
## 自古忠臣不善终的句子 (65句)

**1. 忠臣不为贫贱移,烈士不为祸福改。**

Loyal ministers are not swayed by poverty or wealth, and righteous men are not changed by good or bad fortune.

**2. 忠臣志在社稷,不为身谋。**

Loyal ministers put the interests of the state above their own.

**3. 忠臣逆耳之言,却能救国;奸臣巧言令色,却能亡国。**

Words of loyalty, though harsh, can save a nation, while flattering words of deceit can destroy it.

**4. 忠臣犯颜直谏,却被君王猜忌,最终落得悲惨下场。**

Loyal ministers who dared to speak their minds were often suspected by their rulers and ultimately met with a tragic fate.

**5. 忠臣为国尽忠,却遭奸臣陷害,以致身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often framed by treacherous officials, leading to their downfall and disgrace.

**6. 忠臣宁死不屈,却换来君王猜忌和冷落。**

Loyal ministers who refused to compromise their principles were met with suspicion and neglect by their rulers.

**7. 忠臣为国捐躯,却无法得到应有的褒奖。**

Loyal ministers who sacrificed themselves for their country often failed to receive the recognition they deserved.

**8. 忠臣心系百姓,却遭奸臣排挤,最终黯然离场。**

Loyal ministers who cared deeply for the people were often marginalized by treacherous officials, eventually leading to their departure from the court.

**9. 忠臣明知不可为而为之,最终却落得身败名裂的下场。**

Loyal ministers who knowingly undertook impossible tasks often ended up in disgrace.

**10. 忠臣为国献策,却遭君王无视,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered their advice to the nation were often ignored by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**11. 忠臣一生为国效力,却落得孤苦伶仃,无依无靠。**

Loyal ministers who devoted their lives to serving their country often ended up lonely and without support.

**12. 忠臣为国奔走,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**13. 忠臣被奸臣陷害,却无处申冤,只能含恨而终。**

Loyal ministers who were framed by treacherous officials had no recourse for justice and were forced to die with resentment.

**14. 忠臣为国呕心沥血,却遭君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who poured their hearts and souls into serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**15. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭君王轻视,最终功亏一篑。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often disregarded by their rulers, ultimately leading to their failure.

**16. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却遭奸臣排挤,最终黯然隐退。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often marginalized by treacherous officials, eventually leading to their silent retirement.

**17. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终含冤而死。**

Loyal ministers who tirelessly worked for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately dying a wrongful death.

**18. 忠臣为国建言献策,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝堂。**

Loyal ministers who offered their advice to their country were seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**19. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却遭奸臣算计,最终落得身败名裂的下场。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated their lives to serving their country were often tricked by treacherous officials, ending up in disgrace.

**20. 忠臣为国尽忠,却遭君王猜忌,最终被贬谪边疆。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often suspected by their rulers and exiled to the borderlands.

**21. 忠臣为国忧心忡忡,却遭奸臣排挤,最终黯然离世。**

Loyal ministers who carried the weight of their nation's burdens were often marginalized by treacherous officials, eventually passing away in obscurity.

**22. 忠臣为国竭尽全力,却遭君王猜忌,最终被赐死。**

Loyal ministers who poured their every effort into serving their country were often suspected by their rulers and eventually executed.

**23. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**24. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**25. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**26. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**27. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**28. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**29. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**30. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**31. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**32. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**33. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**34. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**35. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**36. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**37. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**38. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**39. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**40. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**41. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**42. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**43. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**44. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**45. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**46. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**47. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**48. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**49. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**50. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**51. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**52. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**53. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**54. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**55. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**56. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**57. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**58. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**59. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**60. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

**61. 忠臣为国出谋划策,却遭奸臣阻挠,最终功败垂成。**

Loyal ministers who offered their strategic plans to their country were often obstructed by treacherous officials, ultimately leading to their failure.

**62. 忠臣为国鞠躬尽瘁,却被君王猜忌,最终落得凄凉结局。**

Loyal ministers who dedicated themselves entirely to serving their country were often suspected by their rulers, leading to a tragic end.

**63. 忠臣为国贡献良策,却被君王弃之如敝履,最终只能无奈叹气。**

Loyal ministers who offered valuable strategies to their country were often discarded by their rulers, leaving them with nothing but sighs of frustration.

**64. 忠臣为国奔波,却遭奸臣陷害,最终身败名裂。**

Loyal ministers who worked tirelessly for their country were often framed by treacherous officials, ultimately ending up in disgrace.

**65. 忠臣为国尽忠,却被君王视为眼中钉,最终被排挤出朝廷。**

Loyal ministers who served their country with dedication were often seen as thorns in the side by their rulers and eventually expelled from the court.

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