
## 豁然而出句子,64句

**1. 云开雾散,豁然开朗。**

The clouds parted, the mist cleared, and the view suddenly opened up.

**2. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。**

When the mountains and waters seem to block all paths, a willow branch suddenly appears with flowers, revealing a new village.

**3. 峰回路转,豁然洞开。**

The road winds around the peak, and suddenly a cave opens up.

**4. 拨云见日,豁然明朗。**

The clouds are dispersed, revealing the sun, and everything becomes clear.

**5. 茅塞顿开,豁然贯通。**

The blockage in the mind is suddenly removed, and everything becomes clear.

**6. 眼前一亮,豁然大悟。**

A sudden flash of insight, and everything is understood.

**7. 灵光乍现,豁然领悟。**

A sudden flash of inspiration, and a deep understanding is gained.

**8. 豁然开朗,心胸开阔。**

The mind suddenly opens up, and the heart becomes broad.

**9. 豁然明悟,心境平和。**

A sudden understanding brings peace of mind.

**10. 豁然心动,心潮澎湃。**

A sudden surge of emotion, the heart beats with excitement.

**11. 豁然顿悟,如梦初醒。**

A sudden awakening, like waking from a dream.

**12. 豁然醒悟,如醍醐灌顶。**

A sudden awakening, like pouring water over the head.

**13. 豁然大悟,如沐春风。**

A sudden awakening, like a gentle spring breeze.

**14. 豁然贯通,如释重负。**

A sudden understanding, a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**15. 豁然明朗,如日中天。**

A sudden clarity, like the sun at its zenith.

**16. 豁然开朗,如云开雾散。**

A sudden openness, like the clouds parting and the mist clearing.

**17. 豁然心悦,如饮甘露。**

A sudden delight, like drinking sweet nectar.

**18. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**19. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**20. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**21. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**22. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**23. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**24. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**25. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**26. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**27. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**28. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**29. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**30. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**31. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**32. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**33. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**34. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**35. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**36. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**37. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**38. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**39. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**40. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**41. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**42. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**43. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**44. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**45. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**46. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**47. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**48. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**49. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**50. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**51. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**52. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**53. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**54. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**55. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**56. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**57. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

**58. 豁然明朗,如拨云见日。**

A sudden clarity, like dispersing the clouds to see the sun.

**59. 豁然心悦,如沐春风。**

A sudden delight, like being bathed in a gentle spring breeze.

**60. 豁然心安,如释重负。**

A sudden peace of mind, like a weight lifted from the shoulders.

**61. 豁然自得,如鱼得水。**

A sudden sense of contentment, like a fish in water.

**62. 豁然大度,如海纳百川。**

A sudden sense of magnanimity, like the ocean embracing all rivers.

**63. 豁然超脱,如羽化登仙。**

A sudden transcendence, like the ascension of a feathered immortal.

**64. 豁然顿悟,如破茧成蝶。**

A sudden awakening, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

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