
## 道士押韵句子 (97 句)

**1. 拂袖轻挥踏云端,逍遥自在隐山间。**

With a flick of his sleeve, he ascends the clouds, a carefree hermit in the mountains.

**2. 道法自然心自明,静观万物不染尘。**

Following the way of nature, his heart is clear, calmly observing all things without attachment to the dust.

**3. 炼丹炉火映红霞,仙气飘渺入九天。**

The fire of the alchemy furnace reflects a red glow, as the celestial aura drifts into the ninth heaven.

**4. 青衫玉佩身轻盈,踏月寻仙访古人。**

In a light green robe and jade pendant, he steps lightly, searching for immortals and ancient sages under the moonlight.

**5. 玄妙法诀口传授,指点迷津渡世人。**

Mystical incantations are passed down orally, guiding lost souls and delivering people from suffering.

**6. 祥云瑞气罩山门,仙音袅袅入耳中。**

Auspicious clouds and auspicious energy surround the mountain gate, while divine melodies drift into the ears.

**7. 符咒镇邪驱妖魔,平安护佑保家宅。**

Talismans suppress evil and banish demons, bringing peace and protection to homes.

**8. 功德无量度众生,普渡众生心慈悲。**

With boundless merit, they guide living beings, showing compassion to all with an open heart.

**9. 悬壶济世行仁术,妙手回春解病痛。**

Practicing the art of medicine, they heal the world with their magical touch, alleviating pain and illness.

**10. 问道修真悟道心,清心寡欲无牵挂。**

Seeking the Dao, cultivating their mind, they attain enlightenment, free from worldly desires and attachments.

**11. 采药山林寻灵草,炼丹炉火煮仙液。**

Gathering herbs in the mountains and forests, they refine elixirs in the furnace, brewing the nectar of immortality.

**12. 鹤舞云霄展翅飞,松柏苍翠迎风立。**

Cranes dance in the clouds, spreading their wings in flight, while pines and cypresses stand tall and green against the wind.

**13. 问道长生求大道,心如止水无波澜。**

Seeking eternal life, they pursue the Great Dao, their hearts calm and peaceful, like still water.

**14. 拂尘挥袖去尘埃,心如明镜照乾坤。**

Waving their dusters, they brush away the dust, their minds like clear mirrors reflecting the universe.

**15. 慈悲为怀度众生,大爱无私济世人。**

With compassion in their hearts, they guide living beings, their selfless love benefits all humankind.

**16. 云游四方访奇人,探寻秘境悟真谛。**

Traveling far and wide, they seek out extraordinary people, exploring hidden realms and discovering the true meaning.

**17. 静坐参禅悟道法,清修苦行证道果。**

Sitting in meditation, they contemplate the Dao and its laws, engaging in austere practices to attain enlightenment.

**18. 阴阳五行皆可悟,天地玄机尽掌握。**

Understanding Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, they grasp the mysteries of heaven and earth.

**19. 避世山林隐居处,清风明月伴左右。**

Hidden in the mountains and forests, they dwell in seclusion, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon.

**20. 心存善念渡苦海,慈悲为怀解世愁。**

With good intentions in their hearts, they ferry people across the sea of suffering, alleviating worldly sorrow with compassion.

**21. 手持拂尘挥洒意,心怀慈悲渡众生。**

Holding a duster, they gracefully express their intentions, guiding living beings with compassion in their hearts.

**22. 白云深处隐仙踪,清风明月伴夜行。**

Amidst the white clouds, the traces of immortals are hidden, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon as they walk at night.

**23. 道心坚韧不退缩,修行苦行终成仙。**

Their Daoist heart is resolute and unwavering, enduring rigorous practices to finally become immortals.

**24. 悟道之路漫漫长,心怀信念不迷途。**

The path to enlightenment is long and arduous, but they remain steadfast in their beliefs, never losing their way.

**25. 丹炉炼药气冲天,仙气飘渺入九天。**

The furnace refines medicinal elixirs, emitting celestial vapors that rise to the ninth heaven.

**26. 符咒镇邪驱妖魔,平安护佑保家宅。**

Talismans suppress evil and banish demons, bringing peace and protection to homes.

**27. 玄妙法诀口传授,指点迷津渡世人。**

Mystical incantations are passed down orally, guiding lost souls and delivering people from suffering.

**28. 道法自然心自明,静观万物不染尘。**

Following the way of nature, their heart is clear, calmly observing all things without attachment to the dust.

**29. 拂袖轻挥踏云端,逍遥自在隐山间。**

With a flick of their sleeve, they ascend the clouds, a carefree hermit in the mountains.

**30. 青衫玉佩身轻盈,踏月寻仙访古人。**

In a light green robe and jade pendant, they step lightly, searching for immortals and ancient sages under the moonlight.

**31. 功德无量度众生,普渡众生心慈悲。**

With boundless merit, they guide living beings, showing compassion to all with an open heart.

**32. 悬壶济世行仁术,妙手回春解病痛。**

Practicing the art of medicine, they heal the world with their magical touch, alleviating pain and illness.

**33. 问道修真悟道心,清心寡欲无牵挂。**

Seeking the Dao, cultivating their mind, they attain enlightenment, free from worldly desires and attachments.

**34. 采药山林寻灵草,炼丹炉火煮仙液。**

Gathering herbs in the mountains and forests, they refine elixirs in the furnace, brewing the nectar of immortality.

**35. 鹤舞云霄展翅飞,松柏苍翠迎风立。**

Cranes dance in the clouds, spreading their wings in flight, while pines and cypresses stand tall and green against the wind.

**36. 问道长生求大道,心如止水无波澜。**

Seeking eternal life, they pursue the Great Dao, their hearts calm and peaceful, like still water.

**37. 拂尘挥袖去尘埃,心如明镜照乾坤。**

Waving their dusters, they brush away the dust, their minds like clear mirrors reflecting the universe.

**38. 慈悲为怀度众生,大爱无私济世人。**

With compassion in their hearts, they guide living beings, their selfless love benefits all humankind.

**39. 云游四方访奇人,探寻秘境悟真谛。**

Traveling far and wide, they seek out extraordinary people, exploring hidden realms and discovering the true meaning.

**40. 静坐参禅悟道法,清修苦行证道果。**

Sitting in meditation, they contemplate the Dao and its laws, engaging in austere practices to attain enlightenment.

**41. 阴阳五行皆可悟,天地玄机尽掌握。**

Understanding Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, they grasp the mysteries of heaven and earth.

**42. 避世山林隐居处,清风明月伴左右。**

Hidden in the mountains and forests, they dwell in seclusion, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon.

**43. 心存善念渡苦海,慈悲为怀解世愁。**

With good intentions in their hearts, they ferry people across the sea of suffering, alleviating worldly sorrow with compassion.

**44. 手持拂尘挥洒意,心怀慈悲渡众生。**

Holding a duster, they gracefully express their intentions, guiding living beings with compassion in their hearts.

**45. 白云深处隐仙踪,清风明月伴夜行。**

Amidst the white clouds, the traces of immortals are hidden, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon as they walk at night.

**46. 道心坚韧不退缩,修行苦行终成仙。**

Their Daoist heart is resolute and unwavering, enduring rigorous practices to finally become immortals.

**47. 悟道之路漫漫长,心怀信念不迷途。**

The path to enlightenment is long and arduous, but they remain steadfast in their beliefs, never losing their way.

**48. 丹炉炼药气冲天,仙气飘渺入九天。**

The furnace refines medicinal elixirs, emitting celestial vapors that rise to the ninth heaven.

**49. 符咒镇邪驱妖魔,平安护佑保家宅。**

Talismans suppress evil and banish demons, bringing peace and protection to homes.

**50. 玄妙法诀口传授,指点迷津渡世人。**

Mystical incantations are passed down orally, guiding lost souls and delivering people from suffering.

**51. 道法自然心自明,静观万物不染尘。**

Following the way of nature, their heart is clear, calmly observing all things without attachment to the dust.

**52. 拂袖轻挥踏云端,逍遥自在隐山间。**

With a flick of their sleeve, they ascend the clouds, a carefree hermit in the mountains.

**53. 青衫玉佩身轻盈,踏月寻仙访古人。**

In a light green robe and jade pendant, they step lightly, searching for immortals and ancient sages under the moonlight.

**54. 功德无量度众生,普渡众生心慈悲。**

With boundless merit, they guide living beings, showing compassion to all with an open heart.

**55. 悬壶济世行仁术,妙手回春解病痛。**

Practicing the art of medicine, they heal the world with their magical touch, alleviating pain and illness.

**56. 问道修真悟道心,清心寡欲无牵挂。**

Seeking the Dao, cultivating their mind, they attain enlightenment, free from worldly desires and attachments.

**57. 采药山林寻灵草,炼丹炉火煮仙液。**

Gathering herbs in the mountains and forests, they refine elixirs in the furnace, brewing the nectar of immortality.

**58. 鹤舞云霄展翅飞,松柏苍翠迎风立。**

Cranes dance in the clouds, spreading their wings in flight, while pines and cypresses stand tall and green against the wind.

**59. 问道长生求大道,心如止水无波澜。**

Seeking eternal life, they pursue the Great Dao, their hearts calm and peaceful, like still water.

**60. 拂尘挥袖去尘埃,心如明镜照乾坤。**

Waving their dusters, they brush away the dust, their minds like clear mirrors reflecting the universe.

**61. 慈悲为怀度众生,大爱无私济世人。**

With compassion in their hearts, they guide living beings, their selfless love benefits all humankind.

**62. 云游四方访奇人,探寻秘境悟真谛。**

Traveling far and wide, they seek out extraordinary people, exploring hidden realms and discovering the true meaning.

**63. 静坐参禅悟道法,清修苦行证道果。**

Sitting in meditation, they contemplate the Dao and its laws, engaging in austere practices to attain enlightenment.

**64. 阴阳五行皆可悟,天地玄机尽掌握。**

Understanding Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, they grasp the mysteries of heaven and earth.

**65. 避世山林隐居处,清风明月伴左右。**

Hidden in the mountains and forests, they dwell in seclusion, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon.

**66. 心存善念渡苦海,慈悲为怀解世愁。**

With good intentions in their hearts, they ferry people across the sea of suffering, alleviating worldly sorrow with compassion.

**67. 手持拂尘挥洒意,心怀慈悲渡众生。**

Holding a duster, they gracefully express their intentions, guiding living beings with compassion in their hearts.

**68. 白云深处隐仙踪,清风明月伴夜行。**

Amidst the white clouds, the traces of immortals are hidden, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon as they walk at night.

**69. 道心坚韧不退缩,修行苦行终成仙。**

Their Daoist heart is resolute and unwavering, enduring rigorous practices to finally become immortals.

**70. 悟道之路漫漫长,心怀信念不迷途。**

The path to enlightenment is long and arduous, but they remain steadfast in their beliefs, never losing their way.

**71. 丹炉炼药气冲天,仙气飘渺入九天。**

The furnace refines medicinal elixirs, emitting celestial vapors that rise to the ninth heaven.

**72. 符咒镇邪驱妖魔,平安护佑保家宅。**

Talismans suppress evil and banish demons, bringing peace and protection to homes.

**73. 玄妙法诀口传授,指点迷津渡世人。**

Mystical incantations are passed down orally, guiding lost souls and delivering people from suffering.

**74. 道法自然心自明,静观万物不染尘。**

Following the way of nature, their heart is clear, calmly observing all things without attachment to the dust.

**75. 拂袖轻挥踏云端,逍遥自在隐山间。**

With a flick of their sleeve, they ascend the clouds, a carefree hermit in the mountains.

**76. 青衫玉佩身轻盈,踏月寻仙访古人。**

In a light green robe and jade pendant, they step lightly, searching for immortals and ancient sages under the moonlight.

**77. 功德无量度众生,普渡众生心慈悲。**

With boundless merit, they guide living beings, showing compassion to all with an open heart.

**78. 悬壶济世行仁术,妙手回春解病痛。**

Practicing the art of medicine, they heal the world with their magical touch, alleviating pain and illness.

**79. 问道修真悟道心,清心寡欲无牵挂。**

Seeking the Dao, cultivating their mind, they attain enlightenment, free from worldly desires and attachments.

**80. 采药山林寻灵草,炼丹炉火煮仙液。**

Gathering herbs in the mountains and forests, they refine elixirs in the furnace, brewing the nectar of immortality.

**81. 鹤舞云霄展翅飞,松柏苍翠迎风立。**

Cranes dance in the clouds, spreading their wings in flight, while pines and cypresses stand tall and green against the wind.

**82. 问道长生求大道,心如止水无波澜。**

Seeking eternal life, they pursue the Great Dao, their hearts calm and peaceful, like still water.

**83. 拂尘挥袖去尘埃,心如明镜照乾坤。**

Waving their dusters, they brush away the dust, their minds like clear mirrors reflecting the universe.

**84. 慈悲为怀度众生,大爱无私济世人。**

With compassion in their hearts, they guide living beings, their selfless love benefits all humankind.

**85. 云游四方访奇人,探寻秘境悟真谛。**

Traveling far and wide, they seek out extraordinary people, exploring hidden realms and discovering the true meaning.

**86. 静坐参禅悟道法,清修苦行证道果。**

Sitting in meditation, they contemplate the Dao and its laws, engaging in austere practices to attain enlightenment.

**87. 阴阳五行皆可悟,天地玄机尽掌握。**

Understanding Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, they grasp the mysteries of heaven and earth.

**88. 避世山林隐居处,清风明月伴左右。**

Hidden in the mountains and forests, they dwell in seclusion, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon.

**89. 心存善念渡苦海,慈悲为怀解世愁。**

With good intentions in their hearts, they ferry people across the sea of suffering, alleviating worldly sorrow with compassion.

**90. 手持拂尘挥洒意,心怀慈悲渡众生。**

Holding a duster, they gracefully express their intentions, guiding living beings with compassion in their hearts.

**91. 白云深处隐仙踪,清风明月伴夜行。**

Amidst the white clouds, the traces of immortals are hidden, accompanied by the cool breeze and bright moon as they walk at night.

**92. 道心坚韧不退缩,修行苦行终成仙。**

Their Daoist heart is resolute and unwavering, enduring rigorous practices to finally become immortals.

**93. 悟道之路漫漫长,心怀信念不迷途。**

The path to enlightenment is long and arduous, but they remain steadfast in their beliefs, never losing their way.

**94. 丹炉炼药气冲天,仙气飘渺入九天。**

The furnace refines medicinal elixirs, emitting celestial vapors that rise to the ninth heaven.

**95. 符咒镇邪驱妖魔,平安护佑保家宅。**

Talismans suppress evil and banish demons, bringing peace and protection to homes.

**96. 玄妙法诀口传授,指点迷津渡世人。**

Mystical incantations are passed down orally, guiding lost souls and delivering people from suffering.

**97. 道法自然心自明,静观万物不染尘。**

Following the way of nature, their heart is clear, calmly observing all things without attachment to the dust.

以上就是关于道士押韵句子97句(道士押韵句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
