
## 脱发际线句子 70句


1. 我的发际线已经开始怀疑人生了。

My hairline has started to question its existence.

2. 每次洗头都掉好多头发,感觉我的头发在跟我say goodbye。

I lose so much hair every time I wash it, it feels like my hair is saying goodbye to me.

3. 我是不是该去买个假发,假装自己还很年轻?

Should I just buy a wig and pretend I'm still young?

4. 每次照镜子,都感觉我的发际线在跟我打招呼。

Every time I look in the mirror, it feels like my hairline is greeting me.

5. 我已经开始怀疑,我的头发是不是在为我规划未来的“秃”然性。

I've started to wonder if my hair is planning my future"bald"ness.

6. 我的发际线就像我的梦想,越来越远了。

My hairline is like my dreams, getting further and further away.

7. 发际线越来越高,我怀疑自己是不是要变成“地中海”。

My hairline is getting higher and higher, I'm wondering if I'm going to become a"Mediterranean."

8. 每次出门前都要花很长时间来遮掩我的发际线,好累啊!

It takes me a long time to cover up my hairline before going out, I'm so tired!

9. 我想我的头发一定是去旅行了,还没回来。

I think my hair must be on a trip, and it hasn't come back yet.

10. 我现在已经开始怀疑,是不是只有我一个人在脱发?

I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one who's losing hair.


11. 每次照镜子,我都想问我的发际线:你究竟想要去哪里?

Every time I look in the mirror, I want to ask my hairline: Where are you going?

12. 我的发际线已经开始和我的眉毛打招呼了。

My hairline has started to greet my eyebrows.

13. 我的发际线就像我的事业,蒸蒸日上。

My hairline is like my career, it's on the rise.

14. 我现在已经开始研究如何用头发遮住我的发际线了。

I've started to research how to use my hair to cover up my hairline.

15. 我的发际线就像我的爱情,越来越远了。

My hairline is like my love life, getting further and further away.

16. 我终于明白为什么古代人都喜欢戴帽子了。

I finally understand why people in ancient times liked to wear hats.

17. 我的发际线已经开始向我招手了。

My hairline has started to wave at me.

18. 我发誓,我看到我的发际线在跳舞。

I swear, I saw my hairline dancing.

19. 我的发际线已经开始怀疑我的智商了。

My hairline has started to question my intelligence.

20. 我现在已经开始研究如何用头发做发型了,因为我的发际线太高了。

I've started to research how to style my hair because my hairline is too high.


21. 我已经开始担心我的发际线了,它正在逐渐消失。

I've started to worry about my hairline, it's gradually disappearing.

22. 我的发际线已经开始让我感到焦虑了。

My hairline has started to make me feel anxious.

23. 我真的很害怕,有一天我会变成“地中海”。

I'm really scared, one day I'll become a"Mediterranean."

24. 我曾经拥有的发量,现在只剩下回忆了。

The amount of hair I once had is now just a memory.

25. 我开始想念以前茂密的头发了。

I'm starting to miss my thick hair.

26. 我现在已经开始尝试各种方法来拯救我的发际线了。

I've started trying all sorts of ways to save my hairline.

27. 我的发际线就像我的信心,越来越低了。

My hairline is like my confidence, it's getting lower and lower.

28. 我已经开始怀疑,是不是我的人生已经到了“巅峰”。

I've started to wonder if my life has reached its"peak."

29. 我现在已经开始怀疑,是不是我的人生已经开始了“倒计时”。

I've started to wonder if my life has started a"countdown."

30. 我的发际线已经开始让我感到不安了。

My hairline has started to make me feel uneasy.


31. 我的发际线已经开始向我发出警告了。

My hairline has started to warn me.

32. 我已经开始接受我的发际线了,它已经成为了我的“标志”。

I've started to accept my hairline, it's become my"mark."

33. 我已经开始放弃拯救我的发际线了,因为我知道,它只会越来越高。

I've started to give up on saving my hairline, because I know it will only get higher.

34. 我的发际线就像我的生活,一成不变。

My hairline is like my life, unchanging.

35. 我已经开始习惯我的发际线了,它已经成为了我的“朋友”。

I've started to get used to my hairline, it's become my"friend."

36. 我的发际线已经开始向我证明,时间是公平的。

My hairline has started to prove to me that time is fair.

37. 我的发际线已经开始向我证明,我正在逐渐变老。

My hairline has started to prove to me that I'm gradually getting older.

38. 我已经开始想念以前年轻的自己了。

I've started to miss my younger self.

39. 我的发际线已经开始提醒我,要珍惜现在的时光。

My hairline has started to remind me to cherish the present moment.

40. 我的发际线已经开始让我明白,人生无常。

My hairline has started to make me realize that life is uncertain.


41. 我的发际线虽然在后退,但我的人生还在前进。

My hairline may be receding, but my life is still moving forward.

42. 我的发际线虽然在下降,但我的人生却在上升。

My hairline may be declining, but my life is rising.

43. 我的发际线虽然在退缩,但我却越来越自信了。

My hairline may be retreating, but I'm becoming more and more confident.

44. 我的发际线虽然在变高,但我却越来越成熟了。

My hairline may be getting higher, but I'm becoming more mature.

45. 我的发际线虽然在消失,但我却越来越有魅力了。

My hairline may be disappearing, but I'm becoming more and more charming.

46. 我的发际线虽然在改变,但我却越来越勇敢了。

My hairline may be changing, but I'm becoming more and more brave.

47. 我的发际线虽然在退化,但我却越来越强大了。

My hairline may be deteriorating, but I'm becoming more and more powerful.

48. 我的发际线虽然在退步,但我却越来越优秀了。

My hairline may be regressing, but I'm becoming more and more excellent.

49. 我的发际线虽然在减少,但我却越来越快乐了。

My hairline may be decreasing, but I'm becoming more and more happy.

50. 我的发际线虽然在退化,但我却越来越爱自己了。

My hairline may be deteriorating, but I'm becoming more and more in love with myself.


51. 我的发际线就像我的爱情,一去不复返。

My hairline is like my love life, gone forever.

52. 我的发际线已经开始向我招手了,它在说:“快来加入我吧!”

My hairline has started to wave at me, it's saying:"Come join me!"

53. 我的发际线就像我的钱包,越来越空了。

My hairline is like my wallet, getting emptier and emptier.

54. 我已经开始怀疑,我的发际线是不是在为我设计未来的发型?

I've started to wonder if my hairline is designing my future hairstyle?

55. 我现在已经开始练习用我的发际线画画了。

I've started to practice drawing with my hairline.

56. 我的发际线就像我的记忆,越来越模糊了。

My hairline is like my memory, getting more and more blurry.

57. 我现在已经开始怀疑,是不是只有我一个人在掉头发?

I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one who's losing hair?

58. 我的发际线已经开始怀疑我的智商了。

My hairline has started to question my intelligence.

59. 我的发际线就像我的梦想,越来越远了。

My hairline is like my dreams, getting further and further away.

60. 我现在已经开始研究如何用头发遮住我的发际线了。

I've started to research how to use my hair to cover up my hairline.


61. 我的发际线正在努力地向我证明,我是个普通人。

My hairline is trying hard to prove to me that I'm an ordinary person.

62. 我的发际线已经开始向我发出警告了,它在说:“你老了!”

My hairline has started to warn me, it's saying:"You're old!"

63. 我的发际线就像我的青春,一去不复返。

My hairline is like my youth, gone forever.

64. 我的发际线已经开始向我展示,时间的流逝。

My hairline has started to show me the passage of time.

65. 我的发际线已经开始向我证明,生命是短暂的。

My hairline has started to prove to me that life is short.

66. 我的发际线已经开始向我发出警示了,它在说:“珍惜现在!”

My hairline has started to warn me, it's saying:"Cherish the present!"

67. 我的发际线已经开始向我展示,生命的意义。

My hairline has started to show me the meaning of life.

68. 我的发际线已经开始向我证明,人生的真谛。

My hairline has started to prove to me the truth of life.

69. 我的发际线已经开始向我发出邀请了,它在说:“来,一起变老吧!”

My hairline has started to invite me, it's saying:"Come on, let's get old together!"

70. 我的发际线已经开始向我展示,人生的精彩。

My hairline has started to show me the beauty of life.

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