
## 穿短袖和穿棉袄的句子 (98句)

**1. 今天阳光明媚,穿短袖刚刚好。**

The sun is shining brightly today, a short-sleeved shirt is just right.

**2. 虽然天气已经转凉,但还是有很多人穿着短袖出门。**

Although the weather has turned cooler, many people still go out wearing short sleeves.

**3. 冬天到了,该换上厚厚的棉袄了。**

Winter is here, it's time to put on a thick padded jacket.

**4. 凛冽的寒风吹过,我忍不住裹紧了棉袄。**

The biting wind blew, and I couldn't help but wrap myself tighter in my padded jacket.

**5. 穿着棉袄走在街上,感觉暖洋洋的。**

Walking down the street in my padded jacket, I feel warm and cozy.

**6. 虽然穿棉袄很暖和,但行动起来却有些笨拙。**

Although wearing a padded jacket is very warm, it is a bit clumsy to move around.

**7. 今天穿短袖出门,结果冻得瑟瑟发抖。**

I went out wearing a short-sleeved shirt today, and ended up freezing.

**8. 穿着短袖在空调房里,感觉很凉爽。**

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt in an air-conditioned room feels very cool.

**9. 穿着棉袄在室内,感觉有些闷热。**

Wearing a padded jacket indoors feels a bit stuffy.

**10. 今天天气很冷,穿短袖出门会感冒的。**

It's very cold today, you'll catch a cold if you go out wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

**11. 虽然气温很低,但我还是穿着短袖去跑步。**

Although the temperature is very low, I still went for a run wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

**12. 穿着棉袄去运动,会感觉很累。**

It will feel very tiring to exercise wearing a padded jacket.

**13. 穿短袖和穿棉袄,都是根据天气来决定的。**

Whether to wear a short-sleeved shirt or a padded jacket is determined by the weather.

**14. 穿短袖的人,看起来很精神。**

People wearing short-sleeved shirts look energetic.

**15. 穿棉袄的人,看起来很臃肿。**

People wearing padded jackets look bloated.

**16. 我喜欢穿短袖,因为这样感觉很自由。**

I like wearing short-sleeved shirts, because it feels very free.

**17. 我不喜欢穿棉袄,因为这样感觉很束缚。**

I don't like wearing padded jackets, because it feels very constricting.

**18. 穿短袖的人,更容易被蚊子叮咬。**

People wearing short-sleeved shirts are more easily bitten by mosquitoes.

**19. 穿棉袄的人,不容易被冻着。**

People wearing padded jackets are less likely to freeze.

**20. 穿着短袖去参加婚礼,感觉有点不正式。**

Going to a wedding wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels a bit informal.

**21. 穿着棉袄去参加宴会,感觉有点奇怪。**

Going to a banquet wearing a padded jacket feels a bit strange.

**22. 穿着短袖去爬山,感觉很凉快。**

Hiking wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very cool.

**23. 穿着棉袄去滑雪,感觉很安全。**

Skiing wearing a padded jacket feels very safe.

**24. 穿着短袖去海边,感觉很舒适。**

Going to the beach wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**25. 穿着棉袄去游泳,感觉很冷。**

Swimming wearing a padded jacket feels very cold.

**26. 穿短袖的人,皮肤更容易被晒伤。**

People wearing short-sleeved shirts are more prone to sunburns.

**27. 穿棉袄的人,不容易被晒黑。**

People wearing padded jackets are less likely to tan.

**28. 穿着短袖在冬天,感觉很冷。**

It feels very cold wearing a short-sleeved shirt in winter.

**29. 穿着棉袄在夏天,感觉很热。**

It feels very hot wearing a padded jacket in summer.

**30. 穿短袖的人,看起来很年轻。**

People wearing short-sleeved shirts look young.

**31. 穿棉袄的人,看起来很老气。**

People wearing padded jackets look old.

**32. 穿着短袖去旅行,感觉很方便。**

Traveling wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very convenient.

**33. 穿着棉袄去旅行,感觉很麻烦。**

Traveling wearing a padded jacket feels very troublesome.

**34. 穿着短袖去上班,感觉很轻松。**

Going to work wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very relaxed.

**35. 穿着棉袄去上班,感觉很累。**

Going to work wearing a padded jacket feels very tiring.

**36. 穿着短袖去逛街,感觉很舒服。**

Going shopping wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**37. 穿着棉袄去逛街,感觉很笨重。**

Going shopping wearing a padded jacket feels very heavy.

**38. 穿着短袖去吃饭,感觉很随意。**

Going out to eat wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very casual.

**39. 穿着棉袄去吃饭,感觉有点正式。**

Going out to eat wearing a padded jacket feels a bit formal.

**40. 穿着短袖去看电影,感觉很放松。**

Going to the movies wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very relaxing.

**41. 穿着棉袄去看电影,感觉很暖和。**

Going to the movies wearing a padded jacket feels very warm.

**42. 穿着短袖去图书馆,感觉很安静。**

Going to the library wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very quiet.

**43. 穿着棉袄去图书馆,感觉有点压抑。**

Going to the library wearing a padded jacket feels a bit oppressive.

**44. 穿着短袖去公园,感觉很舒服。**

Going to the park wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**45. 穿着棉袄去公园,感觉有点闷热。**

Going to the park wearing a padded jacket feels a bit stuffy.

**46. 穿着短袖去医院,感觉很干净。**

Going to the hospital wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very clean.

**47. 穿着棉袄去医院,感觉有点不卫生。**

Going to the hospital wearing a padded jacket feels a bit unsanitary.

**48. 穿着短袖去超市,感觉很方便。**

Going to the supermarket wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very convenient.

**49. 穿着棉袄去超市,感觉很麻烦。**

Going to the supermarket wearing a padded jacket feels very troublesome.

**50. 穿着短袖去学校,感觉很青春。**

Going to school wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very youthful.

**51. 穿着棉袄去学校,感觉很老气。**

Going to school wearing a padded jacket feels very old-fashioned.

**52. 穿着短袖去参加考试,感觉很轻松。**

Taking an exam wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very relaxed.

**53. 穿着棉袄去参加考试,感觉很紧张。**

Taking an exam wearing a padded jacket feels very nervous.

**54. 穿着短袖去参加比赛,感觉很自信。**

Competing wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very confident.

**55. 穿着棉袄去参加比赛,感觉很笨拙。**

Competing wearing a padded jacket feels very clumsy.

**56. 穿着短袖去参加聚会,感觉很活跃。**

Attending a party wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very active.

**57. 穿着棉袄去参加聚会,感觉很低调。**

Attending a party wearing a padded jacket feels very low-key.

**58. 穿着短袖去约会,感觉很浪漫。**

Going on a date wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very romantic.

**59. 穿着棉袄去约会,感觉很奇怪。**

Going on a date wearing a padded jacket feels very strange.

**60. 穿着短袖去旅行,感觉很自由。**

Traveling wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very free.

**61. 穿着棉袄去旅行,感觉很安全。**

Traveling wearing a padded jacket feels very safe.

**62. 穿着短袖去散步,感觉很舒服。**

Taking a walk wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**63. 穿着棉袄去散步,感觉很暖和。**

Taking a walk wearing a padded jacket feels very warm.

**64. 穿着短袖去骑车,感觉很凉快。**

Cycling wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very cool.

**65. 穿着棉袄去骑车,感觉很笨重。**

Cycling wearing a padded jacket feels very heavy.

**66. 穿着短袖去购物,感觉很方便。**

Shopping wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very convenient.

**67. 穿着棉袄去购物,感觉很麻烦。**

Shopping wearing a padded jacket feels very troublesome.

**68. 穿着短袖去吃饭,感觉很随意。**

Going out to eat wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very casual.

**69. 穿着棉袄去吃饭,感觉有点正式。**

Going out to eat wearing a padded jacket feels a bit formal.

**70. 穿着短袖去参加婚礼,感觉有点不正式。**

Going to a wedding wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels a bit informal.

**71. 穿着棉袄去参加宴会,感觉有点奇怪。**

Going to a banquet wearing a padded jacket feels a bit strange.

**72. 穿着短袖去爬山,感觉很凉快。**

Hiking wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very cool.

**73. 穿着棉袄去滑雪,感觉很安全。**

Skiing wearing a padded jacket feels very safe.

**74. 穿着短袖去海边,感觉很舒适。**

Going to the beach wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**75. 穿着棉袄去游泳,感觉很冷。**

Swimming wearing a padded jacket feels very cold.

**76. 穿着短袖去公园,感觉很舒服。**

Going to the park wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very comfortable.

**77. 穿着棉袄去公园,感觉有点闷热。**

Going to the park wearing a padded jacket feels a bit stuffy.

**78. 穿着短袖去图书馆,感觉很安静。**

Going to the library wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very quiet.

**79. 穿着棉袄去图书馆,感觉有点压抑。**

Going to the library wearing a padded jacket feels a bit oppressive.

**80. 穿着短袖去医院,感觉很干净。**

Going to the hospital wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very clean.

**81. 穿着棉袄去医院,感觉有点不卫生。**

Going to the hospital wearing a padded jacket feels a bit unsanitary.

**82. 穿着短袖去超市,感觉很方便。**

Going to the supermarket wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very convenient.

**83. 穿着棉袄去超市,感觉很麻烦。**

Going to the supermarket wearing a padded jacket feels very troublesome.

**84. 穿着短袖去学校,感觉很青春。**

Going to school wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very youthful.

**85. 穿着棉袄去学校,感觉很老气。**

Going to school wearing a padded jacket feels very old-fashioned.

**86. 穿着短袖去参加考试,感觉很轻松。**

Taking an exam wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very relaxed.

**87. 穿着棉袄去参加考试,感觉很紧张。**

Taking an exam wearing a padded jacket feels very nervous.

**88. 穿着短袖去参加比赛,感觉很自信。**

Competing wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very confident.

**89. 穿着棉袄去参加比赛,感觉很笨拙。**

Competing wearing a padded jacket feels very clumsy.

**90. 穿着短袖去参加聚会,感觉很活跃。**

Attending a party wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very active.

**91. 穿着棉袄去参加聚会,感觉很低调。**

Attending a party wearing a padded jacket feels very low-key.

**92. 穿着短袖去约会,感觉很浪漫。**

Going on a date wearing a short-sleeved shirt feels very romantic.

**93. 穿着棉袄去约会,感觉很奇怪。**

Going on a date wearing a padded jacket feels very strange.

**94. 穿短袖的人,看起来很精神。**

People wearing short-sleeved shirts look energetic.

**95. 穿棉袄的人,看起来很臃肿。**

People wearing padded jackets look bloated.

**96. 我喜欢穿短袖,因为这样感觉很自由。**

I like wearing short-sleeved shirts, because it feels very free.

**97. 我不喜欢穿棉袄,因为这样感觉很束缚。**

I don't like wearing padded jackets, because it feels very constricting.

**98. 穿短袖和穿棉袄,都是根据天气来决定的。**

Whether to wear a short-sleeved shirt or a padded jacket is determined by the weather.

以上就是关于穿短袖和穿棉袄的句子98句(穿短袖和穿棉袄的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
