
## 绿林好汉句子 (65句)

1. **路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> **To see injustice and draw your sword to help.**

2. **侠肝义胆,豪气干云。**
> **To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.**

3. **仗剑江湖,快意恩仇。**
> **To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.**

4. **金戈铁马,沙场点兵。**
> **Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.**

5. **英雄豪杰,肝胆相照。**
> **Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.**

6. **兄弟情深,生死相依。**
> **Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.**

7. **身怀绝技,武艺超群。**
> **To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.**

8. **挥洒豪情,纵横天下。**
> **To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.**

9. **豪言壮语,气吞山河。**
> **Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.**

10. **仗义疏财,乐善好施。**
> **To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.**

11. **挥剑斩妖除魔,维护正义。**
> **To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.**

12. **义薄云天,肝胆相照。**
> **To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.**

13. **赤胆忠心,誓死效忠。**
> **To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.**

14. **侠骨柔情,心怀天下。**
> **To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.**

15. **豪迈不羁,逍遥自在。**
> **To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.**

16. **风流倜傥,玉树临风。**
> **To be dashing and elegant, like a jade tree standing in the wind.**

17. **仗剑走天涯,快意人生。**
> **To wander the world with a sword, living a life of pleasure and satisfaction.**

18. **行侠仗义,锄强扶弱。**
> **To uphold justice, to vanquish the strong and assist the weak.**

19. **豪情万丈,气概非凡。**
> **To have boundless ambition and an extraordinary spirit.**

20. **身怀绝技,无人能敌。**
> **To possess unparalleled skills, unbeatable by anyone.**

21. **大碗喝酒,大块吃肉。**
> **To drink from large bowls and eat large pieces of meat.**

22. **义结金兰,生死之交。**
> **To form a sworn brotherhood, a bond of life and death.**

23. **威风凛凛,气吞山河。**
> **To be awe-inspiring and majestic, with an aura that can swallow mountains and rivers.**

24. **义薄云天,侠肝义胆。**
> **To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, with a heroic heart and a righteous spirit.**

25. **豪情壮志,志在四方。**
> **To have grand aspirations and ambitions that stretch far and wide.**

26. **仗剑江湖,快意恩仇。**
> **To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.**

27. **挥洒豪情,纵横天下。**
> **To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.**

28. **英雄豪杰,肝胆相照。**
> **Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.**

29. **金戈铁马,沙场点兵。**
> **Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.**

30. **路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> **To see injustice and draw your sword to help.**

31. **兄弟情深,生死相依。**
> **Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.**

32. **身怀绝技,武艺超群。**
> **To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.**

33. **侠肝义胆,豪气干云。**
> **To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.**

34. **豪言壮语,气吞山河。**
> **Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.**

35. **仗义疏财,乐善好施。**
> **To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.**

36. **挥剑斩妖除魔,维护正义。**
> **To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.**

37. **义薄云天,肝胆相照。**
> **To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.**

38. **赤胆忠心,誓死效忠。**
> **To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.**

39. **侠骨柔情,心怀天下。**
> **To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.**

40. **豪迈不羁,逍遥自在。**
> **To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.**

41. **风流倜傥,玉树临风。**
> **To be dashing and elegant, like a jade tree standing in the wind.**

42. **仗剑走天涯,快意人生。**
> **To wander the world with a sword, living a life of pleasure and satisfaction.**

43. **行侠仗义,锄强扶弱。**
> **To uphold justice, to vanquish the strong and assist the weak.**

44. **豪情万丈,气概非凡。**
> **To have boundless ambition and an extraordinary spirit.**

45. **身怀绝技,无人能敌。**
> **To possess unparalleled skills, unbeatable by anyone.**

46. **大碗喝酒,大块吃肉。**
> **To drink from large bowls and eat large pieces of meat.**

47. **义结金兰,生死之交。**
> **To form a sworn brotherhood, a bond of life and death.**

48. **威风凛凛,气吞山河。**
> **To be awe-inspiring and majestic, with an aura that can swallow mountains and rivers.**

49. **义薄云天,侠肝义胆。**
> **To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, with a heroic heart and a righteous spirit.**

50. **豪情壮志,志在四方。**
> **To have grand aspirations and ambitions that stretch far and wide.**

51. **仗剑江湖,快意恩仇。**
> **To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.**

52. **挥洒豪情,纵横天下。**
> **To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.**

53. **英雄豪杰,肝胆相照。**
> **Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.**

54. **金戈铁马,沙场点兵。**
> **Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.**

55. **路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> **To see injustice and draw your sword to help.**

56. **兄弟情深,生死相依。**
> **Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.**

57. **身怀绝技,武艺超群。**
> **To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.**

58. **侠肝义胆,豪气干云。**
> **To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.**

59. **豪言壮语,气吞山河。**
> **Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.**

60. **仗义疏财,乐善好施。**
> **To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.**

61. **挥剑斩妖除魔,维护正义。**
> **To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.**

62. **义薄云天,肝胆相照。**
> **To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.**

63. **赤胆忠心,誓死效忠。**
> **To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.**

64. **侠骨柔情,心怀天下。**
> **To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.**

65. **豪迈不羁,逍遥自在。**
> **To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.**

## HTML 结果


To see injustice and draw your sword to help.

To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.

To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.

Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.

Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.

Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.

To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.

To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.

Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.

To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.

To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.

To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.

To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.

To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.

To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.

To be dashing and elegant, like a jade tree standing in the wind.

To wander the world with a sword, living a life of pleasure and satisfaction.

To uphold justice, to vanquish the strong and assist the weak.

To have boundless ambition and an extraordinary spirit.

To possess unparalleled skills, unbeatable by anyone.

To drink from large bowls and eat large pieces of meat.

To form a sworn brotherhood, a bond of life and death.

To be awe-inspiring and majestic, with an aura that can swallow mountains and rivers.

To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, with a heroic heart and a righteous spirit.

To have grand aspirations and ambitions that stretch far and wide.

To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.

To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.

Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.

Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.

To see injustice and draw your sword to help.

Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.

To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.

To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.

Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.

To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.

To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.

To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.

To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.

To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.

To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.

To be dashing and elegant, like a jade tree standing in the wind.

To wander the world with a sword, living a life of pleasure and satisfaction.

To uphold justice, to vanquish the strong and assist the weak.

To have boundless ambition and an extraordinary spirit.

To possess unparalleled skills, unbeatable by anyone.

To drink from large bowls and eat large pieces of meat.

To form a sworn brotherhood, a bond of life and death.

To be awe-inspiring and majestic, with an aura that can swallow mountains and rivers.

To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, with a heroic heart and a righteous spirit.

To have grand aspirations and ambitions that stretch far and wide.

To roam the world with a sword, seeking justice and settling scores.

To unleash boundless passion and roam the world freely.

Heroes and great men, sharing their hearts and souls.

Golden swords and iron horses, deploying troops on the battlefield.

To see injustice and draw your sword to help.

Deep brotherhood, sticking together through life and death.

To possess extraordinary skills and unparalleled martial arts abilities.

To have a heroic heart and a righteous spirit, with boundless courage.

Bold words and grand aspirations, enough to swallow mountains and rivers.

To be generous and charitable, willing to share wealth and help others.

To wield a sword and slay demons, upholding justice.

To have a righteous spirit that reaches the heavens, sharing heart and soul with others.

To have a loyal heart, pledging allegiance until death.

To have a heroic spirit and a tender heart, caring for the world.

To be free-spirited and unrestrained, living a carefree life.


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