
## 错得离谱句子,79句

**1. 我昨天梦到了一只穿着西装的鸡,它还用优雅的口音跟我说话。**

Yesterday, I dreamt of a chicken wearing a suit, speaking to me in an elegant accent.

**2. 今天早上我出门的时候,看到一辆车停在路边,上面写着“出租”,我心想,这车真便宜!**

This morning, when I went out, I saw a car parked on the roadside with a sign that said"for rent." I thought, what a cheap car!

**3. 我朋友说他养了一条会弹钢琴的狗,我当时就惊呆了!**

My friend said he has a dog that can play the piano. I was shocked!

**4. 我昨天在超市里看到一个人在用手机拍黄瓜,我当时就觉得他一定是疯了!**

Yesterday, I saw a person at the supermarket taking pictures of a cucumber with their phone. I thought they must be crazy!

**5. 我听说有一种新的减肥方法,就是每天吃10斤西瓜,然后就能瘦下来。**

I heard that there's a new diet method: eating 10 kilograms of watermelon every day, and you'll lose weight.

**6. 我昨天在路上看到一只乌龟,它正背着一个大背包,看起来要去旅行。**

Yesterday, I saw a turtle on the road, carrying a big backpack, looking like it was going on a trip.

**7. 我邻居说他家的猫会用手机上网,我当时就觉得他一定是吹牛!**

My neighbor said his cat can use the internet on his phone. I thought he was just bragging!

**8. 我听说有一种新的手机,它可以自动翻译所有语言,简直是神器!**

I heard that there's a new phone that can automatically translate all languages. It's simply a magical tool!

**9. 我昨天在公园里看到一只猴子在骑自行车,我当时就觉得它一定是练过瑜伽的!**

Yesterday, I saw a monkey riding a bicycle in the park. I thought it must have practiced yoga!

**10. 我听说有一种新的饮料,它可以让你瞬间变瘦,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new drink that can make you lose weight instantly. I thought it must be a scam!

**11. 我朋友说他养了一只会唱歌的鹦鹉,我当时就觉得他一定是骗我的!**

My friend said he has a parrot that can sing. I thought he was just lying to me!

**12. 我昨天在商店里看到一个男人在用扫帚刷牙,我当时就觉得他一定是脑子有问题!**

Yesterday, I saw a man in a store brushing his teeth with a broom. I thought he must have something wrong with his brain!

**13. 我听说有一种新的减肥药,它可以让你不用运动就能瘦下来,我当时就觉得它一定是假的!**

I heard that there's a new weight loss pill that allows you to lose weight without exercise. I thought it must be fake!

**14. 我朋友说他昨天梦到了一只会说话的狗,我当时就觉得他一定是胡说八道!**

My friend said he dreamt of a dog that could speak yesterday. I thought he was just talking nonsense!

**15. 我昨天在街上看到一个女人在用雨伞遮太阳,我当时就觉得她一定是脑子进水了!**

Yesterday, I saw a woman on the street using an umbrella to block the sun. I thought she must have water in her brain!

**16. 我听说有一种新的手机,它可以自动生成美食,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new phone that can automatically generate food. I thought it must be a scam!

**17. 我昨天在公园里看到一只兔子在玩滑板,我当时就觉得它一定是练过杂技的!**

Yesterday, I saw a rabbit playing skateboarding in the park. I thought it must have practiced acrobatics!

**18. 我听说有一种新的饮料,它可以让你瞬间变高,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new drink that can make you grow taller instantly. I thought it must be a scam!

**19. 我朋友说他养了一只会跳舞的猫,我当时就觉得他一定是骗我的!**

My friend said he has a cat that can dance. I thought he was just lying to me!

**20. 我昨天在商店里看到一个男人在用拖把刷头发,我当时就觉得他一定是脑子进水了!**

Yesterday, I saw a man in a store brushing his hair with a mop. I thought he must have water in his brain!

**21. 我听说有一种新的减肥方法,就是每天吃100个鸡蛋,然后就能瘦下来。**

I heard that there's a new diet method: eating 100 eggs every day, and you'll lose weight.

**22. 我昨天在路上看到一只蜗牛,它正背着一个大房子,看起来要去旅行。**

Yesterday, I saw a snail on the road, carrying a big house, looking like it was going on a trip.

**23. 我邻居说他家的狗会用电脑玩游戏,我当时就觉得他一定是吹牛!**

My neighbor said his dog can play computer games. I thought he was just bragging!

**24. 我听说有一种新的手机,它可以自动生成音乐,简直是神器!**

I heard that there's a new phone that can automatically generate music. It's simply a magical tool!

**25. 我昨天在公园里看到一只熊在打篮球,我当时就觉得它一定是练过篮球的!**

Yesterday, I saw a bear playing basketball in the park. I thought it must have practiced basketball!

**26. 我听说有一种新的饮料,它可以让你瞬间变强壮,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new drink that can make you instantly stronger. I thought it must be a scam!

**27. 我朋友说他养了一只会说英语的猫,我当时就觉得他一定是骗我的!**

My friend said he has a cat that can speak English. I thought he was just lying to me!

**28. 我昨天在商店里看到一个女人在用洗衣机洗碗,我当时就觉得她一定是脑子有问题!**

Yesterday, I saw a woman in a store washing dishes in a washing machine. I thought she must have something wrong with her brain!

**29. 我听说有一种新的减肥药,它可以让你不用吃饭就能瘦下来,我当时就觉得它一定是假的!**

I heard that there's a new weight loss pill that allows you to lose weight without eating. I thought it must be fake!

**30. 我朋友说他昨天梦到了一只会飞的猪,我当时就觉得他一定是胡说八道!**

My friend said he dreamt of a flying pig yesterday. I thought he was just talking nonsense!

**31. 我昨天在街上看到一个男人在用高跟鞋走路,我当时就觉得他一定是脑子进水了!**

Yesterday, I saw a man on the street walking in high heels. I thought he must have water in his brain!

**32. 我听说有一种新的手机,它可以自动生成代码,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new phone that can automatically generate code. I thought it must be a scam!

**33. 我昨天在公园里看到一只蛇在跳绳,我当时就觉得它一定是练过体操的!**

Yesterday, I saw a snake jumping rope in the park. I thought it must have practiced gymnastics!

**34. 我听说有一种新的饮料,它可以让你瞬间变聪明,我当时就觉得它一定是骗人的!**

I heard that there's a new drink that can make you instantly smarter. I thought it must be a scam!

**35. 我朋友说他养了一只会弹吉他

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