
## 离过年越来越近的句子,74句,并翻译成英文,并加上html标签中的p标签

1. 年味越来越浓了,离过年越来越近了。

The festive atmosphere is getting stronger, and the Chinese New Year is getting closer.

2. 春节脚步声越来越近了,家家户户都洋溢着喜庆的氛围。

The footsteps of the Spring Festival are getting closer, and every household is filled with a festive atmosphere.

3. 离过年还有几天,我已经迫不及待地想回家了。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I can't wait to go home.

4. 距离春节越来越近,各种年货开始陆续登场。

As the Chinese New Year approaches, various New Year goods begin to appear one after another.

5. 年货采购的热潮已经开始了,商场里人头攒动,热闹非凡。

The craze for buying New Year goods has already begun. The shopping malls are crowded with people, bustling with activity.

6. 忙碌了一年,终于可以回家过年了,心里充满了期待。

After a busy year, I can finally go home for the New Year. I am full of anticipation.

7. 离过年越来越近了,大街小巷都开始张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and the streets and alleys are starting to be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, full of joy.

8. 年夜饭的香味已经开始弥漫在空气中,让人垂涎欲滴。

The aroma of the New Year's Eve dinner has already begun to permeate the air, making people salivate.

9. 离过年越来越近了,家家户户都在忙着打扫卫生,准备迎接新年的到来。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and every household is busy cleaning up and preparing for the arrival of the new year.

10. 离过年越来越近了,我的心情也越来越激动。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and my heart is getting more and more excited.

11. 年味越来越浓,街上的灯笼也越来越亮了。

The festive atmosphere is getting thicker, and the lanterns on the street are getting brighter.

12. 离过年越来越近了,我开始怀念家乡的味道了。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to miss the taste of my hometown.

13. 年夜饭的菜单已经确定,我和家人已经开始期待了。

The menu for the New Year's Eve dinner has been decided, and my family and I have already begun to look forward to it.

14. 离过年越来越近了,我开始整理我的旧衣服,准备换上新衣迎接新年。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to organize my old clothes, preparing to wear new clothes to welcome the new year.

15. 离过年越来越近了,我开始准备红包,想给孩子们一个惊喜。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to prepare red envelopes, wanting to give the children a surprise.

16. 年味越来越浓,我开始感受到家人的温暖和幸福。

The festive atmosphere is getting thicker, and I start to feel the warmth and happiness of my family.

17. 离过年越来越近了,我已经开始规划我的新年计划了。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I have already started to plan my new year plans.

18. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的思绪,准备迎接新的一年。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my thoughts, preparing for the new year.

19. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到岁月的流逝。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the passage of time.

20. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待和朋友们聚会,一起迎接新年。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to meeting with my friends and welcoming the new year together.

21. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到家乡的召唤。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the call of my hometown.

22. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感到兴奋和期待。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel excited and expectant.

23. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受新年的气息了。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year.

24. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到年的味道了。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the taste of the year.

25. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到家的温暖了。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the warmth of home.

26. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到岁月的轮回。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the cycle of time.

27. 离过年还有几天,我开始筹备新年礼物,想送给家人朋友。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to prepare New Year gifts for my family and friends.

28. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的希望。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the hope of the new year.

29. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的喜悦。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year.

30. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的祝福。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the blessings of the new year.

31. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的期待。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the anticipation of the new year.

32. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的工作,准备迎接新年的挑战。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my work, preparing to face the challenges of the new year.

33. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的压力。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the pressure of the new year.

34. 离过年还有几天,我开始计划我的新年旅行,想给自己一个放松的机会。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to plan my New Year trip, wanting to give myself a chance to relax.

35. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的幸福。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the happiness of the new year.

36. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的意义。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the meaning of the new year.

37. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的快乐。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year.

38. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待和家人团聚,一起迎接新年的到来。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to reuniting with my family and welcoming the arrival of the new year together.

39. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气息了,到处都是红红火火,喜气洋洋。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year. Everywhere is filled with red and fire, full of joy.

40. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的祝福了,到处都是祝福的话语,让人倍感温暖。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the blessings of the new year. Everywhere are words of blessings, making people feel warm.

41. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气氛了,到处都是欢声笑语,让人感到喜悦。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the atmosphere of the new year. Everywhere are laughter and joy, making people feel happy.

42. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年礼物了,希望能够收到家人朋友的祝福和礼物。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year gifts, hoping to receive blessings and gifts from family and friends.

43. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的期待了,期待和家人团聚,一起迎接新年的到来。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the anticipation of the new year. I am looking forward to reuniting with my family and welcoming the arrival of the new year together.

44. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的心情,准备迎接新年的到来。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my mood, preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year.

45. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的希望了,希望新的一年能够一切顺利。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the hope of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year.

46. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年美食了,想品尝各种美味佳肴。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year delicacies. I want to taste all kinds of delicious food.

47. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的喜悦了,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends.

48. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的祝福了,希望能够在新的一年里一切顺利,心想事成。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the blessings of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes.

49. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年的红包了,希望能够收到家人朋友的祝福和礼物。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year's red envelopes. I hope to receive blessings and gifts from my family and friends.

50. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气息了,到处都是红红火火,喜气洋洋,让人感到兴奋和期待。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year. Everywhere is filled with red and fire, full of joy, making people feel excited and expectant.

51. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的思绪,准备迎接新年的挑战,希望能够在新的一年里取得更大的进步。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my thoughts, preparing to face the challenges of the new year. I hope to make greater progress in the new year.

52. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的快乐了,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories.

53. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的期待了,期待能够和家人朋友一起度过一个团圆的新年。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the anticipation of the new year. I am looking forward to spending a reunion New Year with my family and friends.

54. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的心情,准备迎接新年的到来,希望能够在新的一年里一切顺利,心想事成。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my mood, preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes.

55. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气氛了,到处都是欢声笑语,让人感到喜悦和兴奋。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the atmosphere of the new year. Everywhere are laughter and joy, making people feel happy and excited.

56. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年美食了,想品尝各种美味佳肴,和家人朋友一起享受美食的乐趣。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year delicacies. I want to taste all kinds of delicious food and enjoy the fun of eating with my family and friends.

57. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的希望了,希望新的一年能够一切顺利,心想事成,万事如意。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the hope of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes and everything will go well.

58. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年礼物了,希望能够收到家人朋友的祝福和礼物,表达彼此之间的关爱和祝福。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year gifts. I hope to receive blessings and gifts from family and friends, expressing mutual love and blessings.

59. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气息了,到处都是红红火火,喜气洋洋,让人感到兴奋和期待,也开始期待新年的团圆和快乐。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year. Everywhere is filled with red and fire, full of joy, making people feel excited and expectant. I also start to look forward to the reunion and happiness of the new year.

60. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的思绪,准备迎接新年的挑战,希望能够在新的一年里取得更大的进步,实现自己的目标。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my thoughts, preparing to face the challenges of the new year. I hope to make greater progress in the new year and achieve my goals.

61. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的快乐了,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆,让新的一年充满幸福和快乐。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories, and filling the new year with happiness and joy.

62. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的期待了,期待能够和家人朋友一起度过一个团圆的新年,感受家的温暖和幸福,让新的一年充满希望和美好。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the anticipation of the new year. I am looking forward to spending a reunion New Year with my family and friends, feeling the warmth and happiness of home, and filling the new year with hope and beauty.

63. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的心情,准备迎接新年的到来,希望能够在新的一年里一切顺利,心想事成,万事如意,让新的一年充满祝福和好运。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my mood, preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes and everything will go well. Let the new year be filled with blessings and good fortune.

64. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气氛了,到处都是欢声笑语,让人感到喜悦和兴奋,也开始期待新年的团圆和快乐,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the atmosphere of the new year. Everywhere are laughter and joy, making people feel happy and excited. I also start to look forward to the reunion and happiness of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends.

65. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年美食了,想品尝各种美味佳肴,和家人朋友一起享受美食的乐趣,也期待能够和家人朋友一起围坐在一起,分享美食,谈天说地,享受团聚的喜悦。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year delicacies. I want to taste all kinds of delicious food and enjoy the fun of eating with my family and friends. I also look forward to sitting together with my family and friends, sharing delicious food, chatting, and enjoying the joy of reunion.

66. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的希望了,希望新的一年能够一切顺利,心想事成,万事如意,让新的一年充满祝福和好运,也希望能够在新的一年里取得更大的进步,实现自己的目标。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the hope of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes and everything will go well. Let the new year be filled with blessings and good fortune. I also hope to make greater progress in the new year and achieve my goals.

67. 离过年还有几天,我开始期待新年礼物了,希望能够收到家人朋友的祝福和礼物,表达彼此之间的关爱和祝福,也希望能够在新的一年里,送出更多的祝福和礼物,将这份温暖和爱传递给更多的人。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to look forward to New Year gifts. I hope to receive blessings and gifts from family and friends, expressing mutual love and blessings. I also hope to send out more blessings and gifts in the new year, spreading this warmth and love to more people.

68. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气息了,到处都是红红火火,喜气洋洋,让人感到兴奋和期待,也开始期待新年的团圆和快乐,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆,让新的一年充满幸福和快乐,也希望能够在新的一年里,与家人朋友一起迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year. Everywhere is filled with red and fire, full of joy, making people feel excited and expectant. I also start to look forward to the reunion and happiness of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories, and filling the new year with happiness and joy. I also hope to welcome new challenges and create new glories with my family and friends in the new year.

69. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的思绪,准备迎接新年的挑战,希望能够在新的一年里取得更大的进步,实现自己的目标,也希望能够在新的一年里,保持积极的心态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my thoughts, preparing to face the challenges of the new year. I hope to make greater progress in the new year and achieve my goals. I also hope to maintain a positive attitude in the new year, embrace new challenges, and create new glories.

70. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的快乐了,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆,让新的一年充满幸福和快乐,也希望能够在新的一年里,与家人朋友一起迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌,让生活充满希望和美好。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the joy of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories, and filling the new year with happiness and joy. I also hope to welcome new challenges and create new glories with my family and friends in the new year, making life full of hope and beauty.

71. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的期待了,期待能够和家人朋友一起度过一个团圆的新年,感受家的温暖和幸福,让新的一年充满希望和美好,也期待能够在新的一年里,与家人朋友一起迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌,让生活充满希望和美好,充满幸福和快乐。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the anticipation of the new year. I am looking forward to spending a reunion New Year with my family and friends, feeling the warmth and happiness of home, and filling the new year with hope and beauty. I also look forward to welcoming new challenges and creating new glories with my family and friends in the new year, making life full of hope and beauty, full of happiness and joy.

72. 离过年还有几天,我开始整理我的心情,准备迎接新年的到来,希望能够在新的一年里一切顺利,心想事成,万事如意,让新的一年充满祝福和好运,也希望能够在新的一年里,保持积极的心态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌,让生活充满希望和美好,充满幸福和快乐,与家人朋友一起迎接新年的到来,共度美好时光。

There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and I start to organize my mood, preparing to welcome the arrival of the new year. I hope that everything will go smoothly in the new year, and I will achieve all my wishes and everything will go well. Let the new year be filled with blessings and good fortune. I also hope to maintain a positive attitude in the new year, embrace new challenges, and create new glories, making life full of hope and beauty, full of happiness and joy. Let's welcome the arrival of the new year with our family and friends and spend good times together.

73. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气氛了,到处都是欢声笑语,让人感到喜悦和兴奋,也开始期待新年的团圆和快乐,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆,让新的一年充满幸福和快乐,也希望能够在新的一年里,与家人朋友一起迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌,让生活充满希望和美好,充满幸福和快乐,与家人朋友一起迎接新年的到来,共度美好时光,迎接新年的祝福,迎接新年的希望。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I begin to feel the atmosphere of the new year. Everywhere are laughter and joy, making people feel happy and excited. I also start to look forward to the reunion and happiness of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories, and filling the new year with happiness and joy. I also hope to welcome new challenges and create new glories with my family and friends in the new year, making life full of hope and beauty, full of happiness and joy. Let's welcome the arrival of the new year with our family and friends and spend good times together, welcome the blessings of the new year, welcome the hope of the new year.

74. 离过年越来越近了,我开始感受到新年的气息了,到处都是红红火火,喜气洋洋,让人感到兴奋和期待,也开始期待新年的团圆和快乐,希望能够和家人朋友一起度过一个美好的新年,留下美好的回忆,让新的一年充满幸福和快乐,也希望能够在新的一年里,与家人朋友一起迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌,让生活充满希望和美好,充满幸福和快乐,与家人朋友一起迎接新年的到来,共度美好时光,迎接新年的祝福,迎接新年的希望,迎接新年的美好。

The Chinese New Year is getting closer, and I start to feel the breath of the new year. Everywhere is filled with red and fire, full of joy, making people feel excited and expectant. I also start to look forward to the reunion and happiness of the new year. I hope to spend a wonderful New Year with my family and friends, leaving beautiful memories, and filling the new year with happiness and joy. I also hope to welcome new challenges and create new glories with my family and friends in the new year, making life full of hope and beauty, full of happiness and joy. Let's welcome the arrival of the new year with our family and friends and spend good times together, welcome the blessings of the new year, welcome the hope of the new year, welcome the beauty of the new year.

以上就是关于离过年越来越近的句子74句(离过年越来越近的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
