
## 离开陌生的城市的句子(97句)

**1. 告别了这座城市,也告别了那个不属于我的梦。**

Farewell to this city, farewell to the dream that wasn't mine.

**2. 离开的时候,我回头望了一眼,这座城市仿佛在向我挥手告别。**

As I left, I looked back, and the city seemed to wave goodbye to me.

**3. 我带着对这座城市的留恋,踏上了新的征程。**

I left with a lingering fondness for this city, embarking on a new journey.

**4. 这座城市教会了我成长,也教会了我勇敢。**

This city taught me to grow and to be brave.

**5. 我知道,我还会再回到这座城市,只是时间未到。**

I know I will return to this city, just not yet.

**6. 离开这座城市,就像告别一个曾经深爱的人,带着淡淡的忧伤和深深的眷恋。**

Leaving this city is like saying goodbye to a loved one, with a touch of sadness and a deep affection.

**7. 我在这里留下了我的青春,也留下了我的梦想。**

I left my youth and my dreams here.

**8. 陌生的城市,熟悉的孤独。**

An unfamiliar city, a familiar loneliness.

**9. 离开这座城市,是为了追寻更好的自己。**

I left this city to pursue a better version of myself.

**10. 这里的一切都将成为回忆,我会带着这份回忆,继续前进。**

Everything here will become a memory. I will carry this memory with me and move forward.

**11. 离开的时候,我并没有感到失落,反而有一种轻松的感觉。**

When I left, I didn't feel lost, but rather a sense of relief.

**12. 我相信,未来会更美好,我将会在新的城市,创造新的奇迹。**

I believe that the future will be better, and I will create new wonders in a new city.

**13. 城市的喧嚣渐渐远去,我终于可以静下心来,思考人生的意义。**

The city's noise fades away, and I can finally calm down and think about the meaning of life.

**14. 离开这座城市,就像翻开了人生的另一页,充满了未知的挑战和无限的可能。**

Leaving this city is like turning a new page in life, full of unknown challenges and endless possibilities.

**15. 我会怀念这座城市,怀念这里的一切,包括那些曾经让我伤心难过的人和事。**

I will miss this city, miss everything here, including the people and things that once made me sad and upset.

**16. 离开这座城市,不是结束,而是新的开始。**

Leaving this city is not an end, but a new beginning.

**17. 我相信,在未来的某一天,我会再次回到这座城市,看看那些熟悉的街道和熟悉的风景。**

I believe that one day in the future, I will return to this city and see the familiar streets and landscapes.

**18. 告别这座城市,就像告别一个青春的梦,虽然有些遗憾,但我知道,未来的路还很长。**

Farewell to this city is like saying goodbye to a youthful dream. Although there are some regrets, I know that the road ahead is still long.

**19. 离开这座城市,是为了去追寻我的梦想,我将会带着勇气和希望,迎接未来的挑战。**

I left this city to pursue my dreams. I will face the challenges of the future with courage and hope.

**20. 我相信,我会在新的城市找到属于我的幸福,我会用我的努力和汗水,去创造属于我的未来。**

I believe that I will find my happiness in a new city. I will use my efforts and sweat to create my future.

**21. 我怀念这座城市,怀念这里的一切,怀念那些曾经与我相遇的人。**

I miss this city, miss everything here, miss the people I once met.

**22. 我带着对这座城市的祝福,踏上了新的旅程。**

I left with blessings for this city, embarking on a new journey.

**23. 离开这座城市,我感到既失落又期待。**

Leaving this city, I feel both lost and expectant.

**24. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感动和难忘的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once moved and impressed me.

**25. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会获得新的成长和蜕变。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me new growth and transformation.

**26. 离开这座城市,我带着对未来的憧憬和对过去的回忆。**

Leaving this city, I carry with me dreams of the future and memories of the past.

**27. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加精彩的人生。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more exciting life.

**28. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,包括那些曾经让我痛苦和绝望的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, including the people and things that once caused me pain and despair.

**29. 我会怀念这座城市,怀念这里的一切,怀念那些曾经与我一起哭过笑过的人。**

I will miss this city, miss everything here, miss the people who cried and laughed with me.

**30. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous.

**31. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和幸福的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and happy.

**32. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期待和对过去的怀念。**

Leaving this city, I carry a hope for the future and a longing for the past.

**33. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加精彩的人生,我将会用我的努力和汗水,去创造属于我的未来。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more exciting life. I will use my efforts and sweat to create my future.

**34. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到迷茫和困惑的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel lost and confused.

**35. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的反思。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a reflection on the past.

**36. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加广阔的视野和更强大的内心。**

I believe that leaving this city will give me a broader perspective and a stronger heart.

**37. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong.

**38. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的渴望和对过去的感激。**

Leaving this city, I carry a desire for the future and gratitude for the past.

**39. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加充实的人生,我将会用我的智慧和才能,去创造属于我的价值。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more fulfilling life. I will use my intelligence and talents to create my own value.

**40. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful.

**41. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past.

**42. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加自由的人生,我将会用我的热情和梦想,去追逐属于我的幸福。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more free life. I will use my passion and dreams to pursue my happiness.

**43. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到失望和沮丧的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel disappointed and frustrated.

**44. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的告别。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and a farewell to the past.

**45. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加独立的人生,我将会用我的智慧和勇气,去面对未来的挑战。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more independent life. I will use my intelligence and courage to face the challenges of the future.

**46. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和感动的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and touched.

**47. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释然。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a sense of release from the past.

**48. 我相信,离开这座城市,我将会拥有更加充满意义的人生,我将会用我的热情和行动,去追寻属于我的梦想。**

I believe that leaving this city will bring me a more meaningful life. I will use my passion and actions to pursue my dreams.

**49. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到迷茫和无助的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel lost and helpless.

**50. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期待和对过去的回忆,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起走过的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and memories of the past. I will always remember the people and things that walked with me.

**51. 离开这座城市,我仿佛卸下了沉重的负担,重新找回自由的感觉。**

Leaving this city, it's as if I've shed a heavy burden and regained a sense of freedom.

**52. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,包括那些曾经让我感到愤怒和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, including the people and things that once made me feel angry and sad.

**53. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的告别,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起经历风雨的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a farewell to the past. I will always remember the people and things that weathered the storms with me.

**54. 离开这座城市,我感到既轻松又留恋。**

Leaving this city, I feel both relieved and nostalgic.

**55. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,包括那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, including the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**56. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的感恩,我会永远记得那些曾经帮助过我的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and gratitude for the past. I will always remember the people and things that have helped me.

**57. 离开这座城市,我感到既伤感又期待,我期待着未来的美好,也伤感着过去的回忆。**

Leaving this city, I feel both sad and expectant. I look forward to the beauty of the future, and I am saddened by the memories of the past.

**58. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和感动的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到失望和沮丧的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and touched, and also the people and things that once made me feel disappointed and frustrated.

**59. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起欢笑和哭泣的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that laughed and cried with me.

**60. 离开这座城市,我感到既轻松又迷茫。**

Leaving this city, I feel both relieved and lost.

**61. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到脆弱和无助的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel vulnerable and helpless.

**62. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的反思,我会永远记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and a reflection on the past. I will always remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**63. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑,我期待着未来的挑战,也忐忑着未来的未知。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous. I look forward to the challenges of the future, and I am nervous about the unknown future.

**64. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和感动的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到迷茫和困惑的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and touched, and also the people and things that once made me feel lost and confused.

**65. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起奋斗和拼搏的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that fought and strived with me.

**66. 离开这座城市,我感到既失落又期待,我失落于过去的回忆,也期待着未来的美好。**

Leaving this city, I feel both lost and expectant. I am lost in the memories of the past, and I look forward to the beauty of the future.

**67. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到恐惧和害怕的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel scared and afraid.

**68. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的告别,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起哭过笑过的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and a farewell to the past. I will always remember the people and things that cried and laughed with me.

**69. 离开这座城市,我感到既轻松又留恋,我轻松于摆脱过去的束缚,也留恋于过去的回忆。**

Leaving this city, I feel both relieved and nostalgic. I am relieved to be free from the constraints of the past, and I am nostalgic for the memories of the past.

**70. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和感动的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到失望和沮丧的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and touched, and also the people and things that once made me feel disappointed and frustrated.

**71. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起经历过风风雨雨的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that have weathered the storms with me.

**72. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑,我兴奋于未来的无限可能,也忐忑于未来的未知挑战。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous. I am excited about the endless possibilities of the future, and I am nervous about the unknown challenges of the future.

**73. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**74. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的感恩,我会永远记得那些曾经支持过我的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and gratitude for the past. I will always remember the people and things that have supported me.

**75. 离开这座城市,我感到既伤感又期待,我伤感于过去的回忆,也期待着未来的美好。**

Leaving this city, I feel both sad and expectant. I am saddened by the memories of the past, and I look forward to the beauty of the future.

**76. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到脆弱和无助的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel vulnerable and helpless.

**77. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起经历过风风雨雨的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that have weathered the storms with me.

**78. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑,我兴奋于未来的无限可能,也忐忑于未来的未知挑战。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous. I am excited about the endless possibilities of the future, and I am nervous about the unknown challenges of the future.

**79. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**80. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的感恩,我会永远记得那些曾经支持过我的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and gratitude for the past. I will always remember the people and things that have supported me.

**81. 离开这座城市,我感到既伤感又期待,我伤感于过去的回忆,也期待着未来的美好。**

Leaving this city, I feel both sad and expectant. I am saddened by the memories of the past, and I look forward to the beauty of the future.

**82. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到恐惧和害怕的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel scared and afraid.

**83. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的告别,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起哭过笑过的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and a farewell to the past. I will always remember the people and things that cried and laughed with me.

**84. 离开这座城市,我感到既轻松又留恋,我轻松于摆脱过去的束缚,也留恋于过去的回忆。**

Leaving this city, I feel both relieved and nostalgic. I am relieved to be free from the constraints of the past, and I am nostalgic for the memories of the past.

**85. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到温暖和感动的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到失望和沮丧的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel warm and touched, and also the people and things that once made me feel disappointed and frustrated.

**86. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起经历过风风雨雨的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that have weathered the storms with me.

**87. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑,我兴奋于未来的无限可能,也忐忑于未来的未知挑战。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous. I am excited about the endless possibilities of the future, and I am nervous about the unknown challenges of the future.

**88. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**89. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的感恩,我会永远记得那些曾经支持过我的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and gratitude for the past. I will always remember the people and things that have supported me.

**90. 离开这座城市,我感到既伤感又期待,我伤感于过去的回忆,也期待着未来的美好。**

Leaving this city, I feel both sad and expectant. I am saddened by the memories of the past, and I look forward to the beauty of the future.

**91. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到脆弱和无助的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel vulnerable and helpless.

**92. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的憧憬和对过去的释怀,我会永远记得那些曾经与我一起经历过风风雨雨的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry a vision for the future and a release from the past. I will always remember the people and things that have weathered the storms with me.

**93. 离开这座城市,我感到既兴奋又忐忑,我兴奋于未来的无限可能,也忐忑于未来的未知挑战。**

Leaving this city, I feel both excited and nervous. I am excited about the endless possibilities of the future, and I am nervous about the unknown challenges of the future.

**94. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到快乐和幸福的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到痛苦和悲伤的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel happy and joyful, and also the people and things that once made me feel pain and sadness.

**95. 离开这座城市,我带着一份对未来的期盼和对过去的感恩,我会永远记得那些曾经支持过我的人和事。**

Leaving this city, I carry an expectation for the future and gratitude for the past. I will always remember the people and things that have supported me.

**96. 离开这座城市,我感到既伤感又期待,我伤感于过去的回忆,也期待着未来的美好。**

Leaving this city, I feel both sad and expectant. I am saddened by the memories of the past, and I look forward to the beauty of the future.

**97. 我会永远记得这座城市,记得这里的一切,记得那些曾经让我感到勇敢和坚强的人和事,也会记得那些曾经让我感到脆弱和无助的人和事。**

I will always remember this city, remember everything here, remember the people and things that once made me feel brave and strong, and also the people and things that once made me feel vulnerable and helpless.

以上就是关于离开陌生的城市的句子97句(离开陌生的城市的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
