
## 夏尽时亡 经典句子 (95句)

1. 你的生命只有一次,而我却想要一次又一次地死去。 (Your life is only once, but I want to die again and again.)

2. 我就像一根被风吹过的蜡烛,摇摇欲坠,却依然燃烧着。 (I am like a candle blown by the wind, swaying and precarious, but still burning.)

3. 我想念你,想念得快要疯掉,却只能默默地看着你远去。 (I miss you, I'm going crazy missing you, but I can only watch you go silently.)

4. 世界是如此的残酷,它总是将最美好的东西带走。 (The world is so cruel, it always takes away the best things.)

5. 死亡是生命的终结,但它也是新的开始。 (Death is the end of life, but it is also a new beginning.)

6. 我已经厌倦了这无休止的战斗,我想要休息。 (I'm tired of this endless fight, I want to rest.)

7. 爱情是虚无缥缈的,它总是让人心碎。 (Love is elusive, it always breaks your heart.)

8. 我无法忘记你,就像无法忘记自己的呼吸一样。 (I can't forget you, just like I can't forget my own breath.)

9. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下我自己。 (I've lost everything, only myself left.)

10. 我无法理解你的沉默,却无法阻止你离我而去。 (I can't understand your silence, but I can't stop you from leaving me.)

11. 生命的意义是什么?我找不到答案,也无法找到方向。 (What is the meaning of life? I can't find the answer, nor can I find the direction.)

12. 我曾经以为我是你的全世界,现在才发现,我只是你生命中的过客。 (I used to think I was your whole world, now I realize I was just a passerby in your life.)

13. 我已经习惯了你的离开,却依然无法摆脱你的影子。 (I've gotten used to your departure, but I still can't escape your shadow.)

14. 我想回到过去,回到那个我们相遇的夏天。 (I want to go back to the past, back to the summer when we met.)

15. 我知道我的生命已经走到尽头,但我依然渴望你的爱。 (I know my life is coming to an end, but I still crave your love.)

16. 你的笑容,是我生命中最美的风景。 (Your smile is the most beautiful scenery in my life.)

17. 死亡并不可怕,可怕的是没有爱。 (Death is not scary, what is scary is having no love.)

18. 我一直在寻找你,却发现你就在我的身边。 (I've been searching for you, only to find you're right by my side.)

19. 你的离去,是我生命中无法弥补的伤痛。 (Your departure is an irreparable wound in my life.)

20. 我宁愿永远沉睡,也不愿再承受这样的痛苦。 (I'd rather sleep forever than endure this pain again.)

21. 我无法忘记你,即使你已经消失在我的生命中。 (I can't forget you, even though you've disappeared from my life.)

22. 我的爱,如同夏日里的花朵,短暂却美丽。 (My love, like the flowers of summer, is short-lived but beautiful.)

23. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的思念。 (I've lost everything, only my longing for you remains.)

24. 我知道我应该放手,但我无法做到。 (I know I should let go, but I can't.)

25. 我已经不再期待奇迹,我只希望你能快乐。 (I no longer expect miracles, I only hope you can be happy.)

26. 我知道你不会再回来了,但我依然在等待。 (I know you won't come back, but I'm still waiting.)

27. 我已经习惯了孤独,但我依然渴望你的陪伴。 (I've gotten used to loneliness, but I still crave your company.)

28. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you remain.)

29. 我的爱,如同夏日里的繁星,美丽而遥远。 (My love, like the stars of summer, is beautiful and distant.)

30. 我已经不再奢望,我只希望你能幸福。 (I no longer yearn for anything, I only hope you can be happy.)

31. 你是我的全世界,你的离去,也带走了我的世界。 (You are my whole world, your departure took my world with it.)

32. 我无法理解你的离去,但我依然选择爱你。 (I can't understand your departure, but I still choose to love you.)

33. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下我对你的爱。 (I've lost everything, only my love for you remains.)

34. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能安好。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you're well.)

35. 我的爱,如同夏日里的阳光,温暖而短暂。 (My love, like the summer sun, is warm and fleeting.)

36. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够记住你。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you.)

37. 你是我生命中的唯一,你的离去,让我痛不欲生。 (You are the only one in my life, your departure makes me miserable.)

38. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你永恒的爱。 (I've lost everything, only my eternal love for you remains.)

39. 我已经不再奢望,我只希望你能够幸福快乐。 (I no longer yearn for anything, I only hope you can be happy and joyful.)

40. 我的爱,如同夏日里的海风,清新而短暂。 (My love, like the summer sea breeze, is fresh and fleeting.)

41. 我已经不再期待明天,我只希望能够回到过去。 (I no longer look forward to tomorrow, I only hope I can go back to the past.)

42. 你是我生命中最美的梦,你的离去,让我梦碎。 (You are the most beautiful dream in my life, your departure shattered my dreams.)

43. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下我对你的思念和爱。 (I've lost everything, only my longing and love for you remain.)

44. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够快乐幸福。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can be happy and joyful.)

45. 我的爱,如同夏日里的雨露,滋润却短暂。 (My love, like the summer rain, is nourishing but fleeting.)

46. 我已经不再期待奇迹,我只希望你能够幸福安康。 (I no longer expect miracles, I only hope you can be happy and healthy.)

47. 你是我生命中的唯一,你的离去,让我无法释怀。 (You are the only one in my life, your departure makes me unable to let go.)

48. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下我对你的思念和期盼。 (I've lost everything, only my longing and anticipation for you remain.)

49. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life.)

50. 我的爱,如同夏日里的夕阳,美丽却短暂。 (My love, like the summer sunset, is beautiful but fleeting.)

51. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够永远记住你。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you forever.)

52. 你是我生命中最美的风景,你的离去,让我的世界失去了色彩。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, your departure made my world lose its color.)

53. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下我对你的爱和思念。 (I've lost everything, only my love and longing for you remain.)

54. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够快乐地生活。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can live happily.)

55. 我的爱,如同夏日里的清泉,清澈却短暂。 (My love, like the summer spring, is clear but fleeting.)

56. 我已经不再期待奇迹,我只希望你能够幸福平安。 (I no longer expect miracles, I only hope you can be happy and safe.)

57. 你是我生命中的唯一,你的离去,让我心碎。 (You are the only one in my life, your departure broke my heart.)

58. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆和爱。 (I've lost everything, only memories and love for you remain.)

59. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的未来。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy future.)

60. 我的爱,如同夏日里的闪电,耀眼却短暂。 (My love, like the summer lightning, is dazzling but fleeting.)

61. 我已经不再期待明天,我只希望能够回到过去,回到你身边。 (I no longer look forward to tomorrow, I only hope I can go back to the past, back to you.)

62. 你是我生命中最美的梦,你的离去,让我梦碎心碎。 (You are the most beautiful dream in my life, your departure shattered my dreams and my heart.)

63. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的思念和爱,以及无尽的悲伤。 (I've lost everything, only my longing and love for you remain, along with endless sadness.)

64. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的人生。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life.)

65. 我的爱,如同夏日里的彩虹,美丽却短暂。 (My love, like the summer rainbow, is beautiful but fleeting.)

66. 我已经不再期待奇迹,我只希望你能够幸福快乐地生活。 (I no longer expect miracles, I only hope you can live happily and joyfully.)

67. 你是我生命中的唯一,你的离去,让我失去了所有的希望。 (You are the only one in my life, your departure made me lose all hope.)

68. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆,对你的爱,以及无尽的悲伤和思念。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you, my love for you, and endless sadness and longing remain.)

69. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me.)

70. 我的爱,如同夏日里的萤火虫,微弱却温暖。 (My love, like the summer fireflies, is weak but warm.)

71. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够永远记住你,记住我们曾经的相遇。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you forever, remember when we first met.)

72. 你是我生命中最美的风景,你的离去,让我失去了所有的希望和色彩。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, your departure made me lose all hope and color.)

73. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的爱和思念,以及对未来的迷茫。 (I've lost everything, only my love and longing for you remain, as well as my confusion about the future.)

74. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我,也能够快乐地生活。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me, you can still live happily.)

75. 我的爱,如同夏日里的落日,绚烂却短暂。 (My love, like the summer sunset, is brilliant but fleeting.)

76. 我已经不再期待奇迹,我只希望你能够健康快乐地生活。 (I no longer expect miracles, I only hope you can live healthily and happily.)

77. 你是我生命中的唯一,你的离去,让我失去了所有的意义。 (You are the only one in my life, your departure made me lose all meaning.)

78. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆,对你的爱,以及无尽的悲伤和思念,还有对未来的迷茫。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you, my love for you, and endless sadness and longing remain, as well as my confusion about the future.)

79. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我,也能够快乐地生活,因为你的快乐,就是我最大的幸福。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me, you can still live happily, because your happiness is my greatest happiness.)

80. 我的爱,如同夏日里的花香,芬芳却短暂。 (My love, like the summer fragrance, is fragrant but fleeting.)

81. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够永远记住你,记住我们曾经的相遇,记住我们曾经的爱。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you forever, remember when we first met, remember our love.)

82. 你是我生命中最美的风景,你的离去,让我的世界失去了色彩,失去了希望。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, your departure made my world lose its color, lose its hope.)

83. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆,对你的爱,以及无尽的悲伤和思念,还有对未来的迷茫,以及对你的渴望。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you, my love for you, and endless sadness and longing remain, as well as my confusion about the future, and my yearning for you.)

84. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我,也能够快乐地生活,因为你的快乐,就是我最大的幸福,即使我无法陪伴你。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me, you can still live happily, because your happiness is my greatest happiness, even though I can't be with you.)

85. 我的爱,如同夏日里的星空,璀璨却遥远。 (My love, like the summer night sky, is brilliant but distant.)

86. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够永远记住你,记住我们曾经的相遇,记住我们曾经的爱,记住你带给我的所有美好。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you forever, remember when we first met, remember our love, remember all the beauty you brought me.)

87. 你是我生命中最美的风景,你的离去,让我的世界失去了色彩,失去了希望,失去了所有美好的回忆。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, your departure made my world lose its color, lose its hope, lose all the beautiful memories.)

88. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆,对你的爱,以及无尽的悲伤和思念,还有对未来的迷茫,以及对你的渴望,还有对你的爱。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you, my love for you, and endless sadness and longing remain, as well as my confusion about the future, and my yearning for you, and my love for you.)

89. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我,也能够快乐地生活,因为你的快乐,就是我最大的幸福,即使我无法陪伴你,也希望你能够记住我,记住我们曾经的爱。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me, you can still live happily, because your happiness is my greatest happiness, even though I can't be with you, I hope you can remember me, remember our love.)

90. 我的爱,如同夏日里的海浪,汹涌却短暂。 (My love, like the summer waves, is surging but fleeting.)

91. 我已经不再期待未来,我只希望能够永远记住你,记住我们曾经的相遇,记住我们曾经的爱,记住你带给我的所有美好,记住你带给我的所有快乐。 (I no longer look forward to the future, I only hope I can remember you forever, remember when we first met, remember our love, remember all the beauty you brought me, remember all the joy you brought me.)

92. 你是我生命中最美的风景,你的离去,让我的世界失去了色彩,失去了希望,失去了所有美好的回忆,失去了所有的快乐。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, your departure made my world lose its color, lose its hope, lose all the beautiful memories, lose all the joy.)

93. 我已经失去了所有,只剩下对你的回忆,对你的爱,以及无尽的悲伤和思念,还有对未来的迷茫,以及对你的渴望,还有对你的爱,还有对你的思念。 (I've lost everything, only memories of you, my love for you, and endless sadness and longing remain, as well as my confusion about the future, and my yearning for you, and my love for you, and my longing for you.)

94. 我已经不再悲伤,我只希望你能够拥有幸福的生活,即使没有我,也能够快乐地生活,因为你的快乐,就是我最大的幸福,即使我无法陪伴你,也希望你能够记住我,记住我们曾经的爱,记住我们曾经的快乐。 (I'm no longer sad, I only hope you can have a happy life, even without me, you can still live happily, because your happiness is my greatest happiness, even though I can't be with you, I hope you can remember me, remember our love, remember our joy.)

95. 我的爱,如同夏日里的蝉鸣,短暂却动听。 (My love, like the summer cicada song, is short-lived but beautiful.)

以上就是关于夏尽时亡里的经典句子95句(夏尽时亡里的经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
