
## 赞扬郑和远洋伟大功绩的句子 (95句)

**1. 郑和七下西洋,扬帆远航,将中华文明传播到世界各地,为中华民族赢得了尊严和荣耀。**

Zheng He's seven voyages to the West, sailing far and wide, spread Chinese civilization to the world and earned the Chinese nation respect and glory.

**2. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的奇迹,也是中华民族的骄傲,更是世界文明的宝贵遗产。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a miracle in maritime history, but also the pride of the Chinese nation and a valuable legacy of world civilization.

**3. 郑和远航,展现了古代中国先进的造船技术、航海技术和外交能力,为世界文明交流作出了重大贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages showcased the advanced shipbuilding, navigation and diplomacy skills of ancient China, making significant contributions to the exchange of world civilizations.

**4. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神象征,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a symbol of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**5. 郑和远航,是中华民族探索世界、拥抱世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明进步贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's exploration and embrace of the world, contributing to the progress of human civilization.

**6. 郑和远航,不仅是海上丝绸之路的开拓者,也是东西方文明交流的桥梁,为世界文明的多样性作出了贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages were not only the pioneers of the Maritime Silk Road, but also a bridge for the exchange of Eastern and Western civilizations, contributing to the diversity of world civilization.

**7. 郑和远航,展现了中华民族的强大实力和自信,为中华民族的伟大复兴奠定了坚实基础。**

Zheng He's voyages showed the strength and confidence of the Chinese nation, laying a solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**8. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**9. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**10. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**11. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**12. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**13. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**14. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**15. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**16. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**17. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**18. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**19. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**20. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**21. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**22. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**23. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**24. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**25. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**26. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**27. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**28. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**29. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**30. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**31. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**32. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**33. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**34. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**35. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**36. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**37. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**38. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**39. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**40. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**41. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**42. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**43. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**44. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**45. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**46. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**47. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**48. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**49. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**50. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**51. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**52. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**53. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**54. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**55. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**56. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**57. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**58. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**59. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**60. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**61. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**62. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**63. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**64. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**65. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**66. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**67. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**68. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**69. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**70. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**71. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**72. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**73. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**74. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**75. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**76. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**77. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**78. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**79. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**80. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**81. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**82. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**83. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**84. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**85. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

**86. 郑和远航,不仅是航海史上的伟大成就,也是中华民族精神的伟大胜利,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only a great achievement in maritime history, but also a great victory of the Chinese national spirit, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**87. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的壮丽史诗,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages are an epic of the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**88. 郑和远航,不仅是中华民族的骄傲,也是世界人民的共同财富,值得我们永远铭记和传承。**

Zheng He's voyages are not only the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the common wealth of the people of the world, worthy of our eternal memory and inheritance.

**89. 郑和远航,开创了中华民族走向世界的新纪元,为人类文明史增添了光辉的一页。**

Zheng He's voyages opened a new era for the Chinese nation's journey to the world and added a glorious page to the history of human civilization.

**90. 郑和远航,是中华民族伟大复兴的先声,为我们今天实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。**

Zheng He's voyages were a prelude to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide valuable historical lessons for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation today.

**91. 郑和远航,体现了中华民族的勇敢、智慧和包容,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages reflect the courage, wisdom and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation, contributing to world peace and development.

**92. 郑和远航,是中华文明走向世界的重要标志,为世界文明交流与互鉴作出了不可磨灭的贡献。**

Zheng He's voyages are a significant sign of Chinese civilization going to the world, making indelible contributions to the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**93. 郑和远航,是人类探索世界、连接世界的重要里程碑,为人类文明进步提供了宝贵经验。**

Zheng He's voyages are an important milestone in humanity's exploration and connection with the world, providing valuable experience for the progress of human civilization.

**94. 郑和远航,是中华民族走向世界的伟大壮举,为世界文明交流与互鉴树立了典范。**

Zheng He's voyages are a great feat of the Chinese nation going to the world, setting an example for the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

**95. 郑和远航,是中华民族开放、包容、友好的精神体现,为世界和平与发展贡献了力量。**

Zheng He's voyages are a reflection of the Chinese nation's open, inclusive and friendly spirit, contributing to world peace and development.

以上就是关于赞扬郑和远洋伟大功绩的句子95句(赞扬郑和远洋伟大功绩的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
