
## 61 Depressing English Sentences with Translations

1. The world is a beautiful place, but it's full of broken people. / 世界是一个美丽的地方,但它充满了破碎的人。

2. I'm so tired of trying to be happy. / 我已经厌倦了试图让自己快乐。

3. Sometimes, the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of not waking up tomorrow. / 有时候,唯一支撑着我的,就是想到明天不会醒来。

4. I feel like I'm drowning in my own sadness. / 我感觉自己正在自己的悲伤中溺水。

5. The pain is so constant, it's almost a comfort. / 疼痛是如此的持久,几乎成了一种慰藉。

6. I'm lost in a sea of despair, and I don't know how to swim. / 我迷失在绝望的海洋中,我不知道如何游泳。

7. My heart is a graveyard of broken dreams. / 我的心是破碎梦想的坟场。

8. I'm afraid of the future, because I know it won't be as good as the past. / 我害怕未来,因为我知道它不会像过去那样好。

9. The only thing I'm good at is hurting myself. / 我唯一擅长的是伤害自己。

10. I feel like a ghost in my own life. / 我感觉自己像是自己生活中的幽灵。

11. Every day is a struggle to get out of bed. / 每天都是一场挣扎,为了从床上爬起来。

12. I'm surrounded by people, but I feel so alone. / 我被人群包围,但感觉如此孤独。

13. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I know something is. / 我不知道我怎么了,但我就是知道有什么不对劲。

14. I'm just waiting for the day I can finally give up. / 我只是在等待我能最终放弃的那一天。

15. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare that I can't wake up from. / 我感觉自己生活在一个我无法醒来的噩梦中。

16. I'm tired of pretending to be okay. / 我厌倦了假装没事。

17. I'm so scared of what tomorrow will bring. / 我很害怕明天会带来什么。

18. I'm trapped in a cycle of self-destruction. / 我陷入了自我毁灭的循环中。

19. I just want to disappear. / 我只想消失。

20. My mind is a battlefield of thoughts I can't control. / 我的脑海是无法控制的思想的战场。

21. I'm a shadow of my former self. / 我只是我过去的影子。

22. I'm so lost, I don't even know where to start looking for myself. / 我太迷路了,甚至不知道从哪里开始寻找自己。

23. I'm afraid of the dark, because it's the only place I can truly be alone. / 我害怕黑暗,因为那是唯一一个我能真正独自一人的地方。

24. I'm so empty inside, I can barely feel anything anymore. / 我的内心是如此空虚,我几乎什么也感觉不到。

25. I'm just a burden to everyone around me. / 我只是周围所有人的负担。

26. I'm a walking contradiction, I want to be loved but I push everyone away. / 我是一个活生生的矛盾,我想被爱,但我却把所有人推开。

27. I'm afraid of being happy, because I know it won't last. / 我害怕快乐,因为我知道它不会持续。

28. I'm so used to pain, it feels normal to me now. / 我太习惯于疼痛了,现在对我来说感觉很正常。

29. I'm a walking zombie, just going through the motions of life. / 我是一个行尸走肉,只是在过着生活。

30. I'm so tired of fighting, I just want to give up. / 我已经厌倦了战斗,我只想放弃。

31. I'm a broken record, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. / 我就像一张破损的唱片,一遍又一遍地重复着同样的错误。

32. I'm a prisoner in my own mind. / 我是困在我自己思想中的囚徒。

33. I'm afraid to ask for help, because I don't want to burden anyone. / 我害怕寻求帮助,因为我不想成为任何人的负担。

34. I'm so lost in my own world, I've forgotten how to connect with others. / 我太迷失在自己的世界里了,我已经忘记了如何与他人建立联系。

35. I'm a walking time bomb, waiting to explode. / 我就像一颗定时炸弹,等待着爆炸。

36. I'm a broken mirror, reflecting nothing but my own flaws. / 我就像一面破碎的镜子,只能反映出我自己的缺陷。

37. I'm a puppet, controlled by my own insecurities. / 我就像一个木偶,被自己的不安全感控制着。

38. I'm a ghost, haunting the memories of the past. / 我就像一个幽灵,萦绕在过去的记忆中。

39. I'm a storm, raging inside and out. / 我就像一场风暴,在内心和外在肆虐。

40. I'm a whisper, lost in the wind. / 我就像一声低语,在风中消散。

41. I'm a shadow, fading away with each passing day. / 我就像一个影子,随着时间的推移而逐渐消失。

42. I'm a broken heart, yearning for a love that will never come. / 我就像一颗破碎的心,渴望着一份永远不会到来的爱。

43. I'm a lost soul, searching for meaning in a meaningless world. / 我就像一个迷途的灵魂,在一个毫无意义的世界里寻找意义。

44. I'm a prisoner in my own life, trapped by my own fears. / 我就像被困在自己生活中的囚徒,被自己的恐惧所困。

45. I'm a broken promise, a dream that will never be fulfilled. / 我就像一个破裂的承诺,一个永远无法实现的梦想。

46. I'm a fading memory, lost in the sands of time. / 我就像一段渐渐消逝的记忆,迷失在时间的沙海中。

47. I'm a lonely star, shining in the darkness but never reaching anyone. / 我就像一颗孤独的星星,在黑暗中闪耀,却永远无法触及任何人。

48. I'm a broken wing, unable to fly. / 我就像一只折断的翅膀,无法飞翔。

49. I'm a silent scream, unheard and unseen. / 我就像一声无声的尖叫,无人听见,无人看见。

50. I'm a whisper in the wind, a fleeting moment in time. / 我就像一阵风中的低语,时间中的一个转瞬即逝的时刻。

51. I'm a fallen leaf, drifting aimlessly in the wind. / 我就像一片落叶,在风中无目的地飘荡。

52. I'm a forgotten song, lost in the depths of my own memory. / 我就像一首被遗忘的歌曲,迷失在我自己记忆的深处。

53. I'm a broken clock, ticking away the seconds but never moving forward. / 我就像一只坏了的钟,秒针在走动,却永远无法前进。

54. I'm a faded photograph, a glimpse of a past that can never be revisited. / 我就像一张褪色的照片,一瞥再也无法重温的过去。

55. I'm a dying star, burning out slowly but surely. / 我就像一颗垂死的星星,缓慢而坚定地燃烧殆尽。

56. I'm a broken chain, forever disconnected. / 我就像一条断裂的锁链,永远无法连接。

57. I'm a closed book, filled with secrets that will never be revealed. / 我就像一本封閉的書,充滿著永遠不會被揭示的秘密。

58. I'm a shattered vase, irreparable and forever broken. / 我就像一個破碎的花瓶,無法修復,永遠破碎。

59. I'm a wilted flower, losing its beauty and vitality with each passing day. / 我就像一朵枯萎的花,隨著時間流逝,逐漸失去它的美麗和活力。

60. I'm a forgotten dream, lost in the depths of my subconscious. / 我就像一個被遺忘的夢想,迷失在我潛意識的深處。

61. I'm a hollow shell, empty and devoid of any meaning. / 我就像一個空殼,空虛而毫无意义。

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