
## 结束这段感情的句子 (77句)


1. 我想我们应该分手了。

I think we should break up.

2. 我已经决定要结束这段感情。

I've decided to end this relationship.

3. 我已经不再爱你了。

I don't love you anymore.

4. 我觉得我们不合适。

I don't think we're right for each other.

5. 我无法继续这段感情了。

I can't continue this relationship anymore.

6. 我已经受够了。

I've had enough.

7. 我想要自由。

I want to be free.

8. 我需要时间一个人。

I need some time alone.

9. 我已经对你失去兴趣了。

I've lost interest in you.

10. 我想要寻找新的开始。

I want to find a new beginning.


11. 我觉得我们已经走到了尽头。

I think we've reached the end.

12. 我觉得我们应该分开一段时间。

I think we should take a break.

13. 我需要时间考虑一下我们的关系。

I need some time to think about our relationship.

14. 我已经无法再像以前那样爱你。

I can't love you the way I used to.

15. 我觉得我们之间缺乏沟通。

I feel like there's a lack of communication between us.

16. 我觉得我们已经不再像以前那样亲密。

I feel like we're not as close as we used to be.

17. 我觉得我们的目标和价值观已经不一致。

I feel like our goals and values no longer align.

18. 我觉得我们已经没有共同语言了。

I feel like we don't have anything in common anymore.

19. 我觉得我们已经没有共同的未来。

I feel like we don't have a future together.

20. 我觉得我们已经变得陌生了。

I feel like we've become strangers.


21. 你是一个很好的人,但我已经不能再和你在一起了。

You're a good person, but I can't be with you anymore.

22. 我对这段感情付出了很多,但我已经无法再继续下去了。

I've invested a lot in this relationship, but I can't continue it anymore.

23. 我很伤心,但我已经决定要放手。

I'm heartbroken, but I've decided to let go.

24. 我不想再伤害你了,所以我要离开。

I don't want to hurt you anymore, so I'm leaving.

25. 我希望你能够幸福,即使没有我。

I hope you find happiness, even without me.

26. 我对你仍然有感情,但我已经无法再和你在一起了。

I still have feelings for you, but I can't be with you anymore.

27. 我已经尽力了,但我们终究无法走到一起。

I've tried my best, but we're ultimately not meant to be.

28. 我知道我们之间有很多美好的回忆,但我已经无法再继续下去了。

I know we have a lot of great memories together, but I can't continue this anymore.

29. 我很珍惜我们在一起的时光,但我知道我们已经走到尽头了。

I cherish the time we spent together, but I know we've reached the end.

30. 我希望我们能够和平分手。

I hope we can break up peacefully.


31. 我认为我们都需要一些空间。

I think we both need some space.

32. 我认为我们现在都需要专注于自己。

I think we both need to focus on ourselves right now.

33. 我认为我们应该互相尊重彼此的选择。

I think we should respect each other's choices.

34. 我认为我们应该以成熟的方式结束这段感情。

I think we should end this relationship in a mature way.

35. 我认为我们应该坦诚地沟通。

I think we should communicate honestly with each other.

36. 我认为我们应该互相理解。

I think we should understand each other.

37. 我认为我们应该互相支持。

I think we should support each other.

38. 我认为我们应该互相尊重。

I think we should respect each other.

39. 我认为我们应该互相尊重彼此的决定。

I think we should respect each other's decisions.

40. 我认为我们应该坦诚地面对现实。

I think we should face reality honestly.


41. 我已经无法再承受这种痛苦了。

I can't take this pain anymore.

42. 我已经对这段感情失去了信心。

I've lost faith in this relationship.

43. 我已经厌倦了这种争吵和矛盾。

I'm tired of the arguing and conflict.

44. 我已经厌倦了这种不快乐。

I'm tired of being unhappy.

45. 我已经无法再信任你了。

I can't trust you anymore.

46. 我已经无法再忍受你的行为。

I can't tolerate your behavior anymore.

47. 我已经无法再忍受你的态度。

I can't tolerate your attitude anymore.

48. 我已经无法再忍受你的谎言。

I can't tolerate your lies anymore.

49. 我已经无法再忍受你的背叛。

I can't tolerate your betrayal anymore.

50. 我已经无法再忍受你的不忠。

I can't tolerate your infidelity anymore.


51. 我们已经结束了。

It's over.

52. 我要走了。

I'm leaving.

53. 你已经失去了我。

You've lost me.

54. 我已经厌倦了。

I'm done.

55. 你已经伤害了我,我再也不想见到你了。

You hurt me, and I never want to see you again.

56. 我再也不想和你有任何瓜葛。

I never want to have anything to do with you again.

57. 我对你已经没有感情了。

I don't have any feelings for you anymore.

58. 我已经对这段感情感到绝望了。

I've lost hope in this relationship.

59. 我已经决定要重新开始。

I've decided to start over.

60. 我已经决定要放手。

I've decided to let go.


61. 我觉得我们应该冷静一下。

I think we should cool things off.

62. 我觉得我们应该暂时分开。

I think we should take some time apart.

63. 我觉得我们应该重新审视我们的关系。

I think we should re-evaluate our relationship.

64. 我觉得我们应该重新思考我们的未来。

I think we should rethink our future.

65. 我觉得我们应该彼此尊重。

I think we should respect each other.

66. 我觉得我们应该互相支持。

I think we should support each other.

67. 我觉得我们应该彼此理解。

I think we should understand each other.

68. 我觉得我们应该彼此珍惜。

I think we should cherish each other.

69. 我觉得我们应该彼此信任。

I think we should trust each other.

70. 我觉得我们应该彼此忠诚。

I think we should be loyal to each other.


71. 我要去寻找我的真命天子/天女了!

I'm going to find my soulmate!

72. 我要出去浪了!

I'm going to go wild!

73. 我要开始我的新生活了!

I'm starting my new life!

74. 我要开始我的新旅程了!

I'm starting my new journey!

75. 我要开始我的新冒险了!

I'm starting my new adventure!

76. 我要去寻找我的幸福了!

I'm going to find my happiness!

77. 我要开始我的新篇章了!

I'm starting my new chapter!

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