
## 谦虚而低调的句子 (89句)

**1. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。**

Humility makes one progress, while pride makes one fall behind.

**2. 宁静致远,淡泊明志。**

Tranquility leads to far-reaching goals, while simplicity clarifies one's aspirations.

**3. 金玉其外,败絮其中。**

Shiny on the outside, but rotten within.

**4. 人外有人,天外有天。**

There are always people better than you, and there are always greater things beyond the heavens.

**5. 不骄不躁,踏实做事。**

Be neither proud nor anxious, but focus on doing things steadily.

**6. 功成名就,不忘初心。**

Even after achieving success and fame, never forget your original aspirations.

**7. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be modest and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**8. 言行一致,表里如一。**

Actions and words should be consistent, and appearance should match reality.

**9. 戒骄戒躁,脚踏实地。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and keep your feet on the ground.

**10. 自我反省,不断提升。**

Reflect on oneself and constantly improve.

**11. 知足常乐,淡泊宁静。**

Be content with what you have, and embrace a tranquil and simple life.

**12. 不露锋芒,不争强好胜。**

Avoid showing off or being competitive.

**13. 默默无闻,脚踏实地。**

Work silently and diligently, without seeking recognition.

**14. 功成不必在我,功成必定有我。**

The success may not be achieved by me, but my contribution will be present in the success.

**15. 做人低调,做事高调。**

Be humble in personality, but high-profile in work.

**16. 锋芒太露,易遭人忌。**

If you are too sharp and showy, you will easily be envied by others.

**17. 树大招风,人高易跌。**

A tall tree attracts the wind, and a tall person is prone to falls.

**18. 虚心学习,不断进取。**

Be eager to learn and constantly strive for progress.

**19. 戒骄戒躁,厚积薄发。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and accumulate strength gradually before making a breakthrough.

**20. 谦逊待人,赢得尊重。**

Treat others with humility and earn their respect.

**21. 做事低调,不张扬。**

Be low-key and avoid being showy.

**22. 言行谨慎,举止得体。**

Be cautious in speech and behavior, and maintain appropriate manners.

**23. 凡事低调,不显山露水。**

Be humble in everything you do, without showing off your abilities.

**24. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

After achieving success and fame, remain indifferent to fame and fortune.

**25. 不求名利,只求奉献。**

Seek no fame or fortune, only to contribute to society.

**26. 虚心接受批评,认真改进错误。**

Humbly accept criticism and make sincere efforts to correct mistakes.

**27. 与人为善,不与人争。**

Be kind to others and avoid competing with them.

**28. 不事张扬,默默奉献。**

Do not show off, but silently dedicate yourself to your work.

**29. 埋头苦干,不求回报。**

Work diligently without expecting any rewards.

**30. 做事低调,不显露锋芒。**

Be humble in your work and avoid showing off your abilities.

**31. 不慕虚荣,不追求名利。**

Do not desire vanity or seek fame and fortune.

**32. 处事低调,不居功自傲。**

Be humble in your actions and avoid taking credit for your achievements.

**33. 不贪图享受,不追求奢华。**

Avoid indulging in luxuries and seeking extravagant comforts.

**34. 勤奋努力,不求回报。**

Work hard and diligently without seeking any returns.

**35. 默默无闻,脚踏实地。**

Work silently and diligently, without seeking recognition.

**36. 功成名就,不忘初心。**

Even after achieving success and fame, never forget your original aspirations.

**37. 戒骄戒躁,脚踏实地。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and keep your feet on the ground.

**38. 不骄不躁,踏实做事。**

Be neither proud nor anxious, but focus on doing things steadily.

**39. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be modest and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**40. 言行一致,表里如一。**

Actions and words should be consistent, and appearance should match reality.

**41. 不露锋芒,不争强好胜。**

Avoid showing off or being competitive.

**42. 虚心学习,不断进取。**

Be eager to learn and constantly strive for progress.

**43. 戒骄戒躁,厚积薄发。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and accumulate strength gradually before making a breakthrough.

**44. 谦逊待人,赢得尊重。**

Treat others with humility and earn their respect.

**45. 做事低调,不张扬。**

Be low-key and avoid being showy.

**46. 言行谨慎,举止得体。**

Be cautious in speech and behavior, and maintain appropriate manners.

**47. 凡事低调,不显山露水。**

Be humble in everything you do, without showing off your abilities.

**48. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

After achieving success and fame, remain indifferent to fame and fortune.

**49. 不求名利,只求奉献。**

Seek no fame or fortune, only to contribute to society.

**50. 虚心接受批评,认真改进错误。**

Humbly accept criticism and make sincere efforts to correct mistakes.

**51. 与人为善,不与人争。**

Be kind to others and avoid competing with them.

**52. 不事张扬,默默奉献。**

Do not show off, but silently dedicate yourself to your work.

**53. 埋头苦干,不求回报。**

Work diligently without expecting any rewards.

**54. 做事低调,不显露锋芒。**

Be humble in your work and avoid showing off your abilities.

**55. 不慕虚荣,不追求名利。**

Do not desire vanity or seek fame and fortune.

**56. 处事低调,不居功自傲。**

Be humble in your actions and avoid taking credit for your achievements.

**57. 不贪图享受,不追求奢华。**

Avoid indulging in luxuries and seeking extravagant comforts.

**58. 勤奋努力,不求回报。**

Work hard and diligently without seeking any returns.

**59. 默默无闻,脚踏实地。**

Work silently and diligently, without seeking recognition.

**60. 功成名就,不忘初心。**

Even after achieving success and fame, never forget your original aspirations.

**61. 戒骄戒躁,脚踏实地。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and keep your feet on the ground.

**62. 不骄不躁,踏实做事。**

Be neither proud nor anxious, but focus on doing things steadily.

**63. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be modest and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**64. 言行一致,表里如一。**

Actions and words should be consistent, and appearance should match reality.

**65. 不露锋芒,不争强好胜。**

Avoid showing off or being competitive.

**66. 虚心学习,不断进取。**

Be eager to learn and constantly strive for progress.

**67. 戒骄戒躁,厚积薄发。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and accumulate strength gradually before making a breakthrough.

**68. 谦逊待人,赢得尊重。**

Treat others with humility and earn their respect.

**69. 做事低调,不张扬。**

Be low-key and avoid being showy.

**70. 言行谨慎,举止得体。**

Be cautious in speech and behavior, and maintain appropriate manners.

**71. 凡事低调,不显山露水。**

Be humble in everything you do, without showing off your abilities.

**72. 功成名就,淡泊名利。**

After achieving success and fame, remain indifferent to fame and fortune.

**73. 不求名利,只求奉献。**

Seek no fame or fortune, only to contribute to society.

**74. 虚心接受批评,认真改进错误。**

Humbly accept criticism and make sincere efforts to correct mistakes.

**75. 与人为善,不与人争。**

Be kind to others and avoid competing with them.

**76. 不事张扬,默默奉献。**

Do not show off, but silently dedicate yourself to your work.

**77. 埋头苦干,不求回报。**

Work diligently without expecting any rewards.

**78. 做事低调,不显露锋芒。**

Be humble in your work and avoid showing off your abilities.

**79. 不慕虚荣,不追求名利。**

Do not desire vanity or seek fame and fortune.

**80. 处事低调,不居功自傲。**

Be humble in your actions and avoid taking credit for your achievements.

**81. 不贪图享受,不追求奢华。**

Avoid indulging in luxuries and seeking extravagant comforts.

**82. 勤奋努力,不求回报。**

Work hard and diligently without seeking any returns.

**83. 默默无闻,脚踏实地。**

Work silently and diligently, without seeking recognition.

**84. 功成名就,不忘初心。**

Even after achieving success and fame, never forget your original aspirations.

**85. 戒骄戒躁,脚踏实地。**

Avoid arrogance and impatience, and keep your feet on the ground.

**86. 不骄不躁,踏实做事。**

Be neither proud nor anxious, but focus on doing things steadily.

**87. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。**

Be modest and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience.

**88. 言行一致,表里如一。**

Actions and words should be consistent, and appearance should match reality.

**89. 不露锋芒,不争强好胜。**

Avoid showing off or being competitive.

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