
## 结婚需要彩礼句子,72句:


1. 彩礼是男方对女方家庭的尊重和感谢,也是对未来婚姻的承诺。

Dowry is a sign of respect and gratitude from the groom's family to the bride's family, and it is also a commitment to the future marriage.

2. 彩礼是男方对女方家人的补偿,因为他们养育了这么优秀的女孩。

Dowry is compensation from the groom's family to the bride's family for raising such an excellent girl.

3. 彩礼是男方证明自己经济实力和诚意的方式。

Dowry is a way for the groom's family to prove their economic strength and sincerity.

4. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的认可,也是对未来生活的保障。

Dowry is a recognition of the marriage by both families, and it is also a guarantee for future life.

5. 彩礼是传统习俗,不能轻易打破。

Dowry is a traditional custom, and it cannot be easily broken.

6. 彩礼是婚姻的象征,代表着男方对女方的珍惜和爱护。

Dowry is a symbol of marriage, representing the groom's cherish and care for the bride.

7. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的祝福,也希望婚姻能够长久幸福。

Dowry is a blessing from both families to the marriage, and they hope that the marriage will be long and happy.

8. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的承诺,也是对未来生活的责任。

Dowry is a commitment from both families to the marriage, and it is also a responsibility for future life.

9. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的认可,也是对未来生活的保障。

Dowry is a recognition of the marriage by both families, and it is also a guarantee for future life.

10. 彩礼是男方对女方的尊重,也是对未来婚姻的承诺。

Dowry is a sign of respect from the groom to the bride, and it is also a commitment to the future marriage.


11. 彩礼是封建思想的残留,应该摒弃。

Dowry is a remnant of feudal ideology and should be abandoned.

12. 彩礼是男方对女方的歧视,应该取消。

Dowry is discrimination against women from the groom's side and should be abolished.

13. 彩礼是金钱交易,是对爱情的亵渎。

Dowry is a money transaction and a desecration of love.

14. 彩礼是婚姻的负担,会加重家庭经济压力。

Dowry is a burden on the marriage and will increase the financial pressure on the family.

15. 彩礼会造成攀比之风,加剧社会矛盾。

Dowry will lead to competition and exacerbate social conflicts.

16. 彩礼是婚姻的障碍,会阻碍男女之间的自由恋爱。

Dowry is an obstacle to marriage and will hinder free love between men and women.

17. 彩礼是金钱的象征,不能代表爱情。

Dowry is a symbol of money and cannot represent love.

18. 彩礼是社会陋习,应该革除。

Dowry is a social evil and should be eradicated.

19. 彩礼是男方对女方的不信任,应该摒弃。

Dowry is a sign of distrust from the groom's side towards the bride and should be abandoned.

20. 彩礼是婚姻的枷锁,会束缚男女之间的自由。

Dowry is a shackle of marriage and will bind the freedom between men and women.


21. 彩礼是男方对女方的爱意和珍惜,是未来生活共同奋斗的起点。

Dowry is a sign of the groom's love and cherish for the bride, and it is the starting point for their future life together.

22. 彩礼是男方对女方家庭的尊重,是对未来婚姻的承诺和责任。

Dowry is a sign of respect from the groom's family to the bride's family, and it is a commitment and responsibility to the future marriage.

23. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的祝福,也是对未来生活的期许。

Dowry is a blessing from both families to the marriage, and it is also an expectation for the future life.

24. 彩礼是男方对女方的承诺,也是对未来生活的保障。

Dowry is a commitment from the groom to the bride, and it is also a guarantee for the future life.

25. 彩礼是男方对女方的责任,也是对未来生活的担当。

Dowry is a responsibility from the groom to the bride, and it is also an undertaking for the future life.

26. 彩礼是男方对女方的真心,也是对未来生活的期许。

Dowry is the groom's sincerity towards the bride, and it is also an expectation for the future life.

27. 彩礼是男方对女方的承诺,也是对未来婚姻的祝福。

Dowry is a commitment from the groom to the bride, and it is also a blessing to the future marriage.

28. 彩礼是男方对女方的责任,也是对未来生活的保障。

Dowry is a responsibility from the groom to the bride, and it is also a guarantee for the future life.

29. 彩礼是男方对女方的爱,也是对未来婚姻的承诺。

Dowry is the groom's love for the bride, and it is also a commitment to the future marriage.

30. 彩礼是男方对女方的尊重,也是对未来婚姻的期许。

Dowry is a sign of respect from the groom to the bride, and it is also an expectation for the future marriage.


31. 彩礼的多少应该根据双方家庭的实际情况而定,不应该成为婚姻的负担。

The amount of dowry should be determined according to the actual situation of both families, and it should not become a burden on the marriage.

32. 彩礼应该以双方家庭的认可和接受为前提,不应该强求。

Dowry should be based on the recognition and acceptance of both families, and it should not be forced.

33. 彩礼应该以合理的方式进行,不应该成为金钱交易。

Dowry should be conducted in a reasonable way and should not become a money transaction.

34. 彩礼应该以尊重和理解为基础,不应该成为双方家庭之间的矛盾。

Dowry should be based on respect and understanding and should not become a conflict between both families.

35. 彩礼应该以平等和尊重为前提,不应该成为男女之间地位的不平等。

Dowry should be based on equality and respect and should not become an inequality in status between men and women.

36. 彩礼应该以双方家庭的共同决定为基础,不应该成为一方家庭的单方面决定。

Dowry should be based on the joint decision of both families and should not be a unilateral decision of one family.

37. 彩礼应该以维护婚姻稳定为目的,不应该成为婚姻的障碍。

Dowry should aim to maintain the stability of the marriage and should not be an obstacle to marriage.

38. 彩礼应该以尊重和理解为基础,不应该成为双方家庭之间的隔阂。

Dowry should be based on respect and understanding and should not become a gap between both families.

39. 彩礼应该以维护婚姻幸福为目的,不应该成为婚姻的负担。

Dowry should aim to maintain the happiness of the marriage and should not be a burden on the marriage.

40. 彩礼应该以尊重和理解为基础,不应该成为男女之间沟通的障碍。

Dowry should be based on respect and understanding and should not be an obstacle to communication between men and women.


41. 政府应该出台相关政策,规范彩礼的收取和支付行为。

The government should issue relevant policies to regulate the collection and payment of dowry.

42. 社会各界应该加强宣传教育,倡导文明婚俗,摒弃陋习。

All sectors of society should strengthen publicity and education, advocate civilized marriage customs, and abandon bad habits.

43. 家庭应该树立正确的婚姻观念,摒弃封建思想,共同抵制天价彩礼。

Families should establish correct marriage concepts, abandon feudal ideology, and jointly resist sky-high dowries.

44. 个人应该理性看待彩礼,不要被社会风气所左右,更不要为了彩礼而结婚。

Individuals should rationally view dowry, not be swayed by social trends, and not marry for the sake of dowry.

45. 社会应该创造良好的婚育环境,为青年男女提供更多的婚育选择,减少对彩礼的依赖。

Society should create a good marriage and child-rearing environment, provide young men and women with more choices for marriage and child-rearing, and reduce their dependence on dowry.

46. 个人应该理性看待婚姻,不要被彩礼所左右,更不要为了彩礼而结婚。

Individuals should rationally view marriage, not be swayed by dowry, and not marry for the sake of dowry.

47. 社会应该创造良好的婚育环境,为青年男女提供更多的婚育选择,减少对彩礼的依赖。

Society should create a good marriage and child-rearing environment, provide young men and women with more choices for marriage and child-rearing, and reduce their dependence on dowry.

48. 政府应该出台相关政策,规范彩礼的收取和支付行为,维护社会公平正义。

The government should issue relevant policies to regulate the collection and payment of dowry, maintain social fairness and justice.

49. 社会各界应该共同努力,营造良好的婚育氛围,摒弃陋习,促进婚姻和谐稳定。

All sectors of society should work together to create a good marriage and child-rearing atmosphere, abandon bad habits, and promote marriage harmony and stability.

50. 个人应该树立正确的婚姻观,理性看待彩礼,不要被社会风气所左右,更不要为了彩礼而结婚。

Individuals should establish correct marriage views, rationally view dowry, not be swayed by social trends, and not marry for the sake of dowry.


51. 彩礼是男方对女方家庭的尊重,而不是一种交易。

Dowry is a sign of respect from the groom's family to the bride's family, not a transaction.

52. 彩礼是男方对女方父母的补偿,而不是对女方的歧视。

Dowry is compensation from the groom's family to the bride's parents, not discrimination against the bride.

53. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的认可,而不是金钱交易。

Dowry is a recognition of the marriage by both families, not a money transaction.

54. 彩礼是男方对女方的承诺,而不是一种负担。

Dowry is a commitment from the groom to the bride, not a burden.

55. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的祝福,而不是一种枷锁。

Dowry is a blessing from both families to the marriage, not a shackle.

56. 彩礼是男方对女方的尊重,而不是一种不信任。

Dowry is a sign of respect from the groom to the bride, not a sign of distrust.

57. 彩礼是男方对女方的爱意,而不是一种攀比。

Dowry is the groom's love for the bride, not a competition.

58. 彩礼是男方对女方的承诺,而不是一种障碍。

Dowry is a commitment from the groom to the bride, not an obstacle.

59. 彩礼是双方家庭对婚姻的认可,而不是一种陋习。

Dowry is a recognition of the marriage by both families, not a bad habit.

60. 彩礼是男方对女方的责任,而不是一种不平等。

Dowry is a responsibility from the groom to the bride, not a sign of inequality.


61. 结婚应该以爱情为基础,而不是金钱交易。

Marriage should be based on love, not money transactions.

62. 彩礼应该根据双方家庭的实际情况而定,不要攀比。

Dowry should be determined according to the actual situation of both families, and there should be no competition.

63. 彩礼应该以尊重和理解为前提,不要成为婚姻的负担。

Dowry should be based on respect and understanding and should not become a burden on the marriage.

64. 结婚应该以双方家庭的认可和接受为前提,不要强求。

Marriage should be based on the recognition and acceptance of both families, and it should not be forced.

65. 彩礼应该以维护婚姻稳定为目的,不要成为婚姻的障碍。

Dowry should aim to maintain the stability of the marriage and should not be an obstacle to marriage.

66. 结婚应该以平等和尊重为基础,不要成为男女之间地位的不平等。

Marriage should be based on equality and respect and should not become an inequality in status between men and women.

67. 彩礼应该以双方家庭的共同决定为基础,不要成为一方家庭的单方面决定。

Dowry should be based on the joint decision of both families and should not be a unilateral decision of one family.

68. 结婚应该以维护婚姻幸福为目的,不要成为婚姻的负担。

Marriage should aim to maintain the happiness of the marriage and should not be a burden on the marriage.

69. 结婚应该以尊重和理解为基础,不要成为双方家庭之间的隔阂。

Marriage should be based on respect and understanding and should not become a gap between both families.

70. 结婚应该以尊重和理解为基础,不要成为男女之间沟通的障碍。

Marriage should be based on respect and understanding and should not be an obstacle to communication between men and women.

71. 结婚应该以爱和责任为基础,不要被彩礼所左右。

Marriage should be based on love and responsibility, and should not be swayed by dowry.

72. 结婚应该以幸福和美满为目标,不要为了彩礼而结婚。

Marriage should aim for happiness and completeness, and should not be for the sake of dowry.

以上就是关于结婚需要彩礼句子72句(结婚需要彩礼句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
