
## 易经天行健,君子以自强不息

1. 天行健,君子以自强不息。

The movement of the heavens is vigorous and strong, and the gentleman, in accordance with this, strives unceasingly to perfect himself.

2. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。

The earth's condition is receptive and yielding, and the gentleman, in accordance with this, cultivates his virtue to be vast and encompassing, capable of bearing all things.

3. 天地之大德曰生,天地之至仁曰爱。

The greatest virtue of Heaven and Earth is to give birth, and their greatest benevolence is to love.

4. 天地之道,可类比于人。

The Way of Heaven and Earth can be compared to the way of man.

5. 天地之道,无为而无不为。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is to do nothing and yet do everything.

6. 天地之道,生生不息。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is a process of continuous creation and renewal.

7. 天地之道,阴阳相生。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is based on the interaction of Yin and Yang, which mutually generate each other.

8. 天地之道,刚柔相济。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is characterized by a balance of firmness and yielding.

9. 天地之道,和谐共存。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is one of harmonious coexistence.

10. 天地之道,变化无穷。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is characterized by endless change.

11. 天地之道,不可强求。

The Way of Heaven and Earth cannot be forced or controlled.

12. 天地之道,顺应自然。

The Way of Heaven and Earth is to follow the natural course of things.

13. 人道,合于天道。

The Way of Man should be in harmony with the Way of Heaven.

14. 人道,尊崇德行。

The Way of Man emphasizes the importance of virtue and moral conduct.

15. 人道,以仁爱为本。

The Way of Man is founded on benevolence and love.

16. 人道,以礼义为规范。

The Way of Man is guided by the principles of propriety and righteousness.

17. 人道,以诚信为基石。

The Way of Man is built upon the foundation of sincerity and trustworthiness.

18. 人道,以勤俭为美德。

The Way of Man values hard work, thrift, and frugality.

19. 人道,以孝悌为根本。

The Way of Man is rooted in filial piety and respect for elders.

20. 人道,以忠义为精神。

The Way of Man is characterized by loyalty and righteousness.

21. 人道,以仁义礼智信为五常。

The Way of Man emphasizes the five constant virtues: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.

22. 君子,仁义礼智信,五常俱备。

The gentleman possesses all five virtues: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.

23. 君子,志存高远。

The gentleman sets his sights high.

24. 君子,心胸宽广。

The gentleman has a broad and generous heart.

25. 君子,品德高尚。

The gentleman has noble character.

26. 君子,言行一致。

The gentleman's words and actions are consistent.

27. 君子,以德服人。

The gentleman wins people over with his virtue.

28. 君子,以诚待人。

The gentleman treats others with sincerity.

29. 君子,以和为贵。

The gentleman values harmony above all else.

30. 君子,以宽容待人。

The gentleman is forgiving and tolerant towards others.

31. 君子,以谦逊处世。

The gentleman is humble and modest in his dealings with others.

32. 君子,以克己复礼。

The gentleman controls his own desires and behavior in accordance with propriety.

33. 君子,以仁爱待天下。

The gentleman treats all beings with love and compassion.

34. 君子,以天下为己任。

The gentleman takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world.

35. 君子,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

36. 君子,以德行立身。

The gentleman bases his life on virtue.

37. 君子,以仁义为本。

The gentleman is guided by benevolence and righteousness.

38. 君子,以礼义为规范。

The gentleman's actions are governed by propriety and righteousness.

39. 君子,以诚信为基石。

The gentleman is built upon the foundation of sincerity and trustworthiness.

40. 君子,以勤俭为美德。

The gentleman values hard work, thrift, and frugality.

41. 君子,以孝悌为根本。

The gentleman is rooted in filial piety and respect for elders.

42. 君子,以忠义为精神。

The gentleman is characterized by loyalty and righteousness.

43. 君子,以仁义礼智信为五常。

The gentleman emphasizes the five constant virtues: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness.

44. 君子,志存高远,心胸宽广,品德高尚,言行一致,以德服人,以诚待人,以和为贵,以宽容待人,以谦逊处世。

The gentleman sets his sights high, has a broad and generous heart, possesses noble character, his words and actions are consistent, wins people over with his virtue, treats others with sincerity, values harmony above all else, is forgiving and tolerant towards others, and is humble and modest in his dealings with others.

45. 君子,以克己复礼,以仁爱待天下,以天下为己任,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任,以德行立身,以仁义为本,以礼义为规范,以诚信为基石,以勤俭为美德,以孝悌为根本,以忠义为精神。

The gentleman controls his own desires and behavior in accordance with propriety, treats all beings with love and compassion, takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world, bases his life on virtue, is guided by benevolence and righteousness, his actions are governed by propriety and righteousness, is built upon the foundation of sincerity and trustworthiness, values hard work, thrift, and frugality, is rooted in filial piety and respect for elders, and is characterized by loyalty and righteousness.

46. 君子,立身以道,处世以德,待人以诚,行事以义。

The gentleman lives his life in accordance with the Way, conducts himself with virtue, treats others with sincerity, and acts with righteousness.

47. 君子,仁者爱人,智者乐水,勇者不惧,义者不屈。

The benevolent person loves others, the wise person finds joy in water, the courageous person is fearless, and the righteous person does not yield.

48. 君子,博学多识,见闻广博,胸怀坦荡,心存善念。

The gentleman is learned and knowledgeable, has seen and heard much, has a broad mind, and harbors good intentions.

49. 君子,不为己甚,不骄不躁,不卑不亢,不妄自菲薄,不妄自尊大。

The gentleman does not overdo things, is neither arrogant nor conceited, neither humble nor overbearing, does not belittle himself, and does not exalt himself.

50. 君子,知耻近乎勇,知足常乐,知止不殆,知难而进,知行合一。

The gentleman knows shame, which is close to courage, knows contentment, which brings constant joy, knows when to stop, which prevents danger, knows difficulty and yet advances, and unites knowledge and action.

51. 君子,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果。

The gentleman does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome.

52. 君子,不慕荣华富贵,不争名夺利,不为外物所动,不为世俗所累。

The gentleman does not crave fame or wealth, does not strive for name or profit, is not swayed by external things, and is not burdened by worldly concerns.

53. 君子,淡泊名利,心志坚定,意志坚强,不畏艰难,不惧风险,不屈不挠。

The gentleman is indifferent to fame and fortune, has a strong mind, a firm will, is undaunted by difficulties, unfazed by risks, and unyielding in the face of adversity.

54. 君子,志存高远,胸怀天下,心系苍生,敢于担当,勇于奉献。

The gentleman sets his sights high, embraces the world, cares for all living beings, is willing to take responsibility, and is courageous in his selflessness.

55. 君子,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

56. 君子,不为私利,不为名声,不为权势,不为富贵,不为外物所动,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman does not act for personal gain, for fame, for power, for wealth, or for external things. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

57. 君子,以德立身,以仁爱待人,以和为贵,以宽容待人,以谦逊处世,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman bases his life on virtue, treats others with love and compassion, values harmony above all else, is forgiving and tolerant towards others, is humble and modest in his dealings with others, takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

58. 君子,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

59. 君子,志存高远,心胸宽广,品德高尚,言行一致,以德服人,以诚待人,以和为贵,以宽容待人,以谦逊处世,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任。

The gentleman sets his sights high, has a broad and generous heart, possesses noble character, his words and actions are consistent, wins people over with his virtue, treats others with sincerity, values harmony above all else, is forgiving and tolerant towards others, is humble and modest in his dealings with others, takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world.

60. 君子,不为私利,不为名声,不为权势,不为富贵,不为外物所动,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果,淡泊名利,心志坚定,意志坚强,不畏艰难,不惧风险,不屈不挠,志存高远,胸怀天下,心系苍生,敢于担当,勇于奉献。

The gentleman does not act for personal gain, for fame, for power, for wealth, or for external things. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world. He does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, has a strong mind, a firm will, is undaunted by difficulties, unfazed by risks, and unyielding in the face of adversity. He sets his sights high, embraces the world, cares for all living beings, is willing to take responsibility, and is courageous in his selflessness.

61. 君子,以德行立身,以仁义为本,以礼义为规范,以诚信为基石,以勤俭为美德,以孝悌为根本,以忠义为精神,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果,淡泊名利,心志坚定,意志坚强,不畏艰难,不惧风险,不屈不挠,志存高远,胸怀天下,心系苍生,敢于担当,勇于奉献。

The gentleman bases his life on virtue, is guided by benevolence and righteousness, his actions are governed by propriety and righteousness, is built upon the foundation of sincerity and trustworthiness, values hard work, thrift, and frugality, is rooted in filial piety and respect for elders, and is characterized by loyalty and righteousness. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world. He does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, has a strong mind, a firm will, is undaunted by difficulties, unfazed by risks, and unyielding in the face of adversity. He sets his sights high, embraces the world, cares for all living beings, is willing to take responsibility, and is courageous in his selflessness.

62. 君子,立身以道,处世以德,待人以诚,行事以义,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果,淡泊名利,心志坚定,意志坚强,不畏艰难,不惧风险,不屈不挠,志存高远,胸怀天下,心系苍生,敢于担当,勇于奉献。

The gentleman lives his life in accordance with the Way, conducts himself with virtue, treats others with sincerity, and acts with righteousness. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world. He does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, has a strong mind, a firm will, is undaunted by difficulties, unfazed by risks, and unyielding in the face of adversity. He sets his sights high, embraces the world, cares for all living beings, is willing to take responsibility, and is courageous in his selflessness.

63. 君子,仁者爱人,智者乐水,勇者不惧,义者不屈,以天下为己任,以百姓为重,以仁爱为本,以德行立身,以修身齐家治国平天下为己任,不以物喜,不以己悲,不怨天尤人,不计较得失,不强求结果,淡泊名利,心志坚定,意志坚强,不畏艰难,不惧风险,不屈不挠,志存高远,胸怀天下,心系苍生,敢于担当,勇于奉献。

The benevolent person loves others, the wise person finds joy in water, the courageous person is fearless, and the righteous person does not yield. He takes upon himself the responsibility of caring for the world, prioritizes the people, is guided by benevolence, bases his life on virtue, and considers it his duty to cultivate himself, to order his family, to govern his state, and to bring peace to the world. He does not rejoice in material possessions, does not grieve over himself, does not blame heaven or fault others, does not obsess over gains or losses, and does not force the outcome. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, has a strong mind, a firm will, is undaunted by difficulties, unfazed by risks, and unyielding in the face of adversity. He sets his sights high, embraces the world, cares for all living beings, is willing to take responsibility, and is courageous in his selflessness.

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