
## 无所事事的心烦的句子,85句

1. 时间像流水一样,不知不觉就过去了,而我却无所事事,心里空落落的。

2. 无聊透顶,真想找点事做,可是一想到什么都提不起劲,就又打消了念头。

3. 明明可以躺着,为什么要坐着?明明可以坐着,为什么要站着?明明可以站着,为什么要走着?明明可以走着,为什么要跑着?我仿佛陷入了人生的无意义循环。

4. 手机已经刷到没电,电视也看不下去,连游戏都不想玩,我这是怎么了?

5. 为什么我的生活总是这样平淡无奇?我渴望一些刺激,一些改变,可是一切都那么平静。

6. 时间是海绵,你挤一挤,总是还有的。可是我却不想挤,只想任由时间从指缝间溜走。

7. 望着窗外车水马龙的街道,我却感到格格不入,仿佛自己只是一个局外人。

8. 无所事事的时候,我总是会胡思乱想,各种烦心事一股脑地涌上心头。

9. 真希望时间能够快一点,快一点,让我摆脱这种无所事事的煎熬。

10. 我像一只被困在笼子里的鸟,渴望自由,却找不到出路。

11. 焦虑和不安像潮水一样,不断地向我袭来,让我喘不过气。

12. 浪费时间是一种可怕的罪恶,我却无力阻止自己堕落。

13. 我渴望一种充实的生活,但现在我却只能在空虚中沉沦。

14. 看着别人忙碌的身影,我却只能眼巴巴地看着,羡慕嫉妒恨。

15. 我讨厌这种无所事事的感觉,它让我感到空虚,让我感到迷茫。

16. 我想要做一些有意义的事情,可是我却不知道从哪里开始。

17. 我像一艘迷失在茫茫大海中的船,没有方向,没有目标,只能随波逐流。

18. 我害怕时间,因为时间在无情地流逝,而我却无能为力。

19. 我想要逃离这种无助的状态,可是我却无处可逃。

20. 为什么我总是无法摆脱这种无所事事的困境?我仿佛被困在了时间的牢笼里。

21. 我渴望一个目标,一个动力,让我不再迷失在人生的迷宫中。

22. 我想要摆脱这种空虚,可是我却找不到出口。

23. 我想要找到属于自己的价值,可是我却不知道如何开始。

24. 我想要做一些让自己感到充实的事情,可是我却找不到动力。

25. 我想要改变现状,可是我却不知道如何改变。

26. 我想要找到生活的意义,可是我却迷失了方向。

27. 我想要摆脱这种无助感,可是我却不知道如何摆脱。

28. 我想要找到自己的归宿,可是我却不知道在哪里。

29. 我想要找到自己的价值,可是我却不知道自己到底有什么价值。

30. 我想要找到属于自己的幸福,可是我却不知道幸福在哪里。

31. 我像一只迷失在沙漠中的骆驼,渴望着水源,却找不到方向。

32. 我像一只困在网中的蜘蛛,挣扎着想要逃离,却越陷越深。

33. 我像一株枯萎的植物,渴望雨露,却得不到滋养。

34. 我像一只被囚禁在笼子里的鸟,渴望自由,却找不到出路。

35. 我像一颗迷失在夜空中的星星,渴望光芒,却找不到方向。

36. 我像一个无家可归的流浪汉,渴望温暖,却找不到归宿。

37. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

38. 我像一个被遗弃的孩子,渴望爱,却得不到温暖。

39. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

40. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

41. 我像一个被遗忘的故事,渴望被讲述,却无人问津。

42. 我像一个被遗忘的灵魂,渴望被拯救,却无人理会。

43. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

44. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

45. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

46. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

47. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

48. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

49. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

50. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

51. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

52. 我像一个被遗忘的灵魂,渴望被拯救,却无人理会。

53. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

54. 我像一个被遗忘的故事,渴望被讲述,却无人问津。

55. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

56. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

57. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

58. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

59. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

60. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

61. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

62. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

63. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

64. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

65. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

66. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

67. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

68. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

69. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

70. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

71. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

72. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

73. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

74. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

75. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

76. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

77. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

78. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

79. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

80. 我像一个被遗忘的玩具,渴望陪伴,却得不到关注。

81. 我像一个被遗忘的过去,渴望被回忆,却无法回溯。

82. 我像一个被遗忘的未来,渴望被憧憬,却无法预知。

83. 我像一个被遗忘的自己,渴望被发现,却无人知晓。

84. 我像一个被遗忘的梦,渴望醒来,却无法实现。

85. 我像一个被遗忘的角落,渴望光明,却得不到照耀。

## 英文翻译

1. Time flows like water, I don't know when it passes, but I'm idle, my heart is empty.

2. I'm so bored, I really want to find something to do, but when I think about it, I can't get motivated and I give up.

3. Why lie down when I can sit? Why sit when I can stand? Why stand when I can walk? Why walk when I can run? I feel like I'm stuck in a meaningless loop of life.

4. My phone is dead, I can't watch TV, and I don't even want to play games. What's wrong with me?

5. Why is my life always so ordinary? I crave some excitement, some change, but everything is so calm.

6. Time is like a sponge, you squeeze it, and there is always more. But I don't want to squeeze, I just want to let it slip through my fingers.

7. Looking at the bustling streets outside the window, I feel out of place, like I'm just an outsider.

8. When I have nothing to do, I always think about things, and all kinds of worries come to my mind.

9. I wish time would pass faster, faster, so I can get rid of this feeling of being idle.

10. I'm like a bird trapped in a cage, yearning for freedom but finding no way out.

11. Anxiety and unease are like tides, constantly sweeping over me, making me breathless.

12. Wasting time is a terrible sin, but I am powerless to stop myself from falling.

13. I crave a fulfilling life, but now I can only sink in emptiness.

14. Watching others busy, I can only watch with envy and jealousy.

15. I hate this feeling of being idle, it makes me feel empty, it makes me feel lost.

16. I want to do something meaningful, but I don't know where to start.

17. I'm like a ship lost in the vast ocean, without direction, without goals, I can only drift with the current.

18. I fear time, because time is passing ruthlessly, and I am powerless.

19. I want to escape this helpless state, but I have nowhere to escape.

20. Why can't I escape this predicament of being idle? It's like I'm trapped in a cage of time.

21. I crave a goal, a motivation, so I no longer get lost in the maze of life.

22. I want to get rid of this emptiness, but I can't find the way out.

23. I want to find my own value, but I don't know how to start.

24. I want to do something that makes me feel fulfilled, but I can't find the motivation.

25. I want to change the status quo, but I don't know how to change it.

26. I want to find the meaning of life, but I'm lost.

27. I want to get rid of this helplessness, but I don't know how to get rid of it.

28. I want to find my home, but I don't know where it is.

29. I want to find my value, but I don't know what value I have.

30. I want to find my happiness, but I don't know where happiness is.

31. I'm like a camel lost in the desert, thirsting for water but unable to find its way.

32. I'm like a spider trapped in a web, struggling to escape but sinking deeper and deeper.

33. I'm like a withered plant, yearning for rain but getting no nourishment.

34. I'm like a bird caged in a cage, yearning for freedom but finding no way out.

35. I'm like a star lost in the night sky, yearning for light but finding no direction.

36. I'm like a homeless wanderer, yearning for warmth but finding no home.

37. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

38. I'm like an abandoned child, yearning for love but getting no warmth.

39. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

40. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

41. I'm like a forgotten story, yearning to be told but ignored.

42. I'm like a forgotten soul, yearning to be saved but ignored.

43. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

44. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

45. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

46. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

47. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

48. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

49. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

50. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

51. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

52. I'm like a forgotten soul, yearning to be saved but ignored.

53. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

54. I'm like a forgotten story, yearning to be told but ignored.

55. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

56. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

57. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

58. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

59. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

60. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

61. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

62. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

63. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

64. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

65. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

66. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

67. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

68. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

69. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

70. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

71. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

72. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

73. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

74. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

75. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

76. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

77. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

78. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

79. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

80. I'm like a forgotten toy, yearning for companionship but getting no attention.

81. I'm like a forgotten past, yearning to be remembered but unable to rewind.

82. I'm like a forgotten future, yearning to be anticipated but unable to predict.

83. I'm like a forgotten self, yearning to be discovered but unknown to anyone.

84. I'm like a forgotten dream, yearning to wake up but unable to come true.

85. I'm like a forgotten corner, yearning for light but getting no illumination.

以上就是关于无所事事的心烦的句子85句(无所事事的心烦的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
