
## 79句微信删除好友的句子:


1. 朋友一场,到此为止吧。
2. 缘分已尽,就此别过。
3. 删除你,是放过你,也是放过我自己。
4. 再见了,曾经的你。
5. 你的人生,与我无关了。
6. 不再打扰,祝你一切顺利。
7. 你已不在我的世界里。
8. 你的离开,我无动于衷。
9. 我的世界,没有你的位置。
10. 你的存在,让我觉得压抑。
11. 我累了,不想再维持这段关系。
12. 你让我失望透顶,再见!
13. 你并不适合我,我们没有未来。
14. 你辜负了我的信任,我不再相信你。
15. 你总是伤害我,我不再愿意忍受。
16. 我们之间,已经没有共同语言了。
17. 你已经成为了过去,我不想再回首。
18. 你的离开,让我感到解脱。
19. 我已经看清了你的真面目。
20. 你的存在,只会让我感到痛苦。
21. 我选择离开,是为了保护自己。
22. 我们之间,已经没有任何意义了。
23. 你已经不在我的生命里,再见了。
24. 我不想再和你纠缠不清。
25. 你的离去,让我感到轻松。
26. 我终于可以摆脱你了。
27. 你永远不会明白我的心。
28. 你的存在,让我觉得窒息。
29. 我宁愿选择孤独,也不愿再被你伤害。
30. 你已经不重要了,我无所谓了。
31. 我选择忘记你,从今以后,你只是个陌生人。
32. 你的背叛,让我无法原谅。
33. 你永远都无法走进我的内心。
34. 我不需要你的同情,你走吧。
35. 我不会再回头,你也不要再回头。
36. 你的世界,与我的世界不再交集。
37. 你的谎言,让我对你彻底失望。
38. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我们只是路人。
39. 我不需要你的解释,你走吧。
40. 你已经成为了我的过去,我不会再想起你。
41. 你让我感到心寒,我选择离开。
42. 你已经不再是我生命中的主角。
43. 我不会再为你的错误买单。
44. 我选择放手,因为你已经不再值得。
45. 你的存在,让我感到恶心。
46. 我不想再和你有任何瓜葛。
47. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我们只是陌生人。
48. 我选择离开,是因为我累了。
49. 你的背叛,让我彻底心碎。
50. 我不想再浪费时间在你身上。
51. 你让我感到失望,我选择离开。
52. 我不再需要你的陪伴,你走吧。
53. 我选择离开,是为了寻找真正的幸福。
54. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我不会再对你抱有任何幻想。
55. 我选择离开,因为我不想再受伤害。
56. 我选择离开,因为你已经不再是我想要的人。
57. 你已经不再是我生命中的一部分,我不会再留恋。
58. 我选择离开,因为我已经看透了你的本质。
59. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我不会再和你联系。
60. 我选择离开,因为我不想再被你束缚。
61. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择放弃这段友谊。
62. 我选择离开,因为我找到了更值得珍惜的人。
63. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,没有理由。
64. 我选择离开,因为你已经不再是我的朋友。
65. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我累了。
66. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我不想再被你伤害。
67. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我找到了更适合我的朋友。
68. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过更好的生活。
69. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要追求我的梦想。
70. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要寻找我的真爱。
71. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要变得更强大。
72. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更自由。
73. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更快乐。
74. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更充实。
75. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更有意义。
76. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更美好。
77. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更幸福。
78. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更完美。
79. 你已经不再是我的朋友,我选择离开,因为我想要过得更精彩。


1. It's over, we're no longer friends.

2. Our fate has run its course, goodbye.

3. Deleting you is letting go of you, and letting go of myself.

4. Goodbye, the you that once was.

5. Your life is no longer relevant to me.

6. I'll no longer bother you. Wish you all the best.

7. You're no longer in my world.

8. Your departure leaves me unmoved.

9. There is no place for you in my world.

10. Your presence makes me feel suffocated.

11. I'm tired and don't want to maintain this relationship anymore.

12. You've disappointed me beyond repair, goodbye!

13. You're not right for me, we have no future.

14. You betrayed my trust, I no longer believe you.

15. You always hurt me, I'm not willing to endure it anymore.

16. We have no common language anymore.

17. You've become the past, I don't want to look back.

18. Your departure brings me relief.

19. I've seen your true colors.

20. Your existence only brings me pain.

21. I choose to leave to protect myself.

22. There's no meaning left between us.

23. You're no longer in my life, goodbye.

24. I don't want to be entangled with you anymore.

25. Your departure brings me a sense of lightness.

26. I can finally break free from you.

27. You'll never understand my heart.

28. Your presence makes me feel suffocated.

29. I'd rather choose solitude than be hurt by you again.

30. You're no longer important, I don't care anymore.

31. I choose to forget you, from now on, you're just a stranger.

32. Your betrayal is unforgivable.

33. You can never enter my heart.

34. I don't need your sympathy, leave.

35. I won't look back, and neither should you.

36. Your world and my world no longer intersect.

37. Your lies have completely disappointed me in you.

38. You're no longer my friend, we're just strangers.

39. I don't need your explanation, leave.

40. You've become my past, I won't think of you again.

41. You've chilled me to the bone, I choose to leave.

42. You're no longer the main character in my life.

43. I won't pay for your mistakes anymore.

44. I choose to let go because you're no longer worthy.

45. Your existence makes me feel disgusted.

46. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore.

47. You're no longer my friend, we're just strangers.

48. I choose to leave because I'm tired.

49. Your betrayal has completely broken my heart.

50. I don't want to waste my time on you anymore.

51. You've disappointed me, I choose to leave.

52. I no longer need your company, leave.

53. I choose to leave to find true happiness.

54. You're no longer my friend, I won't have any illusions about you anymore.

55. I choose to leave because I don't want to be hurt anymore.

56. I choose to leave because you're no longer the person I want.

57. You're no longer a part of my life, I won't linger anymore.

58. I choose to leave because I've seen through your true nature.

59. You're no longer my friend, I won't contact you anymore.

60. I choose to leave because I don't want to be tied down by you anymore.

61. You're no longer my friend, I choose to abandon this friendship.

62. I choose to leave because I found someone more worthy of my affection.

63. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave, no reason.

64. I choose to leave because you're no longer my friend.

65. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I'm tired.

66. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I don't want to be hurt by you anymore.

67. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I found a better friend.

68. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a better life.

69. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to pursue my dreams.

70. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to find my true love.

71. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to become stronger.

72. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live more freely.

73. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live happily.

74. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a fulfilling life.

75. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a meaningful life.

76. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a beautiful life.

77. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a happy life.

78. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live a perfect life.

79. You're no longer my friend, I choose to leave because I want to live an exciting life.

以上就是关于致微信删除我人的句子79句(致微信删除我人的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
