
## 草莓雨天句子,84句:

1. 雨丝轻柔地飘落,打在窗台上,仿佛一首轻柔的歌。

The rain falls gently, hitting the windowsill, like a soft song.

2. 雨水滋润着大地,空气中弥漫着泥土的清香。

The rain nourishes the earth, and the air is filled with the fresh scent of soil.

3. 雨声淅淅沥沥,像一首舒缓的乐曲,洗涤着城市的喧嚣。

The sound of rain, soft and steady, is like a soothing melody, washing away the noise of the city.

4. 雨后的天空格外晴朗,阳光透过云层,洒下一片金色的光芒。

The sky after the rain is exceptionally clear, and the sunlight shines through the clouds, casting a golden glow.

5. 雨后的街道,被雨水洗刷得格外干净,空气也变得清新起来。

The streets after the rain are exceptionally clean, washed by the rain, and the air becomes fresh.

6. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出轻微的“沙沙”声,仿佛在诉说着一个古老的故事。

The rain hitting the roof makes a soft “rustling” sound, as if telling an ancient story.

7. 雨水滴落在花瓣上,形成晶莹剔透的水珠,仿佛一颗颗珍珠。

Raindrops fall on the petals, forming crystal clear water droplets, like pearls.

8. 雨水滋润着万物,让它们焕发出新的生机。

The rain nourishes all things, giving them new life.

9. 雨后的空气格外清新,让人心旷神怡。

The air after the rain is exceptionally fresh, refreshing and exhilarating.

10. 雨水冲刷着城市的尘埃,让城市变得更加干净。

The rain washes away the dust of the city, making it cleaner.

11. 雨水滋润着植物,让它们长得更加茂盛。

The rain nourishes plants, making them grow more lush.

12. 雨水冲刷着街道,让街道变得更加干净。

The rain washes the streets, making them cleaner.

13. 雨水打在玻璃窗上,形成一道道水痕。

Raindrops hit the glass window, forming streaks of water.

14. 雨水滴落在水中,荡起一圈圈涟漪。

Raindrops fall into the water, creating ripples.

15. 雨水打在树叶上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the leaves, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

16. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

17. 雨水滴落在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

18. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

19. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

20. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

21. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

22. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

23. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

24. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

25. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

26. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

27. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

28. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

29. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

30. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

31. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

32. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

33. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

34. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

35. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

36. 雨水打在窗户上,发出“噼啪”声,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the windows, making a"crackling" sound, like a cheerful song.

37. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

38. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

39. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

40. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

41. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

42. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

43. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

44. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

45. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

46. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

47. 雨水打在窗户上,发出“噼啪”声,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the windows, making a"crackling" sound, like a cheerful song.

48. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

49. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

50. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

51. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

52. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

53. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

54. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

55. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

56. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

57. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

58. 雨水打在窗户上,发出“噼啪”声,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the windows, making a"crackling" sound, like a cheerful song.

59. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

60. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

61. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

62. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

63. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

64. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

65. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

66. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

67. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

68. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

69. 雨水打在窗户上,发出“噼啪”声,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the windows, making a"crackling" sound, like a cheerful song.

70. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

71. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

72. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

73. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

74. 雨水打在衣服上,湿润而透凉。

The rain hitting your clothes feels damp and refreshing.

75. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the roof, making a clear sound, like a cheerful song.

76. 雨水打在石板上,发出“嗒嗒”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的节奏。

Raindrops hit the stone slabs, making a"tap-tap" sound, like a cheerful rhythm.

77. 雨水打在树枝上,发出“沙沙”声,仿佛一首轻柔的乐曲。

Raindrops hit the branches, making a"rustling" sound, like a soft melody.

78. 雨水打在花朵上,仿佛给花朵洗了一个澡。

Raindrops hit the flowers, as if giving them a bath.

79. 雨水打在河面上,泛起一道道波纹,仿佛一首轻快的旋律。

Raindrops hit the river surface, creating ripples, like a cheerful melody.

80. 雨水打在窗户上,发出“噼啪”声,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the windows, making a"crackling" sound, like a cheerful song.

81. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,仿佛一首轻快的歌曲。

Raindrops hit the eaves, making a"tick-tock" sound, like a cheerful song.

82. 雨水打在草地上,形成一个个小水坑,仿佛一个个小镜子。

Raindrops fall on the grass, forming small puddles, like small mirrors.

83. 雨水滋润着土地,让土地更加肥沃。

The rain nourishes the land, making it more fertile.

84. 雨水打在脸上,凉爽而舒适。

The rain hitting your face feels cool and comfortable.

以上就是关于草莓雨天句子84句(草莓雨天句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
