
## 缘分句子,70句,附英文翻译

**1. 缘分,就像一场相遇,不期而遇,却令人心动。**

Fate is like a chance encounter, unexpected but heartwarming.

**2. 缘分,是上天安排的剧本,我们只是其中的角色。**

Fate is a script written by heaven, and we are just the characters in it.

**3. 缘分,是两条平行线,在某个点上交汇。**

Fate is like two parallel lines that intersect at a certain point.

**4. 缘分,是花开花落,是云卷云舒,是命中注定。**

Fate is the blooming and fading of flowers, the gathering and dispersing of clouds, it's destined.

**5. 缘分,是前世种下的因,今生结出的果。**

Fate is the cause planted in the previous life and the fruit born in this life.

**6. 缘分,是擦肩而过的一抹微笑,是久别重逢的泪水。**

Fate is a fleeting smile, a tear of reunion after a long separation.

**7. 缘分,是命中注定,是不可抗拒的力量。**

Fate is destined, an irresistible force.

**8. 缘分,是生命中最奇妙的旅程,充满了惊喜和感动。**

Fate is the most wonderful journey in life, filled with surprises and touches.

**9. 缘分,是心灵的碰撞,是精神的共鸣。**

Fate is the collision of hearts, the resonance of spirits.

**10. 缘分,是生命中的一份礼物,值得珍惜。**

Fate is a gift in life, worth cherishing.

**11. 缘分,是彼此吸引,是相互依赖。**

Fate is mutual attraction, mutual dependence.

**12. 缘分,是前世注定,今生相遇。**

Fate is destined in the previous life and met in this life.

**13. 缘分,是冥冥之中,自有安排。**

Fate is arranged in the dark, by itself.

**14. 缘分,是美丽的邂逅,是难忘的记忆。**

Fate is a beautiful encounter, an unforgettable memory.

**15. 缘分,是生命中的一份幸运,需要用心去感受。**

Fate is a piece of luck in life, needing to be felt with heart.

**16. 缘分,是上天赐予的礼物,需要用心去呵护。**

Fate is a gift from heaven, needing to be cherished with heart.

**17. 缘分,是两颗心的距离,是彼此的牵挂。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, mutual concern.

**18. 缘分,是命中注定,是缘来缘去。**

Fate is destined, coming and going.

**19. 缘分,是生命中的一场盛宴,充满了欢笑和泪水。**

Fate is a feast in life, filled with laughter and tears.

**20. 缘分,是命运的安排,是无法抗拒的力量。**

Fate is the arrangement of destiny, an irresistible force.

**21. 缘分,是心灵的交汇,是精神的融合。**

Fate is the convergence of hearts, the fusion of spirits.

**22. 缘分,是生命中的一份财富,值得珍藏。**

Fate is a treasure in life, worth collecting.

**23. 缘分,是彼此吸引,是相互扶持。**

Fate is mutual attraction, mutual support.

**24. 缘分,是前世注定,今生相遇,是生命的奇迹。**

Fate is destined in the previous life, met in this life, a miracle of life.

**25. 缘分,是冥冥之中,自有安排,是上天的旨意。**

Fate is arranged in the dark, by itself, it's the will of heaven.

**26. 缘分,是美丽的邂逅,是难忘的记忆,是生命的珍藏。**

Fate is a beautiful encounter, an unforgettable memory, a treasure of life.

**27. 缘分,是生命中的一份幸运,需要用心去感受,是生命中的点滴美好。**

Fate is a piece of luck in life, needing to be felt with heart, it's the little beauty in life.

**28. 缘分,是上天赐予的礼物,需要用心去呵护,是生命中的宝贵财富。**

Fate is a gift from heaven, needing to be cherished with heart, it's a valuable wealth in life.

**29. 缘分,是两颗心的距离,是彼此的牵挂,是生命的真谛。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, mutual concern, it's the truth of life.

**30. 缘分,是命中注定,是缘来缘去,是生命的轮回。**

Fate is destined, coming and going, it's the reincarnation of life.

**31. 缘分,是生命中的一场盛宴,充满了欢笑和泪水,是生命的体验。**

Fate is a feast in life, filled with laughter and tears, it's the experience of life.

**32. 缘分,是命运的安排,是无法抗拒的力量,是生命的宿命。**

Fate is the arrangement of destiny, an irresistible force, it's the fate of life.

**33. 缘分,是心灵的交汇,是精神的融合,是生命的升华。**

Fate is the convergence of hearts, the fusion of spirits, it's the sublimation of life.

**34. 缘分,是生命中的一份财富,值得珍藏,是生命的价值。**

Fate is a treasure in life, worth collecting, it's the value of life.

**35. 缘分,是彼此吸引,是相互扶持,是生命的依靠。**

Fate is mutual attraction, mutual support, it's the reliance of life.

**36. 缘分,是前世注定,今生相遇,是生命的奇迹,是生命的奥秘。**

Fate is destined in the previous life, met in this life, a miracle of life, it's the mystery of life.

**37. 缘分,是冥冥之中,自有安排,是上天的旨意,是生命的指引。**

Fate is arranged in the dark, by itself, it's the will of heaven, it's the guidance of life.

**38. 缘分,是美丽的邂逅,是难忘的记忆,是生命的珍藏,是生命的财富。**

Fate is a beautiful encounter, an unforgettable memory, a treasure of life, it's the wealth of life.

**39. 缘分,是生命中的一份幸运,需要用心去感受,是生命中的点滴美好,是生命的意义。**

Fate is a piece of luck in life, needing to be felt with heart, it's the little beauty in life, it's the meaning of life.

**40. 缘分,是上天赐予的礼物,需要用心去呵护,是生命中的宝贵财富,是生命的礼物。**

Fate is a gift from heaven, needing to be cherished with heart, it's a valuable wealth in life, it's the gift of life.

**41. 缘分,是两颗心的距离,是彼此的牵挂,是生命的真谛,是生命的真情。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, mutual concern, it's the truth of life, it's the true feeling of life.

**42. 缘分,是命中注定,是缘来缘去,是生命的轮回,是生命的循环。**

Fate is destined, coming and going, it's the reincarnation of life, it's the cycle of life.

**43. 缘分,是生命中的一场盛宴,充满了欢笑和泪水,是生命的体验,是生命的旅程。**

Fate is a feast in life, filled with laughter and tears, it's the experience of life, it's the journey of life.

**44. 缘分,是命运的安排,是无法抗拒的力量,是生命的宿命,是生命的安排。**

Fate is the arrangement of destiny, an irresistible force, it's the fate of life, it's the arrangement of life.

**45. 缘分,是心灵的交汇,是精神的融合,是生命的升华,是生命的境界。**

Fate is the convergence of hearts, the fusion of spirits, it's the sublimation of life, it's the realm of life.

**46. 缘分,是生命中的一份财富,值得珍藏,是生命的价值,是生命的意义。**

Fate is a treasure in life, worth collecting, it's the value of life, it's the meaning of life.

**47. 缘分,是彼此吸引,是相互扶持,是生命的依靠,是生命的港湾。**

Fate is mutual attraction, mutual support, it's the reliance of life, it's the harbor of life.

**48. 缘分,是前世注定,今生相遇,是生命的奇迹,是生命的奥秘,是生命的奇迹。**

Fate is destined in the previous life, met in this life, a miracle of life, it's the mystery of life, it's the miracle of life.

**49. 缘分,是冥冥之中,自有安排,是上天的旨意,是生命的指引,是生命的轨迹。**

Fate is arranged in the dark, by itself, it's the will of heaven, it's the guidance of life, it's the trajectory of life.

**50. 缘分,是美丽的邂逅,是难忘的记忆,是生命的珍藏,是生命的财富,是生命的宝藏。**

Fate is a beautiful encounter, an unforgettable memory, a treasure of life, it's the wealth of life, it's the treasure of life.

**51. 缘分,是生命中的一份幸运,需要用心去感受,是生命中的点滴美好,是生命的意义,是生命的价值。**

Fate is a piece of luck in life, needing to be felt with heart, it's the little beauty in life, it's the meaning of life, it's the value of life.

**52. 缘分,是上天赐予的礼物,需要用心去呵护,是生命中的宝贵财富,是生命的礼物,是生命的珍宝。**

Fate is a gift from heaven, needing to be cherished with heart, it's a valuable wealth in life, it's the gift of life, it's the treasure of life.

**53. 缘分,是两颗心的距离,是彼此的牵挂,是生命的真谛,是生命的真情,是生命的真爱。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, mutual concern, it's the truth of life, it's the true feeling of life, it's the true love of life.

**54. 缘分,是命中注定,是缘来缘去,是生命的轮回,是生命的循环,是生命的规律。**

Fate is destined, coming and going, it's the reincarnation of life, it's the cycle of life, it's the law of life.

**55. 缘分,是生命中的一场盛宴,充满了欢笑和泪水,是生命的体验,是生命的旅程,是生命的风景。**

Fate is a feast in life, filled with laughter and tears, it's the experience of life, it's the journey of life, it's the landscape of life.

**56. 缘分,是命运的安排,是无法抗拒的力量,是生命的宿命,是生命的安排,是生命的注定。**

Fate is the arrangement of destiny, an irresistible force, it's the fate of life, it's the arrangement of life, it's the destiny of life.

**57. 缘分,是心灵的交汇,是精神的融合,是生命的升华,是生命的境界,是生命的巅峰。**

Fate is the convergence of hearts, the fusion of spirits, it's the sublimation of life, it's the realm of life, it's the peak of life.

**58. 缘分,是生命中的一份财富,值得珍藏,是生命的价值,是生命的意义,是生命的永恒。**

Fate is a treasure in life, worth collecting, it's the value of life, it's the meaning of life, it's the eternity of life.

**59. 缘分,是彼此吸引,是相互扶持,是生命的依靠,是生命的港湾,是生命的归宿。**

Fate is mutual attraction, mutual support, it's the reliance of life, it's the harbor of life, it's the destination of life.

**60. 缘分,是前世注定,今生相遇,是生命的奇迹,是生命的奥秘,是生命的奇迹,是生命的礼物。**

Fate is destined in the previous life, met in this life, a miracle of life, it's the mystery of life, it's the miracle of life, it's the gift of life.

**61. 缘分,是冥冥之中,自有安排,是上天的旨意,是生命的指引,是生命的轨迹,是生命的道路。**

Fate is arranged in the dark, by itself, it's the will of heaven, it's the guidance of life, it's the trajectory of life, it's the path of life.

**62. 缘分,是美丽的邂逅,是难忘的记忆,是生命的珍藏,是生命的财富,是生命的宝藏,是生命的财富。**

Fate is a beautiful encounter, an unforgettable memory, a treasure of life, it's the wealth of life, it's the treasure of life, it's the wealth of life.

**63. 缘分,是生命中的一份幸运,需要用心去感受,是生命中的点滴美好,是生命的意义,是生命的价值,是生命的真谛。**

Fate is a piece of luck in life, needing to be felt with heart, it's the little beauty in life, it's the meaning of life, it's the value of life, it's the truth of life.

**64. 缘分,是上天赐予的礼物,需要用心去呵护,是生命中的宝贵财富,是生命的礼物,是生命的珍宝,是生命的奇迹。**

Fate is a gift from heaven, needing to be cherished with heart, it's a valuable wealth in life, it's the gift of life, it's the treasure of life, it's the miracle of life.

**65. 缘分,是两颗心的距离,是彼此的牵挂,是生命的真谛,是生命的真情,是生命的真爱,是生命的真缘。**

Fate is the distance between two hearts, mutual concern, it's the truth of life, it's the true feeling of life, it's the true love of life, it's the true fate of life.

**66. 缘分,是命中注定,是缘来缘去,是生命的轮回,是生命的循环,是生命的规律,是生命的节奏。**

Fate is destined, coming and going, it's the reincarnation of life, it's the cycle of life, it's the law of life, it's the rhythm of life.

**67. 缘分,是生命中的一场盛宴,充满了欢笑和泪水,是生命的体验,是生命的旅程,是生命的风景,是生命的画卷。**

Fate is a feast in life, filled with laughter and tears, it's the experience of life, it's the journey of life, it's the landscape of life, it's the scroll of life.

**68. 缘分,是命运的安排,是无法抗拒的力量,是生命的宿命,是生命的安排,是生命的注定,是生命的安排。**

Fate is the arrangement of destiny, an irresistible force, it's the fate of life, it's the arrangement of life, it's the destiny of life, it's the arrangement of life.

**69. 缘分,是心灵的交汇,是精神的融合,是生命的升华,是生命的境界,是生命的巅峰,是生命的意义。**

Fate is the convergence of hearts, the fusion of spirits, it's the sublimation of life, it's the realm of life, it's the peak of life, it's the meaning of life.

**70. 缘分,是生命中的一份财富,值得珍藏,是生命的价值,是生命的意义,是生命的永恒,是生命的真谛。**

Fate is a treasure in life, worth collecting, it's the value of life, it's the meaning of life, it's the eternity of life, it's the truth of life.

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