
## 无音信的句子 (59句)

**1. 他杳无音讯,我开始担心他是不是发生了什么意外。**

He's gone without a trace, and I'm starting to worry if something happened to him.

**2. 她消失得无影无踪,仿佛人间蒸发了一般。**

She vanished without a trace, as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.

**3. 我给他打了无数个电话,却始终无人接听,这让我感到十分不安。**

I've called him countless times, but no one answers. It makes me very uneasy.

**4. 我们已经很久没有联系了,他的音讯就像石沉大海一样。**

We haven't been in touch for a long time. Any news of him has disappeared like a stone dropped in the ocean.

**5. 他答应过会给我打电话,可是直到现在都没有音讯,我感到很失望。**

He promised to call me, but I haven't heard from him yet. I'm feeling disappointed.

**6. 他离开之后,就再也没有消息了,我开始怀疑他的承诺。**

He left and hasn't been heard from since. I'm starting to doubt his promises.

**7. 我一直期待他的音讯,却始终没有得到任何回应,我的希望逐渐破灭。**

I've been waiting for news from him, but I haven't received any response. My hopes are gradually fading.

**8. 他的音讯就像风一样,飘忽不定,让我捉摸不透。**

His news is like the wind, unpredictable and elusive.

**9. 他失联了,他的家人朋友都十分担心。**

He's gone missing, and his family and friends are very worried.

**10. 我每天都盼望着他的音讯,但我的心却越来越沉重。**

I look forward to hearing from him every day, but my heart gets heavier and heavier.

**11. 他突然消失,不留任何音信,这让我感到十分困惑。**

He suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving me feeling completely bewildered.

**12. 他曾经答应过要回来,可是现在却毫无音讯,我开始担心他是不是忘记了我们的约定。**

He promised to come back, but he hasn't said a word. I'm starting to worry if he forgot our agreement.

**13. 他已经失联多日,他的家人已经报了警。**

He's been missing for days, and his family has reported it to the police.

**14. 他的音讯就像一缕青烟,飘渺不定,让人难以捉摸。**

His news is like a wisp of smoke, vague and elusive.

**15. 我已经很久没有收到他的任何消息,我开始担心他是不是出了什么事。**

I haven't received any news from him for a long time, and I'm starting to worry if something happened to him.

**16. 他答应过会回来,可是现在已经过去了很久,却依然没有音讯,这让我感到无比失望。**

He promised to come back, but it's been a long time now and there's still no news. I'm incredibly disappointed.

**17. 我曾经以为他会很快回来,可是现在已经过了这么久,他还是毫无音讯,我开始感到绝望。**

I thought he'd be back soon, but it's been so long now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to feel hopeless.

**18. 他离开的时候,没有留下任何联系方式,现在想要找到他,简直就像大海捞针一样。**

He left without leaving any contact information. Finding him now is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

**19. 他失踪了,他的家人朋友都无比焦急,四处寻找他的踪迹。**

He's disappeared, and his family and friends are extremely worried, searching high and low for him.

**20. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么遥不可及,就像一个永远无法实现的梦。**

The words he used to say now seem so distant, like a dream that can never be realized.

**21. 他消失得无影无踪,仿佛从未存在过一样。**

He vanished without a trace, as if he never existed at all.

**22. 他离家出走了,不留任何音讯,他的父母感到十分伤心。**

He ran away from home without a word, leaving his parents heartbroken.

**23. 他答应过会给我回电话,可是现在已经过去了很久,他依然没有音讯,我感到很沮丧。**

He promised to call me back, but it's been a long time now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm very frustrated.

**24. 我曾经以为他会回来,可是现在他已经消失得无影无踪,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般。**

I thought he would come back, but now he's vanished without a trace. My heart feels empty.

**25. 他离开的时候,没有说任何告别的话,就好像突然从我的世界消失了。**

He left without saying goodbye, as if he suddenly disappeared from my world.

**26. 我每天都盼望着他的音讯,但我的心却越来越沉重,仿佛预示着什么不好的事情即将发生。**

I look forward to hearing from him every day, but my heart gets heavier and heavier, as if foreshadowing something bad is about to happen.

**27. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么刺耳,就像一把利刃刺穿了我的心脏。**

The words he used to say now sound so harsh, like a sharp blade piercing my heart.

**28. 他消失得无影无踪,我的脑海里充满了无数的疑问,却始终找不到答案。**

He vanished without a trace, and my mind is filled with countless questions, but I can never find the answers.

**29. 他曾经说过会回来,可是现在已经过去了这么久,他依然没有音讯,我开始怀疑他是不是真的还会回来。**

He promised to come back, but it's been so long now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to doubt if he'll ever really come back.

**30. 他离家出走了,不留任何音信,他的家人朋友都十分担心,四处寻找他的踪迹。**

He ran away from home without a word, and his family and friends are very worried, searching high and low for him.

**31. 他答应过会给我打电话,可是现在已经过去了很久,他依然没有音讯,我开始怀疑他是不是故意不理我。**

He promised to call me back, but it's been a long time now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to suspect he's deliberately ignoring me.

**32. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么虚无缥缈,就像一个永远无法实现的承诺。**

The words he used to say now sound so empty, like a promise that can never be fulfilled.

**33. 他消失得无影无踪,仿佛人间蒸发了一般,他的音讯就像石沉大海一样,再也没有了任何消息。**

He vanished without a trace, as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth. Any news of him has disappeared like a stone dropped in the ocean.

**34. 他离开的时候,没有留下任何联系方式,现在想要找到他,简直就像大海捞针一样,我的希望越来越渺茫。**

He left without leaving any contact information. Finding him now is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and my hopes are fading.

**35. 他失踪了,他的家人朋友都无比焦急,四处寻找他的踪迹,但始终没有找到任何线索。**

He's disappeared, and his family and friends are extremely worried, searching high and low for him, but they haven't found any leads.

**36. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么讽刺,就像一个精心编造的谎言。**

The words he used to say now sound so ironic, like a carefully crafted lie.

**37. 他消失得无影无踪,我的脑海里充满了无数的疑问,却始终找不到答案,我的心仿佛被撕裂了一般。**

He vanished without a trace, and my mind is filled with countless questions, but I can never find the answers. My heart feels torn apart.

**38. 他曾经说过会回来,可是现在已经过去了这么久,他依然没有音讯,我开始感到绝望,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来。**

He promised to come back, but it's been so long now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to feel hopeless. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe.

**39. 他离家出走了,不留任何音信,他的父母感到十分伤心,他们每天都盼望着他的音讯,但他们的心却越来越沉重。**

He ran away from home without a word, leaving his parents heartbroken. They look forward to hearing from him every day, but their hearts get heavier and heavier.

**40. 他答应过会给我打电话,可是现在已经过去了很久,他依然没有音讯,我开始怀疑他是不是出了什么事,我的心仿佛被一只无形的手紧紧地握住,无法呼吸。**

He promised to call me back, but it's been a long time now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to worry if something happened to him. My heart feels like it's being held tightly by an invisible hand, I can't breathe.

**41. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么遥远,就像一个梦境一般,虚幻而不可捉摸。**

The words he used to say now sound so distant, like a dream, unreal and elusive.

**42. 他消失得无影无踪,仿佛从未存在过一样,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得一片黑暗。**

He vanished without a trace, as if he never existed at all. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become a dark void.

**43. 他离开的时候,没有说任何告别的话,就好像突然从我的世界消失了,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般,空荡荡的,什么都没有。**

He left without saying goodbye, as if he suddenly disappeared from my world. My heart feels empty, hollow, with nothing left inside.

**44. 我每天都盼望着他的音讯,但我的心却越来越沉重,仿佛预示着什么不好的事情即将发生,我的生活变得一片灰暗。**

I look forward to hearing from him every day, but my heart gets heavier and heavier, as if foreshadowing something bad is about to happen. My life has become a dull gray.

**45. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么刺耳,就像一把利刃刺穿了我的心脏,我的心仿佛被撕裂了一般,无法愈合。**

The words he used to say now sound so harsh, like a sharp blade piercing my heart. My heart feels torn apart, unable to heal.

**46. 他消失得无影无踪,我的脑海里充满了无数的疑问,却始终找不到答案,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得一片混乱。**

He vanished without a trace, and my mind is filled with countless questions, but I can never find the answers. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become a chaotic mess.

**47. 他曾经说过会回来,可是现在已经过去了这么久,他依然没有音讯,我开始感到绝望,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得毫无意义。**

He promised to come back, but it's been so long now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to feel hopeless. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become meaningless.

**48. 他离家出走了,不留任何音信,他的父母感到十分伤心,他们每天都盼望着他的音讯,但他们的心却越来越沉重,他们已经不知道该怎么办了。**

He ran away from home without a word, leaving his parents heartbroken. They look forward to hearing from him every day, but their hearts get heavier and heavier. They don't know what to do anymore.

**49. 他答应过会给我打电话,可是现在已经过去了很久,他依然没有音讯,我开始怀疑他是不是出了什么事,我的心仿佛被一只无形的手紧紧地握住,无法呼吸,我的生活变得一片黑暗。**

He promised to call me back, but it's been a long time now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to worry if something happened to him. My heart feels like it's being held tightly by an invisible hand, I can't breathe. My life has become a dark void.

**50. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么遥远,就像一个梦境一般,虚幻而不可捉摸,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般,空荡荡的,什么都没有。**

The words he used to say now sound so distant, like a dream, unreal and elusive. My heart feels empty, hollow, with nothing left inside.

**51. 他消失得无影无踪,仿佛从未存在过一样,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得一片灰暗,我开始感到绝望。**

He vanished without a trace, as if he never existed at all. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become a dull gray. I'm starting to feel hopeless.

**52. 他离开的时候,没有说任何告别的话,就好像突然从我的世界消失了,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般,空荡荡的,什么都没有,我开始感到迷茫和无助。**

He left without saying goodbye, as if he suddenly disappeared from my world. My heart feels empty, hollow, with nothing left inside. I'm starting to feel lost and helpless.

**53. 我每天都盼望着他的音讯,但我的心却越来越沉重,仿佛预示着什么不好的事情即将发生,我的生活变得一片灰暗,我开始感到绝望,我甚至开始怀疑自己是不是做错了什么。**

I look forward to hearing from him every day, but my heart gets heavier and heavier, as if foreshadowing something bad is about to happen. My life has become a dull gray. I'm starting to feel hopeless, I even start to doubt if I did something wrong.

**54. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么刺耳,就像一把利刃刺穿了我的心脏,我的心仿佛被撕裂了一般,无法愈合,我开始感到愤怒和痛苦。**

The words he used to say now sound so harsh, like a sharp blade piercing my heart. My heart feels torn apart, unable to heal. I'm starting to feel angry and hurt.

**55. 他消失得无影无踪,我的脑海里充满了无数的疑问,却始终找不到答案,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得一片混乱,我开始感到迷茫和恐惧。**

He vanished without a trace, and my mind is filled with countless questions, but I can never find the answers. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become a chaotic mess. I'm starting to feel lost and scared.

**56. 他曾经说过会回来,可是现在已经过去了这么久,他依然没有音讯,我开始感到绝望,我的心仿佛被一块巨石压住了一般,喘不过气来,我的生活变得毫无意义,我开始感到空虚和迷茫。**

He promised to come back, but it's been so long now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to feel hopeless. My heart feels weighed down by a giant stone, I can't breathe. My life has become meaningless. I'm starting to feel empty and lost.

**57. 他离家出走了,不留任何音信,他的父母感到十分伤心,他们每天都盼望着他的音讯,但他们的心却越来越沉重,他们已经不知道该怎么办了,他们开始感到无助和绝望。**

He ran away from home without a word, leaving his parents heartbroken. They look forward to hearing from him every day, but their hearts get heavier and heavier. They don't know what to do anymore. They are starting to feel helpless and hopeless.

**58. 他答应过会给我打电话,可是现在已经过去了很久,他依然没有音讯,我开始怀疑他是不是出了什么事,我的心仿佛被一只无形的手紧紧地握住,无法呼吸,我的生活变得一片黑暗,我开始感到绝望和迷茫。**

He promised to call me back, but it's been a long time now and he still hasn't said a word. I'm starting to worry if something happened to him. My heart feels like it's being held tightly by an invisible hand, I can't breathe. My life has become a dark void. I'm starting to feel hopeless and lost.

**59. 他曾经说过的话,现在听起来却那么遥远,就像一个梦境一般,虚幻而不可捉摸,我的心仿佛被掏空了一般,空荡荡的,什么都没有,我开始感到空虚和迷茫,我甚至开始怀疑自己是不是真的还爱着他。**

The words he used to say now sound so distant, like a dream, unreal and elusive. My heart feels empty, hollow, with nothing left inside. I'm starting to feel empty and lost. I even start to doubt if I really still love him.

以上就是关于无音信的句子59句(无音信的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
