
## 穿越火线麦克风句子 (87句)


1. 冲冲冲!

Charge! Charge! Charge!

2. 稳住!

Hold your ground!

3. 我来架枪!

I'll hold the line!

4. 你快跑!


5. 我丢个闪光弹!

I'm throwing a flashbang!

6. 敌人就在前面!

The enemy is ahead!

7. 我要丢手雷了!

I'm throwing a grenade!

8. 我要补枪!

I'm going for the kill!

9. 掩护我!

Cover me!

10. 不要慌!

Don't panic!

11. 我被人打了!

I'm under fire!

12. 我快没血了!

I'm low on health!

13. 我要换弹药!

I need to reload!

14. 我要治疗一下!

I need to heal!

15. 我被炸死了!

I got blown up!

16. 我被爆头了!

I got headshotted!

17. 我被干掉了!

I got killed!

18. 我被偷袭了!

I got ambushed!

19. 我卡住了!

I'm stuck!

20. 我找不到敌人!

I can't find the enemy!

21. 敌人好像很多!

There are a lot of enemies!

22. 我被包围了!

I'm surrounded!

23. 我要绕后!

I'm flanking!

24. 我要偷袭!

I'm ambushing!

25. 我要开枪了!

I'm firing!

26. 我要扔烟雾弹了!

I'm throwing a smoke grenade!

27. 我要扔燃烧瓶了!

I'm throwing a Molotov!

28. 我要扔炸弹了!

I'm throwing a bomb!

29. 我要扔刀了!

I'm throwing a knife!

30. 我要投降了!

I'm surrendering!

31. 我要退出游戏了!

I'm quitting the game!

32. 我要重新开始游戏了!

I'm restarting the game!

33. 我要换武器了!

I'm switching weapons!

34. 我要换角色了!

I'm changing characters!

35. 我要换地图了!

I'm changing maps!

36. 我要加入队伍了!

I'm joining the team!

37. 我要离开队伍了!

I'm leaving the team!

38. 我要邀请你加入队伍了!

I'm inviting you to join the team!

39. 我要拒绝你的邀请了!

I'm declining your invitation!

40. 我要开始游戏了!

I'm starting the game!

41. 我要暂停游戏了!

I'm pausing the game!

42. 我要结束游戏了!

I'm ending the game!

43. 我要保存游戏了!

I'm saving the game!

44. 我要读取游戏了!

I'm loading the game!

45. 我要设置游戏了!

I'm setting up the game!

46. 我要退出游戏了!

I'm quitting the game!

47. 我要重启游戏了!

I'm restarting the game!

48. 我要更新游戏了!

I'm updating the game!

49. 我要下载游戏了!

I'm downloading the game!

50. 我要安装游戏了!

I'm installing the game!


51. A点!

A point!

52. B点!

B point!

53. C点!

C point!

54. 我在A点!

I'm at A point!

55. 我在B点!

I'm at B point!

56. 我在C点!

I'm at C point!

57. 敌人要打A点!

The enemy is attacking A point!

58. 敌人要打B点!

The enemy is attacking B point!

59. 敌人要打C点!

The enemy is attacking C point!

60. 我要守A点!

I'm defending A point!

61. 我要守B点!

I'm defending B point!

62. 我要守C点!

I'm defending C point!

63. 我要进攻A点!

I'm attacking A point!

64. 我要进攻B点!

I'm attacking B point!

65. 我要进攻C点!

I'm attacking C point!

66. 我要包抄敌人!

I'm flanking the enemy!

67. 我要狙击敌人!

I'm sniping the enemy!

68. 我要观察敌人!

I'm watching the enemy!

69. 我要追踪敌人!

I'm tracking the enemy!

70. 我要吸引敌人!

I'm baiting the enemy!

71. 我要迷惑敌人!

I'm distracting the enemy!

72. 我要压制敌人!

I'm suppressing the enemy!

73. 我要偷袭敌人!

I'm ambushing the enemy!

74. 我要绕后敌人!

I'm flanking the enemy!

75. 我要堵住敌人!

I'm blocking the enemy!

76. 我要卡住敌人!

I'm stalling the enemy!

77. 我要支援队友!

I'm supporting my teammate!

78. 我要救助队友!

I'm rescuing my teammate!

79. 我要治疗队友!

I'm healing my teammate!

80. 我要复活队友!

I'm reviving my teammate!


81. 你很厉害!

You're awesome!

82. 你打得真不错!

You're playing really well!

83. 我要举报你!

I'm reporting you!

84. 你很垃圾!

You're trash!

85. 你太菜了!

You're so bad!

86. 你是外挂!

You're a hacker!

87. 滚!

Get out!

以上就是关于穿越火线麦克风句子87句(穿越火线麦克风句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
