
## 找借口跟人聊天的句子 (51句)

**1. 嘿,你最近在忙什么?感觉你一直都很忙!**

Hey, what have you been up to lately? You always seem so busy!

**2. 你看最近那部新电影了吗?我想听听你的想法!**

Have you seen that new movie that's out? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

**3. 我一直在想,你对 [话题] 怎么看?**

I was just thinking, what are your thoughts on [topic]?

**4. 你最近有在看什么有趣的东西吗?**

Have you been watching anything interesting lately?

**5. 我发现了一家很棒的咖啡店,你一定要试试!**

I found a really great coffee shop, you have to check it out!

**6. 你最近有尝试什么新食谱吗?**

Have you tried any new recipes lately?

**7. 你对 [事件] 的看法是什么?**

What's your take on [event]?

**8. 我最近在 [兴趣爱好] 方面有点困惑,你能给我一些建议吗?**

I've been a little confused about [hobby] lately, could you give me some advice?

**9. 我一直在想,你最喜欢哪种类型的音乐?**

I was just wondering, what kind of music do you enjoy most?

**10. 你对 [品牌] 的新产品有什么看法?**

What do you think of the new product from [brand]?

**11. 我最近在学习 [技能],你能分享一些学习技巧吗?**

I've been learning [skill] lately, could you share some learning tips?

**12. 你周末有什么计划?**

What are your plans for the weekend?

**13. 我看到你最近去了 [地方],那里怎么样?**

I saw you went to [place] recently, how was it?

**14. 我最近在看一本关于 [主题] 的书,你有什么推荐吗?**

I've been reading a book about [topic] lately, do you have any recommendations?

**15. 我最近发现了 [有趣的事物],你听说过吗?**

I recently discovered [something interesting], have you heard of it?

**16. 我想听听你对 [当前事件] 的看法。**

I'd love to hear your thoughts on [current event].

**17. 你对 [话题] 有什么想法?**

What are your thoughts on [topic]?

**18. 你最近有什么有趣的事情发生吗?**

Have you had anything interesting happen lately?

**19. 你知道哪里有 [产品/服务] 吗?**

Do you know where I can find [product/service]?

**20. 你对 [兴趣爱好] 了解多少?**

How much do you know about [hobby]?

**21. 你最近在看什么书?**

What books have you been reading lately?

**22. 你最喜欢的 [类型] 音乐是什么?**

What's your favorite [genre] of music?

**23. 你觉得 [餐厅] 的 [菜品] 怎么样?**

What did you think of the [dish] at [restaurant]?

**24. 我最近一直在听 [音乐家] 的音乐,你听过吗?**

I've been listening to [musician] lately, have you heard of them?

**25. 你认为 [事件] 会如何发展?**

What do you think will happen with [event]?

**26. 你知道 [人物/事件] 的故事吗?**

Do you know the story of [person/event]?

**27. 你最近有去过什么有趣的地方吗?**

Have you been anywhere interesting lately?

**28. 你对 [最近的新闻] 有什么想法?**

What are your thoughts on [recent news]?

**29. 你最近在学习什么新东西吗?**

Are you learning anything new lately?

**30. 你认为 [技术/产品] 的未来会如何?**

What do you think the future holds for [technology/product]?

**31. 你对 [社交媒体] 平台有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on the [social media] platform?

**32. 你对 [政治] 有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on [politics]?

**33. 你对 [电影/电视剧] 的看法是什么?**

What do you think about [movie/TV show]?

**34. 你最喜欢的 [作家] 是谁?**

Who is your favorite [author]?

**35. 你对 [游戏] 有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on [game]?

**36. 你对 [艺术/音乐] 风格有什么看法?**

What do you think about the [art/music] style?

**37. 你认为 [事件] 会对 [领域] 产生什么影响?**

What impact do you think [event] will have on [field]?

**38. 你对 [话题] 有什么建议吗?**

Do you have any advice on [topic]?

**39. 你最近有遇到什么有趣的人吗?**

Have you met anyone interesting lately?

**40. 你对 [未来] 的看法是什么?**

What are your thoughts on the [future]?

**41. 你对 [社会问题] 有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on [social issue]?

**42. 你认为 [话题] 会如何演变?**

How do you think [topic] will evolve?

**43. 你对 [产品/服务] 的体验如何?**

How was your experience with [product/service]?

**44. 你对 [事件] 的感受如何?**

How did you feel about [event]?

**45. 你对 [话题] 有什么想法?**

What are your thoughts on [topic]?

**46. 你对 [新技术] 有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on [new technology]?

**47. 你对 [话题] 有什么疑问吗?**

Do you have any questions about [topic]?

**48. 你对 [产品/服务] 的看法是什么?**

What are your thoughts on [product/service]?

**49. 你认为 [话题] 的意义是什么?**

What do you think the significance of [topic] is?

**50. 你对 [话题] 有什么独特的见解吗?**

Do you have any unique insights on [topic]?

**51. 你对 [话题] 的未来感到乐观吗?**

Are you optimistic about the future of [topic]?


* 请根据实际情况替换方括号中的内容。
* 尽量选择你感兴趣的话题和内容,这样会更容易开始聊天。
* 记住,真诚和友善是保持聊天的关键。
* 尊重对方的意见和看法,避免争论和攻击。

以上就是关于找借口跟人聊天的句子51句(找借口跟人聊天的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
