
## 湖南腊月习俗句子 (55句)

**1. 腊月二十三,祭灶神,贴春联,过小年。**

The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is the day to worship the Stove God, paste Spring Festival couplets, and celebrate Little New Year.

**2. 腊月二十四,扫房子,贴窗花,迎新年。**

On the 24th day of the 12th lunar month, people clean their houses, paste window decorations, and welcome the New Year.

**3. 腊月二十五,做豆腐,炸丸子,备年货。**

On the 25th day of the 12th lunar month, people make tofu, fry meatballs, and prepare for the New Year.

**4. 腊月二十六,杀年猪,宰鸡鸭,年味浓。**

On the 26th day of the 12th lunar month, people slaughter pigs, chickens, and ducks, marking the arrival of a strong New Year atmosphere.

**5. 腊月二十七,洗衣服,晒被子,迎接新年。**

On the 27th day of the 12th lunar month, people wash their clothes, air their quilts, and get ready for the New Year.

**6. 腊月二十八,贴窗花,挂灯笼,喜气洋洋。**

On the 28th day of the 12th lunar month, people paste window decorations, hang lanterns, and spread festive cheer.

**7. 腊月二十九,蒸年糕,煮饺子,团圆饭。**

On the 29th day of the 12th lunar month, people steam Nian Gao (sticky rice cake), cook dumplings, and have a reunion dinner.

**8. 腊月三十,守岁夜,放鞭炮,欢度除夕。**

On the 30th day of the 12th lunar month, people stay up late, set off firecrackers, and celebrate New Year's Eve.

**9. 腊月里,家家户户忙着置办年货,喜气洋洋。**

In the 12th lunar month, every household is busy preparing for the New Year, filled with joy and excitement.

**10. 腊月里,孩子们最开心,可以穿新衣,吃糖果,放鞭炮。**

In the 12th lunar month, children are the happiest, as they can wear new clothes, eat candy, and set off firecrackers.

**11. 腊月里,亲朋好友相聚,团团圆圆,共度佳节。**

In the 12th lunar month, relatives and friends gather together, enjoying a joyous reunion and celebrating the holidays.

**12. 腊月里,家家户户门前挂上红灯笼,喜气洋洋,充满年味。**

In the 12th lunar month, every household hangs red lanterns in front of their doors, creating a festive atmosphere and strong New Year vibes.

**13. 腊月里,人们开始准备年夜饭,桌上摆满了丰盛的菜肴,寓意着来年丰收。**

In the 12th lunar month, people begin preparing for their New Year's Eve dinner, with a table laden with abundant dishes, symbolizing a bountiful harvest in the coming year.

**14. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃腊肉、香肠、豆腐干等传统美食。**

In the 12th lunar month, people enjoy traditional delicacies like cured pork, sausage, and dried tofu.

**15. 腊月里,人们喜欢贴春联,祈求新年吉祥平安。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to paste Spring Festival couplets on their doors, wishing for good fortune and safety in the new year.

**16. 腊月里,人们喜欢放鞭炮,寓意着驱邪迎祥,迎接新年。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to set off firecrackers, symbolizing the driving away of evil spirits and welcoming good fortune in the New Year.

**17. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃饺子,寓意着团圆和吉祥。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat dumplings, symbolizing reunion and good fortune.

**18. 腊月里,人们喜欢喝腊八粥,寓意着来年丰收。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to drink Laba porridge, symbolizing a bountiful harvest in the coming year.

**19. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃年糕,寓意着步步高升。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat Nian Gao (sticky rice cake), symbolizing continuous progress and success.

**20. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃汤圆,寓意着团团圆圆。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat Tang Yuan (glutinous rice balls), symbolizing family reunion and togetherness.

**21. 腊月里,人们喜欢看戏曲,寓意着辞旧迎新。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to watch operas, symbolizing bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.

**22. 腊月里,人们喜欢打麻将,寓意着博弈人生,迎接新的一年。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to play Mahjong, symbolizing life's struggles and welcoming a new year.

**23. 腊月里,人们喜欢逛庙会,感受浓浓的年味。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to visit temple fairs, experiencing the strong festive atmosphere of the New Year.

**24. 腊月里,人们喜欢放风筝,寓意着新年新气象。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to fly kites, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings in the New Year.

**25. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃糖葫芦,寓意着甜蜜幸福。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat candied haws, symbolizing sweetness and happiness.

**26. 腊月里,人们喜欢贴福字,寓意着幸福吉祥。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to paste"Fu" (fortune) characters on their doors, symbolizing happiness and good fortune.

**27. 腊月里,人们喜欢拜年,寓意着增进感情,祝福来年。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to pay New Year greetings, symbolizing strengthening relationships and wishing good fortune for the coming year.

**28. 腊月里,人们喜欢送红包,寓意着吉祥如意。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to give red envelopes, symbolizing good fortune and happiness.

**29. 腊月里,人们喜欢看舞龙舞狮,寓意着兴旺发达。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to watch dragon and lion dances, symbolizing prosperity and development.

**30. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃年夜饭,寓意着团圆和幸福。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat their New Year's Eve dinner, symbolizing reunion and happiness.

**31. 腊月里,人们喜欢守岁,寓意着平安健康。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to stay up late on New Year's Eve, symbolizing peace and good health.

**32. 腊月里,人们喜欢放烟花,寓意着喜庆吉祥。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to set off fireworks, symbolizing joy and good fortune.

**33. 腊月里,人们喜欢穿新衣,寓意着新年新气象。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to wear new clothes, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings in the New Year.

**34. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃瓜子,寓意着快乐吉祥。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat melon seeds, symbolizing joy and good fortune.

**35. 腊月里,人们喜欢喝茶,寓意着清香舒心。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to drink tea, symbolizing fragrance and relaxation.

**36. 腊月里,人们喜欢唱民歌,寓意着欢庆祥和。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to sing folk songs, symbolizing joy and peace.

**37. 腊月里,人们喜欢玩游戏,寓意着欢快喜庆。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to play games, symbolizing joy and celebration.

**38. 腊月里,人们喜欢看电影,寓意着娱乐消遣。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to watch movies, symbolizing entertainment and leisure.

**39. 腊月里,人们喜欢逛街,寓意着购物消费。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to go shopping, symbolizing consumption and shopping.

**40. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃火锅,寓意着热闹非凡。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat hot pot, symbolizing a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

**41. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃烤肉,寓意着香气四溢。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat barbecue, symbolizing an aroma that fills the air.

**42. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃糖炒栗子,寓意着金玉满堂。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat sugar-coated chestnuts, symbolizing a house full of gold and jade.

**43. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃花生,寓意着长寿吉祥。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat peanuts, symbolizing longevity and good fortune.

**44. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃橘子,寓意着大吉大利。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat oranges, symbolizing great fortune and good luck.

**45. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃苹果,寓意着平安健康。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat apples, symbolizing peace and good health.

**46. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃香蕉,寓意着心想事成。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat bananas, symbolizing achieving one's wishes and goals.

**47. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃草莓,寓意着红红火火。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat strawberries, symbolizing prosperity and success.

**48. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃葡萄,寓意着丰收喜庆。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat grapes, symbolizing a bountiful harvest and celebration.

**49. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃菠萝,寓意着旺旺来财。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat pineapples, symbolizing prosperity and financial abundance.

**50. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃芒果,寓意着甜蜜幸福。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat mangoes, symbolizing sweetness and happiness.

**51. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃龙眼,寓意着吉祥如意。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat longan, symbolizing good fortune and happiness.

**52. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃桂圆,寓意着圆圆满满。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat rambutan, symbolizing completeness and wholeness.

**53. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃红枣,寓意着红红火火。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat red dates, symbolizing prosperity and success.

**54. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃核桃,寓意着聪明伶俐。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat walnuts, symbolizing intelligence and wit.

**55. 腊月里,人们喜欢吃芝麻,寓意着节节高升。**

In the 12th lunar month, people like to eat sesame seeds, symbolizing continuous progress and success.

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