
## 邮递员走句子,65句,并翻译成英文

**1. 邮递员每天都穿梭在街道上。**

The postman walks through the streets every day.

**2. 他总是面带微笑,热情地将信件送达。**

He always wears a smile and delivers letters with enthusiasm.

**3. 他熟悉每一条街道,每个门牌号。**

He knows every street and every house number.

**4. 他是社区的重要一员,为人们传递着消息和快乐。**

He is an important part of the community, delivering messages and happiness to people.

**5. 他有时会遇到各种各样的人,听到各种各样的故事。**

Sometimes he encounters all kinds of people and hears all kinds of stories.

**6. 他总是乐于助人,为需要帮助的人提供帮助。**

He is always willing to help and assist those in need.

**7. 他像一位守护者,默默地守护着这个社区。**

He is like a guardian, silently watching over the community.

**8. 他的工作平凡而伟大,他用自己的双手传递着爱和希望。**

His work is ordinary but great, he delivers love and hope with his own hands.

**9. 邮递员的脚步声,是这个城市最动听的旋律之一。**

The footsteps of the postman are one of the most beautiful melodies in the city.

**10. 他是城市的节奏,是生活的象征。**

He is the rhythm of the city, a symbol of life.

**11. 邮递员是连接人们的纽带。**

The postman is a bond that connects people.

**12. 他是信息传递的使者,是情感沟通的桥梁。**

He is a messenger of information and a bridge for emotional communication.

**13. 他的工作看似简单,却承载着许多人的希望。**

His job may seem simple, but it carries the hopes of many people.

**14. 邮递员,一个平凡的职业,却有着不平凡的意义。**

The postman, an ordinary profession, has an extraordinary meaning.

**15. 他是城市中不可缺少的一部分,是人们生活中的重要角色。**

He is an indispensable part of the city and an important role in people's lives.

**16. 他用自己的行动诠释着责任和奉献。**

He interprets responsibility and dedication with his actions.

**17. 他是城市的守护者,是人们生活的照亮者。**

He is the guardian of the city and the illuminator of people's lives.

**18. 邮递员,一个平凡而伟大的名字。**

The postman, a simple but great name.

**19. 他用自己的汗水和努力,为人们带来幸福。**

He brings happiness to people with his sweat and effort.

**20. 他是城市中的一道风景,是人们心中的一份温暖。**

He is a scenery in the city, a warmth in people's hearts.

**21. 邮递员的身影,在城市中穿梭,传递着温暖和希望。**

The postman's figure shuttles through the city, conveying warmth and hope.

**22. 他的微笑,是城市中最温暖的光芒。**

His smile is the warmest light in the city.

**23. 他的脚步声,是城市中最动人的旋律。**

His footsteps are the most moving melody in the city.

**24. 他的工作,是城市中最平凡的伟大。**

His work is the most ordinary greatness in the city.

**25. 邮递员,是城市的英雄,是人们心中的天使。**

The postman is a hero of the city and an angel in people's hearts.

**26. 他是城市中的一颗明星,照亮着人们的道路。**

He is a star in the city, illuminating people's paths.

**27. 他的身影,是城市中一道亮丽的风景线。**

His figure is a beautiful scenery in the city.

**28. 他的工作,是城市中不可缺少的一部分。**

His work is an indispensable part of the city.

**29. 邮递员,是城市中的一份温暖,是人们生活中的阳光。**

The postman is a warmth in the city, a sunshine in people's lives.

**30. 他是城市中的一位艺术家,用自己的双手描绘着幸福的图案。**

He is an artist in the city, painting patterns of happiness with his own hands.

**31. 他是城市的守护者,是人们心中的希望。**

He is the guardian of the city and the hope in people's hearts.

**32. 他的工作,是城市中最伟大的平凡。**

His work is the greatest ordinary in the city.

**33. 邮递员,是城市中的一份感动,是人们生活中的温暖。**

The postman is a touch of emotion in the city, a warmth in people's lives.

**34. 他是城市的灵魂,是人们生活中的纽带。**

He is the soul of the city and the bond in people's lives.

**35. 他的脚步声,是城市中最动听的音乐。**

His footsteps are the most beautiful music in the city.

**36. 他的身影,是城市中最美好的风景。**

His figure is the most beautiful scenery in the city.

**37. 他的工作,是城市中最平凡的伟大。**

His work is the most ordinary greatness in the city.

**38. 邮递员,是城市中的一份感动,是人们生活中的希望。**

The postman is a touch of emotion in the city, a hope in people's lives.

**39. 他是城市的象征,是人们生活中的阳光。**

He is the symbol of the city, the sunshine in people's lives.

**40. 他的工作,是城市中最伟大的平凡。**

His work is the greatest ordinary in the city.

**41. 邮递员,是城市中的一份温暖,是人们生活中的幸福。**

The postman is a warmth in the city, a happiness in people's lives.

**42. 他是城市的守护者,是人们心中的天使。**

He is the guardian of the city and the angel in people's hearts.

**43. 他的脚步声,是城市中最动听的音乐。**

His footsteps are the most beautiful music in the city.

**44. 他的身影,是城市中最美好的风景。**

His figure is the most beautiful scenery in the city.

**45. 他的工作,是城市中最平凡的伟大。**

His work is the most ordinary greatness in the city.

**46. 邮递员,是城市中的一份感动,是人们生活中的希望。**

The postman is a touch of emotion in the city, a hope in people's lives.

**47. 他是城市的象征,是人们生活中的阳光。**

He is the symbol of the city, the sunshine in people's lives.

**48. 他的工作,是城市中最伟大的平凡。**

His work is the greatest ordinary in the city.

**49. 邮递员,是城市中的一份温暖,是人们生活中的幸福。**

The postman is a warmth in the city, a happiness in people's lives.

**50. 他是城市的守护者,是人们心中的天使。**

He is the guardian of the city and the angel in people's hearts.

**51. 他的脚步声,是城市中最动听的音乐。**

His footsteps are the most beautiful music in the city.

**52. 他的身影,是城市中最美好的风景。**

His figure is the most beautiful scenery in the city.

**53. 他的工作,是城市中最平凡的伟大。**

His work is the most ordinary greatness in the city.

**54. 邮递员,是城市中的一份感动,是人们生活中的希望。**

The postman is a touch of emotion in the city, a hope in people's lives.

**55. 他是城市的象征,是人们生活中的阳光。**

He is the symbol of the city, the sunshine in people's lives.

**56. 他的工作,是城市中最伟大的平凡。**

His work is the greatest ordinary in the city.

**57. 邮递员,是城市中的一份温暖,是人们生活中的幸福。**

The postman is a warmth in the city, a happiness in people's lives.

**58. 他是城市的守护者,是人们心中的天使。**

He is the guardian of the city and the angel in people's hearts.

**59. 他的脚步声,是城市中最动听的音乐。**

His footsteps are the most beautiful music in the city.

**60. 他的身影,是城市中最美好的风景。**

His figure is the most beautiful scenery in the city.

**61. 他的工作,是城市中最平凡的伟大。**

His work is the most ordinary greatness in the city.

**62. 邮递员,是城市中的一份感动,是人们生活中的希望。**

The postman is a touch of emotion in the city, a hope in people's lives.

**63. 他是城市的象征,是人们生活中的阳光。**

He is the symbol of the city, the sunshine in people's lives.

**64. 他的工作,是城市中最伟大的平凡。**

His work is the greatest ordinary in the city.

**65. 邮递员,是城市中的一份温暖,是人们生活中的幸福。**

The postman is a warmth in the city, a happiness in people's lives.

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