
## 穿书古文句子 69句,并附英文翻译

**1. 他目光灼灼,像是要将她整个人都看穿。**

His gaze was intense, as if he were trying to see right through her.

**2. 她眉眼弯弯,笑得如春风拂柳般温柔。**

Her eyebrows were curved and her eyes were sparkling, she smiled as gently as a spring breeze swaying the willows.

**3. 他冷着一张脸,周身散发着拒人于千里之外的寒意。**

His face was cold and his aura exuded an icy aloofness, keeping everyone at bay.

**4. 她轻轻地叹了口气,眼中带着一丝无奈。**

She sighed softly, a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

**5. 他嘴角勾起一抹邪魅的笑,让人不寒而栗。**

A wicked smile curled on his lips, sending shivers down one's spine.

**6. 她眼眸清澈,如同山间清泉般纯净。**

Her eyes were clear and pure, like a mountain spring.

**7. 他俊美非凡,仿佛是天上下凡的谪仙。**

He was strikingly handsome, as if a celestial being descended from heaven.

**8. 她容颜绝世,美得让人窒息。**

Her beauty was breathtaking, leaving one speechless.

**9. 他一身白衣胜雪,气质清冷出尘。**

He was dressed in a spotless white robe, his aura radiating coolness and detachment.

**10. 她身着一袭红衣,如火般热情奔放。**

She wore a crimson dress, radiating warmth and passion like a blazing fire.

**11. 他薄唇轻启,吐出的话语如珠玉般动听。**

His thin lips parted, and the words that came out were as melodious as pearls.

**12. 她声音如莺歌燕舞般清脆悦耳。**

Her voice was as sweet and melodious as the chirping of birds.

**13. 他眉宇间透着一股英气,令人敬畏。**

His eyebrows exuded an air of bravery that commanded respect.

**14. 她举手投足间流露出优雅的气质。**

Her every move and gesture exuded an air of elegance.

**15. 他一身戎装,英姿飒爽,宛如战神降世。**

He was dressed in military uniform, his bearing valiant and dashing, like a god of war descending.

**16. 她纤细的手指轻轻地抚摸着琴弦,奏出美妙的旋律。**

Her slender fingers gently caressed the strings of the zither, playing a beautiful melody.

**17. 他目光深邃,仿佛洞悉一切。**

His eyes were deep and penetrating, as if he could see through everything.

**18. 她眼神坚定,充满了自信。**

Her eyes were firm and filled with confidence.

**19. 他嘴角带着一抹微笑,让人如沐春风。**

A smile played on his lips, making people feel warm and comfortable.

**20. 她眉间轻蹙,眼中带着一丝忧愁。**

Her brows furrowed slightly, and her eyes held a hint of sadness.

**21. 他俊美的容颜上染上一丝痛苦,让人心疼。**

A tinge of pain clouded his handsome features, making one feel pity.

**22. 她眼角含着泪光,楚楚可怜。**

Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes, making her look pitifully vulnerable.

**23. 他言语温柔,像是春风化雨般温暖人心。**

His words were gentle and soothing, like a warm spring rain nourishing the heart.

**24. 她语气坚定,不容置疑。**

Her tone was firm and unwavering.

**25. 他目光如炬,洞察一切。**

His eyes were like torches, illuminating everything.

**26. 她神情淡漠,仿佛对世间的一切都漠不关心。**

Her expression was indifferent, as if she cared nothing for the world.

**27. 他风度翩翩,举止优雅。**

He was debonair and graceful in his movements.

**28. 她落落大方,举止洒脱。**

She was poised and free-spirited in her demeanor.

**29. 他身姿挺拔,如同一棵青松般坚韧。**

His stature was upright and sturdy, like a resilient pine tree.

**30. 她身段窈窕,曲线玲珑。**

Her figure was slender and graceful, with delicate curves.

**31. 他眸光深邃,仿佛蕴藏着无穷的秘密。**

His eyes were deep and mysterious, as if holding countless secrets.

**32. 她眼波流转,带着一丝妩媚。**

Her eyes flickered with a touch of charm.

**33. 他唇角微扬,似笑非笑。**

The corners of his lips slightly curled up, with an ambiguous smile.

**34. 她眉目如画,美得令人心醉。**

Her brows and eyes were like a beautiful painting, captivating the heart.

**35. 他举止优雅,风度翩翩。**

He was graceful in his movements and possessed a charming demeanor.

**36. 她举止洒脱,不拘小节。**

She was free-spirited and unconcerned with trivial matters.

**37. 他衣冠楚楚,气质非凡。**

He was impeccably dressed and exuded an exceptional aura.

**38. 她仪态万千,风华绝代。**

She was radiant and magnificent, a true beauty.

**39. 他眉目清秀,俊美非凡。**

His brows and eyes were delicate and strikingly handsome.

**40. 她容颜绝世,美得让人心动。**

Her beauty was extraordinary, captivating the heart.

**41. 他英姿勃发,气宇轩昂。**

He was full of vigor and exuded a commanding presence.

**42. 她仪态端庄,举止优雅。**

She was dignified in her bearing and graceful in her movements.

**43. 他气度非凡,令人折服。**

He possessed an extraordinary presence that commanded respect.

**44. 她风姿绰约,令人心驰神往。**

Her beauty was captivating and alluring.

**45. 他气质高贵,令人仰慕。**

His aura was noble and inspiring admiration.

**46. 她举止端庄,谈吐优雅。**

She was poised in her demeanor and elegant in her speech.

**47. 他神采奕奕,风度翩翩。**

He was radiant and debonair.

**48. 她容光焕发,美艳动人。**

She was glowing and captivatingly beautiful.

**49. 他气宇轩昂,英姿飒爽。**

He was commanding in his presence and valiant in his bearing.

**50. 她风华绝代,倾国倾城。**

She was stunning and mesmerizing, a beauty that could captivate an entire nation.

**51. 他眉宇间透着一股坚毅,令人敬佩。**

His brows exuded an air of determination that commanded respect.

**52. 她眼神坚定,充满了自信。**

Her eyes were firm and filled with confidence.

**53. 他目光如炬,洞察一切。**

His eyes were like torches, illuminating everything.

**54. 她神情淡漠,仿佛对世间的一切都漠不关心。**

Her expression was indifferent, as if she cared nothing for the world.

**55. 他风度翩翩,举止优雅。**

He was debonair and graceful in his movements.

**56. 她落落大方,举止洒脱。**

She was poised and free-spirited in her demeanor.

**57. 他身姿挺拔,如同一棵青松般坚韧。**

His stature was upright and sturdy, like a resilient pine tree.

**58. 她身段窈窕,曲线玲珑。**

Her figure was slender and graceful, with delicate curves.

**59. 他眸光深邃,仿佛蕴藏着无穷的秘密。**

His eyes were deep and mysterious, as if holding countless secrets.

**60. 她眼波流转,带着一丝妩媚。**

Her eyes flickered with a touch of charm.

**61. 他唇角微扬,似笑非笑。**

The corners of his lips slightly curled up, with an ambiguous smile.

**62. 她眉目如画,美得令人心醉。**

Her brows and eyes were like a beautiful painting, captivating the heart.

**63. 他举止优雅,风度翩翩。**

He was graceful in his movements and possessed a charming demeanor.

**64. 她举止洒脱,不拘小节。**

She was free-spirited and unconcerned with trivial matters.

**65. 他衣冠楚楚,气质非凡。**

He was impeccably dressed and exuded an exceptional aura.

**66. 她仪态万千,风华绝代。**

She was radiant and magnificent, a true beauty.

**67. 他眉目清秀,俊美非凡。**

His brows and eyes were delicate and strikingly handsome.

**68. 她容颜绝世,美得让人心动。**

Her beauty was extraordinary, captivating the heart.

**69. 他英姿勃发,气宇轩昂。**

He was full of vigor and exuded a commanding presence.

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