
## 穿普拉达的女王 (The Devil Wears Prada) 句子 (Quotes)

**中文 / 英文**

1. 我要你成为一个能用一双眼睛就看出一个女人是不是穿了错色内衣的人。 / I want you to be able to tell if a woman is wearing the wrong color bra just by looking at her.

2. 如果你觉得这份工作太难了,你就别做。 / If you think this job is too hard, then don't do it.

3. 时尚就是一种语言,而我,我讲流利。 / Fashion is a language, and I, I speak fluent.

4. 我必须对你坦诚,我并不喜欢这个行业。 / I have to be honest with you, I don't like this industry.

5. 当我年轻的时候,我以为我想要的是事业。但现在,我意识到我想要的是生活。 / When I was young, I thought I wanted a career. But now, I realize what I want is a life.

6. 我只是觉得,如果你对什么东西没有热情,你为什么要做呢? / I just think, if you don't have passion for something, why do it?

7. 当你面对人生重大抉择时,你应该听从自己的内心。 / When you're faced with a big decision in your life, you should listen to your gut.

8. 我想,女人应该拥有她想要的一切。 / I think, women should have everything they want.

9. 如果你想得到你想要的东西,你必须付出努力。 / If you want to get what you want, you have to work for it.

10. 人生的意义在于追求自己的梦想。 / The meaning of life is to pursue your dreams.

11. 如果你不相信自己,谁会相信你? / If you don't believe in yourself, who will?

12. 永远不要放弃你的梦想,即使看起来很难。 / Never give up on your dreams, even when they seem hard.

13. 生活充满意外,你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么。 / Life is full of surprises, you never know what will happen next.

14. 我喜欢你的工作,我真的很喜欢。 / I like your work, I really do.

15. 这份工作真的很难,但我乐在其中。 / This job is really hard, but I love it.

16. 如果你想成为一名作家,那就写吧! / If you want to be a writer, then write!

17. 我真的很感谢你对我的支持。 / I really appreciate your support.

18. 我知道你很努力,但我希望你能更努力。 / I know you're working hard, but I wish you could work harder.

19. 我不希望你总是依赖我,我希望你能独立。 / I don't want you to always depend on me, I want you to be independent.

20. 我很高兴你来到我的团队。 / I'm glad you're on my team.

21. 你的努力不会白费。 / Your efforts won't be in vain.

22. 不要害怕犯错,因为只有从错误中才能吸取教训。 / Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because you can only learn from them.

23. 你比你自己想象的还要强大。 / You are stronger than you think.

24. 我相信你,你会成功的。 / I believe in you, you will succeed.

25. 我想你应该看看镜子。 / I think you should look in the mirror.

26. 我需要你为我跑腿。 / I need you to run errands for me.

27. 我想你应该去看看医生。 / I think you should see a doctor.

28. 我不能让你永远待在我的团队里。 / I can't keep you on my team forever.

29. 你以为你很了解时尚吗? / Do you think you know fashion?

30. 我知道你是一个优秀的人,但你必须努力才能证明这一点。 / I know you're a good person, but you have to work hard to prove it.

31. 你不能总是做自己想做的事。 / You can't always do what you want.

32. 我需要你帮我一个忙。 / I need you to help me with something.

33. 我知道你很聪明,但我希望你能更聪明。 / I know you're smart, but I wish you could be smarter.

34. 我不会永远都在这里,所以你必须学会独立。 / I won't be here forever, so you have to learn to be independent.

35. 我真的很想念你。 / I miss you so much.

36. 我很高兴你没事。 / I'm glad you're okay.

37. 如果你想成功,你就必须付出代价。 / If you want to be successful, you have to pay the price.

38. 我知道你很累,但我希望你能坚持下去。 / I know you're tired, but I wish you could keep going.

39. 我不能让你总是生活在我的阴影里。 / I can't let you live in my shadow forever.

40. 你需要学会独立,你不能总是依赖别人。 / You need to learn to be independent, you can't always rely on others.

41. 我知道你是一个优秀的人,但你必须努力才能证明这一点。 / I know you're a good person, but you have to work hard to prove it.

42. 你不能总是做自己想做的事。 / You can't always do what you want.

43. 我需要你帮我一个忙。 / I need you to help me with something.

44. 我知道你很聪明,但我希望你能更聪明。 / I know you're smart, but I wish you could be smarter.

45. 我不会永远都在这里,所以你必须学会独立。 / I won't be here forever, so you have to learn to be independent.

46. 我真的很想念你。 / I miss you so much.

47. 我很高兴你没事。 / I'm glad you're okay.

48. 如果你想成功,你就必须付出代价。 / If you want to be successful, you have to pay the price.

49. 我知道你很累,但我希望你能坚持下去。 / I know you're tired, but I wish you could keep going.

50. 我不能让你总是生活在我的阴影里。 / I can't let you live in my shadow forever.

51. 你需要学会独立,你不能总是依赖别人。 / You need to learn to be independent, you can't always rely on others.

52. 你应该为你的梦想而奋斗。 / You should fight for your dreams.

53. 我知道你很努力,但我希望你能更努力。 / I know you're working hard, but I wish you could work harder.

54. 如果你想成为一名作家,那就写吧! / If you want to be a writer, then write!

55. 我真的很感谢你对我的支持。 / I really appreciate your support.

56. 当我年轻的时候,我以为我想要的是事业。但现在,我意识到我想要的是生活。 / When I was young, I thought I wanted a career. But now, I realize what I want is a life.

57. 我只是觉得,如果你对什么东西没有热情,你为什么要做呢? / I just think, if you don't have passion for something, why do it?

58. 当你面对人生重大抉择时,你应该听从自己的内心。 / When you're faced with a big decision in your life, you should listen to your gut.

59. 我想,女人应该拥有她想要的一切。 / I think, women should have everything they want.

60. 如果你想得到你想要的东西,你必须付出努力。 / If you want to get what you want, you have to work for it.

61. 人生的意义在于追求自己的梦想。 / The meaning of life is to pursue your dreams.

62. 如果你不相信自己,谁会相信你? / If you don't believe in yourself, who will?

63. 永远不要放弃你的梦想,即使看起来很难。 / Never give up on your dreams, even when they seem hard.

64. 生活充满意外,你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么。 / Life is full of surprises, you never know what will happen next.

65. 我喜欢你的工作,我真的很喜欢。 / I like your work, I really do.

66. 这份工作真的很难,但我乐在其中。 / This job is really hard, but I love it.

67. 你比你自己想象的还要强大。 / You are stronger than you think.

68. 我相信你,你会成功的。 / I believe in you, you will succeed.

69. 你应该为你的梦想而奋斗。 / You should fight for your dreams.

70. 我知道你很努力,但我希望你能更努力。 / I know you're working hard, but I wish you could work harder.

71. 如果你想成为一名作家,那就写吧! / If you want to be a writer, then write!

72. 我真的很感谢你对我的支持。 / I really appreciate your support.

73. 我知道你是一个优秀的人,但你必须努力才能证明这一点。 / I know you're a good person, but you have to work hard to prove it.

74. 你不能总是做自己想做的事。 / You can't always do what you want.

75. 我需要你帮我一个忙。 / I need you to help me with something.

76. 我知道你很聪明,但我希望你能更聪明。 / I know you're smart, but I wish you could be smarter.

77. 我不会永远都在这里,所以你必须学会独立。 / I won't be here forever, so you have to learn to be independent.

78. 我真的很想念你。 / I miss you so much.

79. 我很高兴你没事。 / I'm glad you're okay.

80. 如果你想成功,你就必须付出代价。 / If you want to be successful, you have to pay the price.

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