
## 缅怀东航坠机句子 (78句)

1. 沉痛悼念东航MU5735航班遇难同胞,愿天堂没有悲伤。

2. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,生者坚强。

3. 生命易逝,愿天堂安好,我们永远记得您的笑容。

4. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有灾难,只有幸福。

5. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂温暖如春。

6. 悲伤无法言喻,愿天堂没有痛苦,只有永恒的宁静。

7. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远铭记这份沉重的悲伤。

8. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有飞机失事,只有永恆的光明。

9. 泪水无法抚平伤痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有离别。

10. 祈愿生者平安,逝者安息,愿天堂成为他们的永恒家园。

11. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有眼泪,只有无尽的爱。

12. 悲伤化作力量,愿逝者安息,生者坚强,共同面对未来。

13. 生命无常,愿逝者安息,天堂没有悲痛,只有永恒的快乐。

14. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们新的起点。

15. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有阴霾,只有光明和希望。

16. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远怀念那些美好的回忆。

17. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有痛苦。

18. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有烦恼,只有无尽的幸福。

19. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒乐园。

20. 悲伤无法言喻,愿逝者安息,天堂没有病痛,只有无尽的安宁。

21. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有离别,只有永恒的团聚。

22. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远铭记他们的微笑和善良。

23. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有风雨,只有阳光和彩虹。

24. 泪水无法抚平伤痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤,只有永恒的幸福。

25. 祈愿生者平安,逝者安息,愿天堂成为他们的永恒避风港。

26. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有战争,只有无尽的和平。

27. 悲伤化作力量,愿逝者安息,生者坚强,共同创造美好的未来。

28. 生命无常,愿逝者安息,天堂没有痛苦,只有永恒的安宁。

29. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒家园。

30. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有阴霾,只有光明和希望。

31. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远怀念那些美好的瞬间。

32. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤。

33. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有烦恼,只有无尽的幸福。

34. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒乐园。

35. 悲伤无法言喻,愿逝者安息,天堂没有病痛,只有无尽的安宁。

36. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有离别,只有永恒的团聚。

37. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远铭记他们的温暖和关爱。

38. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有风雨,只有阳光和彩虹。

39. 泪水无法抚平伤痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤,只有永恒的幸福。

40. 祈愿生者平安,逝者安息,愿天堂成为他们的永恒避风港。

41. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有战争,只有无尽的和平。

42. 悲伤化作力量,愿逝者安息,生者坚强,共同创造美好的未来。

43. 生命无常,愿逝者安息,天堂没有痛苦,只有永恒的安宁。

44. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒家园。

45. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有阴霾,只有光明和希望。

46. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远怀念那些美好的回忆。

47. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有痛苦。

48. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有烦恼,只有无尽的幸福。

49. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒乐园。

50. 悲伤无法言喻,愿逝者安息,天堂没有病痛,只有无尽的安宁。

51. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有离别,只有永恒的团聚。

52. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远铭记他们的善良和勇敢。

53. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有风雨,只有阳光和彩虹。

54. 泪水无法抚平伤痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤,只有永恒的幸福。

55. 祈愿生者平安,逝者安息,愿天堂成为他们的永恒避风港。

56. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有战争,只有无尽的和平。

57. 悲伤化作力量,愿逝者安息,生者坚强,共同创造美好的未来。

58. 生命无常,愿逝者安息,天堂没有痛苦,只有永恒的安宁。

59. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒家园。

60. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有阴霾,只有光明和希望。

61. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远怀念那些美好的瞬间。

62. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤。

63. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有烦恼,只有无尽的幸福。

64. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒乐园。

65. 悲伤无法言喻,愿逝者安息,天堂没有病痛,只有无尽的安宁。

66. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有离别,只有永恒的团聚。

67. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远铭记他们的爱和奉献。

68. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有风雨,只有阳光和彩虹。

69. 泪水无法抚平伤痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有悲伤,只有永恒的幸福。

70. 祈愿生者平安,逝者安息,愿天堂成为他们的永恒避风港。

71. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有战争,只有无尽的和平。

72. 悲伤化作力量,愿逝者安息,生者坚强,共同创造美好的未来。

73. 生命无常,愿逝者安息,天堂没有痛苦,只有永恒的安宁。

74. 哀悼逝去的生命,祈祷生者平安,愿天堂成为他们的永恒家园。

75. 沉痛哀悼,愿逝者一路走好,天堂没有阴霾,只有光明和希望。

76. 愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们永远怀念那些美好的回忆。

77. 泪水已干,却无法平息心中的悲痛,愿逝者安息,天堂不再有痛苦。

78. 沉痛悼念,愿逝者安息,天堂没有烦恼,只有无尽的幸福。

## 英文翻译

1. We deeply mourn the victims of the China Eastern Airlines MU5735 flight. May there be no sorrow in heaven.

2. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong.

3. Life is fleeting. May you find peace in heaven. We will always remember your smile.

4. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no disasters in heaven, only happiness.

5. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be warm and spring-like.

6. Grief is beyond words. May there be no pain in heaven, only eternal peace.

7. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever remember this heavy grief.

8. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no plane crashes in heaven, only eternal light.

9. Tears cannot heal the pain. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no more partings in heaven.

10. We pray for the safety of the living and the peace of the deceased. May heaven be their eternal home.

11. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no tears in heaven, only endless love.

12. Grief turns into strength. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. Let's face the future together.

13. Life is unpredictable. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven, only eternal joy.

14. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their new beginning.

15. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no darkness in heaven, only light and hope.

16. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever cherish those beautiful memories.

17. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven.

18. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no worries in heaven, only endless happiness.

19. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal paradise.

20. Grief is beyond words. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sickness in heaven, only endless peace.

21. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no partings in heaven, only eternal reunion.

22. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever remember their smiles and kindness.

23. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no wind and rain in heaven, only sunshine and rainbows.

24. Tears cannot heal the pain. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven, only eternal happiness.

25. We pray for the safety of the living and the peace of the deceased. May heaven be their eternal safe haven.

26. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no war in heaven, only endless peace.

27. Grief turns into strength. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. Let's create a better future together.

28. Life is unpredictable. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven, only eternal peace.

29. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal home.

30. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no darkness in heaven, only light and hope.

31. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever cherish those beautiful moments.

32. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven.

33. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no worries in heaven, only endless happiness.

34. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal paradise.

35. Grief is beyond words. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sickness in heaven, only endless peace.

36. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no partings in heaven, only eternal reunion.

37. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever remember their warmth and care.

38. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no wind and rain in heaven, only sunshine and rainbows.

39. Tears cannot heal the pain. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven, only eternal happiness.

40. We pray for the safety of the living and the peace of the deceased. May heaven be their eternal safe haven.

41. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no war in heaven, only endless peace.

42. Grief turns into strength. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. Let's create a better future together.

43. Life is unpredictable. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven, only eternal peace.

44. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal home.

45. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no darkness in heaven, only light and hope.

46. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever cherish those beautiful memories.

47. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven.

48. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no worries in heaven, only endless happiness.

49. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal paradise.

50. Grief is beyond words. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sickness in heaven, only endless peace.

51. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no partings in heaven, only eternal reunion.

52. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever remember their kindness and courage.

53. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no wind and rain in heaven, only sunshine and rainbows.

54. Tears cannot heal the pain. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven, only eternal happiness.

55. We pray for the safety of the living and the peace of the deceased. May heaven be their eternal safe haven.

56. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no war in heaven, only endless peace.

57. Grief turns into strength. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. Let's create a better future together.

58. Life is unpredictable. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven, only eternal peace.

59. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal home.

60. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no darkness in heaven, only light and hope.

61. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever cherish those beautiful moments.

62. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven.

63. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no worries in heaven, only endless happiness.

64. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal paradise.

65. Grief is beyond words. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sickness in heaven, only endless peace.

66. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no partings in heaven, only eternal reunion.

67. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever remember their love and dedication.

68. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no wind and rain in heaven, only sunshine and rainbows.

69. Tears cannot heal the pain. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no sorrow in heaven, only eternal happiness.

70. We pray for the safety of the living and the peace of the deceased. May heaven be their eternal safe haven.

71. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no war in heaven, only endless peace.

72. Grief turns into strength. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. Let's create a better future together.

73. Life is unpredictable. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven, only eternal peace.

74. We mourn for the lost lives and pray for the safety of the living. May heaven be their eternal home.

75. We mourn deeply. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no darkness in heaven, only light and hope.

76. May the deceased rest in peace, and may the living be strong. We will forever cherish those beautiful memories.

77. Tears have dried, but the pain in our hearts cannot be quelled. May the deceased rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven.

78. We deeply mourn their passing. May the deceased rest in peace. There are no worries in heaven, only endless happiness.

以上就是关于缅怀东航坠机句子78句(缅怀东航坠机句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
