chase dreams and aspirations, like wind.

**67. 美丽的景色,令人陶醉的,像诗歌。**

The beautiful scenery is intoxicating and enchanting, like poetry.

**68. 神奇的魔法,充满幻想的,像童话。**

The magical magic is full of fantasy and imagination, like fairy tales.

**69. 友谊的桥梁,坚固的,像山峰。**

The bridge of friendship is strong and durable, like a mountain peak.

**70. 爱情的火焰,燃烧的,像太阳。**

The flame of love burns brightly, like the sun.

**71. 生命的奇迹,伟大的,像宇宙。**

The miracle of life is great and magnificent, like the universe.

**72. 时间的河流,流淌的,像历史。**

The river of time flows and meanders, like history.

**73. 智慧的宝库,丰富的,像海洋。**

The treasury of wisdom is rich and abundant, like the ocean.

**74. 生命的意义,永恒的,像真理。**

The meaning of life is eternal and everlasting, like truth.

**75. 未来的希望,美好的,像彩虹。**

The hope of the future is bright and beautiful, like a rainbow.

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