
## 找我唠嗑句子,88句

**1. 你最近在忙什么呀?**

What have you been up to lately?

**2. 今天过得怎么样?**

How was your day?

**3. 想聊点什么?**

What do you want to talk about?

**4. 最近有什么有趣的事情发生吗?**

Has anything interesting happened to you lately?

**5. 有什么想跟我分享的吗?**

Is there anything you want to share with me?

**6. 最近看了什么好电影/电视剧吗?**

Have you watched any good movies/TV shows lately?

**7. 最近在听什么歌?**

What music have you been listening to lately?

**8. 最近在读什么书?**

What books have you been reading lately?

**9. 最近有什么计划吗?**

Do you have any plans lately?

**10. 想不想出去玩?**

Do you want to go out and have some fun?

**11. 你对什么感兴趣?**

What are you interested in?

**12. 你有什么梦想?**

What are your dreams?

**13. 你对未来有什么期待?**

What are you looking forward to in the future?

**14. 你最喜欢什么颜色?**

What is your favorite color?

**15. 你最喜欢什么食物?**

What is your favorite food?

**16. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?**

What is your favorite animal?

**17. 你最喜欢的季节是什么?**

What is your favorite season?

**18. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?**

What is your favorite sport?

**19. 你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?**

What kind of music do you like?

**20. 你最喜欢什么类型的电影?**

What kind of movies do you like?

**21. 你最喜欢什么类型的书?**

What kind of books do you like?

**22. 你最喜欢什么类型的游戏?**

What kind of games do you like?

**23. 你有什么爱好?**

What are your hobbies?

**24. 你觉得最近有什么新闻值得关注?**

What news do you think is worth paying attention to lately?

**25. 你觉得现在的生活怎么样?**

How do you feel about your life right now?

**26. 你有什么烦恼吗?**

Do you have any worries?

**27. 你有遇到什么困难吗?**

Have you encountered any difficulties?

**28. 有什么让你感到开心的事吗?**

Is there anything that makes you happy?

**29. 有什么让你感到难过的事吗?**

Is there anything that makes you sad?

**30. 你觉得现在的生活充实吗?**

Do you feel fulfilled in your life right now?

**31. 你对未来有什么计划?**

What are your plans for the future?

**32. 你觉得自己是一个怎样的人?**

What kind of person do you think you are?

**33. 你认为自己最大的优点是什么?**

What do you think your biggest strengths are?

**34. 你认为自己最大的缺点是什么?**

What do you think your biggest weaknesses are?

**35. 你觉得你的人生目标是什么?**

What do you think your life's goal is?

**36. 你觉得你的人生价值是什么?**

What do you think the value of your life is?

**37. 你对爱情有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on love?

**38. 你觉得什么是幸福?**

What do you think happiness is?

**39. 你觉得什么是成功?**

What do you think success is?

**40. 你觉得人生的意义是什么?**

What do you think the meaning of life is?

**41. 你对世界有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on the world?

**42. 你对未来有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on the future?

**43. 你觉得现在这个社会怎么样?**

How do you feel about society today?

**44. 你觉得人类的未来会怎样?**

What do you think the future of humanity will be?

**45. 你觉得宇宙的奥秘是什么?**

What do you think the mysteries of the universe are?

**46. 你对人工智能有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence?

**47. 你对科技的发展有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on technological development?

**48. 你对环境保护有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on environmental protection?

**49. 你对社会公平有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on social justice?

**50. 你对教育有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on education?

**51. 你对艺术有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on art?

**52. 你对音乐有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on music?

**53. 你对电影有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on movies?

**54. 你对文学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on literature?

**55. 你对历史有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on history?

**56. 你对政治有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on politics?

**57. 你对经济有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on economics?

**58. 你对宗教有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on religion?

**59. 你对哲学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on philosophy?

**60. 你对心理学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on psychology?

**61. 你对社会学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on sociology?

**62. 你对人类学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on anthropology?

**63. 你对生物学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on biology?

**64. 你对化学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on chemistry?

**65. 你对物理学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on physics?

**66. 你对数学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on mathematics?

**67. 你对语言学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on linguistics?

**68. 你对计算机科学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on computer science?

**69. 你对工程学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on engineering?

**70. 你对医学有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on medicine?

**71. 你对法律有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on law?

**72. 你对金融有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on finance?

**73. 你对商业有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on business?

**74. 你对农业有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on agriculture?

**75. 你对旅游有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on travel?

**76. 你对美食有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on food?

**77. 你对时尚有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on fashion?

**78. 你对体育有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on sports?

**79. 你对游戏有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on games?

**80. 你对宠物有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on pets?

**81. 你对自然有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on nature?

**82. 你对宇宙有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on the universe?

**83. 你对生命有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on life?

**84. 你对死亡有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on death?

**85. 你对爱情有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on love?

**86. 你对友谊有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on friendship?

**87. 你对家庭有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on family?

**88. 你对社会有什么看法?**

What are your thoughts on society?

以上就是关于找我唠嗑句子88句(找我唠嗑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
