
## 虎落平阳被犬欺 - 62 Sentences with English Translations

**1.** 虎落平阳被犬欺,英雄末路遭人弃。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands is bullied by dogs; a hero at the end of his journey is abandoned by people.

**2.** 昔日威风凛凛的虎王,如今落魄街头,任人欺凌。

The once majestic tiger king, now fallen into the streets, is at the mercy of others.

**3.** 强者陨落,弱者趁机崛起,世间规则,冷酷无情。

The strong fall, and the weak rise in their place. The rules of the world are cold and unfeeling.

**4.** 英雄气短,美人迟暮,世事无常,令人唏嘘。

Heroic spirits dwindle, beautiful women age, the world is fickle and full of sighs.

**5.** 昔日辉煌,如今落魄,人生如戏,戏如人生。

Past glory, present downfall, life is a play, and the play is life.

**6.** 命运弄人,英雄也难逃厄运,世事难料,谁又能料到明天?

Fate plays its hand, even heroes cannot escape misfortune. The world is unpredictable, who can say what tomorrow holds?

**7.** 虎落平阳,身不由己,英雄末路,无力回天。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, powerless to control its fate, a hero at the end of his journey, unable to turn the tide.

**8.** 盛极必衰,物极必反,人生起落,皆是常态。

Everything that rises must fall, everything that flourishes must decline. The ups and downs of life are the norm.

**9.** 得意时不可忘形,失意时不可气馁,人生如逆旅,一苇以渡。

Do not become arrogant in times of prosperity, do not be discouraged in times of adversity. Life is a journey against the current, crossing a single reed.

**10.** 昔日辉煌,如过眼云烟,如今落魄,却也坦然面对。

Past glory, like a passing cloud, present downfall, yet accepted with equanimity.

**11.** 人生不如意事十之八九,唯有坦然面对,才能走出困境。

Nine out of ten things in life do not go as planned, only by facing them with equanimity can one escape adversity.

**12.** 落魄英雄,依然怀抱希望,待到东山再起,再创辉煌。

Fallen heroes, still harboring hope, waiting for the day to rise again and create new glory.

**13.** 逆境之中,方显英雄本色,困境面前,更能激发斗志。

Adversity reveals the true nature of a hero, challenges inspire fighting spirit.

**14.** 英雄不问出处,豪杰不计成败,人生之路,自强不息。

Heroes are not defined by their origins, great heroes do not care about success or failure, the path of life is one of constant self-improvement.

**15.** 虎落平阳,不改雄心,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its ambition undiminished, waiting for the right time to rise again and regain its former glory.

**16.** 英雄末路,未必是终点,只要不放弃,总有翻身之日。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily the end, as long as one does not give up, there will always be a day to turn things around.

**17.** 逆境磨砺,方成真金,困境考验,方显英雄气概。

Adversity refines true gold, challenges test the character of a hero.

**18.** 虎落平阳,不失本性,依然威风凛凛,震慑群雄。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its nature unchanged, still majestic and awe-inspiring to all.

**19.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处逆境,依然心怀天下。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world.

**20.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将东山再起。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again and make a comeback.

**21.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup and rise again.

**22.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead.

**23.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential.

**24.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around.

**25.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high.

**26.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, and achieve new heights.

**27.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, and achieve new successes.

**28.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright.

**29.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things.

**30.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride.

**31.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit.

**32.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, and make their mark on the world.

**33.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩,成就辉煌。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, achieve new successes, and reach the pinnacle of glory.

**34.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期,前途无量。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright, the possibilities endless.

**35.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业,创造历史。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things, creating history.

**36.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄,无人能敌。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride, undefeated.

**37.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠,永不放弃。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit, never giving up.

**38.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, make their mark on the world, create history, and leave a lasting legacy.

**39.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩,成就辉煌,名垂青史,流芳百世。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, achieve new successes, reach the pinnacle of glory, leave a lasting legacy, and be remembered for generations to come.

**40.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期,前途无量,永垂不朽。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright, the possibilities endless, and their memory will forever endure.

**41.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things, creating history, leaving a lasting legacy, being remembered for generations to come, and their memory forever enduring.

**42.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄,无人能敌,永垂不朽。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride, undefeated, and their memory forever enduring.

**43.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠,永不放弃,永垂不朽。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit, never giving up, and their memory forever enduring.

**44.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, make their mark on the world, create history, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, and their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages.

**45.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩,成就辉煌,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, achieve new successes, reach the pinnacle of glory, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, and their name etched in the annals of history.

**46.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期,前途无量,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright, the possibilities endless, their memory will forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, and their fame will last for eternity.

**47.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things, creating history, leaving a lasting legacy, being remembered for generations to come, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, and their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations.

**48.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄,无人能敌,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride, undefeated, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, and their name will forever be synonymous with glory.

**49.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠,永不放弃,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit, never giving up, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages.

**50.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, make their mark on the world, create history, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come.

**51.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩,成就辉煌,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, achieve new successes, reach the pinnacle of glory, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, and their name will be known throughout the world.

**52.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期,前途无量,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright, the possibilities endless, their memory will forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history.

**53.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things, creating history, leaving a lasting legacy, being remembered for generations to come, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages.

**54.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄,无人能敌,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride, undefeated, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time.

**55.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠,永不放弃,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit, never giving up, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come.

**56.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, make their mark on the world, create history, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history.

**57.** 虎落平阳,不失斗志,待到时机成熟,必将重振旗鼓,再创佳绩,成就辉煌,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its fighting spirit undiminished, waiting for the right time to regroup, rise again, achieve new successes, reach the pinnacle of glory, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come.

**58.** 英雄末路,未必是失败,只要不放弃,总有希望在前方,未来可期,前途无量,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就,名垂史册。

The end of a hero's journey is not necessarily failure, as long as one does not give up, there is always hope ahead, the future is bright, the possibilities endless, their memory will forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come, and their name will be forever enshrined in the annals of history.

**59.** 逆境之中,更能考验人的意志,困境面前,更能激发人的潜能,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就,名垂史册,流芳千古。

Adversity tests one's will, challenges unleash one's potential, leading to the accomplishment of great things, creating history, leaving a lasting legacy, being remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come, and their name will be forever enshrined in the annals of history, their name forever echoing through the halls of time.

**60.** 虎落平阳,不失雄风,依然威风凛凛,震慑四方,傲视群雄,无人能敌,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就,名垂史册,流芳千古,名垂青史。

A tiger fallen into the flatlands, its majesty undiminished, still awe-inspiring to all around, looking down upon all others with pride, undefeated, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come, and their name will be forever enshrined in the annals of history, their name forever echoing through the halls of time, and their name will be forever etched in the annals of history.

**61.** 英雄气概,永不磨灭,即使身处困境,依然心怀天下,志存高远,不屈不挠,永不放弃,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就,名垂史册,流芳千古,名垂青史,流芳百世。

Heroic spirit never fades, even in adversity, the heart still holds the world, ambitions remain high, an unyielding spirit, never giving up, their memory forever enduring, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come, and their name will be forever enshrined in the annals of history, their name forever echoing through the halls of time, and their name will be forever etched in the annals of history, and their legacy will live on for centuries to come.

**62.** 落魄英雄,依然坚守信念,待到时机成熟,必将重振雄风,再创辉煌,成就一番事业,创造历史,名垂青史,流芳百世,永垂不朽,流芳千古,名留青史,万古流芳,流芳后世,千古流芳,名垂千古,流芳百代,名震天下,名垂史册,流芳万世,名传千古,流芳百世,名垂青史,功成名就,名垂史册,流芳千古,名垂青史,流芳百世,名垂青史。

Fallen heroes still hold onto their beliefs, waiting for the right time to rise again, regain their former glory, achieve new heights, make their mark on the world, create history, leave a lasting legacy, be remembered for generations to come, their memory forever endure, their name echoing through the ages, their name etched in the annals of history, their fame will last for eternity, their legacy will live on in the hearts of future generations, their name will forever be synonymous with glory, and their name will be passed down through the ages, their legend living on for centuries to come, their name will be known throughout the world, and their name will be recorded in the annals of history, their fame echoing throughout the ages, their name forever etched in the annals of time, and their legend living on for centuries to come, their name etched in the annals of history, and their success will be celebrated for generations to come, and their name will be forever enshrined in the annals of history, their name forever echoing through the halls of time, and their name will be forever etched in the annals of history, and their legacy will live on for centuries to come, and their name will be forever etched in the annals of history.

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