
## 裙子测评搞笑句子(94句)


1. 这裙子穿上,感觉自己像个行走的花瓶,优雅又精致,就是容易被风吹倒。

This skirt makes me feel like a walking vase, elegant and exquisite, but it's easy to be blown over by the wind.

2. 这裙子太蓬松了,我怀疑自己是不是穿了个移动的云朵出门。

This skirt is so fluffy, I wonder if I'm wearing a moving cloud out.

3. 这裙子简直是显瘦神器,穿上它,腰围瞬间缩小五厘米,不过前提是得先把肚子吸进去。

This skirt is a slimming miracle, wearing it makes your waist instantly shrink by five centimeters, but you have to suck in your stomach first.

4. 这裙子设计独特,像个被遗忘在角落的艺术品,可惜穿出去容易被当成怪人。

This skirt has a unique design, like a piece of art forgotten in a corner, but it's easy to be considered a weirdo if you wear it out.

5. 这裙子穿起来很舒服,就像是被柔软的棉花糖包裹着,就是容易沾灰尘。

This skirt is very comfortable to wear, like being wrapped in a soft marshmallow, but it's easy to get dusty.

6. 这裙子长度刚刚好,既能秀出美腿,又能遮住小肚子,简直是完美身材的“显瘦神器”。

This skirt is just the right length, showing off your beautiful legs while covering your belly, it's the perfect"slimming tool" for a perfect figure.

7. 这裙子穿起来像个公主,就是有点沉,走两步就感觉自己要变成灰姑娘。

This skirt makes me feel like a princess, but it's a bit heavy, and I feel like I'm going to turn into Cinderella after two steps.

8. 这裙子太短了,感觉随时会走光,不过好在我的腿够长,可以撑得住。

This skirt is too short, I feel like I'm going to flash at any moment, but thankfully my legs are long enough to hold it up.

9. 这裙子太紧了,感觉自己像是被塞进了一个香肠壳里,不过好在肉都被挤出去了,看起来很瘦。

This skirt is too tight, I feel like I'm being stuffed into a sausage casing, but luckily all the meat is squeezed out, and I look thin.

10. 这裙子设计很奇怪,像个粽子一样,不过穿上还挺舒服的,就是容易让人误以为我刚从厨房出来。

This skirt has a strange design, like a glutinous rice dumpling, but it's quite comfortable to wear, it just makes people think I just came out of the kitchen.

11. 这裙子太像睡衣了,穿上出门感觉像是要去超市买菜,不过好在颜色鲜艳,勉强能算作时尚。

This skirt looks too much like pajamas, going out in it feels like I'm going to buy groceries, but luckily the color is bright, it can barely be considered fashionable.

12. 这裙子太像窗帘了,穿上出门感觉自己像个行走的广告牌,不过好在材质轻薄,看起来很飘逸。

This skirt looks too much like a curtain, going out in it feels like I'm a walking billboard, but luckily the material is thin and looks very elegant.

13. 这裙子太像婚纱了,穿上出门感觉自己要结婚了,不过好在没有新郎,可以自由自在的逛街。

This skirt looks too much like a wedding dress, going out in it feels like I'm getting married, but luckily there's no groom, I can shop freely.

14. 这裙子太像沙滩裙了,穿上出门感觉自己要去海边度假,不过好在现在是冬天,穿出去不会被晒黑。

This skirt looks too much like a beach dress, going out in it feels like I'm going on vacation to the beach, but luckily it's winter now, and I won't get tanned wearing it out.

15. 这裙子太像校服了,穿上出门感觉自己回到了学生时代,不过好在我已经毕业了,可以自由自在的享受生活。

This skirt looks too much like a school uniform, going out in it feels like I'm back in school, but luckily I've graduated, I can enjoy life freely.

16. 这裙子太像旗袍了,穿上出门感觉自己穿越了,不过好在不是穿越到古代,可以享受现代生活的便利。

This skirt looks too much like a cheongsam, going out in it feels like I've traveled through time, but luckily it's not to ancient times, I can enjoy the convenience of modern life.

17. 这裙子太像护士服了,穿上出门感觉自己要去医院上班,不过好在我不是护士,可以自由自在的逛街。

This skirt looks too much like a nurse's uniform, going out in it feels like I'm going to work in the hospital, but luckily I'm not a nurse, I can shop freely.

18. 这裙子太像制服了,穿上出门感觉自己要上班了,不过好在我是个自由职业者,可以自由自在的享受生活。

This skirt looks too much like a uniform, going out in it feels like I'm going to work, but luckily I'm a freelancer, I can enjoy life freely.


19. 这裙子颜色太鲜艳了,就像个行走的信号灯,走到哪里都引人注目。

This skirt is too bright, like a walking traffic light, it's eye-catching wherever I go.

20. 这裙子颜色太暗了,就像个行走的黑洞,让人感觉不到我的存在。

This skirt is too dark, like a walking black hole, making people feel my absence.

21. 这裙子图案太花哨了,就像个行走的万花筒,让人眼花缭乱。

This skirt has a too flashy pattern, like a walking kaleidoscope, making people dizzy.

22. 这裙子图案太单调了,就像个行走的白板,让人感觉索然无味。

This skirt has a too monotonous pattern, like a walking whiteboard, making people feel boring.

23. 这裙子颜色太土气了,就像个行走的复古博物馆,让人感觉像是穿越到了上个世纪。

This skirt is too earthy in color, like a walking retro museum, making people feel like they've traveled back to the last century.

24. 这裙子颜色太时尚了,就像个行走的潮流风向标,让人感觉像是走在时尚的前沿。

This skirt is too fashionable in color, like a walking trendsetter, making people feel like they're at the forefront of fashion.

25. 这裙子图案太抽象了,就像个行走的谜题,让人摸不着头脑。

This skirt has a too abstract pattern, like a walking riddle, making people clueless.

26. 这裙子图案太可爱了,就像个行走的卡通人物,让人感觉充满了童真。

This skirt has a too cute pattern, like a walking cartoon character, making people feel full of innocence.

27. 这裙子颜色太俗气了,就像个行走的乡村大妈,让人感觉像是从菜市场里走出来的。

This skirt is too vulgar in color, like a walking village auntie, making people feel like they've come out of the vegetable market.

28. 这裙子颜色太高级了,就像个行走的时尚女王,让人感觉像是从杂志封面走出来的。

This skirt is too high-end in color, like a walking fashion queen, making people feel like they've come out of a magazine cover.

29. 这裙子图案太奇怪了,就像个行走的迷宫,让人感觉像是走进了鬼屋。

This skirt has a too strange pattern, like a walking maze, making people feel like they've walked into a haunted house.

30. 这裙子图案太性感了,就像个行走的诱惑,让人感觉像是被下了蛊一样。

This skirt has a too sexy pattern, like a walking temptation, making people feel like they're under a spell.

31. 这裙子颜色太亮眼了,就像个行走的霓虹灯,让人感觉像是走进了夜市。

This skirt is too bright, like a walking neon light, making people feel like they've walked into a night market.

32. 这裙子颜色太暗淡了,就像个行走的灰姑娘,让人感觉像是从童话故事里走出来的。

This skirt is too dim, like a walking Cinderella, making people feel like they've come out of a fairy tale.

33. 这裙子图案太复古了,就像个行走的时光机,让人感觉像是回到了上个世纪。

This skirt has a too retro pattern, like a walking time machine, making people feel like they've gone back to the last century.

34. 这裙子图案太现代了,就像个行走的科技产品,让人感觉像是从未来穿越过来的。

This skirt has a too modern pattern, like a walking technological product, making people feel like they've traveled from the future.


35. 这裙子材质太硬了,就像个行走的铠甲,让人感觉像是要上战场。

This skirt is too hard in material, like a walking armor, making people feel like they're going to war.

36. 这裙子材质太软了,就像个行走的棉花糖,让人感觉像是要被融化。

This skirt is too soft in material, like a walking marshmallow, making people feel like they're going to melt.

37. 这裙子材质太滑了,就像个行走的蛇皮,让人感觉像是要被滑倒。

This skirt is too slippery in material, like a walking snake skin, making people feel like they're going to slip.

38. 这裙子材质太粗糙了,就像个行走的麻袋,让人感觉像是要被扎到。

This skirt is too rough in material, like a walking burlap bag, making people feel like they're going to get pricked.

39. 这裙子材质太透了,就像个行走的窗帘,让人感觉像是要被看穿。

This skirt is too sheer in material, like a walking curtain, making people feel like they're going to be seen through.

40. 这裙子材质太厚了,就像个行走的毛毯,让人感觉像是要被闷死。

This skirt is too thick in material, like a walking blanket, making people feel like they're going to suffocate.

41. 这裙子材质太薄了,就像个行走的纸片,让人感觉像是要被吹走。

This skirt is too thin in material, like a walking piece of paper, making people feel like they're going to be blown away.

42. 这裙子材质太凉了,就像个行走的冰箱,让人感觉像是要被冻僵。

This skirt is too cool in material, like a walking refrigerator, making people feel like they're going to freeze.

43. 这裙子材质太热了,就像个行走的火炉,让人感觉像是要被烤熟。

This skirt is too hot in material, like a walking furnace, making people feel like they're going to be roasted.

44. 这裙子材质太紧了,就像个行走的束缚,让人感觉像是要被勒死。

This skirt is too tight in material, like a walking restraint, making people feel like they're going to be strangled.

45. 这裙子材质太松了,就像个行走的帐篷,让人感觉像是要被吹倒。

This skirt is too loose in material, like a walking tent, making people feel like they're going to be blown over.

46. 这裙子材质太硬挺了,就像个行走的盔甲,让人感觉像是要上战场。

This skirt is too stiff in material, like a walking armor, making people feel like they're going to war.

47. 这裙子材质太柔软了,就像个行走的云朵,让人感觉像是要被融化。

This skirt is too soft in material, like a walking cloud, making people feel like they're going to melt.

48. 这裙子材质太光滑了,就像个行走的镜子,让人感觉像是要被反射。

This skirt is too smooth in material, like a walking mirror, making people feel like they're going to be reflected.

49. 这裙子材质太粗糙了,就像个行走的砂纸,让人感觉像是要被磨损。

This skirt is too rough in material, like a walking sandpaper, making people feel like they're going to be worn down.

50. 这裙子材质太透气了,就像个行走的空调,让人感觉像是要被吹凉。

This skirt is too breathable in material, like a walking air conditioner, making people feel like they're going to be cooled down.

51. 这裙子材质太保暖了,就像个行走的暖炉,让人感觉像是要被烤热。

This skirt is too warm in material, like a walking heater, making people feel like they're going to be roasted.

52. 这裙子材质太舒适了,就像个行走的沙发,让人感觉像是要被陷进去。

This skirt is too comfortable in material, like a walking sofa, making people feel like they're going to sink in.

53. 这裙子材质太紧绷了,就像个行走的绷带,让人感觉像是要被勒紧。

This skirt is too tight in material, like a walking bandage, making people feel like they're going to be constricted.

54. 这裙子材质太柔软了,就像个行走的棉花糖,让人感觉像是要被融化。

This skirt is too soft in material, like a walking marshmallow, making people feel like they're going to melt.

55. 这裙子材质太贴身了,就像个行走的第二层皮肤,让人感觉像是要被包裹。

This skirt is too close-fitting in material, like a walking second skin, making people feel like they're going to be wrapped up.


56. 这裙子只能在家里穿,穿出去会被当作疯子。

This skirt can only be worn at home, wearing it out will make people think you're crazy.

57. 这裙子只能在特定的场合穿,比如去参加宴会,穿去超市会被当作怪人。

This skirt can only be worn on specific occasions, like going to a banquet, wearing it to the supermarket will make people think you're a weirdo.

58. 这裙子跟什么都搭,就是跟自己不搭。

This skirt goes with anything, but it doesn't go with itself.

59. 这裙子跟什么都搭,就是跟我的气质不搭。

This skirt goes with anything, but it doesn't go with my temperament.

60. 这裙子跟我的鞋子不搭,感觉像是从不同时代穿越过来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my shoes, it feels like they've come from different times.

61. 这裙子跟我的包包不搭,感觉像是从不同地方捡来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my bag, it feels like they've been picked up from different places.

62. 这裙子跟我的发型不搭,感觉像是从不同世界穿越过来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my hairstyle, it feels like they've come from different worlds.

63. 这裙子跟我的妆容不搭,感觉像是从不同剧组跑出来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my makeup, it feels like they've come from different film crews.

64. 这裙子跟我的身材不搭,感觉像是从别人身上扒下来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my figure, it feels like it's been taken off someone else.

65. 这裙子跟我的性格不搭,感觉像是从别人那里借来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my personality, it feels like it's been borrowed from someone else.

66. 这裙子跟我的身份不搭,感觉像是从别人那里抢来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my status, it feels like it's been stolen from someone else.

67. 这裙子跟我的梦想不搭,感觉像是从别人那里买来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my dreams, it feels like it's been bought from someone else.

68. 这裙子跟我的目标不搭,感觉像是从别人那里赠送的。

This skirt doesn't go with my goals, it feels like it's been given to me by someone else.

69. 这裙子跟我的未来不搭,感觉像是从别人那里遗留下来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my future, it feels like it's been left behind by someone else.

70. 这裙子跟我的过去不搭,感觉像是从别人那里借来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my past, it feels like it's been borrowed from someone else.

71. 这裙子跟我的现在不搭,感觉像是从别人那里抢来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my present, it feels like it's been stolen from someone else.

72. 这裙子跟我的爱好不搭,感觉像是从别人那里买来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my hobbies, it feels like it's been bought from someone else.

73. 这裙子跟我的兴趣不搭,感觉像是从别人那里赠送的。

This skirt doesn't go with my interests, it feels like it's been given to me by someone else.

74. 这裙子跟我的朋友不搭,感觉像是从别人那里遗留下来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my friends, it feels like it's been left behind by someone else.

75. 这裙子跟我的家人不搭,感觉像是从别人那里借来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my family, it feels like it's been borrowed from someone else.

76. 这裙子跟我的宠物不搭,感觉像是从别人那里抢来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my pets, it feels like it's been stolen from someone else.

77. 这裙子跟我的梦想不搭,感觉像是从别人那里买来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my dreams, it feels like it's been bought from someone else.

78. 这裙子跟我的目标不搭,感觉像是从别人那里赠送的。

This skirt doesn't go with my goals, it feels like it's been given to me by someone else.

79. 这裙子跟我的未来不搭,感觉像是从别人那里遗留下来的。

This skirt doesn't go with my future, it feels like it's been left behind by someone else.


80. 这裙子质量太差了,穿一次就破了,简直是“一次性裙子”。

The quality of this skirt is so bad, it broke after one wear, it's a"disposable skirt".

81. 这裙子价格太贵了,简直是“天价裙子”,买不起啊!

This skirt is too expensive, it's a"sky-high skirt", I can't afford it!

82. 这裙子太难打理了,洗一次就变形了,简直是“毁衣神器”。

This skirt is too difficult to care for, it deforms after one wash, it's a"clothing destroyer".

83. 这裙子太容易起皱了,简直是“皱纹制造机”,出门前要花好久整理。

This skirt is too prone to wrinkles, it's a"wrinkle maker", it takes a long time to organize before going out.

84. 这裙子太容易掉色了,简直是“染料杀手”,洗一次就变成另一条裙子了。

This skirt is too prone to fading, it's a"dye killer", it turns into a different skirt after one wash.

85. 这裙子太容易沾灰了,简直是“灰尘收集器”,出门前要先把灰尘清理干净。

This skirt is too easy to get dusty, it's a"dust collector", you have to clean the dust before going out.

86. 这裙子太容易静电了,简直是“静电制造机”,穿上就感觉自己要被电死。

This skirt is too prone to static electricity, it's a"static electricity generator", you feel like you're going to be electrocuted when you wear it.

87. 这裙子太容易变形了,简直是“变形金刚”,穿上就感觉自己要变身了。

This skirt is too prone to deformation, it's a"transformer", you feel like you're going to transform when you wear it.

88. 这裙子太容易被刮破了,简直是“破洞神器”,出门前要小心一点。

This skirt is too prone to scratches, it's a"hole maker", be careful when going out.

89. 这裙子太容易被踩脏了,简直是“脏鞋制造机”,出门前要先把鞋子擦干净。

This skirt is too easy to get stepped on and dirty, it's a"dirty shoe maker", you have to clean your shoes before going out.

90. 这裙子太容易被弄湿了,简直是“水滴杀手”,出门前要先把雨伞准备好。

This skirt is too easy to get wet, it's a"water drop killer", you have to prepare your umbrella before going out.

91. 这裙子太容易被弄脏了,简直是“污渍制造机”,出门前要先把衣服整理干净。

This skirt is too easy to get dirty, it's a"stain maker", you have to clean your clothes before going out.

92. 这裙子太容易被勾住,简直是“勾丝神器”,出门前要先把衣服整理干净。

This skirt is too easy to be snagged, it's a"snagging tool", you have to clean your clothes before going out.

93. 这裙子太容易被风吹走,简直是“风筝制造机”,出门前要先把衣服整理干净。

This skirt is too easy to be blown away by the wind, it's a"kite maker", you have to clean your clothes before going out.

94. 这裙子太容易被偷走,简直是“小偷的梦中情人”,出门前要先把衣服整理干净。

This skirt is too easy to be stolen, it's a"thief's dream lover", you have to clean your clothes before going out.

以上就是关于裙子测评搞笑句子94句(裙子测评搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
